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Welcome to J O U R N A L W A V E

A simple, retro-futuristic journal app that can analyze the emotions of your entries, with some other fun features!


We wanted to build an app using object relationships that allows the user to create journal entries and perform basic search, store, and delete functions. This journal app allows you to do all of that, and more.


Alt text

Demo Gif

Getting Started


Alt text

Executing the Program

Fork and clone the Journalwave repo
Run bundle install
Run rake db:migrate
Run rake db:seed
Run ruby ./bin/run.rb

API, Credits, and Contributions

API Reference

Journalwave uses the Twinword Emotional Analysis API

How To Use

Begin the program by following the installation instructions above.
Once started, you can choose to do a relaxing breathing exercise.
Once you're at the main menu, use your cursor to select which action you'd like to take (we recommend starting with write an entry!)
When finished, selext exit to close the program (and see a cute kitty!)


Music is by Cellars (one of the creators of this application) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
All ASCII text was generated using TAAG (text to ASCII art generator) :
ASCII art found at and
Adding music was made easy after reading this blog post:
created by github users @allenorton and @christina888


Anyone who wishes to contribute should fork and clone the repository to their local repo.
Please contact a creator before pushing to the master branch!

License Educational Content License

Copyright (c) 2015 Flatiron School, Inc

The Flatiron School, Inc. owns this Educational Content. However, the Flatiron School supports the development and availability of educational materials in the public domain. Therefore, the Flatiron School grants Users of the Flatiron Educational Content set forth in this repository certain rights to reuse, build upon and share such Educational Content subject to the terms of the Educational Content License set forth here ( You must read carefully the terms and conditions contained in the Educational Content License as such terms govern access to and use of the Educational Content.

Flatiron School is willing to allow you access to and use of the Educational Content only on the condition that you accept all of the terms and conditions contained in the Educational Content License set forth here ( By accessing and/or using the Educational Content, you are agreeing to all of the terms and conditions contained in the Educational Content License. If you do not agree to any or all of the terms of the Educational Content License, you are prohibited from accessing, reviewing or using in any way the Educational Content.


A Ruby CLI Journal Application with emotional analysis







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