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File metadata and controls

163 lines (119 loc) · 6.71 KB

HTTP transport

The main purpose of HTTP transport is to reduce massive fetching overhead associated with large data sets (1M+ rows). It uses native Exasol commands EXPORT and IMPORT specifically designed to move large amounts of data. Data is transferred using CSV format with optional zlib compression.

This is a powerful tool which helps to bypass creation of intermediate Python objects altogether and dramatically increases performance.

PyEXASOL offloads HTTP communication and decompression to separate thread using threading module. Main thread deals with a simple pipe opened in binary mode.

You may specify a custom callback function to read or write from raw pipe and to apply complex logic. Use callback_params to pass additional parameters to callback function (e.g. options for pandas).

You may also specify import_params or export_params to alter IMPORT or EXPORT query and modify CSV data stream.

Pre-defined functions

Export from Exasol to pandas

Export data from Exasol into pandas.DataFrame. You may use callback_param argument to pass custom options for pandas read_csv function.

# Read from SQL
pd = C.export_to_pandas("SELECT * FROM users")

# Read from table
pd = C.export_to_pandas("users")

Import from pandas to Exasol

Import data from pandas.DataFrame into Exasol table. You may use callback_param argument to pass custom options for pandas to_csv function.

C.import_from_pandas(pd, "users")

Import from list (a-la INSERT)

my_list = [
    (1, 'Bob', False, '2018-01-01'),
    (2, 'Gill', True, '2018-02-01'),

C.import_from_iterable(my_list, "users")

Import from generator

This function is suitable for very big INSERTS as long as generator returns rows 1-by-1 and does not run out of memory.

def my_generator():
    for i in range(5):
        yield (i, 'Bob', True, '2017-01-01')

C.import_from_iterable(my_generator(), "users")

Import from file

Import data from file, path object or file-like object opened in binary mode. You may import from process STDIN using sys.stdin.buffer.

# Import from file defined with string path
C.import_from_file('/test/my_file.csv', "users")

# Import from path object
C.import_from_file(pathlib.Path('/test/my_file.csv'), "users")

# Import from opened file
file = open('/test/my_file.csv', 'rb')
C.import_from_file(file, "users")

# Import from STDIN
C.import_from_file(sys.stdin.buffer, "users")

Export to file

Export data from Exasol into file, path object or file-like object opened in binary mode. You may export to process STDOUT using sys.stdout.buffer.

# Export from file defined with string path
C.export_to_file('my_file.csv', "users")

# Export into STDOUT
C.export_to_file(sys.stdout.buffer, "users")


Please refer to Exasol User Manual to know more about IMPORT / EXPORT parameters.


Name Example Description
column_separator , Column separator for CSV
column_delimiter " Column delimiter for CSV (quotting)
columns ['id', 'name'] List of table columns in data source, useful if column order of data source does not match column order of Exasol table
csv_cols ["1..5", "6 FORMAT='999.99'", "8"] List of CSV columns with optional numeric or date formats
row_separator LF Row separator for CSV (line-endings)
encoding UTF8 File encoding
with_column_names True Add column names as first line, useful for Pandas
null \N Custom NULL value
delimit AUTO Delimiter mode: AUTO, ALWAYS, NEVER
format gz Import file or stream compressed with gz, bzip2, zip
comment This is a query description Add a comment before the beginning of the query


Name Example Description
column_separator , Column separator for CSV
column_delimiter " Column delimiter for CSV (quotting)
columns ['id', 'name'] List of table columns, useful to reorder table columns during export from table
csv_cols ["1..5", "6 FORMAT='999.99'", "8"] List of CSV columns with optional numeric or date formats
row_separator LF Row separator for CSV (line-endings)
encoding UTF8 File encoding
skip 1 How many first rows to skip, useful for skipping header
null \N Custom NULL value
trim TRIM Trim mode: TRIM, RTRIM, LTRIM
format gz Export file or stream compressed with gz, bzip2, zip
comment This is a query description Add a comment before the beginning of the query

The comment parameter, for adding comments to queries

For any export_* or import_* call, you can add a comment that will be inserted before the beginning of the query.

This can be used for profiling and auditing. Example:

C.import_from_file('/test/my_file.csv', 'users', import_params={'comment': '''
This comment will be inserted before the query.
This query is importing user from CSV.

The comment is inserted as a block comment (/* <comment> */). Block comment closing sequence (*/) is forbidden in the comment.

How to write custom EXPORT \ IMPORT functions

Full collection of pre-defined callback functions is available in module.

Example of callback exporting into basic Python list.

# Define callback function
def export_to_list(pipe, dst, **kwargs):
    wrapped_pipe = io.TextIOWrapper(pipe, newline='\n')
    reader = csv.reader(wrapped_pipe, lineterminator='\n', **kwargs)

    return [row for row in reader]
# Run EXPORT using defined callback function
C.export_to_callback(export_to_list, None, 'my_table')

Example of callback importing from Pandas into Exasol.

df = <pandas.DataFrame>

def import_from_pandas(pipe, src, **kwargs):
    wrapped_pipe = io.TextIOWrapper(pipe, newline='\n')
    return src.to_csv(wrapped_pipe, header=False, index=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC, **kwargs)

# Run IMPORT using defined callback function
C.export_from_callback(import_from_pandas, df, 'my_table')