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Iteration 3 LCP

alonshmilo edited this page May 14, 2017 · 7 revisions

Iteration goals:

In this iteration we will make a progress in the project. After making DeepMedic work, and only reading about Cascaded-FCN for RCF and Faster-RNNLM for classifier, we will dive into those 2 projects, understanding what's going on there. Plus, taking what we need - RCF and classifier. Please review the important links found downstairs and see all the work we've done.

Lists of goals:

  • Improve DeepMedic work
  • Improve Yolo work
  • Finish project
  • Project book
  • Getting ready for final exam.

use cases:

  • Learning.
  • Classifying.

Retro prospective - goals and results:

  • To be written in the end of iteration


Team: Alon and stav

  • Alon - Classifier
  • Stav - DeepMedic

Issue Management:

Issue Board

Iteration 3 Issues


  • According to tests plan as shown on report - functional and non-functional tests, being documented.
  • Checks for synthetic data if needed.
  • Evaluate Segmentation

Points Summary:

  • Yolo - data modification - 13 points
  • DeepMedic - accuracy - 13 points
  • Final video - 5 points
  • Project book - 8 points
  • Expanding examinations - 5 points
  • Code tests - 5 points
  • Exam preparations - 8 points
  • Code factoring - 5 points

Total: 62 points

LCF - Learning, Classifying and Presentation

This stage actually finishes the learning and classifying stage. Plus, it deals with the presentation on June 19 2017.

Important Links

Iteration Summary:

  • As a summary,

To improve:

  • We

To sum it up:

  • Now entering

Next Iteration:

Iteration 4