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879 lines (793 loc) · 43 KB

File metadata and controls

879 lines (793 loc) · 43 KB

ActFramework Change Log


  • Change ws endpoint for job progress status, add GET endpoint for job progress checking #957
  • The /~/job/progress ws endpoint does not work #956
  • If interceptor is disabled then it shall not return 404 #955
  • False warning message on DB configuration #953
  • CLI session shall not time out when it is reporting async job progress #952
  • NullPointerException invoking job.list command #950
  • Allow it to turn on/off handler trace while app is running #949
  • execute route.list command causes NullPointerException #948
  • NullPointerException when calling $.convert(str).to(DateTime.class) in Job #947
  • Output enhanced asm code when java.lang.VerifyError encountered #945
  • UnexpectedException with call #944
  • Deadlock issue during app hot reload #941
  • Allow app to do keyword matching on certain route path element #939
  • Missing Content-Type header in response servicing static file request #937
  • Hot-reload issue caused by StackOverflowError on AppConfig.loginUrl() #936
  • Handle Error encountered processing incoming request #933

1.8.11 5/Nov/2018

  • Automate test failure #932
  • update dependencies
    • undertow-core: 1.4.26.Final
    • snakeyaml: 1.23
    • reflectasm: 1.11.7
    • joda-time: 2.10.1
    • jline: 2.14.6

1.8.9 4/Nov/2018

  • update jline to 2.14.4
  • CLI - support @DefaultValue #929
  • Allow app to customise error response upon invalid request #922
  • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException upon starting BSBF project #931
  • Hot reload is broken in R1.8.8 version #921
  • CLI - do not output null for options without help message #927
  • API doc - allow fault tolerant when generating sample data #920
  • API doc - it shall support @Sensitive annotation #919
  • UnexpectedClassNotFoundException raised during restoring plugin classes #923
  • Unable to find the overwritten method of Xxx issue on 1.8.8 #925

1.8.8 30/Oct/2018

  • Cannot add white space for session.header.payload.prefix configuration #918
  • App.getResource(String) behavior different between dev and prod mode #916
  • Make Dao by default be stateless #914
  • Optimize Singleton controller instance infer logic #913
  • SubClassFinder and AnnotatedClassFinder shall favor NoAutoRegister annotation #912
  • Test - enhance ${now()} function #911
  • Test - allow it add negative decorator to verifier #910
  • Test - remove generic type parameter from NamedLogic #909
  • Test - allow setting precision of ${now()} function #908
  • Interceptor defined in super class now not effective on sub class #907
  • Basic support for xml content-type #905
  • ReflectedHandlerInvoker - try to get Annotation from method in parent class if possible #906
  • JsonView, CsvView etc shall be declared as @Inherited #904
  • Test debug page - make failed test display in the beginning of the page #896
  • SimpleRestfulServiceBase - further simplified the usage #898
  • API sample data - add URL category #897
  • JPAContext not closed when Error response is generated #895
  • Allow app to delay automate testing #894
  • Add removeTag, reTag method to WebSocketContext #892
  • Stop loading API manager when running in test profile or prod mode #890
  • Caused by: TestBase cannot be resolved to a type #889
  • Failed to instantiate abstract class when building interceptor list in a rare scenario #888
  • Route table: support whitespace in URL path #887
  • context.renderArg(key, val) not cleared in prod mode #886
  • make jquery extension library process xsrf token cookie automatically #884
  • CSRF - the XSRF token cookie shall not be set as httpOnly #883
  • Test - partition scenarios #877
  • Add SysEventId.POST_STARTED #882
  • Support opt-out jars from managed classloader by specifying file name prefix in #881
  • No need to trigger hotreload when testing file changes #880
  • @PropertySpec could not effect entity in collection #878
  • It randomly found request handler parameters are not enhanced with @Named annotation #879
  • Test: add $now() and $today() function #876
  • Intermittent ACT start failure in GenieModuleScanner #875
  • Route configured for namedport not effective #874
  • EntityClassMetaInfo.mergeFromMappedSuperClasses logic error #873
  • Optimize app code start in dev mode #872
  • Test: evaluation complex expression refer to cached object issue #871
  • Act not return application/json as default when exception #870
  • Test - Allow app to define url context for scenario #869
  • Add jobId to all built-in jobs #868
  • API Doc: generate sample data for interface #867
  • PropertySpec specification not working when return value is a list #866
  • Multiple instances issue with request handlers/interceptors happens across class hierarchies #865
  • Support @Order in intercepting #864
  • Support using SessionVariable annotation and DbBind together #862
  • Make EventBus and Job list favor Order annotation #861
  • test resource not refreshed after hot-reload #860
  • Rythm Template error report - source tab issue #859
  • Render automated test report for JSON request #858
  • Provide a way to allow app to specify order of elements in the injected collection #857
  • @SessionVariable annotation not working as expected #856
  • Automate testing failure #855
  • @PropertySpec not effect when ReturnValueAdvice applied #852
  • Allow it to run specific test scenario #851
  • @PropertySpec not applied to excel download #848
  • Add code and message support for unauthorizedIf function #847
  • It takes over 20s to bootstrap app in dev mode with large file in resources dir #846
  • Create an annotation to help specify head mapping for @LoadResource mechanism #844
  • FastJson exception when serialize ACT error message #841
  • CacheFor - make it allow skip Cache-Control header #837
  • ResponseCache - content disposition shall be cached #838
  • CacheFor key shall include Accept type #836
  • Provide a mechanism to allow developer advice on return value of request handler method #835
  • Add render image support #834
  • Optimise LogSupport for DestroyableBase #833
  • Allow app developer to specify download file name #829
  • ActionContext.allowIgnoreParamNamespace() overlooked by MapLoader #827
  • Use JSON.toJSONString() to replace Object.toString() whenever it is used to render response body #826
  • Force response status not working when response type is JSON #825
  • Apply new scope for implicit transaction #823
  • When returning String is not a valid JSON, it shall be encapsulated with result #821
  • Using generic typed injection in Controller cause UnexpectedException when start up #820
  • Extended request handler method's param not enhanced with @Named annotation #819
  • maven pom: It shall add .tag file into resource filtering list #817
  • Controller.renderHtml() method signature error #816
  • jquery.ext.js - undefined error checking ajax redirect when there is no content in body #815
  • API doc - support module #814
  • Cannot render Excel when return value is Map type #813
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: job already registered: __act_sys__start-delay-1 #812
  • Report error when app's package starts with act #811
  • Rename "e2e" to "test" #810
  • Bytecode enhanement error on App start #809
  • e2e - support customised fixture loading logic #808
  • Environment assert - support multiple values #807
  • e2e - allow loading fixtures from JSON file #806
  • e2e: Allow suppress fixture clearing #805
  • Add Page data structure for db list operation #804
  • E2E - NullPointerException with interdependent scenarios #803
  • JSON request resolving - binding String to class issue #802
  • APIDoc - make sample email matches sample firstname and lastname #801
  • e2e - random model data generation #800
  • e2e function: It generated invalid email #799
  • @JSONField(format = "yyyy-MM") setting not work #798
  • JSON output: default format for java.util.Date missing time part #797
  • @PropertySpec annotation now cause NullPointerException on JSON output #796
  • @CacheFor annotation cause incomplete response in PROD mode #794
  • Add renderBinary(byte[]) and renderBinary(byte[], String) method to Controller.Util #793
  • Attach PropertySpec info to ActionContext #792
  • Resource loader - allow loading from excel file #790
  • e2e - support email content verification #789
  • e2e - support embed function in string for constant definition #788
  • Empty scenario.yml file caused NullPointerException #787
  • @Data enhancement shall call super by defau lt for Map/AdaptiveMap types #786
  • Add notEqual e2e verifier #785
  • @Data enhancement error when Model class has no fields #784
  • Add attachmentName() method to ActionContext #783
  • Extend View framework to support direct rendering of non-text content without template #782
  • java.util.NoSuchElementException: null issue when force respond csv type #781
  • Allow it specify private in @CacheForfor Cache-Control directive #780
  • Merge act-e2e into act core framework #779
  • Generate etag for @CacheFor request handlers #778
  • Upload always failed after the first time #776
  • Support simplified mail template path #774
  • PasswordSpec - allow null value for password validation #773
  • @InvokeAfter does not work #772
  • Support gradle/Java project structure #771
  • Add PrincipalProvider mechanism #770
  • Add annotation to mark creator/modifier of an entity #769
  • AppClassLoader - return enhanced bytecode for getResource call #768
  • Improve Singleton detection for controller instance creation #767
  • JsonDto class generation - support request handler reuse #766
  • API Doc - Support request handler reuse #765
  • Error starting app when set to true #760
  • @DateFormatPattern has no effect on Date field #759
  • ResourceLoader - load files in directory into Map structure #758
  • Enhance ResourceLoader #757
  • Missing Chinese message for some validation violations #755
  • @LoadResource cannot inject resource content into Map or Properties #753
  • JSON string return issue when Accept is not specified #752
  • It generates 10 controller instances when app starts up #751
  • Remove undertow-websockets-jsr dependency #749
  • It shall send back 404 if return File does not exist #748
  • ActUnauthorized - source info shall be populated upon each call #745
  • Error page: error highlight line not matched the line triggered the runtime error #744
  • Improve SYSTEM_SCAN_LIST matching performance #743
  • Add App.wasStarted() method #742
  • JobAnnotationProcessor issue: non static method in abstract class shall not be treated as static #741
  • Compiler error shall print out source code and the line that break compiling in dev mode #735
  • Improve JSON output of String type result #739
  • Support returning JSON response in nonblock mode #738
  • improvement for checking singleton object
  • SampleDataCategory - make aliases() method be public
  • @Configuration field shall be stateless for a Controller #734
  • AdaptiveRecord enhancement #733
  • Password enhancement - ignore the case when password is empty #730
  • Register TypeConverter automatically #728
  • Ajax redirect callback not get called when there are parsing error for JSON request #727
  • Add TypeConverter from String to Joda datetime #726
  • Large static resource output failure #725
  • job already registered error when multiple job annotation put on the same method #724
  • Make ClassInfoRepository injectable #723
  • Provide a mechanism to allow developer easily define global FastJSON serializer and deserializer #722
  • Provide built-in endpoint to fetch Enum i18n strings #721
  • Add API doc to act aaa authentication list #720
  • PostHandle event not raised in rare case #719
  • forward shall not raise PreHandle event #717
  • API doc generateSampleData - fastJsonPropertyPreFilter treatment for collection type #716
  • session id not serialized in JWT token #711
  • Act session token still validate even when user has logout #702
  • Act start failed when set session.mapper=act.session.HeaderTokenSessionMapper #701
  • NullPointerException encountered when app started with SQL db plugin without model classes #707
  • Allow use app name and version as server header #710
  • API doc - provide a mechanism allow plugin sample data generator #709
  • Create an annotation to force application to add DisableCircularReferenceDetect to FastJSON #706
  • Add DisableCircularReferenceDetect feature to FastJSON by default #705
  • When Accept is not specified or unknown then use JSON as the output content type #704
  • Make SessionFree, NonBlock and SkipBuiltInEvents annotation support at class level #703
  • ACT-1.8.8-RC11 performance issue with Fortunes mustache templates #698
  • Add pass-through mode to wave session resolution #697
  • Allow developer to configure app cache default TTL #696
  • Provide a mechanism to disable CAPTCHA protection #694
  • Allow binding epoch time millis directly to date types #691
  • ActionContext.allowIgnoreParamNamespace not effective when POJO has collection typed fields #690
  • ParamLoader: POJO array or container field shall be initialized even if no request data for them #689
  • JWT token expiration is not effect #688
  • Customized StringValueResolver not work #687
  • JobContext: support parent #686
  • Job - emit events when JobContext created or destroyed #685
  • Param binding - need to treat @Password annotated field #684
  • Classloading: it shall automatically add inner class into management for managed class #683
  • Classloading: the logic to determine classes eligible to enhancement is not clear #682
  • Parameter binding: bind an ID string to an entity field #681
  • Revert changes to "#429" #680
  • Update to osgl-mvc 1.8.0 to fix #678
  • Fix the logic on output response through a Writer to support the fix of #676
  • RenderCSV shall check Result.stringContentProducer #677
  • Add API to Act to support shutdown Act with an optional exit status code #673
  • Param loading process shall take OSGL global mapping filter into consideration #672
  • It shall keep original config key string while processing it into canonical form #669
  • Print out API book compiled when running in dev mode #668
  • It shall ignore Exception raised during app shutdown process #667
  • It shall clear OSGL Config's internal cache on app restart #666
  • update osgl library dependencies
    • osgl-tool to 1.18.0
    • osgl-cache to 1.5.0
    • osgl-genie to 1.8.0
    • osgl-http to 1.8.0
    • osgl-mvc to 1.8.0
    • osgl-storage to 1.7.0
    • osgl-tool-ext to 1.2.0
  • Restructure response processing logic #665
  • Major performance degrade in latest TFB test #663
    • Get rid of ActContext.strBuf. It is not really useful and allocate too much memory
    • Make header overwrite by request parameters an optional feature
  • update osgl-tool to 1.12.0, osgl-http to 1.6.1, osgl-mvc to 1.7.0
  • Add getResource(String) and getResourceAsStream(String)method toActandApp` #662
  • API doc - it shall change the styling for print media #608
  • update riotjs to 3.10, jquery to 3.3.1
  • Clean up extra error logs #661
  • A weird ClassCastException #660
  • Add helper methods to LogSupport for line printing #659
  • Allow set delay time for @OnAppStart and @AlongWith #658
  • echo handler shall set Content-Type header #650
  • ActionContext.loginAndRedirect does not trigger redirect to happen #648
  • Add act version info in the error page in dev mode #639
  • JSON Writer shall use default date/time pattern setting when i18n is not enabled - related to #645
  • Enum resolving - support non-exact keyword based matching #643
  • Enum resolving - it shall respond with 400 Bad Request if resolving failed #642
  • NullPointerException while resolving int[] from Query parameter #641
  • Support bind to Cookie directly #638
  • Dependency Injection with generic type #637
  • Support passing settings via environment variable #636
  • Use canonical property key #635
  • scan_package setting in configuration file is not effective #634
  • Passing multiple packages in Act.start(String, String) trigger IllegalArgumentException #633
  • Support getting Header value from query parameters #631
  • H.Request.current() returns null #628
  • render(...) renders __arg_names__ in the final result for JSON type output #626
  • Support different date time format for different locale #607
  • me.tongfei.progressbar runs on Java8 only #622
  • Session expiration time shall not be output using Expires header #623
  • Param binding: allow it to ignore missing namespace when there is only one param to bind #618
  • @On(async = true) not work #611
  • Issue with global URL context setting #614
  • Date format not applied when returned type is DateTime[] #610
  • DateTime return result not formatted as configured #604
  • DateTime return result is not a valid JSON string #605
  • Response Headers contains unreadable code #601
  • Make Router injection support @Named #603
  • It shall inject active Router instead of default router #602
  • JSON response for array type result is not consistent #595
  • System builtin route mapping added with wrong route source #597
  • It shall not allow application to overwrite built-in service route mapping #598

1.8.7 06/Apr/2018

  • @PropertySpec annotation not effective in API doc generated sample data #594
  • Duplicated class/attribute in endpoint will be ignored #593
  • update osgl-tool to 1.10.0
  • update osgl-genie to 1.7.0

1.8.6 04/Apr/2018

  • built_in_req_handler.enabled` configuration issue #590
  • It does not print warning message for app without secret configured #592
  • API Doc - failed to generate sample data for List typed embedded data structure #591
  • API Doc - make it able to hide system endpoints #589
  • API doc - set maximum length for the description width #588

1.8.5 02/Apr/2018

  • Support output binary content by returning byte[] #586
  • It cannot direct output text or binary content #585
  • update osgl-tool to 1.9.0

1.8.4 28/Mar/2018

  • API doc pattern compilation error on Java7 #584
  • API doc enhancement - support markdown syntax in description #579

1.8.3 27/Mar/2018

  • CliServer - allow site local ip to access #577

1.8.2 25/Mar/2018

  • update osgl-tool to 1.8.2
  • update osgl-http to 1.5.1
  • update osgl-mvc to 1.5.3
  • update osgl-cache to 1.3.2
  • update osgl-logging to 1.1.2
  • Allow output session token expiration time through response header #575
  • API Doc - parsing JavaDoc to generate descriptive content #576
  • API doc index not correct #573
  • Use nonblocking I/O for body parsing when possible #572
  • Improve the performance of direct output model #568
  • Revert response output framework for small response #567
  • NoSuchMethodError with Morphia entity #565
  • API Doc error during app start #564
  • Different URL variable name caused duplicate routes not been reported #561
  • ActUnauthorized caused java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException in dev mode #563
  • Download file not working properly #562
  • Error with sending large response: UT000043: Data is already being sent. You must wait for the completion callback to be be invoked before calling send() again #560
  • ResourceLoader: support loading json file into Map or other POJO #559
  • Support @DefaultValue with @Configuration #558
  • StackOverflowError encountered when SimpleBean field name does not follow Java convention #546

1.8.1 11/Mar/2018

  • Support request forward #556
  • Cannot apply text result to format: javascript #555
  • Random NullPointerException on act-1.6.6 #553
  • update commons.fileupload to 1.3.3 #549
  • Ebean is not enchaned? #545
  • NPE running feature-test sample project #544
  • if use multiple datasource,throw class registered warning/error when app start #468

1.8.0 4/Mar/2018

  • update osgl-tool to 1.7.0
  • update osgl-genie to 1.5.0
  • update osgl-http to 1.4.0
  • update osgl-mvc to 1.5.0
  • update undertow to 1.4.23.Final
  • By default enable CLI on PROD mode
    • we will disable CLI in the high security starter kit by default.
  • Make @Configuration working on publice static properties #536
  • MasterEntityMetaInfoRepo - support MappedSuperClass annotation registration #543
  • Add NamedProvider for CacheService #542
  • ProjectLayout - provide layout for gradle_groovy combination #541
  • Cannot run a groovy program even in PROD mode #540
  • Implement new response output model #539
  • Param binding failure for List<Foo> style parameters #538
  • notFoundIfNull return Content-Type as text/html #537


  • Fix regression issue with #504


  • EntityMetaInfo framework - Support capture EntityListener annotation #535
  • Add TimestampGenerator for java.sql.Time and java.sql.Timestamp #534
  • Cannot call Password.Verifier.verifyPassword on object without a @Password field #528
  • Running Config sample project in prod mode cannot find template #527
  • Large content sent to response get truncated #531
  • Extends error response to allow user defined code #530
  • Add helper method #529

1.7.1 21/Feb/2018

  • EventBus.Key.effectiveTypeOf cause stackoverflow in Event sample #525
  • NPE running config sample #524
  • Allow normal action handler support partial path #523

1.7.0 19/Feb/2018

  • Update JPA api to 2.2
  • EntityMetaInfo and scanner - support JPA plugin
  • Update to act-asm-5.0.3 for precise line number in error reporting
  • Improve built-in service performance by make them as nonblock when possible
  • Support DirectoryIndex for file ResourceGetter and FileGetter #521
  • rename configuration cli.session.expiration to cli.session.ttl to make it comply to session.ttl configuration
  • testapp apidoc error #519
  • Simple event dispatching failed when event listener method argument list contains Interface #518
  • Env.RequireMode not working on route registration #517
  • ProgressGauge API changes #516
  • JsonView on class has no effect to CLI command #515
  • DefaultSessionCodec.processExpiration error #513
  • JWT: sometimes JWT deserialization failed #512
  • Command line param binding failed for char[] #511
  • Make API doc TOC organised by HTTP method and URL path #510
  • NullPointerException after app reloaded from an ASM error in dev mode #509
  • Error page not displayed if asm error raised during scanning phase #508
  • @SessionVariable binding failure #506
  • @DefaultValue not working for primitive types #504
  • Create act.util.CsvView as an alias of ResponseContentType(H.MediaType.CSV) #503
  • Add suffix to download file for csv typed response #502
  • ResourceLoader - support any object type #497
  • ClassCastException with Ehcache #495
  • Further simplify password field processing #491
  • Encrypt sensitive data in persistent storage #490
  • Do not Set-Cookie for session and flash if there is no state #484
  • Make act.metric.Timer be a Closable #483
  • Simplify measuring of method execution #482
  • DB: add annotation to mark created and last modified timestamp fields #480
  • Missing actframework version in the banner text in dev mode with Eclipse project #478
  • Rename AppEvent to SysEvent #475
  • Implement a rotation secret for Act application #474
  • Improve simple event handler mechanism #473
  • Emit/trigger EventObject typed event through `EventBus #472
  • SimpleEventHandler mechanism does not work with EventObject #471
  • Allow LoadResource inject into Set of strings #470
  • Param binding - it shall not try to get provider for simple types #449
  • Support plugin JAX-RS #448
  • Add method annotation to direct framework use JSON.toJSONStringWithDateFormat() #281
  • Trace handler call #238
  • Make it able to specify the named ports in routes configuration #183

**1.6.6 23/Jan/2018

  • context.username() returns null after upgrade act to 1.6.4 #485

**1.6.5 23/Jan/2018

  • job.list system command not working #481
  • Update fastjson to 1.2.45

1.6.4 14/Jan/2018

  • Performance issue with Rythm #469
    • update rythm-engine to 1.2.2
  • Other performance updates
    • in act core code
    • update osgl-genie to 1.3.4
    • update osgl-http to 1.2.3

1.6.3 13/Jan/2018

  • Template not reload after changed in dev mode #467
  • ApiManager prints a lot of warning messages #466
  • ClassCastException caused by @CacheFor #465
  • Show entry URL on the console #463
  • It displays control characters in the Eclipse console #462
  • Limit the access to CLI service #464

1.6.2 11/Jan/2018

  • Add string resolver for java.sql.Date and java.sql.Timestamp #460
  • Make default Date format be date instead of date and time #459
  • Make ResourceLoader support URL type #457
  • Fault response for txt/plain response #456
  • Turn off @CacheFor on dev mode #455
  • Support X-Forwarded-For to allow app get real remote ip when app is behind a reverse proxy #454
  • Customized EbeanConfigLoaded event listener not triggered #453
  • Param binding failure for java.sql.TimeStamp typed parameter #452
  • Allow it configure the first time the @Every job be invoked #451
  • @Every without specifying the time failed #450
  • Param binding - it shall not try to get provider for simple types. #449
  • Some view engine caused browser always loading when running in prod mode #447
  • rythm tag @resource @asset generated path shall start with / #445

1.6.1 06/Jan/2018

  • Router - avoid regex matching when possible #442
  • Make @JsonView annotation an alias of @ResponseContentType(H.Media.JSON) #440
  • Support Content-Security-Policy header #439
  • Support using MACRO for URL path regex definition #438

1.6.0 28/Dec/2017

  • Update osgl-tool to 1.5.2
  • Update osgl-genie to 1.3.3
  • Update fastjson to 1.2.44
  • Fix logic error in DefaultSessionCodec - session timeout processing not effective
  • Fix a few issues relevant to configuration loading

1.6.0-RC2 19/Dec/2017

  • Update Version to osgl-version-2

1.6.0-RC1 19/Dec/2017

  • Support throttle control #435
  • Enhance @Configuration injection #434
  • css resource Content-Type not set in prod mode #430
  • ParamLoader: POJO instance not intialized if no field is set #429
  • Support loading AdaptiveRecord from form post data #428
  • java.lang.ClassCastException when ACT startup with session.ttl configuration #427
  • Support SerializeFilter when return entity through FastJSON #426
  • @TemplateContext shall inherit from parent class #424
  • @Configuration not works properly #423
  • Support @Configuration inject #421
  • Create an mechanism to load resource from config folder #420
  • Support annotated routing directive #419
  • Error encountered during app startup on JDK 7 #418
  • Add findLatest() method to Dao #402
  • Support inject file content into String or ByteBuffer #397
  • New static file/resource handler that are subject to authentication/session management #396
  • Created.withLocation shall generate valid JSON string when Accept is application/json #349
  • Cache template loaded in ViewManager #348
  • use underscore style token for enum class name in enum i18n key #333
  • Support webjar #331
  • Support dynamic URL path variables #325
  • Add timestamp to default error response #274
  • Allow API accept job name parameter #268
  • support different redirect semantic #263
  • Request to support versioning of static resource mappings #210
  • Support inline template #289
  • Exception using underscore in a URL path variable name #295

1.5.3 18/Nov/2017

  • NPE encountered when CSRF protector redirect request to login page #415
  • Evict original URL cache from session once redirection happened #414
  • update fastjson to 1.2.41 #416

1.5.2 17/Nov/2017

  • Handle login redirect gracefully #412
  • NPE while returning an InputStream in an action handler #410
  • Mal behavior of app running in dev mode with .version file #409

1.5.1 15/Nov/2017

  • NullPointerException when invoking job #407

1.5.0 15/Nov/2017

  • Inject annotation of the handler method into the interceptor param list #406
  • Add built-in API to report app version and act version #405
  • Update riotjs version and add riot-route.js #404

1.4.14 07/Nov/2017

  • File download not working correctly #401
  • NullPointerException encountered with WebSocket Connection Event #400
  • Better support for app to directly write to content to response #399
  • UT000002: The response has already been started when it write content to response #398
  • Send back 400 Bad Request on response trigger an obscure error page when content type is application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet #394

1.4.13 16/Oct/2017

  • Update riotjs to 3.7.2
  • Add createWebSocket(path) method to jquery.ext.js #392
  • The ActContextProvider does not favor WebSocketContext type #391
  • Allow websocket message handler to return object #390
  • It shall set WebsocketContext thread local variable upon ws message incoming #389
  • Multiple @Catch can not work normally #388
  • jquery.ext.js: allow jQuery.put() and jQuery.putJSON() method to use raw body #387
  • Cannot find out Dao for model type[class act.db.ModelBase] issue #386
  • Prevent interceptor method from binding JSON data by default #385
  • render.json.output_charset configuration not working on POST request #384
  • ACT can only map wrapped JSON object to entity #383
  • Allow developer to disable actframework built-in routes #382
  • when loading app from jar file it shall set app.mode to prod #381
  • Add sessionId() method to ActContext #380
  • Allow app to specify date time format to parse remote JSON response #379
  • It always return null when executing CLI command that handled by a static method #378
  • Allow it to skip implicity view arguments for certain controller method #376
  • Properties files in jar are ignored #375
  • Publish backend job progress through websocket #356
  • CLI progress report: it reports less than 100 percent when job finished sometimes #324

1.4.12 13/Sep/2017

  • SequenceNumberGenerator cause error in heterogeneouse data source environment #374
  • Allow inject Dao interface #373

1.4.11 10/Sep/2017

  • catch up update to 1.3.14-LTS
  • Support running CLI Job in background #267
  • job.list CLI command failure #355

1.4.10 21/Aug/2017

  • catch up update to 1.3.13-LTS


  • catch up update to 1.3.12-LTS


  • catch up update to 1.3.11-LTS


  • catch up update to 1.3.10-LTS


  • Catch up update to 1.3.9-LTS


  • Catch up update to 1.3.8


  • Catch up update to 1.3.7


  • Two WebSocketConnectionManager exists #250
  • HttpServerExchange cannot have both async IO resumed and dispatch() called in the same cycle #248
  • catch up to bug fixes in 1.3.6


  • catch up to bug fixes in 1.3.5


  • DbServiceManager.hasDbService() error implementation #239


  • Update fastjson to 1.2.33 #235
  • App start event listener not called when there is no Async DbService #234
  • Generate ASCII banner for favicon #228
  • Support colorful console output #227
  • Support customized banner text #226
  • Allow app to terminate @InheritedStateless #223
  • Make Dao implementation be stateless #221
  • Automatically register a class with @Stateless tag into app's singleton registry #220
  • Support Lazy initialized singleton #219
  • Support initialize DbService asynchronously #217
  • Support easy configuring of header session mapper #212
  • Smart initialize Job instance #211
  • Deprecate @Env.Mode for @Env.RequireMode #207
  • Deprecate @Env.Profile for @Env.RequireProfile #206
  • Deprecate @Env.Group for @Env.RequireGroup #205
  • Log the URL with handler error message #192
  • Review and fix the use of ConcurrentMap #191
  • upport WebSocket #17 S


  • Improve maven build process #372
  • Improve logging support #370
  • Simplify start API/implementation #369
  • Introduce osgl-bootstrap and osgl-ut #368
  • It shall not try to instantiate commander class for command implemented on static method #367
  • NPE when building param tree #365
  • Deadlock on app start #363
  • Binder annotation on bean field doesn't work #362
  • Support app defined parameter binder annotation #361
  • Improve app version reading support #359
  • If no file selected in an upload form, the server side will trigger a 500 server error #357
  • ProvidesImplicitTemplateVariable generates bad rythm template source code #354
  • The rest parameters is always null after @DbBind annotated parameter #353
  • Support API document generation #351
  • Improve Catch interceptor API #350
  • Get DbService list from DbServiceManager by plugin class #273
  • Fix regression issues: #287 and #297


  • Add annotation to allow developer specify a handler method's template shall not be cached #347
  • Template not found in prod mode #346


  • Support in memory cache of uploaded file when size not exceeds threshold #345
  • Support * in integer value configuration #344
  • Drop download upload file support #343
  • Make upload file in memory threshold be configurable #341
  • Upload file get saved twice to filesystem #340
  • Make upload file stored in a hierarchical directory structure #339
  • It shall report 400 Bad Request if required file upload is missing #338
  • StaticResourceGetter.toString method output is confusing #337
  • Act's asset static resource URL shall follow the built-in URL convention #336
  • UploadFileStorageService shall add length attribute into SObject #335


  • Error message could not display correctly #330
  • ACT can't register ebean as default datasource when configuration both ebean and mongo datasource #328


  • default constructor not found. class #327


  • Random issue: Cannot instantiate interface org.osgl.inject.ScopeCache$SingletonScope #323
  • CLI: Print out the real exception instead of InvocationTargetException #322
  • CLI session exit message issue #321
  • i18n message interpolation shall follow standard message format #320
  • It shall respond with 400 when DbBind cannot find the binding value in the request #319
  • Cannot implement Command handler in MorphiaDao #318
  • @DbBind not working with JSON format #317
  • Provide a mechanism to allow plugin listen to app hot reload event #316
  • EventBus call on SimpleEventListener shall throw out exceptions #313
  • when using @Output on field it shall allow method not to have template #312
  • Make DbBind annotation to support fetch all data from database #310


  • Add templatePath method into Mailer.Util #309
  • java.lang.IllegalStateException: parent context not found #307
  • Allow user to set content through Mailer.Util #306
  • Add attach(...) methods into Mailer.Util #305
  • Support early binding of ActEventListener #304
  • Add classForName method to App instance #303
  • DbBind comment error #302
  • Allow DbBind to use different names to map between request parameter and model field #301
  • It loads the same routes.conf file twice #300
  • Suppress resource: directive in route table #299
  • The app cannot boot up when static file routing cannot find dir #298
  • JSON binding doesn't work well with @DbBind annotation #297
  • Mail: Sending attachment caused javax.mail.messagingexception: unknown encoding: utf-8 #294
  • English label is not correct in Act CLI #290
  • Make @ProvidesImplicitTemplateVariable support default value #288
  • @ProvidesImplicitTemplateVariable: Generic type lost #287
  • When handler has no return value it shall still check the context render arguments #286
  • @Output annotation on field declaration does not work #285
  • Add an annotation to support output all controller method parameters into render argument list #284


  • update osgl-mvc to 1.2.0 #276
  • @AnnotatedWith injection not work #275
  • AdaptiveRecord.Util.asMap method error #272
  • It shall report 405 Method Not Allowed for HTTP method not recongized #269
  • update fastjson to 1.2.34 #265


  • No log for block issue encountered before loading dependency manager #261
  • Issue with @DisableFastJsonCircularReferenceDetect and @GetAction #260
  • Improve error message when template not found #258
  • SimpleBean Bytecode scanner issue: interfaces not populated in certain case #254
  • SimpleBean implementation shall be enhanced even without public fields #253
  • download stalled #252
  • StackOverflowError when the class that needs to output in CLI command contains java.util.Locale typed field #251


  • Returning Locale type result does not rendering valid JSON response #246
  • Resource consumption issue with DEV mode #244


  • @Output annotation on controller field is not effective when handler method has no parameters #202
  • Make mailer support @TemplateContext annotation #203
  • App bytecode enhancer state not cleaned #214
  • Improve handling of fatal error in Job method during app bootstrap #216
  • async job is not really async #222
  • double decode of URL path variable #229
  • CLI cannot input negative number #230
  • RenderAny shall favor ActionContext.hasTemplate() result #231
  • When action handler returning an object, it failed to apply the @ResponseStatus annotation in certain cases #233


  • It does not put correct content type header when servicing static resource as css file bug fixed #200
  • Error generating error page if Request.accept() format is not normal #199
  • @TemplateUrl annotation on interceptor class shall not impact the template context of handler action #197
  • page cache key is the same for two action handler methods with the same name in different class #196
  • MorphiaAdaptiveRecord.putValues(Map<String, Object>) failure #193
  • Allow page cache key generator create different key by checking useragent for mobile/browser #188
  • NPE triggered on actframework official website #187
  • Add Access-Control-Allow-Credentials in CORS support #186


  • functional test cases break when action handler returns array of elements #194


  • It shall not report server error if no file uploaded #189
  • java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/Persistence #190


  • Create a mechanism to cache the GET request result #128
  • Introduce @TemplateContext annotation #163
  • Split @Controller annotation into @UrlContext and @Port annotation #164
  • @Global doesn't work when put behind the interceptor annotation #167
  • Make all scanner favor the setting of @Env annotations #168
  • Regex in route not working #169
  • Make it easy to create global template variable #170
  • Add helper javascript library that extends jQuery #171
  • Support profile specific route configuration #174
  • Create better error message when there are error enhancing classes #175
  • Better error reporting when multiple controller action/interceptor methods have the same name #177
  • When handler returns a primitive type the result is not JSON result when Accept header require JSON #178
  • Provide an annotation to mark a field or parameter as template variable #179
  • Setting character encoding in response doesn't effect correctly #180
  • Make redirect favor Controller URL context #181
  • Make app able to run prod mode from within IDE #182


  • Add an annotation that indicate an injected field is stateless #161
  • Make ActionContext an injectable field in Controller.Util #160
  • generated pid file not get deleted when app process is killed #159
  • SEO support on routing #157
  • Compile error is not displayed at dev mode #156
  • When @NotNull used along with @DbBind it shall return 404 if binding failed #153
  • Allow annotation based interceptor class to be registered as global interceptor #152
  • Allow @With annotation to be used on specific handler method #136
  • Improve error reporting on "Unknown accept content type" #124


  • Update version of osgl and other dependencies #151
  • Deadlock while app boot up #150


  • Support get process ID on non-unix environment #148
  • Unnecessary synchronization ReflectedHandlerInvoker.checkTemplate #147
  • When db plugin is configured, it uses empty string as service ID #146
  • EventBus.bind(Object, SimpleEventListener) shall check if the object type is EventObject #144


  • Always generate pid file when app start in prod mode #142
  • Support context URL path #141
  • Cannot use multiple Job annotations on one job method #140
  • allow SimpleEventHandler to be used to handle event happening before app started #139
  • Update FastJson to 1.2.31 #138
  • Provides SqlDbService as a base class for all SQL based DbService solution #135
  • upgrade FastJson to 1.2.31


  • ake it able to configure the number of network io threads and work threads #70 M
  • configuration render.json.output_charset.enabled default value shall be false #120
  • qrcode method problem #127
  • Response outputstream not closed #130
  • ZXingResult call applyAfterCommitHandler twice #131
  • "type not recognized: MODEL_TYPE" Error when using a DaoBase subclass as Controller #132
  • It uses undertow deprecated API to construct HttpOpenListener #133
  • Fine tune undertow configurations #134


  • caused issue that failed to add route mapping in certain case #121 #115
  • Update fastjson to 1.2.30



  • It shall display the exception stack trace tab on template exception page #109
  • Using simplified action path in @fullUrl and @url doesn't work in an free template #110
  • Routing failure on /{path1}/{path2}/{path3}/{id}.html style URL path #111
  • Missing embedded object content when PropertySpec is specified #112
  • Exception encountered when first field of post JSON body contains the parameter name #113
  • Router: support inner variables inside URL path #115
  • Update RythmEngine to 1.2.0
  • Update joda-time to 2.9.9


  • Error enhancing render arguments when break the statement into multiple lines #68
  • @fullUrl and @url tag doesn't work when there is no GET request mapping to the action handler method #84
  • session.ttl setting prevent app from start up #89
  • Invalid encoded characters in Error page #94
  • Act controller not return correct @version "v" for save method when MorphiaDao return the value bug #97
  • Update FastJson version to 1.2.29 #99
  • when the browser get a json request, Chinese characters are not displayed properly #100
  • IE doesn't support "application/json" content type #101
  • Incorrectly configured routes should not crash hot-reload #104
  • Reloading View manager might break the hot reload process #106
  • Simplify the use of reverse routing API #107
  • Simplify the use of @url and @fullUrl tag #108


  • It shall allow null value for enum type parameter when do the request parameter binding #86
  • DependencyInjectionListener shall register with sub classes of the target class also #87
  • Controller context break with intermediate non-controller class in the hierarchies #88


  • static action handler method cause NPE #79
  • Duplicate route mapping breaks the hot reloading and application state #81 #81


  • First formal release


  • Validation refactory


  • DAO API change: save(Iterable) now returns list of object been saved


  • 0.4.0 reserved for TechEmpower benchmark set
  • update dependency versions
  • A lot of fix to Adaptive Record
  • Dependency Injection improvement on auto binding
  • Job parameter binding improvement


  • Performance tuning: enable direct io thread processing handler


  • ActiveRecord -> AdaptiveRecord
  • Performance tuning: enable nonblocking IO


  • Catch up update to osgl-mvc 0.6.0: Bind annotation now support specifying multiple Binder implementations


  • Make act be java 1.6 compatible
  • Big refactoring on
  • dependency injection now on Genie
  • param loading mechanism
  • render arg enhancement now support method call with params, and field


  • testapp to implement integration test of ActFramework


  • misc bug fixes


  • baseline version