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SPAN Framework

1. About SPAN - Stored Procedure ANnotations

SPAN is a java framework which helps the developers to connect the Stored Procedures (SP) by just providing the configuration and POJO details:

  • No or minimal boilerplate code.

  • Autogenerated Input, Output and ResultSet POJOs eliminate chances of miss-match between Stored Procedure Definition and Java code.

  • Readable and Maintainable. 

The developer does not worry about underneath execution of the SP and database syntax. 

2. How it works

2.1.1. Maven dependency  
2.1.2. Configuration

Understanding configuration is key to work with SPAN framework.

Developer should provide configuration in a way that is supported by SPAN. Refer the below section to understand the structure of SPAN configuration file. 

SPAN follows either of the below approaches to read and load the configuration file: 

  1. Developer creates the environment specific file which starts with "SPANConfig". If needed, developer can specify app profile environment variable by implementing PropertyConfiguration interface.

  2. Developer provides the file name by implementing PropertyConfiguration interface, and pass the object of the class which implements the interface to initialization class. 

Sample SPANConfig configuration file,


    properties: "./src/test/resources/testcredentialsconfiguration"
          driverClassName: "org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver"
          hostname: ""
          port: "9910"
          database: "db1"
          user: "db2@123"
          password: "password"
            schema: "employee"
            procedure: "getAllEmployees"
            schema: "employee"
            procedure: "getActiveEmployees"
          hostname: ""
          port: "9320"
          database: "db2"
          user: "db2@1234"
          password: "password"
            schema: "address"
            procedure: "getAddress"
            schema: "address"
            procedure: "getAddressByZipCode"

Let's understand the configuration,

SPAN works on following keys and sections
  • SPANConfig : This is root element. Developer should declare in each SPAN configuration file.

  • properties : It is optional element. SPAN will evaluate expression by looking into given properties file. It can have any key=value pair. For example, database Credentials.

  • SPAN Definition Key : This key is identifier for single datasource and all of its associated Stored Procedure(s). From the above configuration, SPAN_EMPLOYEE & SPAN_ADDRESS are SPAN definition keys. Developer should provide a unique key name. 

    • datasource_details :- This section will contain Datasource information, such as driverClassName ( Optional attribute and By default it's support IBM driver) hostname, port, database, user and password.

    • Password : Developer can provide the password value in four ways.

      • Plain text

      • Password as an environment variable:- In some cases, we need to have our password in the environment variable.

        Syntax will be - password: "${<Environment_variable>}". Example - password: "${MF_DB_PASSWORD}". SPAN will read the password from "MF_DB_PASSWORD" environment variables.

      • Plain encrypted password. - The developer can generate the encrypted password using SPAN framework. SPAN is supported Jasypt framework using AES256 encryption methodology. Encrypted key can generated by calling SPAN framework's  *EncryptionUtility.encrypt() *

        Syntax will be - password: "ENC(expressionValue)" e.g. password: "ENC(3EzKQzJp7rhBU/A875mxKh6Vt7tCpZrk+umn7IOBjqWb6wo9NWs+lVtA7OCHNKER)

      • Encrypted password from environment variable :- Developer can encrypt the password using SPAN and pass it as environment variable.

        Syntax will be - passwor- "ENC(${<Environment_variable>})" . e.g. password : "ENC(${ENCRYPTED_MF_DB_PASSWORD})"

  • sp_details : This section will have information about all Stored Procedures associated SPAN Definition Key. Each Stored Procedure is identified by a unique Stored Procedure Identifier

    • Stored Procedure Identifier Key: In the above example,  GET_ALL_EMPLOYEE, GET_ALL_ACTIVE_EMPLOYEE, GET_ADDRESS, and GET_ADDRESS are user define the keys. This key should contain following sub keys. 

      • schema: This will represent the name of the database schema. e.g. employee, address.

      • procedure: This will represent the  Stored Procedure name of the database. e.g. getAllEmployees, getActiveEmployees, getAddress, getAddressByZipCode.

Image of SPAN Configuration

2.1.3. SPAN Input and Output - Plain Old Java Object ( POJO )

Now, SPAN framework requires POJOs for the Stored Procedure Input, Output and ResultSet. 

SPAN has Field annotation. Each member variable of the POJO should be annotated with @Field

Each Stored Procedure may have Input Parameters, Output parameters and/or ResultSet(s). Field Annotation

Field annotation helps SPAN identify Input parameters, OutputParameters and ResultSet fields. 

Field annotation can have three parameters: 

Parameter Name Required Description
name True Parameter name of the SP Input , Output or column name of the ResultSet.
default_value False Developer can provide default value. This will only be considered when the corresponding object value is not present.
transformationClass False Developer can override the default transformation logic by creating custom class. Default transformation logic will do the best possible effort to convert the database object to the type of the field ( or vice versa ).

Let's see an example, ResultSet Annotation

ResultSet annotation helps SPAN identify POJO mapped to the ResultSet returned from Stored Procedure. It's a field level annotation. 

ResultSet annotation can have one parameter: 

Parameter Name Required Description
seqNum false Default value is 1. This is required when Stored Procedure is returning more than one ResultSet. Stored Procedure Input POJO

Stored Procedure Input POJO defines Stored Procedure Input Parameters.

At runtime, SPAN looks at  Field annotation, extracts name & object's value and sets as Stored Procedure Input param.

public class SPInput {
    @Field(name = "I_EMPLOYEE_ID", default_value = " ")
    private String employeeId;
    @Field(name = "I_DEPT_ID", default_value = " ")
    private String deptId;
    //The FieldTransformationImpl class will convert Date into String which is required for the SP
    @Field(name = "I_START_DATE", transformationClass = DateToStringTransformationImpl.class)
    private Date startDate;
    //The FieldTransformationImpl class will convert Date into String which is required for the SP
    @Field(name = "I_END_DATE", transformationClass = DateToStringTransformationImpl.class)
    private Date endDate;
}  Stored Procedure Output POJO

Stored Procedure Output POJO defines Stored Procedure Output Parameters and reference to ResultSet POJO(s).

At runtime, SPAN looks at  Field annotation, extracts name, gets the corresponding database parameter value and sets as value of the member variable of the POJO. This POJO may have reference of the ResultSet(s) - Using @ResultSet annotation.

For Example,

public class SPOutput {

    @Field(name = "O_RET_CODE", transformationClass = StringToEnumTransformationImpl.class)
    private ResponseEnum returnCode;
    @Field(name = "O_RET_DESC" )
    private String returnDesc;
    @Field(name = "O_EXPL_CODE")
    private String explCode;
    @Field(name = "O_EXPL_DESC")
    private String explDesc;
    private List<ResultSetData> resultSetClassList;

} ResultSet POJO

Stored Procedure may return one or more ResultSets. 

ResultSet POJO defines all the columns of the ResultSet returned by Stored Procedure.

At runtime, SPAN looks at Field annotation, extracts name, gets the corresponding Resultset column value and sets this value as the member variable of the POJO. 

For Example,

ResultSet Pojo

ResultSetData.class have all the required member variables and
they are annotated with \@Field, the name should exactly match the SP
column name.
public class ResultSetData {

    @Field(name = "O_EMPLOYEE_ID")
    private String employeeID;
    @Field(name = "O_EMPLOYEE_NAME")
    private String employeeName;


Developer should refer ResultSet POJO from SPOutput POJO as described below :

private List<ResultSetData> resultSetClassList;  Transformation

Developer can override the default transformation logic by creating custom class. Default transformation logic will do the best possible effort to convert the database object to the type of the field ( or vice versa ).

Below example describe transformation logic for transform String error code to ErrorEnum:

public class StringToEnumTransformationImpl implements FieldTransformation<ResponseEnum> {
     * Transforms String to Enum
    public ResponseEnum transform(final Object fieldValue, final Class<ResponseEnum> targetClass) {
        if ("0000".equals(fieldValue)) {
            return ResponseEnum.SUCCESS;
        return ResponseEnum.ERROR;
2.1.4. Putting it all together

Based on the Stored Procedure Identifier key, the SPAN framework pulls the Datasource and Stored Procedure details from the configuration file. 

Below example shows how to execute a Stored Procedure using SPAN framework:


public class SPExecution {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            //Initializing and loading the SPAN configuration
            //Setting up the SP Input Params
            SPInput spInput = new SPInput();
            DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            //Setting Date and the FieldTransformationImpl->DateToStringTransformationImpl class will take care of formatting Date into String.
            //Initializing and Invoking the SPAN SP Executor
            SPExecutor spExecutor = new SPExecutor();
            SPOutput outParams = spExecutor.execute("GET_ALL_EMPLOYEE", spInput, SPOutput.class);
            System.out.println("================ SP Results - Start ===============");
            System.out.println("ExplCode :- " + outParams.getExplCode());
            System.out.println("ExplDesc :- " + outParams.getExplDesc());
            System.out.println("ReturnCode :- " + outParams.getReturnCode());
            System.out.println("ReturnDesc :- " + outParams.getReturnDesc());
            System.out.println("ResultSet Size :- " + outParams.getResultSetClassList().size());
            //Iterating the result set
            outParams.getResultSetClassList().stream().forEach(resultSetObj -> {
                System.out.println("O_EMPLOYEE_ID : " + resultSetObj.getEmployeeID());
                System.out.println("O_EMPLOYEE_NAME :" + resultSetObj.getEmployeeName());
            System.out.println("================ SP Results - End ===============");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            System.out.println("EXCEPTION " + e.getMessage());

Let's understand the code, 

  • SPANInitialization.initialize :- Should be called only once per JVM.

  • User should create an instance of the SPInput class and set appropriate values.

  • Below is sample code to execute Stored Procedure,

SPExecutor spExecutor = new SPExecutor(); // create a object
SPOutput outParams = spExecutor.execute("GET_ALL_EMPLOYEE", spInput, SPOutput.class); // call the execute method         

SPExecutor.execute method has three parameters.

  • Stored Procedure Identifier Key - This is used to identify Stored Procedure from SPAN configuration file. 

  • spInput :- Instance of Store-Procedure Input POJO.

  • returnType :- Class reference of Stored Procedure Output POJO. 

This execution will return the instance of "returnType" containing OutPut Parameters and ResultSet(s).

3. Auto Generation - DAO Layer ( Database model/POJO And DAO classes.)

This framework can generate a Database model/POJO and DAO classes. So the developer does not need to worry about to create Stored Procedure POJO for Input, Output, and ResultSet classes and also a sample code to execute the Stored Procedure. The auto-generation process also created a sample project in which you import any IDE and can run it.

It is two steps process,

  1. Please go to the SPAN root directory.
  2. Please create the SPANConfig.yaml file, please see the above section - 2.1.2. Configuration.
  3. Now, execute the below script, The syntax of the script -
./ <SPANConfigFileName> <Stored Proc Id in SPANConfigFile> <packageName>

For example,

./ SPANConfig.yaml GET_ALL_EMPLOYEE com.test
  • This script has three parameters.
    1. SPANConfiguration file which contains information about the database and Stored Procedure.
    2. Stored Procedure Identifier from the configuration. For example, GET_ALL_EMPLOYEE, GET_ALL_ACTIVE_EMPLOYEE.
    3. Java Package to store SPAN related files.

This process will identify what are the Input and Output parameters of the Stored Procedure and it will create two Java files and one input file for the generating the ResultSet java file. 1. 2. 3. <SP_Identifier>.input

Generated Java files have a reference of the Stored Procedure parameters with SPAN annotation & java variable name. But it will not create a Result because to generate the ResultSet, SPAN needs some values against each Input parameters. Please give appropriate values into <SP_Identifier>.input generated file.

Additionally, this script will tell you what you need to do next.

  1. Now, we need to generate ResultSet java file with the help of the <SP_Identifier>.input file.

The syntax of the script -

./ <SPANConfigFileName> <Stored Proc Id in SPANConfigFile> <packageName>

For example,

./  SPANConfig <SP_Identifier>.input com.test

This command will execute SP and then generate the ResultSet java file. Along with that, it will create a new ResultSet variable into the file.

Also, the script output will tell you what you need to do to execute the Stored Procedure from java file.

Additionally, it will a create sample project where you can import as project into your IDE and execute main method of the file. It will initialize the SPAN framework and call the SP and display the ResultSet values.

4. Benefits 

  • SPAN will reduce significant development time as it has a minimum configuration and code change.

  • Already tested and hardened code.

  • Support all RDBMS databases, tested for Db2, Postgres. 

  • Manage the datasource resource including password encryption in order to reduce Developer's overhead. 

  • Autogenerated Utility to generate Input, Output and ResultSet object. 

5. Key Points

  • Inner Source Ready - Well Documented, 105 unit/component test cases to support extensibility, code coverage is more than 90%. 

  • Compatible with the Java 8 and newer version.


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