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What are the alt:V Workers

The alt:V workers implementation is very similar to the NodeJS one as it allows you to run javascript code in parallel in another thread. Workers (threads) are useful for performing CPU-intensive operations, while they aren't any big help with I/O-intensive work. The V8 asynchronous I/O operations are more efficient than Workers can be.

Important notes

  • Natives are not accessible in workers
  • Creating a worker thread won't make your code perform better, it will just offload it in another thread



In order to be able to use the alt:V Worker API, you must import it via import * as alt from alt-worker. You can find the whole worker class api here

Classes available in a worker

Only the following client-side alt API classes that are thread safe are available in a Worker:

  • alt.File
  • alt.RGBA
  • alt.Vector2
  • alt.Vector3

Functions available in a worker

In the alt:V context, basics like setInterval or console.log don't exist. That's why we expose our own functions for it, but to make it easier if you do setInterval or console.log it will call the corresponding alt method.

Function Name Description
alt.emit Emit an event to the client side.
alt.on Receives an event emitted from the client side.
alt.once Receives an event emitted from the client-side. Once triggered the handler is destroyed.
alt.log Logs the specified arguments to the console using alt:V logger. (gets printed in the client logs files).
alt.logWarning Logs the specified arguments as a warning to the console using alt:V logger.
alt.logError Logs the specified arguments as an error to the console using alt:V logger.
alt.nextTick Schedules execution of handler on next tick/next frame.
alt.setInterval Schedules execution of handler in specified intervals.
alt.setTimeout Schedules execution of handler once after the expiration of interval.
alt.clearNextTick Clears a timer set with the nextTick function.
alt.clearInterval Clears a timer set with the setInterval function.
alt.clearTimeout Clears a timer set with the setTimeout function.
alt.hash Creates a hash using Jenkins one-at-a-time algorithm.
alt.getSharedArrayBuffer Retrieves the shared array buffer instance with the given id.

Properties available in a worker

Property Name Description
alt.version Represents the current version.
alt.branch Represents the current branch.
alt.sdkVersion Represents the current SDK version.
alt.debug Returns if the resource is in debug mode.

How to create a worker

import * as alt from 'alt-client';

const worker = new alt.Worker('./worker.js');
import * as alt from 'alt-client';

// Path starting from the resource root directory
const worker = new alt.Worker('/client/worker.js');

Built-in worker events

Knowing when the worker is loaded

worker.on('load', () => {
    console.log('Worker loaded');

Error handling

worker.on('error', (error) => {

Communicating from the client to the Worker

import * as alt from 'alt-client';

const worker = new alt.Worker('./worker.js');

worker.on('load', () => worker.emit('eventName', true, 0, [''], { p1: new Map() }));
import * as alt from 'alt-worker';

alt.on('eventName', (...args) => {

Communicating from the worker to the client

import * as alt from 'alt-worker';

alt.emit('eventName', true, 0, [''], { p1: new Map() });
import * as alt from 'alt-client';

const worker = new alt.Worker('./worker.js');

worker.on('eventName', (...args) => {

Using shared array buffers

An ArrayBuffer is an object used to represent a generic, fixed-length raw binary data buffer. It is an array of bytes, you cannot directly manipulate its content but create a TypedArray object / DataView to read and write the buffer content.

A SharedArrayBuffer is very similar to an array buffer except it is built in a way that they can be used to create views on shared memory.


You should learn how to use SharedArrayBuffers outside of the alt:V context in order to use them properly. The following example is making use of the Atomics API to make the SharedArrayBuffer usage thread safe

Example usage

import * as alt from 'alt-client';

const worker = new alt.Worker('./worker.js');

const buffer = createBuffer();
const sharedArray = new Int32Array(buffer);

worker.on('changedValue', () => {
     for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++){
       // Output of the changed values on "main thread"
       const value = Atomics.load(sharedArray,i);
       console.log(`[Main thread]: Value of index ${i} is ${value}`);

function createBuffer() {
    // Calculating the size of the buffer size depending on the array type
    const length = 10;
    const size = Int32Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT * length;
    const sharedBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(size);
    const sharedArray = new Int32Array(sharedBuffer);
    // applying values to the array
    for(let i = 0; i< 10; i++){
        sharedArray[i] = i*20;
    const bufferIndex = alt.Worker.addSharedArrayBuffer(sharedBuffer);
    worker.emit("addedMyBuffer", bufferIndex);
    alt.log('emitted buffer to worker')

    return sharedBuffer;
alt.on('addedMyBuffer', (index) => {
    //Getting the buffer by index and generate a Int32Array 
    const buffer = alt.getSharedArrayBuffer(index);
    const sharedArray = new Int32Array(buffer);

    for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        //Read the value
        const arrayValue = Atomics.load(sharedArray, i);
        console.log(`[Worker] Value from main thread for [${i}] is ${arrayValue}`);

        // returns the old value on i.
        const oldValue =, i, 5)
        console.log(`[Worker] Value change to 5 on [${i}]`);

        // reading the new value
        const changedValue = Atomics.load(sharedArray, i);
        console.log(`[Worker] New value on ${i} is ${changedValue} (old value: ${oldValue})`);
