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File metadata and controls

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FormManager Validation

Validation is a key feature of FormManager ("FM"). It is designed to make field validation and error handling as simple as possible. As with all other features, validation rules and error messages are specified in the form config, not inside the presentation components.

Validation Configuration

Some time-consuming aspects of creating highly usable forms are validation and error-messages. FM's built-in validators can handle many common requirements so you don't need to write your own validators, or even your own error-messages! Simple options are all that's needed to enable automatic validation and intelligent error-messages generation.

Here are a few validation configuration samples:

fields: {
    name: {
        displayName: 'Your Name',
        validation: {
            required: true,
            minLength: 2,
            maxLength: 60
    password: {
        displayName: 'Account Password',
        validation: {
            required: true,
            password: true,
            minLength: 8,
            maxLength: 24,
            passwordComplexity: { lower: 1, upper: 1, number: 1, symbol: 0 },
            custom: myCustomPasswordTester
    email: {
        displayName: 'Email',
        validation: {
            required: true,
            email: true
    phone: {
        displayName: 'Phone',
        validation: {
            phone: true
    address: {
        displayName: 'Phone',
        validation: {
            address: true
    dateJoined: {
        displayName: 'Date Joined',
        dataType: 'dateISO',
        validation: {
            date: true,
            dateRange: [ '2008-06-15', new Date() ]
    age: {
        displayName: 'Your Age',
        dataType: 'integer',
        validation: {
            integer: true,
            numberRange: [ 18, 80 ]
    SIN: {
        displayName: 'Socal Insurance Number',
        validation: {
            integer: true,
            exactLength: 9
Type Values Applies To
required: (true false)
boolean: (true false)
integer: (true false)
number: (true false)
string: (true false)
address: (true false)
phone: (true false)
email: (true false)
password: (true {required})
pattern: (true false)
minLength: number Text values
maxLength: number Text values
exactLength: number Text values
lengthRange: [number, number] Text values
minNumber: number Numeric values
maxNumber: number Numeric values
numberRange: [number, number] Numeric values
date: (str num
minDate: (str num
maxDate: (str num
dateRange: [value, value] Date values
minTime: (str num
maxTime: (str num
timeRange: [value, value] Time values
custom: function Anything else

Custom Validators

The 'custom' validator is how you set additional validations. It must be a function and should return one of true/false (is valid?), or a string (error message to be displayed), or an array of strings (multiple error messages to be displayed). Returning an empty string or an empty array means the same as returning true - the value is valid. The array option allows a custom validator to perform multiple validations, and return a separate error-message for each failed test.

Custom validation functions are passed 3 parameters:

  • value to be validated
  • fieldname, in case using a generic validator
  • FormManager object, so can query other fields, and even set other values

If you need to perform validation asynchronously, return a promise from the validation function, then resolve the promise with the result of the validation.

username: {
    validation: {
        custom: (value, fieldname, form) => { ... }

Actually, any of the validation options can be a custom validation. Instead of setting options for the built-in validator, set a function to handle the validation yourself. This allows overrides the basic validators. For example, you might need a custom validator to decide whether a field is 'required' based on what other data has been entered.

unitNumber: {
    validation: {
        required: (value, fieldname, form) => { ... }

A custom validation function can get any data it needs from the FormManager object. For example:

function myValidator(value, fieldname, form) {
    const otherValue = form.value('anotherFieldname');
    if (otherValue && !value) {
        return '...'; // error-message to display
    } else {
        return true; // valid

The validation function can return true or false to indicate valid or not-valid. In this case the default error-message for that validation will be used. Or the function can return an error-message string to use instead of the default.

Error Messages

Since the FM does validation, it also generates all the error-messages needed. There are global-default error-messages for each type of validation. The configuration of each FM instance can specify one or more messages to override the default. Plus each field can also specify error-messages to override the default for just that field.

Error Messages are simple strings, but also can contain special placeholders that will be replaced with info from the field they are validating. For example:

errorMessages: {
    minNumber: '{displayName} must be at least {option} years old.'

This will output an error like this:

Your Age must be at least 18 years old.

Using Error Messages

Material UI does not have a consistent API for handling errors so different types of controls must be handled slightly differently. However, all of them allow error-text to be displayed, and an 'error' className to be applied that affects the field display and the error-text display.

When more than one validation fails, the field will display ALL the corresponding error-messages. By default FM will combine these into a single string, adding a line-break between the messages so each displays on a separate line. OR, you can specify errors to be returned in an array. This allows you to wrap each error in an HTML tag, like LI or P.

Error-messages can also be set and cleared manually using methods of the FM. This is useful for setting validation errors returned by the server or an external component.

* See the error implementation info in the next section.

Extending Built-in Validators and Error-Messages

Any of the built-in validators can be replaced by your own, plus you can add more built-ins. For example, a standard password validator. This is done by adding a 'validators' object in the form-config. To make them global, you could wrap the FormManager in your own helper and then use your own helper for forms. This allows you to inject customization options into the form config of every form. For example:

import FormManager from '@allpro/form-manager';
import defaultDeep from 'lodash/defaultDeep';

const globalConfig = {
    validators: {
        phone: value => { ... },
        password: value => { ... }
    errorMessages: {
        email: 'We require a valid email so we can send you a receipt',
        password': The password entered is too simple. Please try again.'
    formatters: {
        date: value => { ... },
        phone: value => { ... }
    fieldDefaults: {
        validateOnChange: false,
        validateOnBlur: true,
        revalidateOnChange: true,
        revalidateOnBlur: false,

 		cleaning: {
 			cleanOnBlur: true, // Clean field-text onBlur
 			trim: true, // Trim leading-/trailing--spaces
 			trimInner: false, // Replace multi-spaces/tabs with single space

function AppFormManager(obj, config, data) {
    const extendedConfig = defaultsDeep(config, globalConfig);
    return FormManager(obj, extendedConfig, data);

export default AppFormManager

The custom 'password' validator can now be used for any field, and combined with other validation rules, like:

fields: {
    accountPassword: {
        validation: {
            required: true
            password: true,
            minLength: 8,
            maxLength: 24