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VecCore API

VecCore defines backend structures in order to group similar SIMD vector types together to allow their use in hardware independent implementations of vectorized algorithms. The backend types are also used to define a uniform interface for operations such as masking, loading and storing data, etc. Below we give an overview of the common interfaces VecCore offers to abstract over SIMD vector types from each backend.

Backend Types

Historically, VecCore has offered the following alias to common scalar types:

namespace vecCore {
  using Bool_s   = bool;

  using Float_s  = float;
  using Double_s = double;

  using Int_s    = int32_t;
  using Int32_s  = int32_t;
  using Int64_s  = int64_t;

  using UInt_s   = uint32_t;
  using UInt32_s = uint32_t;
  using UInt64_s = uint64_t;

Since these types are part of standard C++, newer versions of VecCore use them directly in its implementation, and users are also encouraged to switch. The type aliases above should be considered deprecated and will be removed in a future version of VecCore.

Each VecCore backend uses the scalar types to provide equivalent SIMD vector types. For example, the Vc backend defines the following types:

namespace vecCore {
namespace backend {
  struct VcVector {
    using Float_v  = Vc::Vector<float>;
    using Double_v = Vc::Vector<double>;
    using Int_v    = Vc::Vector<int>;
    using Int32_v  = Vc::Vector<int32_t>;
    using Int64_v  = Vc::Vector<int64_t>;
    using UInt_v   = Vc::Vector<unsigned>;
    using UInt32_v = Vc::Vector<uint32_t>;
    using UInt64_v = Vc::Vector<uint64_t>;
} // namespace backend
} // namespace vecCore

Note that the absence of a boolean type above is intentional. Since most SIMD hardware units have a fixed width in bits (i.e. 128 bits for SSE, 256 bits for AVX, etc), the number of elements in a vector boolean type (i.e. a SIMD mask) is different for each scalar type. For example, the native SIMD vector type for Double_v when AVX2 is enabled usually contains 4 elements, while Float_v contains 8 elements. Moreover, there can be substantial differences in hardware as well. Intel® Xeon Phi™ processors and coprocessors introduced hardware mask registers instead of using regular SIMD registers for masks, as is done in Core i7 processors (Skylake and earlier). Later, with the addition of AVX512, hardware mask registers have also become available on Xeon and newer Core processors. For more information about SIMD programming on Intel® hardware, please consult the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals.

In VecCore, mask types are defined in terms of their associated vector types via type traits. For example, Mask<Float_v> is the mask type for Float_v, and Mask<Double_v> the mask type for Double_v. Similarly, the type traits define the alias Index<T> which denotes a suitable vector index type for T, and Scalar<T> which maps to the underlying scalar type of T. These dependent types are needed to define the interfaces for gather/scatter in terms of pointers to scalars and vector indices, for example, but are also useful in various other situations.

SIMD Operations

For each backend type T representing a SIMD vector type, M its associated mask type, VecCore defines the following functions:

namespace vecCore {
  template <typename T> constexpr size_t VectorSize();

  template <typename T> Scalar<T> Get(const T &v, size_t i);
  template <typename T> void Set(T &v, size_t i, Scalar<T> const val);

  template <typename T> void Load(T &v, Scalar<T> const *ptr);
  template <typename T> void Store(T const &v, Scalar<T> *ptr);

  template <typename T, typename S = Scalar<T>>
  T Gather(S const *ptr, Index<T> const &idx);

  template <typename T, typename S = Scalar<T>>
  void Scatter(T const &v, S *ptr, Index<T> const &idx);

  template <typename M> bool MaskFull(M const &mask);
  template <typename M> bool MaskEmpty(M const &mask);

  template <typename T> void MaskedAssign(T &dst, const Mask<T> &mask, const T &src);
  template <typename T> T Blend(const Mask<T> &mask, const T &src1, const T &src2);

  bool EarlyReturnAllowed();

  template <typename T> bool EarlyReturnMaxLength(T &v, size_t n);

  template <typename T> Scalar<T> ReduceAdd(const T &v);
  template <typename T> Scalar<T> ReduceMin(const T &v);
  template <typename T> Scalar<T> ReduceMax(const T &v);

VecCore API

These functions can be used to write SIMD-enabled algorithms that can be instantiated with different backends depending on the configuration during compilation. For example, below is an example of such algorithm for computing the Mandelbrot Set. First, the scalar version:

template<typename T>
void mandelbrot(T xmin, T xmax, size_t nx,
                T ymin, T ymax, size_t ny,
                size_t max_iter, unsigned char *image)
    T dx = (xmax - xmin) / T(nx);
    T dy = (ymax - ymin) / T(ny);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < ny; ++j) {
            size_t k = 0;
            T x = xmin + T(i) * dx, cr = x, zr = x;
            T y = ymin + T(j) * dy, ci = y, zi = y;

            do {
                x  = zr*zr - zi*zi + cr;
                y  = T(2.0) * zr*zi + ci;
                zr = x;
                zi = y;
            } while (++k < max_iter && (zr*zr + zi*zi < T(4.0)));

            image[ny*i + j] = k;

Then its VecCore equivalent implementation:

template<typename T>
void mandelbrot_v(Scalar<T> xmin, Scalar<T> xmax, size_t nx,
                  Scalar<T> ymin, Scalar<T> ymax, size_t ny,
                  Scalar<Index<T>> max_iter, unsigned char *image)
    T iota;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < VectorSize<T>(); ++i)
        Set<T>(iota, i, i);

    T dx = T(xmax - xmin) / T((Scalar<T>)nx);
    T dy = T(ymax - ymin) / T((Scalar<T>)ny), dyv = iota * dy;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
        for (size_t j = 0; j < ny; j += VectorSize<T>()) {
            Scalar<Index<T>> k(0);
            T x = xmin + T((Scalar<T>)i) * dx,       cr = x, zr = x;
            T y = ymin + T((Scalar<T>)j) * dy + dyv, ci = y, zi = y;

            Index<T> kv(0);
            Mask<T> m(true);

            do {
                x = zr*zr - zi*zi + cr;
                y = T((Scalar<T>)2.0) * zr*zi + ci;
                MaskedAssign<T>(zr, m, x);
                MaskedAssign<T>(zi, m, y);
                MaskedAssign<Index<T>>(kv, m, ++k);
                m = zr*zr + zi*zi < T((Scalar<T>)4.0);
            } while (k < max_iter && !MaskEmpty(m));

            for (size_t k = 0; k < VectorSize<T>(); ++k)
                image[ny*i + j + k] = (unsigned char) Get(kv, k);

While the two implementations are similar to each other, some important differences should be noted. The do/while loop, for example, needs to process several pixels of the image at once, hence a mask is required to check for loop termination rather than a simple counter. The mask is also used to restrict the elements to which an update should be applied at each iteration. This is a common theme in SIMD programming. For more examples of the application of the VecCore interfaces, we encourage the reader to read the Mandelbrot and other examples in the VecCore repository on GitHub.

Arithmetics, Comparisons, and Logical Operations

VecCore backend types support usual arithmetic operations, such as addition, multiplication, etc, except for the modulus operation, which is not supported by most hardware. Comparisons and logical operations are also supported, with the caveat that the result of a vector comparison or logical operation is not a boolean, but an appropriate mask type. Therefore, such operations should not be part of an if or similar construct, as this will almost certainly lead to a bug. The correct way to use such expressions in branching code is to test wether the mask has none, any, or all of its elements set, and take appropriate action:

// example: set negative elements of x to 0.0

Double_v Clamp(Double_v x) {
  Mask<Double_v> m = x < 0.0;
  if (!MaskEmpty(m)) {
    MaskedAssign(x, m, 0.0);

In the case above, the condition may be ommitted, but in cases where the operations inside the condition are expensive, it is worth to check if any elements really need to be calculated.

An important aspect of VecCore to keep in mind is that the backends provide direct aliases to the real types offered by the different libraries like Vc, UME::SIMD, and now std::experimental::simd. This is the main reason why we cannot use v[i] to access elements of a SIMD vector, as that would not work with plain scalars (i.e. float or int). We need to provide this interface via a function instead, in the form of vecCore::Get(v, i). Nevertheless, if the user knows they will never need to use the plain scalar backend (or if using the provided wrappers for scalars in the ScalarWrapper backend, despite a potential performance penalty), then it is fine to use v[i] to access elements of SIMD vectors, as that is actually provided by all SIMD backends. However, other restrictions also apply. For example, in order to construct a SIMD vector of floats using std::experimental::simd, a plain constant like 0.0 is not acceptable, so it may be necessary to cast integer and double precision constants to float. The Vc and UME::SIMD backends do not have this restriction. Comparing masks is also not recommended, as the result may be either another mask or a boolean that is true if the masks are identical depending on the backend.

Mathematical Functions

VecCore provides implementations for mathematical functions with SIMD types for each backend in the namespace vecCore::math. In recent versions, this namespace has been converted into an inline namespace to avoid long names for the functions. Function names were capitalized to avoid clashes with standard functions, but they map to standard functions when the backend library does not offer a more specialized implementation. Therefore, calling vecCore::Sin(x), for example, is possible with any of the backend types. Please access the online Doxygen documentation for a full list of all the mathematical functions defined in the backends.