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Chat App


This chat application offers robust features allowing users to create chat rooms and add other users to these rooms. This functionality is designed to facilitate organized and topic-specific conversations, making it ideal for both personal and professional use. Chat App Screenshot

Key Features

  1. Room Creation: Users can create chat rooms tailored to specific topics or groups. Each room acts as a separate entity where conversations are kept distinct and organized.
  2. User Management: Users can invite others to join their chat rooms. This is managed through a secure invite system where users can search for others by username and send invitations.
  3. Real-time Messaging: The application leverages GraphQL Subscriptions to ensure that all messages are delivered in real-time, providing an instantaneous chat experience.


  • Authentication: The app uses JWT for authentication. Make sure to set REFRESH_TOKEN_SECRET and ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET in the .env file.
  • Real-time Data: The app uses GraphQL Subscriptions for real-time data transfer.
  • File Uploads: The app supports file uploads via GraphQL using graphql-upload.

Technologies used :

  • NestJS: Backend framework
  • GraphQL: API query language
  • React: Frontend library
  • Mantine UI: UI components library
  • MySQL: Database
  • Docker Compose: Container orchestration
  • Prisma: ORM for database access
  • JWT: Authentication
  • GraphQL Subscriptions: Real-time data transfer
  • graphql-upload: Handling file uploads via GraphQL
  • graphql-gencode: Auto-generating TypeScript types from GraphQL schema

Technical Overview:


The backend is built with NestJS, a progressive Node.js framework that provides a solid foundation for building scalable server-side applications. Here's a breakdown of the core technologies and their roles:

  • GraphQL: Enables a flexible and efficient API for querying and mutating data.
  • Prisma: Serves as the ORM, interfacing with the MySQL database to manage and query user and room data.
  • JWT: Handles authentication, ensuring that only authorized users can create rooms and send/receive messages.
  • GraphQL Subscriptions: Implements real-time communication, allowing messages to be pushed instantly to all participants in a room.


The frontend, built with React and styled using Mantine UI, provides a user-friendly interface for interacting with the chat application. Key components include:

  • Room Management: Users can create, view, and manage their chat rooms. The UI supports room-specific settings and participant management.
  • Messaging Interface: A dynamic messaging area where users can send and receive messages in real-time, with support for multimedia content.
  • User Search and Invitations: An interface for searching users and sending room invitations, enhancing user management capabilities.


  • Node.js
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Getting Started

Clone the Repository

Backend Setup

git clone
cd chat-app-nestjs-react
cd backend

create an .env file :


run the following commands :

  • Install the dependencies:
npm install
  • Install the dependencies:
npm install
  • Running the Database with Docker Compose:
docker-compose up
  • Run the database migrations:
npx prisma migrate dev
  • Run the backend server:
npm run start:dev

Frontend Setup

cd frontend
npm install
bpm run dev