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A small,fast and simple interpreter also best solution to common problems of programmers.

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mpl:)) Mini Portable Language - MPL (BETA-0.6)

This is a small,fast and simple interpreter also best solution to common problems of programmers.

The solution to common problems of programmers
راه حل کارهای متداول برنامه نویسان


((:publish MPL-BETA version of MPL (for windows):))

  • init exeptions [OK]

  • define mpl arguments [OK]

  • defnie mpl help [OK]

  • init basic interpreter variables [OK]

  • init data defined [OK]

  • init virtual memory(vm) [OK]

  • init built-in functions [OK]

  • init built-in defines [OK]

  • create memory structure [OK]

  • reading source file as utf8 [OK]

  • remove comments and convert utf8 to ascii [OK]

  • extract tokens [OK]

  • parsing tokens [OK]

  • parsing imports [OK]

  • parsing functions [OK]

  • parsing structs [OK]

  • parsing instructions [OK]

  • parsing structures [OK]

  • start runtime [OK]

  • init global vars [OK]



  • labeled instructions [OK]

  • implement define vars [OK]

  • set new var in memory [OK]

  • delete var in memory [OK]

  • manage exceptions [OK]

  • create other memory functions [OK]

  • determine type of data [OK]

  • calculate math expressions [OK]

  • calculate radix numbers [OK]

  • calculate integer,float numbers [OK]

  • calculate string expressions [OK]

  • calculate utf8 string expressions [OK]

  • calculate boolean expressions [OK]

  • define struct expressions [OK]

  • define complex struct expressions [OK]

  • set built-in $def variables [OK]

  • set built-in $con variables [OK]

  • using magic macros [OK]

  • set new $def [OK]

  • define global vars [OK]

  • edit $con [OK]

  • calculate sum huge numbers [OK]

  • calculate multiplication huge numbers [OK]

  • calculate division huge numbers [OK]

  • calculate power huge numbers [OK]

  • implement function call [OK]

  • determine type of function parameter values [OK]

  • validation called function parameters [OK]

  • set arrays in functions parameter [OK]

  • init function parameters [OK]

  • support for vars values parameters [OK]

  • set structs in functions parameter [OK]

  • switch to another function [OK]

  • implement return keyword [OK]

  • return values from function [OK]

  • return value by index from function [OK]

  • call built-in functions [OK]

  • implement control characters [OK]

  • implement print built-in function [OK]

  • implement some built-in functions [OK]

  • return values from built-in functions [OK]

  • complete built-in function call [OK]

  • implement garbage collector for functions [OK]

  • implement alloc_vars [OK]

  • alloc values expressions [OK]

  • alloc array expressions [OK]

  • alloc struct expressions [OK]

  • replace values of vars by ':=' [OK]

  • define an array by '?' index [OK]

  • support alloc struct has array by '?' [OK]

  • define an empty array [OK]

  • implement short alloc by '++','--' pre [OK]

  • implement short alloc by '++','--' post [OK]

  • implement structures [OK]

  • define manage [OK]

  • start exception_handler [OK]

  • implement push built-in functions [OK]

  • push errors,warnings for manage var exception [OK]

  • call gc for deleting structure vars [OK]

  • define if [OK]

  • define elif [OK]

  • define else [OK]

  • follow order of if,elif else [OK]

  • implement condition level for managing if,elif,else [OK]

  • recursive functions [OK]

  • can use multiple 'if' one after another [OK]

  • define loop [OK]

  • define header defined vars [OK]

  • labeled loop instructions [OK]

  • check loop conditions every time [OK]

  • do loop part3 every time [OK]

  • delete local vars in end of loop [OK]

  • implement loop level for managing loop [OK]

  • implement next [OK]

  • implement break [OK]

  • using break instruction [OK]

  • using next instruction [OK]

  • delete header loop vars in finish [OK]

  • access overhead vars [OK]

  • complete main structure of mpl [OK]

  • start compiling fs module [OK]

  • init import modules to main program [OK]

  • call module functions [OK]

  • support for module libraries [OK]

  • start fs module [OK]

  • define fs functions header [OK]

  • search for fs function and call it [OK]

  • start for developing 'mprog' program [OK]

  • init pre magic config,define entries [OK]

  • analyze $con values after parsing [OK]

  • implement mpl debugger (mdebug) [OK]

  • create new breakpoint in mdebug [OK]

  • complete print commands in mdebug [OK]

  • complete next,run commands in mdebug [OK]

  • complete symbols for commands in mdebug [OK]

  • validate struct entries as a variable [OK]

  • support struct entries as a data [OK]

  • participate struct entries in math calculation [OK]

  • participate struct entries in str calculation [OK]

  • participate struct entries in bool calculation [OK]

  • support struct entries as a struct [OK]

  • alloc struct entries [OK]

  • change virtual memory as hash for optimizing speed [OK]

  • reform memory functions [OK]

  • start offline documentation of mpl [OK]

  • complete structure of mpl-docs [OK]

  • start OS built-in functions [OK]

  • implement error_handle function [OK]

  • implement shell,argvs functions [OK]

  • start data built-in functions [OK]

  • implement all bit-based functions [OK]

  • comparison huge numbers [OK]

  • convert '' to "" as a string [OK]

  • development $def,$ses to accept all of data [OK]

  • accept array values for magic macros [OK]

  • accept struct values for magic macros [OK]

  • add -i argument as info to mpl [OK]

  • set $con as standard [OK]

  • set ErrorsState, WarningsState, MaxHugeDivideSteps, MaxHugeDecimalNumbers, TabSize in $con [OK]

  • set SessionMode,HelpArgumentMode,OverwriteBuiltinMode,DebugMode in $con [OK]

  • set ExportByteCode,ExportLogFile,SessionDatabasePath in $con [OK]

  • implement MPLV1 encoding algorithm [OK]

  • set new $ses [OK]

  • store session entries in database [OK]

  • support array of utf8 strings [OK]

  • support utf8 strings for magic macros [OK]

  • store utf8 entries in database [OK]

  • load and decoding session database [OK]

  • implement MPLV1 decoding algorithm [OK]

  • compatible with control chars like \n,\t [OK]

  • load session database in program [OK]

  • decode values and import entries to $ses magic macro [OK]

  • set logo for mpl interpreter execute [OK]

  • implement sqlite interface [OK]

  • get sqlite lib version [OK]

  • send utf8 strings to functions [OK]

  • implement open,close functions of sqlite [OK]

  • implement query function of sqlite [OK]

  • support sqlite as a module [OK]

  • set ExportBuildFile,AppIcon,BuildMode in $con [OK]

  • start implement BuildMode config [OK]

  • check exist compiler,linker,builder.dll [OK]

  • translate utst struct in builder [OK]

  • translate datas struct in builder [OK]

  • translate blst funcs struct in builder [OK]

  • translate blst stru struct in builder [OK]

  • translate instru struct in builder [OK]

  • remove external include files for builder [OK]

  • complete main codes of program in builder [OK]

  • using modules in output executable program [OK]

  • compile and link with builder.dll and export execute file [OK]

  • implement rand,argvs built-in functions [OK]

  • implement console color [OK]

  • building MPL website [OK]

  • implement printf built-in function [OK]

  • implement at,into built-in functions [OK]

  • implement ConAll,DefAll,DefIsset built-in functions [OK]

  • implement len built-in function [OK]

  • implement SesAll,SesIsset built-in functions [OK]

  • implement tnum,tbool,tstr built-in functions [OK]

  • implement inum,ibool built-in functions [OK]

  • implement tarray built-in function [OK]

  • implement log file for program [OK]

  • implement exec built-in function [OK]

  • implement crop built-in function [OK]

  • implement pop built-in function [..]

  • implement del built-in function [OK]

  • implement AbsPath,mkdir built-in functions [OK]

  • implement dbslah built-in function [OK]

  • implement fopen,fclose built-in functions [OK]

  • implement fwrite built-in function [OK]

  • implement version command of mprog [OK]

  • implement init command of mprog [..]

  • implement date built-in function [OK]

  • implement test command of mprog

  • implement start command of mprog

  • implement version,locate command of mprog

  • implement root,help command of mprog

  • implement list,remove command of mprog

  • implement search command of mprog

  • implement recent command of mprog

  • implement DefUnset,SesUnset built-in functions

  • implement OverwriteBuiltinMode for program

  • start review_array_loop [OK]

  • alloc review array every time

  • complete full structure of mpl [..]

  • complete $con entries usage [..]

  • complete mdebug commands

  • complete import error_handling

  • complete mpl built-in functions [..]

  • complete built-in constants [OK]

  • complete data built-in functions [OK]

  • complete parse error_handling

  • complete os built-in functions [OK]

  • complete mean_run error_handling

  • complete built-in error_handling

  • complete support utf8

  • complete offline docs

  • complete 'mprog' program

  • complete sample codes

  • remove unusable functions from main source

  • implement 'Vcache'(10000),'Pcache'(50000) hashing for optimizing speed

  • calculate order of all core functions

  • calculate order of all tools functions

  • calculate order of all built-in functions

  • complete all functions describe

  • optimizing huge numbers

  • optimizing RAM,CPU usage

  • find (30/100) bug and debug it!

MPL BUG be reported

  • [B1] vars_allocation function messy [OK]
  • [B2] check_post_short_alloc bug [OK]
  • [B3] not read last line in read_lines_from_file function [OK]
  • [B4] bug for complex structs in return_first_array_item [OK]
  • [B4] bug for complex structs in simplification_struct_value [OK]
  • [B4] bug for complex structs in simplification_array_value [OK]
  • [B5] bug in huge_num functions(like:3h/2) [..]
  • [B6] bug for identify between ascii and utf8 strings [OK]
  • [B6] bug for support utf8 in calculate_string_expression function [OK]
  • [B6] bug for support utf8 in determine_value_type function [OK]
  • [B7] bug in call_built_in_funcs function [OK]
  • [B8] bug in function_return function [OK]
  • [b9] bug for null value for [?,?](like num j[?,?]=null) in set_memory_var function [OK]
  • [B10] bug for str mm[1,1,1]={{{"SSSSSSS"}}} in set_memory_var function [..]
  • [B11] bug in __syscall_read_file function to reading files [OK]
  • [B12] bug in alloc_magic_macros function [OK]
  • [B13] bug in init_global_vars function [OK]
  • [B14] bug for handle utf8 strings in convert_built_in_module_vars_to_values function [OK]
  • [B15] bug for var dimensions in determine_type_name_func_parameters function [OK]
  • [B16] bug for complex function calls in function_call function [OK]
  • [B17} bug in flush_session_entries function when exit from program [OK]
  • [B18] bug in return_file_name_extension_path function [OK]
  • [B19] bug in is_exact_function function for vars data type [OK]
  • [B20] bug in calculate_math_expression function for unknown one letter var [OK]
  • [B21] bug in printf function for string and num values [OK]
  • [B22] bug for "print(tstr(jj[0])" error in parser [..]
  • [B23] bug in call_built_in_funcs function to determine value as 'a' [OK]
  • [B24] bug in is_exact_function function for matching array dimensions [OK]
  • [B25] bug in set_function_parameters for assign array var index value to var [OK]
  • [B26] bug in printing path with '' [OK]
  • [B27] bug in making a directory by utf8 name [..]

((:publish MPL-RC version of MPL (for windows):))

  • publish RC version for linux
  • implement DnsMapping function of mhl function
  • support for embedded files
  • support for package libraries
  • set PackageMode,AccessVariablesMode,NameSpace in $con
  • implement ExportByteCode for source code
  • implement NameSpace,AccessVariablesMode for packages
  • implement SafeMode config
  • using garbage collector for remove unusable utf8 strings
  • implement OptimizeMode config
  • implement switch keyword
  • implement callback keyword
  • add math module for advanced calculation
  • add net module
  • start mgt module
  • comparison struct expressions
  • support minimal gui for windows
  • add regex module
  • development 'vars' type usage for struct and array
  • support mpl repository
  • support mpl forum

((:publish MPL-HELLO version of MPL (for windows,linux):))

  • support for multi threading
  • support minimal gui for gtk
  • serve web clients
  • support as a web service
  • support as a web scripting language under Apache
  • To be continued ...

((:publish MPL-HI version of MPL (for windows,linux):))

To be continued ...

MPL Sample Codes

  • files lines counter
  • implement a linked-list
  • animation console snack
  • advanced console calculator
  • simple console editor

MPL Modules

  • math module
  • sqlite module [OK]
  • mgl module
  • net module
  • fs module [..]
  • os module
  • strs module
  • mhl module

MPL Language Features

support utf8 strings [OK]
support radix numbers [OK]
has boolean XOR operand [OK]
support data structures [OK]
support magic macros [OK]
support huge numbers [OK]
support override functions [OK]
has built-in functions [OK]
manage exceptions [OK]
support multi dimensions arrays [OK]
has built-in garbage collector(gc) [OK]
expandability by c libraries [OK]
support built-in debugger [OK]
support unlimited function parameters [OK]
support multi return values [OK]
support call by reference vars [OK]
support short allocations for vars [OK]
support built-in encoder [OK]
has bit functions [OK]
support session storage [OK]
support sqlite3 module [OK]
support package libraries [..]
support browse arrays in loop [..]
support switch condition [..]
support module os syscalls [..]
support create executable file from program [..]

MPL Hello World Program

func main(){
    print("Hello World!\n")

Get Starterd

[Windows] : Build Mpl.exe

First clone the repository and then install python3 for ruuning build tool and mingw64 for compiling mpl. Then run '' in 'tools' directory. Finally created a folder by name 'win32-release'.
Now you can run a file by name 'main.mpl' through command 'mpl.exe main.mpl' and you can see the result!
[Mpl is portable!] you can move 'mpl.exe' to any where. it's a static executable file and not need to any files.(It's not need any modules or packages or docs or anything... Their are just for easier programming by mpl:)) )

[Linux] : Build Mpl


MPL Sample Program

 //=>import an external file
import "file:$/data/sam.mpl"
//=>edit $con values
//=>edit $ses values. it is store in a built-in database
//=>define main function,start point of any program
func main(){
    print("Hello World!\n");
    //=>print an utf8 string
    print("سلام بر دنیا!\n"); 
    str uu[2,2]={{"x","v"},{"h","i"}}
    //=> browse an array
    loop(str u,b,num i=0;i<len(uu);i++){
        //=>print a calculated string
        print("u is: %u%,and b is: %b%\n");
    //=>define some vars by one value
    num sum1,sum2=0;
    //=>call a function by reference var
    add(&sum1,5,7.7,-2,0.7) //=>sum1=3
    sum2=add(sum2,5,7.7,-2,0.7) //=>sum2=3
    struct st1{bool b,str s,num n}
    struct st2{st1 v,bool b}
    //=>create a var by a customized data type
    st1 s1=struct(true,"ty",78.7)
    //=>using multiple struct into other
    st2 s2[2]={struct(struct(false,"ui",-9.99h),true),null}
//=>create a documentation for a function
    ref(num) : can set sum of value by reference var
    nums(vars) : get unlimited numbers
    return sum of integers
    add up just integer numbers and return it
//=>define a function by unlimited data type
func add(num ref,vars nums){
    loop(num i=0;i<len(nums);i++){
        //=>check type of var by 'typeof' function
        if(typeof(nums[i])=="i") ref+=nums[i]
    return ref

Programmers & Designers

  1. Mohammad Amin Delavar Khalafi [main developer,designer],[Iran],[]


  • MPL-BETA(0) : 0.0.0 - 0.9.9
  • MPL-RC(1) : 1.0.0 - 1.9.9
  • MPL-HELLO(2) : 2.0.0 - 2.9.9
  • MPL-HI(3) : 3.0.0 - 3.9.9
  • To Be Continue...


  • 0.1.0-0.9.0 : Publish 'BETA' version of MPL for windows (2018-2019) [DONE]
  • 0.3.0-1.0.0 : Complete '' website and MPL documentation (2018-2019)
  • 0.9.0-1.0.0 : 10 daily rolling publish and complete standard modules (2018-2019)
  • 1.0.0-2.0.0 : Publish 'MPL-RC' version of MPL (2019-2020)
  • 2.0.0-3.0.0 : Publish 'MPL-HELLO' version of MPL (2019-2021)
  • 2.2.0-4.0.0 : Complete GUI programming on windows and linux (2019-2022)
  • 2.5.0-4.5.0 : Enter mpl to servers and web applications (2019-2023)
  • 3.0.0-4.0.0 : Publish 'MPL-HI' version of MPL (2020-2022)

MPL is best choice FOR

  1. build tools of personal projects or big projects [DONE]
  2. start to learning the programming world [DONE]
  3. create small and common tools for programmers [....]
  4. personal programming for spend time-end time [DONE]
  5. create and test new algorithms [DONE]
  6. network testing and hacking [....]
  7. familiarity and learning SQL [DONE]

MPL appreciates for your suggestions and the other :))

Contact with amindelavar[at] by mpl:)) title

| Mini Portable Language - MPL |


A small,fast and simple interpreter also best solution to common problems of programmers.







No releases published


