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istore is to fill the space between storage, database, application and image recognition. This component is

  • an object storage similar to S3
  • an image proxy that caches contents as well as processes pixels
  • a name service that provides uniform access to different data sources
  • a hierarchical database system that maintains metadata associated with each image data, and provides prefix-key iteration
  • a backend storage system to applications as well as various database products


At the time of wrting, istore depends on ffmpeg installed on the system with pkg-config. In the latest Ubuntu, there is no official package for ffmpeg anymore, so you should build it. Refer to

User Guide

Currently there is no special client module. You can interact with istore using curl.

Simple Operation


You can POST or PUT any URL object under a path. metadata parameter can register a json associated with the path key.

$ curl -XPOST $HOST/path/sample/ -d metadata='{"name": "my video"}'

PUT overwrites the metadata entirely with the input json, whereas POST method merges the input with the existing json.


After you register an object, you can query it.

$ curl -XGET $HOST/path/sample/

This will return the object at the original URL. istore caches the object.


If you GET at the directory, istore returns the list of json under the directory.

$ curl -XGET $HOST/path/sample/

[{"_id":493,"_filepath":"/path/sample/","metadata":{"name":"my video"}}]

Image Processing

istore implements most of the image processing from the imaging package. To call each function, simply add ?apply={function}&{param}={value}... to GET request.

  • adjustBrightness(percentage)
  • adjustContrast(percentage)
  • adjustGamma(gamma)
  • adjustSigmoid(midpoint, factor)
  • blur(sigma)
  • crop(x1, y1, x2, y2)
  • drawRect(rects=[(x1, y1, x2, y2, r, g, b)...])
  • fit(w, h)
  • flipH()
  • flipV()
  • grayscale()
  • invert()
  • sharpen(sigmoid)
  • transpose()
  • transverse()
  • resize(w, h)

For video objects, the below function is available.

  • frame(sec)

See also

Video Slicing

You can slice video into frames by

$ curl -XPOST $HOST/path/slice/_expand -d '{"video": "/path/to/video"}'

It registers as many objects as duration of the video.

URL Scheme

Currently the following URL schemes is handled.

  • http, https Retrieves object from remote http(s)
  • file Retrieves object from the local disk of istore
  • self Retrieves object from the istore path. This makes it possible to nested image processing.


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