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auditok API Tutorial

auditok is a module that can be used as a generic tool for data tokenization. Although its core motivation is Acoustic Activity Detection (AAD) and extraction from audio streams (i.e. detect where a noise/an acoustic activity occurs within an audio stream and extract the corresponding portion of signal), it can easily be adapted to other tasks.

Globally speaking, it can be used to extract, from a sequence of observations, all sub-sequences that meet a certain number of criteria in terms of:

  1. Minimum length of a valid token (i.e. sub-sequence)
  2. Maximum length of a valid token
  3. Maximum tolerated consecutive non-valid observations within a valid token

Examples of a non-valid observation are: a non-numeric ascii symbol if you are interested in sub-sequences of numeric symbols, or a silent audio window (of 10, 20 or 100 milliseconds for instance) if what interests you are audio regions made up of a sequence of "noisy" windows (whatever kind of noise: speech, baby cry, laughter, etc.).

The most important component of auditok is the :class:`auditok.core.StreamTokenizer` class. An instance of this class encapsulates a :class:`auditok.util.DataValidator` and can be configured to detect the desired regions from a stream. The :func:`auditok.core.StreamTokenizer.tokenize` method accepts a :class:`auditok.util.DataSource` object that has a read method. Read data can be of any type accepted by the validator.

As the main aim of this module is Audio Activity Detection, it provides the :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory` factory class that makes it very easy to create an :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory.AudioDataSource` (a class that implements :class:`auditok.util.DataSource`) object, be that from:

  • A file on the disk
  • A buffer of data
  • The built-in microphone (requires PyAudio)

The :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory.AudioDataSource` class inherits from :class:`auditok.util.DataSource` and supplies a higher abstraction level than :class:`` thanks to a bunch of handy features:

  • Define a fixed-length block_size (alias bs, i.e. analysis window)
  • Alternatively, use block_dur (duration in seconds, alias bd)
  • Allow overlap between two consecutive analysis windows (if one of hop_size , hs or hop_dur , hd keywords is used and is > 0 and < block_size). This can be very important if your validator use the spectral information of audio data instead of raw audio samples.
  • Limit the amount (i.e. duration) of read data (if keyword max_time or mt is used, very useful when reading data from the microphone)
  • Record all read data and rewind if necessary (if keyword record or rec , also useful if you read data from the microphone and you want to process it many times off-line and/or save it)

See :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory` documentation for more information.

Last but not least, the current version has only one audio window validator based on signal energy (:class:`auditok.util.AudioEnergyValidator).

Let us look at some examples using the :class:`auditok.util.StringDataSource` class created for test and illustration purposes. Imagine that each character of :class:`auditok.util.StringDataSource` data represents an audio slice of 100 ms for example. In the following examples we will use upper case letters to represent noisy audio slices (i.e. analysis windows or frames) and lower case letter for silent frames.

We want to extract sub-sequences of characters that have:

  • A minimum length of 1 (min_length = 1)
  • A maximum length of 9999 (max_length = 9999)
  • Zero consecutive lower case characters within them (max_continuous_silence = 0)

We also create the UpperCaseChecker with a read method that returns True if the checked character is in upper case and False otherwise.

from auditok import StreamTokenizer, StringDataSource, DataValidator

class UpperCaseChecker(DataValidator):
   def is_valid(self, frame):
      return frame.isupper()

dsource = StringDataSource("aaaABCDEFbbGHIJKccc")
tokenizer = StreamTokenizer(validator=UpperCaseChecker(),
             min_length=1, max_length=9999, max_continuous_silence=0)


The output is a list of two tuples, each contains the extracted sub-sequence and its start and end position in the original sequence respectively:

[(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'], 3, 8), (['G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K'], 11, 15)]

To do so, we set max_continuous_silence =2:

from auditok import StreamTokenizer, StringDataSource, DataValidator

class UpperCaseChecker(DataValidator):
   def is_valid(self, frame):
      return frame.isupper()

dsource = StringDataSource("aaaABCDbbEFcGHIdddJKee")
tokenizer = StreamTokenizer(validator=UpperCaseChecker(),
             min_length=1, max_length=9999, max_continuous_silence=2)



[(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'b', 'b', 'E', 'F', 'c', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'd', 'd'], 3, 16), (['J', 'K', 'e', 'e'], 18, 21)]

Notice the trailing lower case letters "dd" and "ee" at the end of the two tokens. The default behavior of :class:`auditok.core.StreamTokenizer` is to keep the trailing silence if it does not exceed max_continuous_silence. This can be changed using the StreamTokenizer.DROP_TRAILING_SILENCE mode (see next example).

Trailing silence can be useful for many sound recognition applications, including speech recognition. Moreover, from the human auditory system point of view, trailing low energy signal helps removing abrupt signal cuts.

If you want to remove it anyway, you can do it by setting mode to StreamTokenizer.DROP_TRAILING_SILENCE:

from auditok import StreamTokenizer, StringDataSource, DataValidator

class UpperCaseChecker(DataValidator):
   def is_valid(self, frame):
      return frame.isupper()

dsource = StringDataSource("aaaABCDbbEFcGHIdddJKee")
tokenizer = StreamTokenizer(validator=UpperCaseChecker(),
             min_length=1, max_length=9999, max_continuous_silence=2,



[(['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'b', 'b', 'E', 'F', 'c', 'G', 'H', 'I'], 3, 14), (['J', 'K'], 18, 19)]

Imagine that you just want to detect and recognize a small part of a long acoustic event (e.g. engine noise, water flow, etc.) and avoid that that event hogs the tokenizer and prevent it from feeding the event to the next processing step (i.e. a sound recognizer). You can do this by:

  • limiting the length of a detected token.


The following code limits the length of a token to 5:

from auditok import StreamTokenizer, StringDataSource, DataValidator

class UpperCaseChecker(DataValidator):
   def is_valid(self, frame):
      return frame.isupper()

dsource = StringDataSource("aaaABCDEFGHIJKbbb")
tokenizer = StreamTokenizer(validator=UpperCaseChecker(),
             min_length=1, max_length=5, max_continuous_silence=0)

def print_token(data, start, end):
    print("token = '{0}', starts at {1}, ends at {2}".format(''.join(data), start, end))

tokenizer.tokenize(dsource, callback=print_token)


"token = 'ABCDE', starts at 3, ends at 7"
"token = 'FGHIJ', starts at 8, ends at 12"
"token = 'K', starts at 13, ends at 13"

In the rest of this document we will use :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory`, :class:`auditok.util.AudioEnergyValidator` and :class:`auditok.core.StreamTokenizer` for Audio Activity Detection demos using audio data. Before we get any further it is worth, explaining a certain number of points.

:func:`` method is used to create an :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory.AudioDataSource` object either from a wave file, the built-in microphone or a user-supplied data buffer. Refer to the API reference for more information and examples on :func:`` and :class:`AudioDataSource`.

The created :class:`AudioDataSource` object is then passed to :func:`StreamTokenizer.tokenize` for tokenization.

:func:`` accepts a number of keyword arguments, of which none is mandatory. The returned :class:`AudioDataSource` object's features and behavior can however greatly differ depending on the passed arguments. Further details can be found in the respective method documentation.

Note however the following two calls that will create an :class:`AudioDataSource` that reads data from an audio file and from the built-in microphone respectively.

from auditok import ADSFactory

# Get an AudioDataSource from a file
# use 'filename', alias 'fn' keyword argument
file_ads = = "path/to/file/")

# Get an AudioDataSource from the built-in microphone
# The returned object has the default values for sampling
# rate, sample width an number of channels. see method's
# documentation for customized values
mic_ads =

For :class:`StreamTkenizer`, parameters min_length, max_length and max_continuous_silence are expressed in terms of number of frames. Each call to :func:`` returns one frame of data or None.

If you want a max_length of 2 seconds for your detected sound events and your analysis window is 10 ms long, you have to specify a max_length of 200 (int(2. / (10. / 1000)) == 200). For a max_continuous_silence of 300 ms for instance, the value to pass to StreamTokenizer is 30 (int(0.3 / (10. / 1000)) == 30).

Each time :class:`StreamTkenizer` calls the :func:`read` (has no argument) method of an :class:`AudioDataSource` object, it returns the same amount of data, except if there are no more data (returns what's left in stream or None).

This fixed-length amount of data is referred here to as analysis window and is a parameter of :func:`` method. By default :func:`` uses an analysis window of 10 ms.

The number of samples that 10 ms of audio data contain will vary, depending on the sampling rate of your audio source/data (file, microphone, etc.). For a sampling rate of 16KHz (16000 samples per second), we have 160 samples for 10 ms.

You can use the block_size keyword (alias bs) to define your analysis window:

from auditok import ADSFactory

Assume you have an audio file with a sampling rate of 16000

# will return blocks of 160 sample
file_ads = = "path/to/file/", block_size = 160)

# will return blocks of 320 sample
file_ads = = "path/to/file/", bs = 320)

Fortunately, you can specify the size of your analysis window in seconds, thanks to keyword block_dur (alias bd):

from auditok import ADSFactory
# use an analysis window of 20 ms
file_ads = = "path/to/file/", bd = 0.02)

For :class:`StreamTkenizer`, each :func:`read` call that does not return None is treated as a processing frame. :class:`StreamTkenizer` has no way to figure out the temporal length of that frame (why sould it?). So to correctly initialize your :class:`StreamTokenizer`, based on your analysis window duration, use something like:

analysis_win_seconds = 0.01 # 10 ms
my_ads = = analysis_win_seconds)
analysis_window_ms = analysis_win_seconds * 1000

# If you want your maximum continuous silence to be 300 ms use:
max_continuous_silence = int(300. / analysis_window_ms)

# which is the same as:
max_continuous_silence = int(0.3 / (analysis_window_ms / 1000))

# or simply:
max_continuous_silence = 30

We will build an :class:`auditok.util.ADSFactory.AudioDataSource` using a wave file from the database. The file contains of isolated pronunciation of digits from 1 to 1 in Arabic as well as breath-in/out between 2 and 3. The code will play the original file then the detected sounds separately. Note that we use an energy_threshold of 65, this parameter should be carefully chosen. It depends on microphone quality, background noise and the amplitude of events you want to detect.

from auditok import ADSFactory, AudioEnergyValidator, StreamTokenizer, player_for, dataset

# We set the `record` argument to True so that we can rewind the source
asource =, record=True)

validator = AudioEnergyValidator(sample_width=asource.get_sample_width(), energy_threshold=65)

# Defalut analysis window is 10 ms (float(asource.get_block_size()) / asource.get_sampling_rate())
# min_length=20 : minimum length of a valid audio activity is 20 * 10 == 200 ms
# max_length=4000 :  maximum length of a valid audio activity is 400 * 10 == 4000 ms == 4 seconds
# max_continuous_silence=30 : maximum length of a tolerated  silence within a valid audio activity is 30 * 30 == 300 ms
tokenizer = StreamTokenizer(validator=validator, min_length=20, max_length=400, max_continuous_silence=30)
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(asource)

# Play detected regions back

player = player_for(asource)

# Rewind and read the whole signal
original_signal = []

while True:
   w =
   if w is None:

original_signal = ''.join(original_signal)

print("Playing the original file...")

print("playing detected regions...")
for t in tokens:
    print("Token starts at {0} and ends at {1}".format(t[1], t[2]))
    data = ''.join(t[0])

assert len(tokens) == 8

The tokenizer extracts 8 audio regions from the signal, including all isolated digits (from 1 to 6) as well as the 2-phase respiration of the subject. You might have noticed that, in the original file, the last three digit are closer to each other than the previous ones. If you wan them to be extracted as one single phrase, you can do so by tolerating a larger continuous silence within a detection:

tokenizer.max_continuous_silence = 50
tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(asource)

for t in tokens:
   print("Token starts at {0} and ends at {1}".format(t[1], t[2]))
   data = ''.join(t[0])

assert len(tokens) == 6

The tokenizer in the following example is set up to remove the silence that precedes the first acoustic activity or follows the last activity in a record. It preserves whatever it founds between the two activities. In other words, it removes the leading and trailing silence.

Sampling rate is 44100 sample per second, we'll use an analysis window of 100 ms (i.e. block_size == 4410)

Energy threshold is 50.

The tokenizer will start accumulating windows up from the moment it encounters the first analysis window of an energy >= 50. ALL the following windows will be kept regardless of their energy. At the end of the analysis, it will drop trailing windows with an energy below 50.

This is an interesting example because the audio file we're analyzing contains a very brief noise that occurs within the leading silence. We certainly do want our tokenizer to stop at this point and considers whatever it comes after as a useful signal. To force the tokenizer to ignore that brief event we use two other parameters init_min ans init_max_silence. By init_min = 3 and init_max_silence = 1 we tell the tokenizer that a valid event must start with at least 3 noisy windows, between which there is at most 1 silent window.

Still with this configuration we can get the tokenizer detect that noise as a valid event (if it actually contains 3 consecutive noisy frames). To circumvent this we use an enough large analysis window (here of 100 ms) to ensure that the brief noise be surrounded by a much longer silence and hence the energy of the overall analysis window will be below 50.

When using a shorter analysis window (of 10 ms for instance, block_size == 441), the brief noise contributes more to energy calculation which yields an energy of over 50 for the window. Again we can deal with this situation by using a higher energy threshold (55 for example).

from auditok import ADSFactory, AudioEnergyValidator, StreamTokenizer, player_for, dataset

# record = True so that we'll be able to rewind the source.
asource =,
         record=True, block_size=4410)

original_signal = []
# Read the whole signal
while True:
   w =
   if w is None:

original_signal = ''.join(original_signal)

# rewind source

# Create a validator with an energy threshold of 50
validator = AudioEnergyValidator(sample_width=asource.get_sample_width(), energy_threshold=50)

# Create a tokenizer with an unlimited token length and continuous silence within a token
# Note the DROP_TRAILING_SILENCE mode that will ensure removing trailing silence
trimmer = StreamTokenizer(validator, min_length = 20, max_length=99999999, init_min=3, init_max_silence=1, max_continuous_silence=9999999, mode=StreamTokenizer.DROP_TRAILING_SILENCE)

tokens = trimmer.tokenize(asource)

# Make sure we only have one token
assert len(tokens) == 1, "Should have detected one single token"

trimmed_signal = ''.join(tokens[0][0])

player = player_for(asource)

print("Playing original signal (with leading and trailing silence)...")
print("Playing trimmed signal...")

In the next example, audio data is directly acquired from the built-in microphone. The :func:`auditok.core.StreamTokenizer.tokenize` method is passed a callback function so that audio activities are delivered as soon as they are detected. Each detected activity is played back using the build-in audio output device.

As mentioned before , Signal energy is strongly related to many factors such microphone sensitivity, background noise (including noise inherent to the hardware), distance and your operating system sound settings. Try a lower energy_threshold if your noise does not seem to be detected and a higher threshold if you notice an over detection (echo method prints a detection where you have made no noise).

from auditok import ADSFactory, AudioEnergyValidator, StreamTokenizer, player_for

# record = True so that we'll be able to rewind the source.
# max_time = 10: read 10 seconds from the microphone
asource =, max_time=10)

validator = AudioEnergyValidator(sample_width=asource.get_sample_width(), energy_threshold=50)
tokenizer = StreamTokenizer(validator=validator, min_length=20, max_length=250, max_continuous_silence=30)

player = player_for(asource)

def echo(data, start, end):
   print("Acoustic activity at: {0}--{1}".format(start, end))''.join(data))

tokenizer.tokenize(asource, callback=echo)

If you want to re-run the tokenizer after changing of one or many parameters, use the following code:

# change energy threshold for example
tokenizer.tokenize(asource, callback=echo)

In case you want to play the whole recorded signal back use:

auditok is on GitHub. You're welcome to fork it and contribute.

Amine SEHILI <> September 2015

This package is published under GNU GPL Version 3.