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Tips for working on whitehall locally

Installing Whitehall gems locally

Sometimes it’s useful to install Whitehall on bare metal, outside of the standard govuk-docker environment.

Annoyingly, just running bundle install can result in an error where it fails to install the mysql2 gem. It tries to build it but fails when it can’t find some required system libraries.

This can be resolved by:

  1. brew install mysql2 openssl@3
  2. Add the following to ~/.bundle/config:
BUNDLE_BUILD__MYSQL2: "--with-opt-dir=/opt/homebrew/opt/openssl@3 --with-ldflags=-L/opt/homebrew/Cellar/zstd/1.5.2/lib"
  1. bundle install should now succeed.

Note: this assumes you’re on an M1 Mac, where brew --prefix is /opt/homebrew. The paths will be different on Intel Macs, but hopefully the logic is the same.

Running linters locally

Once you have the gems running you can run the ruby and javascript linters without using docker:

bundle exec rake lint

This is a good idea before pushing, unless you have an IDE that checks linters, or you have run a full test suite (which also runs them inside docker)

Running an individual test file

govuk-docker-run bundle exec rake test TEST=path/to/test/file
govuk-docker-run cucumber path/to/cucumber/test

Changing local user permissions / flags

User permissions double in some cases as feature flags - see Permissions in the User model for valid permission values

So if you want to view the next release UI, you need to be logged in as a user with the "Preview next release" permission.

To change permissions on a dev machine, run the following to open a rails console:

govuk-docker run whitehall-lite rails console

In development you are logged in as the first user - in the console you can find that user and see their permissions:

> user = User::first()
> user.permissions
 ["Editor", "GDS Editor", "Import CSVs", "signin"]

You can, for example, add the "Preview next release" permission as follows:

> user = User::first()
> user.permissions <<= User::Permissions::PREVIEW_NEXT_RELEASE

Similarly you can remove permissions by removing them from user.permissions:

> user = User::first()
> user.permissions.reject! { |p| p == User::Permissions::PREVIEW_NEXT_RELEASE }

If you reload a Whitehall page in your browser, the new permissions should be used immediately.