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Tracking machine learning models in R with MLflow

In this story I have briefly described what MLflow is and how it works. MLflow currently provides APIs in Python language that users can invoke in their machine learning source codes to log parameters, metrics, and artifacts to be tracked by the MLflow tracking server.

Users familiar with R and perform machine learning operations in R may like to track their models and every runs with MLflow. There are several approaches users can take.

  • Waiting for Mlflow to release the APIs in R, or
  • Wrapping MLflow RESTful APIs and logging through curl commands, or
  • Calling existing Python APIs with some R packages that can invoke Python interpreter

The last approach is simple and easy enough while allows users to interact with MLflow without waiting for R APIs to be available. I will illustrate how to achieve this with R package reticulate.

reticulate is an open source R package that allows to call Python from R by embedding a Python session within the R session. It provides seamless and high-performance interoperability between R and Python. The package is available in CRAN repository.

Before beginning, you should have Python installed on the environment where R is running. I prefer installing miniconda.

Once the Python is installed, you can create a virtualenv for MLflow and install mlflow package as follow (with conda):

conda create -q -n mlflow python=3.6
source activate mlflow
pip install -U pip
pip install mlflow

Next install reticulate package through R.


reticulate allows R to call Python functions seamlessly. The Python package is loaded by the import statement. Calling to a function is through $ operator.

> library(reticulate)
> path <- import("os.path")
> path$isdir("/tmp")
[1] TRUE

As you can see above, it is very simple to call Python functions in os.path module from R with this package. So you can do the same thing with mlflow package by importing it and then call mlflow$log_param and mlflow$log_metric to log parameters and metrics for the R script.

Following R script builds a linear regression model with SparkR. You need SparkR package installed for this example.

# load the reticulate package and import mlflow Python module
mlflow <- import("mlflow")

# load SparkR package and start spark session
library(SparkR, lib.loc = c(file.path(Sys.getenv("SPARK_HOME"), "R", "lib")))

# convert iris data.frame to SparkDataFrame
df <- as.DataFrame(iris)

# parameter for GLM
family <- c("gaussian")

# log the parameter
mlflow$log_param("family", family)

# fit the GLM model
model <- spark.glm(df, Species ~ ., family = family)

# exam the model

# path to save the model
model_path <- "/tmp/mlflow-GLM"

# save the model, model_path)

# log the artifact

# stop spark session

You can either copy the script to R or Rstudio and run interactively, or save it to a file and run with Rscript command. Make sure that the PATH environment variable includes the path to the mlflow Python virtualenv.

Once the script finishes, go to MLflow UI, the run is now showing and so it can be tracked. Here is a snapshot.

MLflow UI snapshot

In conclusion, this approach lets R users take benefit of MLflow Tracking component and track their R models in a quick way. I will show how R users can use the other two components (Projects and Models) of MLflow in future stories.