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executable file
85 lines (56 loc) · 2.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
85 lines (56 loc) · 2.9 KB


What should I do?

  • if you're stuck, checkout existing Issues, if it's your first time contributing to an OS project, or you're feeling like some help may be required try stuff tagged with 'good first issue'!

How to Contribute

Here's how you can get started:

  1. Fork the repository on GitHub.
  2. Clone your fork locally:
git clone
cd shadplay

Create a new branch for your contribution:

git checkout -b feature/contribution-name

Make your changes and commit them:

git add .
git commit -m "Add your commit message here"

Push your changes to your fork on GitHub:

git push origin feature/contribution-name

Open a pull request (PR) on the main repository and describe your changes.

Contributing Shaders

  • use wgsl-analyzer, especially to format your wgsl
  • use the rust naming conventions for structs, functions, variables, constants etc.
  • use the scrpits/ on the root dir, or specifically the directory you're working on a shader in...
  • Press the SPACEBAR when your shader is 'complete' (versioning it with a screenshot and the wgsl that made it.)
  • The savepath will print to your terminal (the one you ran shadplay from)
  • The shader will also be versioned, alongside that screenshot
  • Rename and move the screenshot to assets/screenshots/<NAME YOUR OWN DIR>/screenshot.png
  • Rename and move the versioned shader to assets/shaders/<NAME YOUR OWN DIR/YOURSHADER.wgsl
  • If renaming and moving things manually is not your style, you can use the provided script in /scripts/:
python scripts/ "screenshots/17-11-23/06-10-55/screenshot.png" "Your Title"
  • Add it to the #Gallery in the

Shadertoy ports:

  • Include a link to the original shader, and note its authour. If it has a license add that info at the top of the source.

Contributing Rust

  • use rustfmt
  • use clippy, with +nightly
  • Follow the documentation conventions on Systems, Resources, Components etc.
  • put stuff in logical places.
  • use iterators
  • use run_if()s see bevy docs
  • I use bevy at my dayjob sometimes so am pretty sure between the two of us we'll be able to get your contribution merged :wink

Please note that contributions should follow the Rust Code of Conduct.