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ChromaDB Operations Tools

Tiny collection of utilities to help you managed ChromaDB indices.

WARNING: These tools rely on internal ChromaDB APIs and may break in the future.

☠️☠️☠️ BEFORE YOU BEGIN ☠️☠️☠️

Before you use these tools make sure your ChromaDB persistent dir, on which you intend to run these tools, is backed up.


pip install chromadb-ops


WAL Commit

This command ensures your WAL is committed to binary vector index (HNSW).

chops commit-wal /path/to/persist_dir

Note: You can skip certain collections by running chops commit-wal /path/to/persist_dir --skip <collection_name>

WAL Cleanup

This command cleans up the committed portion of the WAL and VACUUMs the database.

chops clean-wal /path/to/persist_dir

WAL Export

This commands exports the WAL to a jsonl file. The command can be useful in taking backups of the WAL.

chops export-wal /path/to/persist_dir --out /path/to/export.jsonl

Note: If --out or -o is not specified the command will print the output to stdout.

Full-Text Search Index Rebuild

This command rebuilds the full-text search index.

Note: Why is this needed? Users have reported broken FTS indices that result in a error of this kind: no such table: embedding_fulltext_search

chops rebuild-fts /path/to/persist_dir

Using Docker

Note: You have to mount your persist directory into the container for the commands to work.

Building the image:

docker build -t chops .

WAL Commit

docker run -it --rm -v ./persist_dir:/chroma-data commit-wal /chroma-data

WAL Cleanup

docker run -it --rm -v ./persist_dir:/chroma-data clean-wal /chroma-data

WAL Export

docker run -it --rm -v ./persist_dir:/chroma-data -v ./backup:/backup export-wal /chroma-data --out /backup/export.jsonl

Full-Text Search Index Rebuild

docker run -it --rm -v ./persist_dir:/chroma-data rebuild-fts /chroma-data