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Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a type of neural network that is designed to handle sequential data. They are used in a variety of applications, including natural language processing, speech recognition, and time series analysis. RNNs are particularly well-suited for tasks that involve processing sequences of data, such as text or audio.

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We will be implementing common RNN architectures from scratch using PyTorch for sentiment analysis tasks.

  • RNN from scratch

    • RNN provides way to capture sequential information using self-attention


  • RNN using Pytorch

    • RNN has 1 hidden state and 1 output state
    • RNN takes input and hidden state as input and gives output and hidden state as output
    • Sequences are fed one by one to RNN and hidden state is passed to next sequence
    • Gradient clipping is used to avoid exploding gradients (nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_)


  • Deep RNN

    • Added Multiple layers in RNN - Stacking RNN layers top of each other
    • Bidirectional RNN - Helps in capturing context from both directions

    Deep RNN Bi-RNN

  • Optimized Training RNN

    • Gradient Clipping - Helps in avoiding exploding gradients
    • Weight Initialization - Helps model to converge faster
    • Dropout Regularization - Helps in avoiding overfitting
    • Pretrained Embeddings - Helps in learning better embeddings
    • Packed Sequence for variable length sequences - Helps in handling less padded sequences efficiently
  • Optimized Training LSTM

    • LSTM has 3 gates - Forget, Input, Output
    • LSTM has 2 states - Cell state, Hidden state
    • LSTM helps in capturing long term dependencies
    • LSTM helps in avoiding vanishing gradients
    • LSTM converges faster than RNN


  • GRU

    • GRU has 2 gates - Reset, Update
    • GRU has 1 state - Hidden state
    • GRU helps in capturing long term dependencies
    • GRU helps in avoiding vanishing gradients
    • GRU converges faster than RNN
    • GRU and LSTM are similar in performance but GRU has less parameters
