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CMPSC 200: Single-Pile Nim

5 September 2023 Assigned
12 September 2023 Due, start of class
Status GatorGrader

Learning objectives

  • describe and use elements of a simple, stored-program computer
  • synthesize advanced uses of established opcodes (particularly JMP) to develop subroutine-based programs
  • apply the SFT opcode to shift data
  • develop a semi-autonomous "Nim" program to successfully mine piles of materials


We've learned a bit about the mysteries of our computing platform, the CARDIAC. This week we'll learn a bit more about implementing the JMP opcode (8), the SFT (shift) opcode (4) and some advanced ways to use the machine in advance of our big upgrade from paper to silicon.

This week's work contains four (4) programs that we'll work with over the course of the week, learning more about these advanced instructions and applications in order to create a greedy mining robot, the Nim. These programs are:

  • Magic 9 decoder
  • Subroutine-based version of our array adder
  • High-precision calculator for 6-digit numbers
  • Single-pile Nim miner

Base camp

Magic 9 decoder

Base security is very particular about who they let in to mission control. Previously, they've just watched the door. Given that we're starting to really get cooking (i.e. launching rockets), it's probably time for a more secure door system. You're the newest folks to show up, so you get the job.

Your task is to write the verification program such that you can calculate the appropriate response to a challenge number. For example:

  • prospective entrant keys in a 3-digit number without repeating digits
  • the machine should reverse the number and subtract it, producing the correct answer to the challenge
  • the result is the number that anyone who knows the code sequence should be able ot enter in order to gain access to the room

We call this a Magic 9 decoder because the answer always features:

  • a 9 in the middle
  • the end digits of the resulting 3 digit number will add to 9

Loose lips sink rockets. Er, ships.

We'll go with rockets. Don't tell anyone the code sequence.

Complete this work in src/decoder.cardiac

Subroutine-based array adder

Some of the other space nerds want to use our adder. That's great, except they don't want the sequence to be -1 terminated, but they'd like to use our memory locations and adding technology anyway. This means we have to break out our adder into some subroutines (think functions) so that others can potentially work on the same (or a connected system) and use parts of the system. We have to do this because, well, if we don't some math nerds will get mad.

Complete this work in src/subroutine.cardiac

High-precision calculator

Of course, as the saying goes: space rocks keep getting bigger. To represent larger celestial objects, we need to allow our adder to add up to 6 digit numbers with a 6 digit output. But, if we can only represent 3 digits at a time, dare I need to ask HOW!?

Here, we will work with the concepts of Most Significant and Least Significant parts of numbers. Yes, some parts of numbers are apparently better than others. This is different than what you might know from scientific mathematics: significant digits. Here, we need to develop a way to separate big numbers so that we can add them.

Complete this work in src/high_dimension_adder.cardiac.

Lab: Single-pile Nim

Complete this work in src/nim.cardiac.

You know that once someone beats you to a minable destination, they have all the gold, er, space rocks. We have the ability to send a mining robot to some nearby asteroids to compete with others already there. We know we can't gather all the rocks, but we're going to do our best to mine more rocks than the competition.

Competing in nim

Perhaps the simplest way to understand this activity is to first do it in the analog world. You will be given 13 paperclips with which to play a human opponent, except you're taking the role of competing mining robots.


  • intergalactic trade treaties indicate that robots can only take 1, 2, or 3 rocks at a time; no more, no less
  • robots cannot mimic each other meaning that:
    • if a robot just took 2 rocks, the other robot can only take 1 or 3 rocks, et al.
  • robots "lose" the pile collection contest (i.e. the game ends) if:
    • there are no more rocks left in the common pile to take (mathematical loss)
    • there is only 1 rock left and the opposing robot has just taken 1 rock (no mimcry)

Programming nim

Your program should:

  • read the number of rocks taken by our mining robot
  • keep track of the pile's residue: that is, the number of rocks that would be left in the pile if the highest possible multiple of four were subtracted from it
  • keep track of the actual number of rocks in the pile; print that number after every move (player and machine)
  • print the number of rocks CARDIAC takes

When programming the autonomous nim agent, it's likely that you'll want to keep track of the following quanitites:

Shorthand Definition Notes
N Number of pebbles in pile Currnet number of objects in pile at any given time
P The number of pebbles the opposing entity takes
C The number of rocks that our CARDIAC takes
R Number of rocks which would remain after a sequence of moves

This is less obvious than it seems at first glance. Here's a hint:

We need to be able to reduce the CARDIAC's choice to a potential range of moves of between 1 and 3. To this point, we know a few things:

  • the 1 (CLA) opcode always resets the ACC to 000 before adding whatever the instruction dictates (i.e. 123)
  • the range of moves 1-3 really starts counting from 0, which is an illegal move (see the rules)
    • this indicates that we need to add or subtract 4 some number of times to meaningfully arrive at a legal move
  • one way to solve this implements the SFT opcode in a clever way

This also builds an instruction similar to the way that we built up the magical 8-- instruction from Memory Cell 99 and combines some techniques from our higher-dimensional adder. Consider the following routine which builds an instruction:

10       820         JMP 20
11       500         Print the bootstrapped number
20       199         Copy the JMP point
21       622         Store the JMP point as next instruction
22                   Reserve for JMP

In this case, we'll build an instruction with a different opcode corresponding the bootstrapped set of data words below. What opcode would both target a memory cell and load it in the ACC?

Bootstrapped (pre-loaded) data

Our space center has a sophisticatefd lab setup and can simulate conditions and conflicts between ourselves and other robots. Here's a set of data that describes the best-case scenario of moves:

00 	    001
01 	    001
02 	    002
03 	    003
10 	    003
11    	002
12 	    002
13 	    003
20 	    001
21	    001
22 	    001
23 	    003
30 	    001
31 	    001
32 	    002
33 	    002

You will need to "bootstrap" the above table into your CARDIAC unit to simulate the moves that other robots might make. These are all data words, meaning that they aren't executed, only read.

Reminder of the CARDIAC ISA

Opcode "Mnemonic" Operation
0 INP Read input card entry into memory
1 CLA Clear accumulator and add from memory (load)
2 ADD Add from memory to ACC
3 TAC Test ACC and jump if negative
4 SFT Shifts ACC left by l digits and right by r digits where 4lr (i.e. 413) is the expression
5 OUT Write memory location to output card
6 STO Store ACC to memory
7 SUB Subtract memory from ACC
8 JMP Jump and save PC
9 HALT Halt and reset


To recieve credit for this assignment, write your program in the nim.cardiac file in the src folder. Be sure to follow the convention of listing relevant ADDRESS register for the instruction, followed by the OPCODE and target ADDRESS register for the command.

For example:

17      034         Read "A"

Note: You will work in pairs, but you should submit your own assignment (including "training" programs)

Assignment "Hacks"

See the Suggestion below to challenge yourself to implement a Hack. As always, you are allowed to develop your own Hack to satisfy this stretch goal. Place the code for the Hack inline with the code in the corresponding file.

In order to recieve credit for the Hack, you must fill out the file located in the docs folder.


Implement whichever "hack" you intend to do in the file named in the suggestion.


Implement the dynamic JMP for the decoder.cardiac program as many times as is optimal (minimum 1). Does this add any value to the program? Why or why not?


Add subroutines to add, subtract, and multiply n numbers appearing in a sequence terminated by -1.

Option 1

Is it possible to implement high-dimension subtraction on the CARDIAC? How does the approach differ from addition, if at all? To claim credit for this hack, you must program it alongside the adder rather than replacing it. This means that you need to add a way to tell the program to choose addition or subtraction "modes".

Option 2

How far can we push the precision of our adder? Is it possible to add 9-digit numbers? 12-digit numbers?

Make it your own

You are free to develop your own "Hack" for this assignment, provided that it elaborates on the liftoff countdown counter we're developing this week.

Working outside of class

To finish developing these programs, you may need to use the CARDIAC simulator. This simulator works slightly differently than our physical CARDIAC unit, but follows the same opcodes, rules, and general principles. Some notes about using the simulator:

  • In the CPU section, the PC value simulates where you put the "bug" in the CARDIAC Memory Unit
  • The buttons at the bottom allow you to Run or Step through the program; I suggest Step as it executes instruction-by-instruction
  • Reset resets the current stored program; Clear erases programs stored in the Memory section