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File metadata and controls

155 lines (119 loc) · 6.17 KB

Native Data Interface

The calculation core of power-grid-model is written in C++. To interface with Python side, a format is needed to exchange the input/output data between Python and native C++ compiled code. This library chooses dictionary of numpy structured arrays as the data format. Each entry in the dictionary represents one type of components: the key is the component type, the value is a numpy structured array. Each element in the array represents one single physical component.

Structured Array

To use the component type node as an example, the input data of a node is defined in C++ as follows (not exactly the definition in real code, only a demonstration example). A node input data contains two attributes: id and u_rated.

struct NodeInput {
    int32_t id;
    double u_rated;

One can create a std::vector<NodeInput> to hold input dataset for multiple nodes. In the example below a node input dataset is created with two nodes. The id is 1 and 2, and the attribute u_rated is 150 kV and 10 kV.

std::vector<NodeInput> node_input{ { 1, 150e3 }, { 2, 10e3 } };

In the Python side, we create a numpy structured array with exactly the same memory layout. We specify the same attributes with the same data types and memory offset.

import numpy as np
node_dtype = np.dtype(
        'names': ['id', 'u_rated'],
        'formats': ['<i4', '<f8'],  # little endian in x86-64
        'offsets': [0, 8],
        'itemsize': 16,
        'aligned': True

To recreate the same node input dataset, we just create a numpy array using this special defined dtype. The numpy array has exactly the same data layout as the std::vector<NodeInput> above.

node = np.empty(shape=2, dtype=node_dtype)
node['id'] = [1, 2]
node['u_rated'] = [150e3, 10e3]

We further save this array into a dictionary. With other types of components, the dictionary is a valid input dataset for the constructor of PowerGridModel, see Python API Reference.

input_data = {'node': node}

In the cython wrapper the pointers to all the array data will be retrieved and passed to the C++ code. This is also true for result dataset. The memory block of result dataset is allocated using numpy. The pointers are passed into C++ code so that the C++ program can write results into those memory blocks.

Basic Data Types

The basic data types used in the interface between C++ and Python are shown in the table below.

C++ type numpy.dtype null value usage
int32_t 'i4' - 2^31 ids of physical components
int8_t 'i1' - 2^7 enumeration types, boolean types, and small integers (e.g. tap position of transformer)
double 'f8' NaN (IEEE 754) physical quantities (e.g. voltage)
double[3] '(3, )f8' NaN (IEEE 754) three-phase asymmetric physical quantities (e.g. voltage)

The endianness of C++ and Python side is also matched. For x86-64 platform the little endian is used, so that the numpy.dtype is '<i4' for int32_t in C++.

In the input and update dataset there are some optional attributes. Therefore, for each data type, an entry has to be reserved for null value. When the C++ code sees the null value in an attribute, it will treat this attribute (of the relevant component) as not available. For example, the following update dataset will set from_status of the line #5 to 0, and keep the to_status as unchanged (change not available).

from power_grid_model import power_grid_meta_data
import numpy as np

line_update = np.empty(shape=1, dtype=power_grid_meta_data['update']['line']['dtype'])
line_update['id'] = [5]
line_update['from_status'] = [0]
line_update['to_status'] = [-128]


All the enumeration types are defined as 8-bit signed integer as underlying type: int8_t in C++ and 'i1' in Python. The enumerations are defined in the Python module power_grid_model.enum In C++ the enumeration is defined with the same integer values. Please refer the Graph Data Model for list of enumerations.

Meta-data Helper Module

Carefully mapping between the C++ struct and numpy.dtype is needed to have exactly the same memory layout. Fortunately, the user do not have to worry about this. The module power_grid_model.power_grid_meta_data retrieves the exact memory layout of all the input/update/output dataset from C++ and predefines all the corresponding numpy.dtype. The detailed explanation of all attributes of each component is given in Graph Data Model.

One can import the power_grid_meta_data to get all the predefined numpy.dtype and create relevant arrays. The code below creates an array which is compatible with transformer input dataset.

from power_grid_model import power_grid_meta_data

transformer = np.empty(shape=5, dtype=power_grid_meta_data['input']['transformer']['dtype'])

Furthermore, there is an even more convenient function initialize_array to directly create a numpy array with specified data type, and initialize all the values to null value as above. So you only have to assign meaningful values into the array. See Python API Reference for detailed documentation.

In the code below, a line update dataset is created. It sets the from_status of all the lines to 1, but leave the to_status unchanged (it will have the null value -128).

from power_grid_model import initialize_array

line_update = initialize_array('update', 'line', 5)
line_update['id'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
line_update['from_status'] = 1