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alonso jr


Plugin for generating sequential field values. It adds a pre('save') hook to the attached schema and some useful static methods.

Basic usage example

const Generator = require('@alonsojr1980/mongoose-generator');
const mongoose = require('mongoose');                

const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: String,
    age: Number

const nameOfTheGenerator = 'users';
UserSchema.plugin(Generator, nameOfTheGenerator);

const model = mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
const user1 = model({name: "ALONSO"}); => {
    console.log(user1._id); //outputs 1

The following document will be added to a collection named generators: {"name": "users", "sequence": 1}

Default plugin options

const pluginOptions = {
    collection: "generators", // name of the collection that'll hold generator docs
    name: undefined, // name of the doc in the generators' collection
    startAt: 100, // first sequence value, when the generator is created and saved or reseted with gen_id_reset()
    increment: 1, // increment of the generator
    field: "_id" // field of the model that'll receive the generator's sequence

Custom options example

const BusSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    sequentialNumber: Number,
    licensePlate: String

const pluginOptions = {
    collection: "generators", 
    name: "buses",
    startAt: 100,
    increment: 1,
    field: "sequentialNumber"

BusSchema.plugin(Generator, pluginOptions);

const model = mongoose.model('Bus', BusSchema);
const bus1 = model({licensePlate: "BUS-7777"}); => {
    console.log(bus1.sequentialNumber); //outputs 101

The following document will be added to a collection named generators:
{"name": "buses", "sequence": 101}

Static methods added to the model

// returns the current sequence value
currentSequence((err, sequence) => {});

// resets the sequence to the startAt value passed in the options object
// or to 0 (default value). Beware of existing documents with that sequence!
gen_id_reset((err, sequence) => {})

Remember that static methods are called in the model, not in the document instance.

Static methods usage example

const BusSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    sequentialNumber: Number,
    licensePlate: String

const pluginOptions = {
    name: "buses",
    startAt: 0

BusSchema.plugin(Generator, pluginOptions);

const model = mongoose.model('Bus', BusSchema);
model.gen_id_reset((err, seq) => {
    console.log(seq); //outputs 0


Easy to use sequencial ID generator plugin for Mongoose







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