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Amenophis Elasticsearch


  • Provide declarative Elasticsearch Client / Index configuration
  • Provide autowireable Client / Index services
  • Provide IndexBuilder to simplify index settings / mapping migration
  • Provide 1 command to debug configuration
  • Provide 1 command to migration elasticsearch index settings / mapping


$ composer require amenophis/elasticsearch ^1.0@dev


Register the bundle in config/bundles.php:


return [
    Amenophis\Elasticsearch\Bridge\Symfony\AmenophisElasticsearchBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Create bundle configuration file config/packages/amenophis_elasticsearch.yaml:

      hosts: localhost:9200
        number_of_shards: 1
        number_of_replicas: 1
        dynamic: "false" # Required to be a string because ES client return boolean as string
            type: text
            type: text


Configuration debug

Use bin/console amenophis:debug:client command to show configured clients and the status of the connection:

$ bin/console amenophis:debug:client
Elasticsearch clients

------ ---------------
name   info
------ ---------------
main   Not connected
------ ---------------

$ bin/console amenophis:debug:client
Elasticsearch clients

------ -----------
name   info
------ -----------
main   Connected

You can also add the client name as argument of the previous command to show more details:

$ bin/console amenophis:debug:client main

Elasticsearch "main"

 ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  version          7.3.2
  lucene version   8.1.0
  cluster uuid     0Zz4OznCSqC1L0x98oK9Lw
  indices          ".kibana_1", ".kibana_2", ".kibana_task_manager", ".tasks"
 ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Index migration

Use bin/console amenophis:index:migrate command to run index migration. The command takes two arguments client and index:

$ bin/console amenophis:index:migrate main posts

 [OK] Index has been created !

The command will create the index if it is not already configured.

The created index will be named like posts_2019-11-17-141354 (the index name followed by a datetime) and an alias posts will be configured on the index.

If index settings / mapping changed on the configuration side, the next run will create a new index, migrate the data from the old index to the new one, move the alias to the new index and close the previous index.

If you run multiple times with configuration changed, old closed indices will be removed.

Your application should always the index name posts to ensure using the latest data.

Service autowiring

The sample configuration will autoconfigure 3 services: a Client, an Index and an IndexBuilder. You can use them with autowiring like this:


namespace App\Controller;

use Amenophis\Elasticsearch\Index;
use Amenophis\Elasticsearch\IndexBuilder;
use Elasticsearch\Client;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Annotation\Route;

class MainController
     * @Route("/")
    public function __invoke(Index $postsIndex, IndexBuilder $mainIndexBuilder, Client $mainClient)
        return new Response('OK');