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The Stock Management Application is a Spring Boot-based CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for managing stocks. It allows you to add, update, and retrieve stock data with various operations. This README provides information about the application's architecture, endpoints, and database configuration.


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Stock Management Application

Java Maven Spring Boot BSD Clause 3


The Stock Management Application is a Spring Boot-based CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for managing stocks. It allows you to add, update, and retrieve stock data with various operations. This README provides information about the application's architecture, endpoints, and database configuration.

Table of Contents

Technologies Used

  • Framework: Spring Boot
  • Language: Java 21
  • Build Tool: Apache Maven 4.0.0


The Stock Management Application project relies on the following dependencies:

  • Spring Boot Starter Data JPA

    • Description: Provides support for JPA (Java Persistence API) and simplifies database access using Spring Data repositories.
    • Maven Dependency:
  • Spring Boot Starter Validation

    • Description: Includes validation support for request data binding and response data rendering.
    • Maven Dependency:
  • Spring Boot Starter Web

    • Description: Provides support for building web applications, including RESTful APIs.
    • Maven Dependency:
  • H2 Database (Runtime Dependency)

    • Description: An in-memory database for development and testing.
    • Maven Dependency:
  • Project Lombok (Optional)

    • Description: A library that simplifies Java code by reducing boilerplate code, such as getters and setters.
    • Maven Dependency:
  • Spring Boot Maven Plugin

    • Description: A plugin for building and packaging Spring Boot applications.
    • Maven Plugin Configuration (in your project's pom.xml):

Data Flow

Stock Entity

  • Controller Layer

    The StockController handles HTTP requests related to stocks and routes them to the StockService.

    public class StockController {
        // Define stock-related endpoints and methods
  • Service Layer

    The StockService contains business logic and interacts with the StockRepository to perform CRUD operations on stock data.

    public class StockService {
        // Implement stock-related service methods
  • Repository Layer

    The StockRepository manages data access to the stock entity using Spring Data JPA.

    public interface StockRepository extends JpaRepository<Stock, Long> {
        // Define custom queries or repository methods if needed
  • Stock Entity

    The Stock entity represents the structure of stock data in the database.

    // (Stock Entity)
    public class Stock {
        // Define stock attributes, getters, setters, etc.


The application follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural pattern. Key components include:

  • Controller: Handles HTTP requests and routes them to appropriate services.
  • Service: Contains business logic and interacts with the repository.
  • Model: Represents the data structures (e.g., Stock entity and StockType enum).
  • Repository: Performs database operations using Spring Data JPA.


Get Stocks by Type

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /stock/by-type/{stockType}
  • Description: Retrieves stocks by their type.
  • Example: /stock/by-type/ENERGY

Get Stocks Above Price and Lower Date

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /stock/abovePrice/price/{price}/lowerDate/date/{date}
  • Description: Retrieves stocks above a specific price and before a given date.
  • Example: /stock/abovePrice/price/100/lowerDate/date/2023-01-01T00:00:00

Get Stocks Above Market Cap

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /stock/cap/{capPercentage}
  • Description: Retrieves stocks with a market cap above a certain percentage.
  • Example: /stock/cap/10.0

Insert Stocks

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /stock/stocks
  • Description: Inserts a list of stocks into the database.
  • Request Body: List of Stock objects.

Update Market Cap

  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Endpoint: /stock/marketCap/{marketCap}/id/{id}
  • Description: Updates the market cap of a specific stock by ID.
  • Example: /stock/marketCap/500.0/id/1

Update Type by ID

  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Endpoint: /stock/stock/type/id
  • Description: Updates the stock type by ID.
  • Request Parameters: stockType (String) and id (Integer).

Update Stock by ID

  • HTTP Method: PUT
  • Endpoint: /stock/stock/{id}
  • Description: Updates a stock by ID.
  • Request Body: Stock object with updated data.

Remove Stocks by Owner Count

  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • Endpoint: /stock/ownerCount/{count}
  • Description: Deletes stocks based on the owner count.
  • Example: /stock/ownerCount/5

Database Table

The application uses a MySQL database to store stock data. Below is the description of the Stock table:

Column Name Data Type Description
stockId (Primary) INT (Auto Increment) Unique identifier for each stock
stockName (Unique) VARCHAR(255) Name of the stock
stockPrice DOUBLE Price of the stock
stockOwnerCount INT Owner count of the stock
stockType ENUM Type of the stock (enum values defined in code)
stockMarketCap DOUBLE Market capitalization of the stock
stockBirthTimeStamp DATETIME Timestamp of when the stock was created

Data Structures

Stock Class

The Stock class defines the structure for stock data and includes fields such as id, name, quantity, and price.

public class Stock {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    private Long id;

    private String name;
    private Integer quantity;
    private BigDecimal price;

    // Define relationships, getters, setters, etc.

Database Configuration

To configure the database, modify the file with your database connection details:


Ensure that your MySQL database server is running and the credentials match your database setup.


  1. Start the Spring Boot application.
  2. Access the provided API endpoints to perform CRUD operations on stocks.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.


For questions or feedback, please contact Amit Ashok Swain.


The Stock Management Application is a Spring Boot-based CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application for managing stocks. It allows you to add, update, and retrieve stock data with various operations. This README provides information about the application's architecture, endpoints, and database configuration.




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