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When is open source software, this means that contributions are welcome. To contribute with code, please consider following the minimal recommendations that usually apply to the software published on GitHub:

  1. Fork the When repository and pull it to your working directory
  2. Create a branch for the new feature or fix: git checkout -b new-branch
  3. Edit the code and commit: git commit -am "Add this feature to When"
  4. Push your changes to the new branch: git push origin new-branch
  5. Compare and submit a Pull Request.

A more general discussion about contribution can be found here. Otherwise, just submit an issue to notify a bug, a mistake or something that could just have been implemented better. Just consider that the applet is intended to be and remain small in terms of code and features, so that it can stay in the background of an user session without disturbing it too much.

Some Notes about the Code

The applet is in fact a small utility, and I thought it would have even less features. It grew a little just because some of the features could be added almost for free, so the "Why Not?" part of the development process has been quite consistent for a while. The first usable version of the applet has been developed in about two weeks, most of which spent learning how to use PyGObject and friends, and not on a full time basis: by the 5th day I had to freeze the features and focus on the ones I wrote down. So, being small and mostly not reusable, the single-source option seemed the most obvious, also to keep the package as self-contained as possible. However, the way the applet starts and defines its own system-wide and user directories allows the development of modules that can be imported without cluttering and polluting the system: the APP_DATA_FOLDER variable defines a dedicated directory for the application where modules can be installed, and normally it points to <install-base>/when-command/share or /usr/[local/]share/when-command or something similar and well identifiable anyway.

The code tries to follow the usual guidelines for Python 3.x, and takes inspiration from other Gnome applets that sit in the indicator tray. I tried to reduce the comments to the very least, and let the code speak for itself. Some of the conventions here are the following:

  • system wide constants are spelled in all uppercase (as usual in C/C++)
  • variables tend to be all lowercase, both globals and locals
  • class names start with an uppercase letter and are in camelcase
  • global instances of classes are lowercase, like simple variables
  • private members start, as usual, with an underscore
  • function names are all lowercase with underscores
  • transitional (or debug) functions start with underscores
  • the core classes implement their own loggers, borrowing from the global one
  • user interaction strings (and log messages) use double quotes
  • program internal strings use single quotes
  • statements tend to be split in lines of at most 80 characters, apart from log messages
  • log messages mostly sport a prefix to determine what part generated them
  • log messages containing the NTBS strings are never to be seen.

All user interaction strings (except log messages) are surrounded by the usual _(...) formula used in software that implements the gettext functions: this allows to translate When without intervention on the code itself, in the usual fashion for Linux applications.


Being an applet oriented mostly towards users of recent Ubuntu editions, it is developed in Python 3.x and uses the latest supported edition of PyGObject at the time. It shouldn't rely on other packages than python3-gi and python3-pyinotify on the Python side.1 The Glade user interface designer is almost mandatory to edit the dialog boxes.

To implement the "Idle Session" based condition (i.e. the one that lets a task run when the session has been idle for a while), however, the external xprintidle command may be used that is not installed by default on Ubuntu. As of version 0.9.6-beta.1 it is no more strictly necessary, however the dependency is kept (also in packages) because it could be used as a fallback method for detecting idle time when libXss cannot be linked, and because it causes an implicit dependency from libXss itself. Normally if libXss is installed and When is run from a source code based installation, the installation of xprintidle can be safely skipped.

How Can I Help?

There are several ways to help. Even though When has been developed for a while now and has a quite thorough Test Suite, the devil can still figure out a way to stay around in the details. Such details can be of several kinds: be it bugs, missing features or whatever else, they have to be addressed. So, here is what can be done to help development of When.

Review the code

A lot can be done by reviewing the code. The single Python file is quite big now, and although I tried to keep it as tidy as possible, it still might contain places where it's hard to read. For example, in a quite recent beta tag (v0.9.7-beta.3 to be exact) I finally removed a completely useless operation that was dangling there probably from the very beginning. Issues with the code may include:

  • useless or redundant parts
  • things that could be done in a more optimized way -- as long as it does not introduce inelegance or obscurity
  • excessive logging
  • incorrect language in output, UI and comments
  • inconsistent identifiers (variable and function names, mostly), or even names that are just inexplicative.

Interventions in this field can be done either using the issue mechanism or just by telling me otherwise what's supposedly wrong with the code and suggesting possible amendments.

Review the Documentation

This is important. At this point it should be clear that I'm not a native English speaker or writer. And, even worse, I don't have anyone at hand who can proofread these documents. So, if there is any volunteer out there who would like to help in this field, feel free to throw an issue in the related repository:

Also, within the User Documentation, a part that can be improved is the Tutorial, where probably more complete examples could be provided. If you use When and have an example that is particularly useful, feel free to submit it.

Other Linux Distributions

In my opinion When is now ready to better support other Linux distros that use GLib and/or Gnome. The fallback mechanism used to implement stock events should allow easy creation of fallback entries where DBus functionality specific to Ubuntu is not available. Packaging too is a quite important in supporting other distributions.

Improve the Test Suite

I tried to make the Test Suite as thorough as possible, and in fact it covers almost all features (with the exception of most UI/UX parts, because they are quite hard to test). Obviously there should still be something left out. The completeness of tests gives more chances that the final product is actually working, and makes the task of porting When to other Linux distributions much easier and obviously quicker. Improvements are of course possible by adding more tests (as long as they are not redundant), but also by making the existing components of the suite itself easier to read and to modify. Another aspect where the Test Suite can be improved, is the compatibility with continuous integration (CI) tools: I'd like to have When tested in Travis CI some day, but for the moment I am not able to figure out how to get there.


When has support for localization, described in this guide. Also, this guide provides some hints on how to localize the applet in your language. Feel free to provide a translation if you want, you will be credited for the contribution.


Packaging is another place where things could be better. Firstly, the Ubuntu package (LSB version) installs and blends acceptably with the distribution, but there are still some rough edges to smooth off, such as the translations that should be separated from the rest of the program. Also, packages specific to other distributions that might be supported should be created.


With release v0.9.7-beta.3 When has gained an almost full DBus API, documented later in this guide, which can be used to interact with a running instance of the applet. Using this interface and its provided methods, the applet can be configured using an external application. I am on the way to providing a more streamlined interface (I'm calling it the When Wizard) for users that would like the complexity of the "raw" applet hidden, and a wizard-like tool with a library of conditions and tasks ready for general use.2

  1. In fact the other packages that could possibly require installation are the ones mentioned in the chapter devoted to the applet install process. No -dev packages should be needed because When is entirely developed in the Python language.

  2. As soon as I publish an early release of this application, there will also be a dedicated section for it in this developer guide.