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Extra REST endpoints plugin

The extraRest plugin includes extra REST endpoints to be used in ProcessMaker. Some of these endpoints get around security restrictions in ProcessMaker's official endpoints. Others provide functionality not provided by the official endpoints.

Plugin: extraRest-1.3.tar (right click on link and select Save Link As in the context menu)
Author: Amos Batto (
Version: 1.3 (2018-04-23)
Tested in: ProcessMaker 3.2.1 Community in Debian 8.4 (probably will work in all 3.X versions)
License: Public Domain

Install this plugin in ProcessMaker

  • Right click on the extraRest-1.X.tar file in Github and select "Save Link As" from the context menu to save the file to your local computer.
  • Then, login to ProcessMaker as a user with the PM_SETUP permission in her role (such as the "admin" user).
  • Then, go to Admin > Plugins > Plugin Manager and click on the Import button and select the .tar file to upload it to ProcessMaker.
  • Once uploaded, then select the plugin in the list and click on Enable.

More Information

For more information, untar the plugin and examine the source code in extraRest/src/Services/Api/ExtraRest/extra.php.

Included REST endpoints:

Version Control

Claim case: POST extrarest/case/{app_uid}/claim

Claim a case for a user where a task is unassigned because the task is Self Service or Self Service Value Based Assignment.

POST http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/case/{app_uid}/claim

URL parameters:

  • app_uid: Unique ID of case to claim.

POST parameters:

  • del_index: Optional. The delegation index of the task to claim. Only needs to be included if there are multiple open tasks in the case.
  • usr_uid: Optional. Unique ID of the user to assign to case. Only include if the logged-in user is a process supervisor assigning another user.

HTTP status code is 200 and no response if successful.

Example 1:
Assign the logged-in user to a Self Service Task where there is only one open task in case:

$caseId = '2554682895ac25995666e24055342045';
$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/case/$caseId/claim";
$aVars = array();
$oRet = pmRestRequest("POST", $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token);

Example 2:
Assign the logged-in user to a Self Service Task where there are 2 open tasks in case:

$caseId = '2554682895ac25995666e24055342045';
$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/case/$caseId/claim";
$aVars = array(
   'del_index' => 3
$oRet = pmRestRequest("POST", $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token);

Example 3:
Assign another user to Self Service Task when the logged-in user is a Process Supervisor:

$caseId = '2554682895ac25995666e24055342045';
$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/case/$caseId/claim";
$aVars = array(
  'del_index' => 2,  
  'usr_uid'   => '10654575559caec5e953104064429578' //unique ID of user to assign to task
$oRet = pmRestRequest("POST", $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token); 

Set case status: PUT extrarest/case/status/{app_uid}

Change the case's status from TO_DO to DRAFT or from DRAFT to TO_DO. The logged-in user must either be the assigned user to the specified delegation index or a process supervisor for the case's process.

PUT http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/case/status/{app_uid}

URL parameters:

  • app_uid: Unique ID of case to claim.

POST parameters:

  • string status: Case status to set, which can be "TO_DO" or "DRAFT"
  • int del_index: Optional delegation index. If not set, then the current delegation in case.

HTTP status code is 200 and no response if successful.

Change a case's status from DRAFT to TO_DO:

$caseId = '7647950535a9f46ade01ab3092163527';
$url = "$caseId";
$aVars = array(
   'status' => 'TO_DO' 
$oRet = pmRestRequest("PUT", $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token); 

Get case info: GET extrarest/case/{app_uid}

Get case information (without its task). Unlike the official endpoint GET cases/{app_uid}, this endpoint doesn't check whether the logged-in user had rights to access the case.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/case/{app_uid}

URL parameters:

  • app_uid: Unique ID of case.

If successful, the HTTP status code is set 200 and the response is a JSON object with information about the case.




    "APP_UID":             "72415796659f95bf89a59e2011357239",
    "APP_TITLE":           "#79",
    "APP_DESCRIPTION":     "",
    "APP_NUMBER":          79,
    "APP_PARENT":          "",
    "APP_STATUS":          "TO_DO",
    "APP_STATUS_ID":       2,
    "PRO_UID":             "73387376659f92ecf7a9382090189764",
    "APP_PROC_STATUS":     "",
    "APP_PROC_CODE":       "",
    "APP_PARALLEL":        "N",
    "APP_INIT_USER":       "00000000000000000000000000000001",
    "APP_CUR_USER":        "00000000000000000000000000000001",
    "APP_CREATE_DATE":     "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "APP_INIT_DATE":       "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "APP_FINISH_DATE":     null,
    "APP_UPDATE_DATE":     "2017-11-03 19:42:06",
    "APP_DATA": {
        "SYS_LANG":        "en",
        "SYS_SKIN":        "big",
        "SYS_SYS":         "workflow",
        "APPLICATION":     "72415796659f95bf89a59e2011357239",
        "PROCESS":         "73387376659f92ecf7a9382090189764",
        "TASK":            "32685606259f92ed00fc0d0080958682",
        "INDEX":           "2",
        "USER_LOGGED":     "00000000000000000000000000000001",
        "USR_USERNAME":    "admin",
        "accountNo":       "RS-321",
        "orderAmount":     342.50,
        "APP_NUMBER":      "79",
        "PIN":             "Z7OX",
        "__VAR_CHANGED__": "PROCESS,PROCESS,SYS_SYS,SYS_LANG,SYS_SKIN,htmlTable,htmlTable,htmlTable",
        "typeCurrentTask": "1"
    "APP_PIN":             "63d21dfd49d86fb7650efbcd24ca4010",
    "APP_DURATION":        0,
    "APP_ROUTING_DATA":    "a:0:{}",
    "STATUS":              "To do",
    "TITLE":               "#79",
    "DESCRIPTION":         "",
    "CREATOR":             "Administrator admin",
    "CREATE_DATE":         "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "UPDATE_DATE":         "2017-11-03 19:42:06"

Get case and task info: GET extrarest/case/{app_uid}/{del_index}

Get case and task information. Unlike the official endpoint GET cases/{app_uid}/{del_index}, this endpoint doesn't check whether the logged-in user had rights to access the case.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/case/{app_uid}/{del_index}

URL parameters:

  • app_uid: Unique ID of case.
  • del_index: Delegation index of a task in the case. If a task wasn't reassigned to another user, then the first task will usually have an index of 1, the second task will be 2, etc.

If successful, the HTTP status code is set 200 and the response is a JSON object with information about the case and task.

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response is an object containing informtion about the case and its task.



    "APP_UID":             "72415796659f95bf89a59e2011357239",
    "APP_TITLE":           "#79",
    "APP_DESCRIPTION":     "",
    "APP_NUMBER":          79,
    "APP_PARENT":          "",
    "APP_STATUS":          "TO_DO",
    "APP_STATUS_ID":       2,
    "PRO_UID":             "73387376659f92ecf7a9382090189764",
    "APP_PROC_STATUS":     "",
    "APP_PROC_CODE":       "",
    "APP_PARALLEL":        "N",
    "APP_INIT_USER":       "00000000000000000000000000000001",
    "APP_CUR_USER":        "00000000000000000000000000000001",
    "APP_CREATE_DATE":     "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "APP_INIT_DATE":       "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "APP_FINISH_DATE":     null,
    "APP_UPDATE_DATE":     "2017-11-03 19:42:06",
    "APP_DATA": {
        "SYS_LANG":        "en",
        "SYS_SKIN":        "big",
        "SYS_SYS":         "workflow",
        "APPLICATION":     "72415796659f95bf89a59e2011357239",
        "PROCESS":         "73387376659f92ecf7a9382090189764",
        "TASK":            "32685606259f92ed00fc0d0080958682",
        "INDEX":           "2",
        "USER_LOGGED":     "00000000000000000000000000000001",
        "USR_USERNAME":    "admin",
        "accountNo":       "RS-321",
        "orderAmount":     342.50,
        "APP_NUMBER":      "79",
        "PIN":             "Z7OX",
        "__VAR_CHANGED__": "PROCESS,PROCESS,SYS_SYS,SYS_LANG,SYS_SKIN,htmlTable,htmlTable,htmlTable",
        "typeCurrentTask": "1"
    "APP_PIN":             "63d21dfd49d86fb7650efbcd24ca4010",
    "APP_DURATION":        0,
    "APP_ROUTING_DATA":    "a:0:{}",
    "STATUS":              "To do",
    "TITLE":               "#79",
    "DESCRIPTION":         "",
    "CREATOR":             "Administrator admin",
    "CREATE_DATE":         "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "UPDATE_DATE":         "2017-11-03 19:42:06"
    "TAS_UID":             "89054932459f92ed0438d57068674497",
    "DEL_INDEX":           1,
    "DEL_PREVIOUS":        0,
    "DEL_TYPE":            "NORMAL",
    "DEL_PRIORITY":        "3",
    "DEL_THREAD":          1,
    "DEL_DELEGATE_DATE":   "2017-11-01 01:30:32",
    "DEL_INIT_DATE":       "2017-11-01 01:30:33",
    "DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE":   "2017-11-01 17:00:00",
    "DEL_FINISH_DATE":     "2017-11-01 01:31:17",
    "CURRENT_USER_UID":    "00000000000000000000000000000001",
    "TASK":                "89054932459f92ed0438d57068674497",
    "INDEX":               1,
    "PRO_ID":              29,
    "CURRENT_USER":        "Administrator admin"

Get supervisor's list of review cases: GET extrarest/cases/review

Returns the list of cases found under Home > Review for Process Supervisors. The logged-in user must have the PM_SUPERVISOR permission in role to use this endpoint.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/cases/review

if successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response is an array of objects holding information about cases, like the following:

    "APP_UID":               "2554682895ac25995666e24055342045",
    "DEL_INDEX":             "2",
    "DEL_LAST_INDEX":        "1",
    "APP_NUMBER":            "368",
    "APP_STATUS":            "TO_DO",
    "USR_UID":               "10654575559caec5e953104064429578",
    "PREVIOUS_USR_UID":      "00000000000000000000000000000001",
    "TAS_UID":               "9002452665ac24b3bc92243059239995",
    "PRO_UID":               "9399997805ac24afc9c3a52000021391",
    "DEL_DELEGATE_DATE":     "2018-04-02 12:26:14",
    "DEL_INIT_DATE":         "2018-04-02 12:27:29",
    "DEL_FINISH_DATE":       null,
    "DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE":     "2018-04-03 12:26:14",
    "DEL_RISK_DATE":         "2018-04-03 10:50:14",
    "APP_TITLE":             "#368",
    "APP_PRO_TITLE":         "Customer complaint process",
    "APP_TAS_TITLE":         "Review complaint",
    "APP_CURRENT_USER":      "Batto Amos",
    "APP_DEL_PREVIOUS_USER": "admin Administrator",
    "DEL_PRIORITY":          "NORMAL",
    "DEL_DURATION":          "0",
    "DEL_QUEUE_DURATION":    "0",
    "DEL_DELAY_DURATION":    "0",
    "DEL_STARTED":           "0",
    "DEL_FINISHED":          "0",
    "DEL_DELAYED":           "0",
    "APP_CREATE_DATE":       "2018-04-02 12:25:57",
    "APP_FINISH_DATE":       null,
    "APP_UPDATE_DATE":       "2018-04-02 12:28:30",
    "USR_FIRSTNAME":         "Amos",
    "USR_LASTNAME":          "Batto",
    "USR_USERNAME":          "amos",
    "USRCR_USR_UID":         "10654575559caec5e953104064429578",
    "USRCR_USR_FIRSTNAME":   "Amos",
    "USRCR_USR_LASTNAME":    "Batto",
    "USRCR_USR_USERNAME":    "amos",
    "APP_STATUS_LABEL":      "To do"
  //the rest of the cases here

If the logged-in user does not have the PM_SUPERVISOR permissions in her role to access the Home > Review submenu, then the HTTP status code is set to 400 and the response is the following error object:

  "error": {
    "code":    400,
    "message": "Bad Request: Logged-in user lacks the PM_SUPERVISOR permission in role."

Get logged-in user info: GET extrarest/login-user

Get information about the logged-in user.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/login-user

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response an object holding information about the logged-in user.

Example: Request:


  "uid":                "10654575559caec5e953104064429578",
  "username":           "amos",
  "firstname":          "Amos",
  "lastname":           "Batto",
  "mail":               "",
  "address":            "45 Elm St.",
  "zipcode":            "53827",
  "country":            "United States",
  "state":              "North Carolina",
  "location":           "Ellenboro",
  "phone":              "765-654-6523",
  "fax":                "",                    //deprecated
  "cellular":           "",                    //deprecated
  "birthday":           "2017-09-26",          //deprecated
  "position":           "Accounting",
  "role":               "PROCESSMAKER_OPERATOR",
  "replacedby":         "24141295159e5658e2e0fd9028990395",
  "replacedbyfullname": "Arturo Lopez",
  "duedate":            "2018-09-26",
  "calendar":           "00000000000000000000000000000001",
  "calendarname":       "Default Calendar",
  "status":             "ACTIVE",
  "department":         "13726536259e566c09db6f6075845729",
  "departmentname":     "Sales",
  "reportsto":          "92729925059e5652bebac55017512864",
  "userexperience":     "NORMAL",
  "photo":              "/opt/pm3.2.1/shared/sites/workflow/usersPhotographies/10654575559caec5e953104064429578.gif"

Get system language: GET extrarest/language

Get the system language of the logged-in user's session. This language is used by ProcessMaker when translating elements such as the case status.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/language

If successful, the HTTP status code is 200 and the response is the system language in "xx" or "xx-CC" format, such as "es" (Spanish) or "pt-BR" (Brazilian Portuguese).




200 (OK)

Set system language: PUT extrarest/language/{lang}

Set the system language of the login session. This language will be used by subsequent REST calls. In an ordinary login in the graphical interface, the user can select the system language, but the oAuth2 login doesn't provide this option when using REST, so this endpoint can be used instead.

PUT http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/language/{lang}

URL parameters:

  • string lang: The language in xx or xx-CC format, such as es (Spanish) or pt-BR (Brazilian Portuguese).

POST parameters:

HTTP status code is 200 and no response if successful.





Get login session ID: GET extrarest/session-id

Get a login session ID that can be attached to URLs to access pages and files inside ProcessMaker

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/session-id

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response is a session ID, which is a string consisting of 32 hexidecimal characters.

Note: The session ID can be attached to the end of URLs in ProcessMaker to access those pages with a login session:

Example opening a case:

Example accessing case's process map:

Example accessing an Input Document file:




200 (OK)

Execute database query: POST extrarest/sql

Execute an SQL SELECT query in the current workspace's workflow database, which by default is named "wf_workflow".

POST http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/sql

POST parameters:

  • string sql: SQL SELECT statement to execute.

Note 1: For security reasons, the code for this endpoint is commented out, but it can be enabled if removing the /* ... */ around the code. If needing to executing SQL queries, it is recommended to adapt the code for your specific purpose and include the specific query in the code of the endpoint and only pass the parameters that need to be changed to the endpoint. If this endpoint is allowed to execute any SQL query, a hacker could use it to steal all the information from the ProcessMaker database.

Note 2: If thinking of modifying this endpoint to allow UPDATE, INSERT and DELETE statements, then make sure to change the ProcessMaker configuration files. See:

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response contains an array of objects which hold each record retrieved from the database,
such as in the following example:

    "USER":        "Wilson Jane",
    "NUM_OVERDUE": "8"
    "USER":        "Batto Amos",
    "NUM_OVERDUE": "6"
    "USER":        "Gomez Freddy",
    "NUM_OVERDUE": "1"

PHP example:
The database is queried to find the number of open cases assigned to each user since the beginning of the year 2018, which are overdue:

$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/sql";
$oRet = pmRestRequest("POST", $url, array("sql"=>$sql), $oToken->access_token);

if ($oRet->status == 200) {
   foreach ($oRet->response as $aRow) {
      print "User ".$aRow->USER." has ".$aRow->NUMBER_OVERDUE.
         " cases since the start of the year 2018.\n";

This script will produce the following output:

User Wilson Jane has 8 cases since the start of the year 2018.
User Batto Amos has 6 cases since the start of the year 2018.
User Gomez Freddy has 1 cases since the start of the year 2018.

This example is only provided to show what is possible with a REST endpoint. If needing to use this endpoint in production, remember to modify the source code of this endpoint to only execute the specific SQL query that you need, and not use it to execute any SQL query as shown in this example. Otherwise, you are providing a way for hackers to attack your installation of ProcessMaker.

For example, instead of using the above endpoint, it is recommended to edit the source code of workflow/engine/plugins/extraRest/src/Services/Api/ExtraRest/extra.php and create the specific endpoint that is needed with its SQL query like this:

     * Get the number of open cases assigned to each user which are overdue in the workspace.
     * The logged-in user needs the PM_ALLCASES permission in his/her role.
     * @url GET /cases/number-overdue-by-user
     * @access protected
     * @param string $date_from Optional. Task assigned after date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format  {@from query}
     * @param string $date_to   Optional. Task assigned before date in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format {@from query}
     * @return array
     * @author Amos Batto <>
     * @copyright Public Domain
    public function getNumberCasesOverdueByUser($date_from=null, $date_to=null) {
        try {
            if ($this->userCanAccess('PM_ALLCASES') == 0) {
                throw new \Exception("Logged-in user lacks the PM_ALLCASES permission in role.");
            $sqlLimitDate = '';
            if (!empty($date_from)) {
               if (!preg_match('/^\d{4}-[0-2]\d-[0-3]\d$/', $date_from)) {
                  throw new \Exception("Bad date in date_from. Use format: date_from=YYYY-MM-DD");
               $sqlLimitDate = "DATE(DEL_INIT_DATE) >= '$date_from' AND ";
            if (!empty($date_to)) {
               if (!preg_match('/^\d{4}-[0-2]\d-[0-3]\d$/', $date_to)) {
                  throw new \Exception("Bad date in date_to. Use format: date_to=YYYY-MM-DD");
               $sqlLimitDate .= "DATE(DEL_INIT_DATE) <= '$date_to' AND ";
            $g = new \G();
            $sql = "SELECT USR_UID AS USER_ID, 
                APP_CURRENT_USER AS USER, 
                COUNT(*) AS NUMBER_OVERDUE 
                FROM APP_CACHE_VIEW 
                WHERE $sqlLimitDate 
            $aResult = executeQuery($sql);
            $aRows = array();
            foreach ($aResult as $aRow) {
                $aRows[] = $aRow;
            return $aRows;
        catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new RestException(Api::STAT_APP_EXCEPTION, $e->getMessage());

Notice how this endpoint allows optional dates to be specified to limit the scope of the SQL query, but it uses preg_match() to check that the dates have a specific format to prevent SQL injection attacks. It is a good idea to check that the input to an endpoint matches a specific pattern with preg_match() or to pass the input through mysqli_real_escape_string() sanitize it.

After editing the plugin's source code to add a new endpoint, login to ProcessMaker as a user such as "admin" with the PM_SETUP_ADVANCED permission in her role. Go to Admin > Settings > Plugins > Plugins Manager and disable the extraRest plugin. Then, reenable it so it will recreate the list of available endpoints stored in the shared/sites/{workspace}/routes.php file.

Then, the custom endpoint can be executed, as shown in this example in PHP:

$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/cases/number-overdue-by-user?date_from=2018-01-01";
$oRet = pmRestRequest("GET", $url, null, $oToken->access_token);

if ($oRet->status == 200) {
   foreach ($oRet->response as $aRow) {
      print "User ".$aRow->USER." has ".$aRow->NUMBER_OVERDUE.
         " cases since the start of the year 2018.\n";

Get user's default menu: GET extrarest/user/{usr_uid}/config

Get a user's default menu, which is stored in a serialized array in the CONFIGURATION.CFG_VALUE field in the database. This endpoint can only be called by users who have the PM_USERS permission in their role.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/user/{usr_uid}/config

URL parameters:

  • string usr_uid: Unique ID of user.

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response contains an object holding the user's configuration, such as:

   "DEFAULT_LANG":       "",          
   "DEFAULT_MENU":       "PM_CASES",

Note that the DEFAULT_LANG is deprecated and no longer used by ProcessMaker.

PHP Example:

$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/user/10654575559caec5e953104064429578/config";
$oRet = pmRestRequest("GET", $url, null, $oToken->access_token);
if ($oRet->status == 200) {
   $userMenu = $oRet->response['DEFAULT_MENU'];

Set user's default menu: PUT extrarest/user/{usr_uid}/config

Set a user's default menu, which is stored in a serialized array in the CONFIGURATION.CFG_VALUE field in the database. This endpoint can only be called by users who have the PM_USERS permission in their role.

POST http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/user/{usr_uid}/config

URL parameters:

  • string usr_uid: Unique ID of user.

POST parameters:

  • string default_lang: Optional. Default interface language in "xx" or "xx-CC" format, such as "es" (Spanish) or "pt-BR" (Brazilian Portuguese). Note that this parameter is deprecated and no longer used by ProcessMaker.
  • string default_menu: Optional. Default main menu to set for the user:
    • "": Default for role,
    • "PM_CASES": Home,
    • "PM_FACTORY": Designer,
    • "PM_SETUP": Admin,
    • "PM_DASHBOARD": Dashboard,
    • or any custom menu defined by a plugin.
  • string default_cases_menu: Optional. The default submenu selected in the cases sidebar under Home. Only used if the default_menu is set to "PM_CASES". Available options:
    • "": The default which is the Inbox,
    • "CASES_START_CASE": New case,
    • "CASES_INBOX": Inbox,
    • "CASES_DRAFT": Draft,
    • "CASES_PAUSED": Paused,
    • "CASES_SENT": Participated,
    • "CASES_SELFSERVICE": Unassigned,
    • "CASES_SEARCH": Advanced search (need PM_ALLCASES in role),
    • "CASES_TO_REVISE": Review (need PM_SUPERVISOR in role),
    • "CASES_TO_REASSIGN": Reassign (need PM_SUPERVISOR and PM_REASSIGNCASE in role),
    • "CASES_FOLDERS": Documents (need PM_FOLDERS_VIEW in role),
    • or any custom submenu defined by a plugin.

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response is an object holding the updated user configuration.

PHP example:

$userId = '92729925059e5652bebac55017512865';
$defaultMenu = 'PM_CASES';
$defaultCasesMenu = 'CASES_SENT';
$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/user/$userId/config";
$aVars = array(
  'default_lang'       => 'el',
  'default_menu'       => $defaultMenu,
  'default_cases_menu' => $defaultCasesMenu
$oRet = pmRestRequest('PUT', $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token);

Get user's case list: GET extrarest/cases/user/{user_uid}?{param=option}

Return the list of cases for a specified user. Extra query string parameters can be added to get a customized list of cases. If retrieving the case list for a user other than the logged-in user, then the logged-in user must have the PM_ALLCASES permission in her role.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/user/{usr_uid}/config

URL parameters:

  • string usr_uid: Unique ID of user for whom to retrieve the case list. Set to 00000000000000000000000000000000 to retrieve a case list of the logged-in user.

Optional query string parameters:

  • start={integer}: The number where to begin listing cases.
  • limit={integer}: The maximum number of cases to list.
  • action={option}: Specify the type of cases, which can be:
    todo, draft, sent (participated), unassigned (self service), paused, completed, cancelled, search (Home > Advanced Search for users with PM_ALLCASES in role), simple_search (normal search), to_revise (Home > Review for process supervisors), to_reassign (Home > Reassign for process supervisors with PM_REASSIGNCASE permission), all, gral (general), default (like todo)
  • filter={option}: An additional filter for the type of case, which can be:
    read, unread, started, completed
  • search={string}: Case-insensitive string to search for in the case number, case title, process title, task title, assigned user's name and any additional fields if using the Custom Case List Builder plugin.
  • pro_uid={uid}: Retrieve cases from a particular process, specified by its unique ID.
  • app_status={status}: If action=search, then this parameter is used to specify the case's status which can be:
  • date_from={YYYY-MM-DD}: Retrieve cases whose task started or ended after or on the specified date.
  • date_to={YYYY-MM-DD}: Retrieve cases whose task started or ended before or on the specified date.
  • dir={order}: Set to ASC to sort cases in ascending order or DESC in descending order.
  • sort={field}: Database field in the APP_CACHE_VIEW table by which to sort cases.
  • cat_uid={uid}: Retrieve cases whose process is in a category, specified by its unique ID (found in the PROCESS_CATEGORY.CATEGORY_UID field in the database).
  • configuration={integer}: Set to 1 to use the configuration or 0 to not use it when searching for cases.
  • paged={integer}: Set to 1 to return a page of cases or 0 to not return the cases in a page. It is recommended to uses pages when dealing with a large numbers of cases.
  • newer_than={YYYY-MM-DD}: Retrieve cases whose task started or ended after the specified date. This parameter is like date_from, but it is > rather than >= the date.
  • older_than={YYYY-MM-DD}: Retrieve cases whose task started or ended before the specified date. This parameter is like date_to, but it is < rather than <= the date.

If successful, the HTTP status code is set to 200 and the response is an object with the totalCount member which lists the total number of cases which match the search criteria and the data member which is an array of objects holding information about each case.

Get a list of participated cases for the logged-in user since the start of the year 2018.



200 (OK)
  "totalCount": 2,
  "data": [
      "APP_UID":               "5295973255ac51bf10472f6060420954",
      "DEL_INDEX":             "1",
      "DEL_LAST_INDEX":        "1",
      "APP_NUMBER":            "374",
      "APP_STATUS":            "DRAFT",
      "USR_UID":               "00000000000000000000000000000001",
      "PREVIOUS_USR_UID":      "",
      "TAS_UID":               "1029336105ac5121d1624d5021075541",
      "PRO_UID":               "5348454895ac4096b9c3544003146878",
      "DEL_DELEGATE_DATE":     "2018-04-04 14:39:45",
      "DEL_INIT_DATE":         "2018-04-04 14:39:45",
      "DEL_FINISH_DATE":       null,
      "DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE":     "2018-04-05 14:39:45",
      "DEL_RISK_DATE":         "2018-04-05 13:03:45",
      "DEL_THREAD_STATUS":     "OPEN",
      "APP_THREAD_STATUS":     "OPEN",
      "APP_TITLE":             "#374",
      "APP_PRO_TITLE":         "New Product Testing",
      "APP_TAS_TITLE":         "Document New Product",
      "APP_CURRENT_USER":      "admin Administrator",
      "DEL_PRIORITY":          "NORMAL",
      "DEL_DURATION":          "0",
      "DEL_QUEUE_DURATION":    "0",
      "DEL_DELAY_DURATION":    "0",
      "DEL_STARTED":           "0",
      "DEL_FINISHED":          "0",
      "DEL_DELAYED":           "0",
      "APP_CREATE_DATE":       "2018-04-04 14:39:45",
      "APP_FINISH_DATE":       null,
      "APP_UPDATE_DATE":       "2018-04-04 16:25:59",
      "USR_FIRSTNAME":         "Administrator",
      "USR_LASTNAME":          "admin",
      "USR_USERNAME":          "admin",
      "APPDELCR_APP_TAS_TITLE":"Task 1",
      "USRCR_USR_UID":         "00000000000000000000000000000001",
      "USRCR_USR_FIRSTNAME":   "Administrator",
      "USRCR_USR_LASTNAME":    "admin",
      "USRCR_USR_USERNAME":    "admin",
      "APP_STATUS_LABEL":      "Draft"
      "APP_UID":               "3633901045ac51b2bac1c58087855401",
      "DEL_INDEX":             "1",
      "DEL_LAST_INDEX":        "1",
      "APP_NUMBER":            "373",
      "APP_STATUS":            "DRAFT",
      "USR_UID":               "00000000000000000000000000000001",
      "PREVIOUS_USR_UID":      "",
      "TAS_UID":               "1029336105ac5121d1624d5021075541",
      "PRO_UID":               "5348454895ac4096b9c3544003146878",
      "DEL_DELEGATE_DATE":     "2018-04-04 14:36:28",
      "DEL_INIT_DATE":         "2018-04-04 14:36:28",
      "DEL_FINISH_DATE":       null,
      "DEL_TASK_DUE_DATE":     "2018-04-05 14:36:28",
      "DEL_RISK_DATE":         "2018-04-05 13:00:28",
      "DEL_THREAD_STATUS":     "OPEN",
      "APP_THREAD_STATUS":     "OPEN",
      "APP_TITLE":             "#373",
      "APP_PRO_TITLE":         "Customer Complaint Process",
      "APP_TAS_TITLE":         "Review Complaint",
      "APP_CURRENT_USER":      "admin Administrator",
      "DEL_PRIORITY":          "NORMAL",
      "DEL_DURATION":          "0",
      "DEL_QUEUE_DURATION":    "0",
      "DEL_DELAY_DURATION":    "0",
      "DEL_STARTED":           "0",
      "DEL_FINISHED":          "0",
      "DEL_DELAYED":           "0",
      "APP_CREATE_DATE":       "2018-04-04 14:36:27",
      "APP_FINISH_DATE":       null,
      "APP_UPDATE_DATE":       "2018-04-04 14:36:27",
      "USR_FIRSTNAME":         "Administrator",
      "USR_LASTNAME":          "admin",
      "USR_USERNAME":          "admin",
      "APPDELCR_APP_TAS_TITLE":"Task 1",
      "USRCR_USR_UID":         "00000000000000000000000000000001",
      "USRCR_USR_FIRSTNAME":   "Administrator",
      "USRCR_USR_LASTNAME":    "admin",
      "USRCR_USR_USERNAME":    "admin",
      "APP_STATUS_LABEL":      "Draft"

Append rows to a PM Table: PUT extrarest/pmtable/{pmt_uid}/append

Available in version 1.2 and later.

Append records to the end of a PM Table. The logged-in user must have the PM_SETUP and PM_SETUP_PM_TABLES permissions in his/her in role to use this endpoint.

PUT http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/pmtable/{pmt_uid}/append

URL parameters:

  • string pmt_uid: The unique ID of the PM Table (which can be found with GET /pmtable or by querying the ADDITIONAL_TABLES.ADD_TAB_UID field in the database).

POST parameters:

  • array rows: An array of objects, where each object represents a row to add to the table and its properties are the field names:
    "FIELD1": "VALUE1",
    "FIELD2": "VALUE2",

This endpoint does not check whether the fields in the PM Table are not allowed to be NULL (left blank) nor does it check whether they are primary keys, so their values should be unique.

If the new rows were added, then the HTTP status code will set to 200 and the response will be the number of inserted rows.

If the name of a field is misspelled or not included, the record will be inserted and the field will set to NULL (left blank). Fields which are auto-increment do not need to be included.

If none of the names of the fields passed to this endpoint match any of the names of the PM Table's fields, then the HTTP status code will be 400 and the following response will be returned:

   "error": {
      "code":    400,
      "message": "Bad Request: The value of key column is required"


Content-Type: application/json
  "rows": [
    {"CLIENT_NAME": "Jane Doe", "CONTRACT_DATE": "2018-06-20", "AMOUNT": 4500.00 },
    {"CLIENT_NAME": "Bill Row", "CONTRACT_DATE": "2017-12-31", "AMOUNT": 999.99  },
    {"CLIENT_NAME": "Sam Slow", "CONTRACT_DATE": "2018-01-01", "AMOUNT": 27573.50}


200 (OK)

PHP Example:

$tableId = '2714474795ad61591723eb7014657886'; //ID for PMT_CONTRACTS
$aVars = array(
   'rows' => array(
      array('CLIENT_NAME'=>'Jane May', 'CONTRACT_DATE'=>'2018-06-20', 'AMOUNT'=>4500.00),
      array('CLIENT_NAME'=>'Bill Row', 'CONTRACT_DATE'=>'2017-12-31', 'AMOUNT'=>2699.99),
      array('CLIENT_NAME'=>'Sam Slow', 'CONTRACT_DATE'=>'2018-01-01', 'AMOUNT'=>78.99)

$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/pmtable/$tableId/append";
$oRet = pmRestRequest("PUT", $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token);

if ($oRet->status == 200) {
   echo $oRet->response . " records were inserted.";

Overwrite a PM Table: PUT extrarest/pmtable/{pmt_uid}/overwrite

Available in version 1.2 and later.

Remove all the existing records in a PM Table and then refill the table with new records. The logged-in user must have the PM_SETUP and PM_SETUP_PM_TABLES permissions in his/her in role to use this endpoint.

PUT http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/pmtable/{pmt_uid}/overwrite

URL parameters:

  • string pmt_uid: The unique ID of the PM Table (which can be found with GET /pmtable or by querying the ADDITIONAL_TABLES.ADD_TAB_UID field in the database).

POST parameters:

  • array rows: An array of objects, where each object represents a row to add to the table and its properties are the field names:
    "FIELD1": "VALUE1",
    "FIELD2": "VALUE2",

This endpoint does not check whether the fields in the PM Table are not allowed to be NULL (left blank) nor does it check whether they are primary keys, so their values should be unique.

If the new rows were added, then the HTTP status code will set to 200 and the response will be the number of inserted rows.

If the name of a field is misspelled or not included, the record will be inserted and the field will set to NULL (left blank). Fields which are auto-increment do not need to be included.

If none of the names of the fields passed to this endpoint match any of the names of the PM Table's fields, then the HTTP status code will be 400 and the following response will be returned:

   "error": {
      "code":    400,
      "message": "Bad Request: The value of key column is required"


Content-Type: application/json
  "rows": [
    {"CLIENT_NAME": "Jane Doe", "CONTRACT_DATE": "2018-06-20", "AMOUNT": 4500.00 },
    {"CLIENT_NAME": "Bill Row", "CONTRACT_DATE": "2017-12-31", "AMOUNT": 999.99  },
    {"CLIENT_NAME": "Sam Slow", "CONTRACT_DATE": "2018-01-01", "AMOUNT": 27573.50}


200 (OK)

PHP Example:

$tableId = '2714474795ad61591723eb7014657886'; //ID for PMT_CONTRACTS
$aVars = array(
   'rows' => array(
      array('CLIENT_NAME'=>'Jane May', 'CONTRACT_DATE'=>'2018-06-20', 'AMOUNT'=>4500.00),
      array('CLIENT_NAME'=>'Bill Row', 'CONTRACT_DATE'=>'2017-12-31', 'AMOUNT'=>2699.99),
      array('CLIENT_NAME'=>'Sam Slow', 'CONTRACT_DATE'=>'2018-01-01', 'AMOUNT'=>78.99)

$url = "/api/1.0/workflow/extrarest/pmtable/$tableId/overwrite";
$oRet = pmRestRequest("PUT", $url, $aVars, $oToken->access_token);

if ($oRet->status == 200) {
   echo $oRet->response . " records were inserted.";

Get document folders: GET extrarest/documents/{fdr_uid}/folders

Available in version 1.3 and later.

Retrieve a list of subfolders found in a specified parent folder. These are the folders displayed by going to Home > Documents in the ProcessMaker interface. The logged-in user must have the PM_FOLDERS_VIEW permission in his/her role.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/documents/{fdr_uid}/folders

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/documents/{fdr_uid}/folders?limit={int}&start={int}&direction={dir}&sort={field}&search={str}

URL parameters:

  • string fdr_uid: The unique ID of the folder or root if the base folder "/".

Optional query string parameters:

  • limit={int}: The maximum number of folders to return. If set to 0, which is the default, then an unlimited number of folders will be returned.
  • start={int}: The number where to start listing folders. If set to 0, which is the default, then will start from the first folder. This parameter is often used in conjunction with limit={int} when only displaying a fixed number of folders at a time.
  • direction={dir}: The sort direction which can be ASC (ascending which is the default) or DESC (descending).
  • sort={field}: The field used to sort the folders, which can be appDocCreateDate (the date the folder was first created), name (the folder name) or "``" (no sort order).
  • search={str}: A case insensitive string to search for in the folder names. Make sure to use a function such as PHP's url_encode() or JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() so " " (space) becomes %20 and "é" becomes %C3%A9.


  • An object holding the following two properties:
    • folders: An array of folder objects. Each folder object has the following properties:
      • FOLDER_UID: The unique ID of the folder.
      • FOLDER_PARENT_UID: The unique ID of the parent folder or "\/" if the parent is the root folder.
      • FOLDER_NAME: The folder's name.
      • FOLDER_CREATE_DATE: The datetime when the folder was created in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format.
      • FOLDER_UPDATE_DATE: The datetime when the folder was last updated in "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" format.
    • totalFoldersCount: The total number of subfolders.



   "folders": [
         "FOLDER_UID":         "6268552735ade43f898a294019015502",
         "FOLDER_PARENT_UID":  "\/",
         "FOLDER_NAME":        "invoices",
         "FOLDER_CREATE_DATE": "2018-04-23 16:37:12",
         "FOLDER_UPDATE_DATE": "2018-04-23 16:37:12"
         "FOLDER_UID":         "5250317125ade44071e56e2014209371",
         "FOLDER_PARENT_UID":  "\/",
         "FOLDER_NAME":        "reports",
         "FOLDER_CREATE_DATE": "2018-04-23 16:37:27",
         "FOLDER_UPDATE_DATE": "2018-04-23 16:37:27"
   "totalFoldersCount":        2

Get documents in folder: GET extrarest/documents/{fdr_uid}/contents

Available in version 1.3 and later.

Retrieve the documents in a specified folder. The logged-in user must have the PM_FOLDERS_VIEW permission in his/her role.

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/documents/{fdr_uid}/contents

GET http://{domain-or-ip}/api/1.0/{workspace}/extrarest/documents/{fdr_uid}/contents?keyword={str}&search_type={type}&limit={int}&start={int}&user={uid}&only_active={boolean}&direction={dir}&sort={field}&search={str}

URL parameters:

  • string fdr_uid: The unique ID of the folder or root if the base folder "/".

Optional query string parameters:

  • keyword={str} Only return files which have the specified keyword in the filename or in the document's tag if search_type=TAG.
  • search_type={type}: The type of search, which can be TAG or ALL.
  • limit={int}: The maximum number of folders to return. If set to 0, which is the default, then an unlimited number of folders will be returned.
  • start={int}: The number where to start listing folders. If set to 0, which is the default, then will start from the first folder. This parameter is often used in conjunction with limit={int} when only displaying a fixed number of folders at a time.
  • user={uid}: Only return files that can be accessed by the specified user, indicated by his/her unique ID. This parameter can only be specified if the logged-in user has the PM_ALLCASES permission in his/her role.
  • only_active={boolean}: Set to true if only active files (not deleted and not overwritten with new versions) will be returned. Default is false so all files will be returned.
  • direction={dir}: The sort direction which can be ASC (ascending which is the default) or DESC (descending).
  • sort={field}: The field used to sort the folders, which can be appDocCreateDate (the date the folder was first created), name (the folder name) or "``" (no sort order).
  • search={str}: A case insensitive string to search for in the folder names. Make sure to use a function such as PHP's url_encode() or JavaScript's encodeURIComponent() so " " (space) becomes %20 and "é" becomes %C3%A9.


  • An object holding the following two properties:
    • documents: An array of document objects.
    • totalDocumentsCount: The total number of documents in the directory.



   "documents": [
         "APP_DOC_UID": "4674916455a9611cfa0e8e6010566295",
         "APP_DOC_FILENAME": "invoice_Acme_Inc",
         "APP_DOC_COMMENT": null,
         "DOC_VERSION": 2,
         "APP_UID": "4731930415a9611cb69fca4029962239",
         "DEL_INDEX": 1,
         "DOC_UID": "6146400035a8f9fd86551f3042633729",
         "USR_UID": "00000000000000000000000000000001",
         "APP_DOC_TYPE": "OUTPUT",
         "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE": "2018-02-27 21:21:15",
         "APP_DOC_INDEX": 2,
         "FOLDER_UID": "",
         "APP_DOC_PLUGIN": "",
         "APP_DOC_TAGS": "",
         "APP_DOC_STATUS": "ACTIVE",
         "APP_DOC_STATUS_DATE": null,
         "APP_DOC_FIELDNAME": null,
         "APP_DOC_DRIVE_DOWNLOAD": null,
         "SYNC_PERMISSIONS": null,
         "APP_TITLE": "#279",
         "APP_DESCRIPTION": "",
         "APP_NUMBER": 279,
         "APP_PARENT": "",
         "APP_STATUS": "DRAFT",
         "PRO_UID": "4942606665a8f9f9f2860f0087218330",
         "APP_PROC_CODE": "",
         "STATUS": "Draft",
         "CREATOR": "Administrator admin",
         "CREATE_DATE": "2018-02-27 21:19:55",
         "UPDATE_DATE": "2018-02-27 21:21:19",
         "PRO_TITLE": "Purchase Request",
         "OUT_DOC_UID": "6146400035a8f9fd86551f3042633729",
         "OUT_DOC_TITLE": "Invoice for client",
         "OUT_DOC_DESCRIPTION": "",
         "OUT_DOC_FILENAME": "invoice_@#client",
         "OUT_DOC_LANDSCAPE": 0,
         "OUT_DOC_MEDIA": "Letter",
         "OUT_DOC_GENERATE": "BOTH",
         "OUT_DOC_TYPE": "HTML",
         "OUT_DOC_CURRENT_REVISION": null,
         "OUT_DOC_FIELD_MAPPING": null,
         "OUT_DOC_VERSIONING": 1,
         "OUT_DOC_TAGS": "",
         "OUT_DOC_OPEN_TYPE": 1,
         "USR_USERNAME": "johndoe",
         "USR_FIRSTNAME": "John",
         "USR_LASTNAME": "Doe",
         "DELETE_LABEL": "Delete",
         "DOWNLOAD_LABEL": ".pdf",
         "DOWNLOAD_LINK": "..\/cases\/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=4674916455a9611cfa0e8e6010566295&v=2&ext=pdf&random=98480022",
         "DOWNLOAD_LABEL1": ".doc",
         "DOWNLOAD_LINK1": "..\/cases\/cases_ShowOutputDocument?a=4674916455a9611cfa0e8e6010566295&v=2&ext=doc&random=2117881970",
         "APP_DOC_UID_VERSION": "4674916455a9611cfa0e8e6010566295_2"
         "APP_DOC_UID": "6339878345a8664d1553481052427126",
         "APP_DOC_FILENAME": "labor_contract_mary_williams.doc",
         "APP_DOC_COMMENT": "final draft of contract",
         "DOC_VERSION": 1,
         "APP_UID": "6450207755a8664b146d762079795117",
         "DEL_INDEX": 1,
         "DOC_UID": "3361325995a866456c2e8c3050631873",
         "USR_UID": "00000000000000000000000000000001",
         "APP_DOC_TYPE": "INPUT",
         "APP_DOC_CREATE_DATE": "2018-02-15 23:57:53",
         "APP_DOC_INDEX": 1,
         "FOLDER_UID": "",
         "APP_DOC_PLUGIN": "",
         "APP_DOC_TAGS": "INPUT",
         "APP_DOC_STATUS": "ACTIVE",
         "APP_DOC_STATUS_DATE": null,
         "APP_DOC_FIELDNAME": "contractFile",
         "APP_DOC_DRIVE_DOWNLOAD": null,
         "SYNC_PERMISSIONS": null,
         "APP_TITLE": "#269",
         "APP_DESCRIPTION": "",
         "APP_NUMBER": 269,
         "APP_PARENT": "",
         "APP_STATUS": "DRAFT",
         "PRO_UID": "1953128925a864f18e70955009266756",
         "APP_PROC_CODE": "",
         "STATUS": "Draft",
         "CREATOR": "Baker Sally",
         "CREATE_DATE": "2018-02-15 23:57:21",
         "UPDATE_DATE": "2018-02-16 00:13:49",
         "PRO_TITLE": "Onboard New Employee",
         "INP_DOC_UID": "3361325995a866456c2e8c3050631873",
         "INP_DOC_TITLE": "Contract File",
         "INP_DOC_DESCRIPTION": "",
         "INP_DOC_VERSIONING": 0,
         "INP_DOC_TAGS": "INPUT",
         "INP_DOC_TYPE_FILE": ".*",
         "INP_DOC_MAX_FILESIZE": 0,
         "USR_USERNAME": "sallybaker",
         "USR_FIRSTNAME": "Sally",
         "USR_LASTNAME": "Baker",
         "DELETE_LABEL": "Delete",
         "DOWNLOAD_LABEL": "Download",
         "DOWNLOAD_LINK": "..\/cases\/cases_ShowDocument?a=6339878345a8664d1553481052427126&v=1",
         "DOWNLOAD_LABEL1": "",
         "DOWNLOAD_LINK1": "",
         "APP_DOC_UID_VERSION": "6339878345a8664d1553481052427126_1"
   "totalDocumentsCount": 38

Version Control

Version 1.3 (2018-04-23)

File: extraRest-1.3.tar
Added endpoints:

Version 1.2 (2018-04-17)

File: extraRest-1.2.tar
Added endpoints:

Commented out the code of Execute database query: POST extrarest/sql for security reasons, but left it in the source code in case anyone wants to enable it for testing or adapting.

Commented out the code to use extraRest/setup.xml because people reported that it caused problems installing the plugin.

Version 1.1 (2018-04-04)

File: extraRest-1.1.tar
First version posted on Github. There are several versions 1 which were posted on the forum, so numbered 1.1 to distinguish this version.