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Ansible Roles

This is the root directory for ansible roles. The roles directory holds all the ansible roles (e.g. setup_docker, init_cockroachdb..). For further information on the ansible directory structure, see role directory structure for more information on the layout.

How to use a role

To use a role, add the roles keyword to your playbook.ymlas shown below. The role name must match the directory name.

- hosts: all
    - setup_docker

A full example can be found in cockroach_playbook.yml

How to create a new role

To create a new role, simply create a new directory roles/YOUR_ROLE_NAME and a tasks directory inside that directory. In the tasks directory, you create the file main.yml, in which you only list the tasks that the role executes. Ansible will also look for six other directories that can be used to add functionality to the role. For further information, refer to the official documentation.

Once created you can then use the role as described above.