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26 lines (21 loc) · 887 Bytes

File metadata and controls

26 lines (21 loc) · 887 Bytes


Ansible based project to configure a multi-node tsuru cluster.


  • ansible 1.8 or higher.


  • Update the inventory file to reflect the infrastructure that you want to use for your tsuru cluster.

Note: can be any number of nodes, but every section in the inventory file has to have at least one node. (it is possible to use a node in more that one section).

librarian-ansible install
  • Configure the ssh key used to access the nodes:
ssh-add <the-public-ssh-key-file>
  • Tune any global configuration needed to run your cluster in globals.yml.
  • Run ansible to deploy your configuration.
ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml -e "@globals.yml"