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File metadata and controls

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Drools Runtime and Test support tools

  • Fluent APIs to interact with Kie Sessions and firing rules.
  • Custom Spring TestExecutionListener to support unit tests


  • JDK 8
  • Maven: 3.x
  • Spring: 5.1.x
  • Drools: 7.23.0.Final

Getting started

  • Download this project
  • mvn install this project
  • Add the project as a dependency
  • Change the kie version if required. Currently it points to community version: 6.5.0.Final

Fluent API usage

Get a stateless Kie session:

  • Import drools-support-context.xml into your application spring context

  • Create a RulesExecution Service class where you will acquire a session and fire rules

  • Inject KieSessionProvider.

  • If no session name is provided, the default session will be identified and returned

      StatelessKieSession statelessKieSession = new SessionBuilder(kieSessionProvider)
      	.pollingIntervalMillis(100) //Optional
      	.sessionPoolSize(5) //Optional. Defaulted to pool size of 10
      	.fetchStatelessKieSession("bar.kbase.stateless.session");  //No-arg method will fetch default session

Get a stateful Kie session:

	KieSession statefulKieSession = new SessionBuilder(kieSessionProvider)
		.forKnowledgeModule("", "bar-knowledge", "1.0.0")
		.fetchKieSession("bar.kbase.stateful.session"); //No-arg method will fetch default session

Fire rules on a stateless session

	new RulesExecution(statelessKieSession) //Constructor-arg accepts KieSession or StatelessKieSession
		.isBatchExecution(true) //Default is true. Applicable to only StatlessKieSession
		.addFacts(factList) //List of fact objects
		.addGlobal(globalVariable1, globalObject1) //Optional global
		.addGlobal(globalVariable2, globalObject2) //Optional global
		.addEventListeners(myAgendaListsner, myProcessListener) //Optional ArrayList/Array of Listeners

Fire rules on a stateful session

	new RulesExecution(kieSession)
		.addFacts(fact1, fact2) //Array of fact objects
		.addGlobals(globalsMap) //Optional HashMap of globals
		.addEventListeners(myAgendaListsner, myProcessListener) //Optional ArrayList/Array of Listeners
		.forAgendaGroups("agenda-group-1", "agenda-group-2") //Optional array of agenda group names
  • Add the following entries in

Audit and deep tracing

The RulesExecution API has features to generate multiple audit logs. There are 2 types of audit logs.

Audit log

Print rules that got fired for a transaction along with execution stats. This is helpful for Business and IT for audit logging/debugging. You may add application context information to identify the specific transaction that fired a set of rules. Below steps explain how to do this:

  • Add the following entries in Replace var1 and var2 with meaningful context variables. You may add/remove as many as required

      log4j.appender.rulesaudit.layout.ConversionPattern=%d [%X{var1}][%X{var2}]- %m%n
  • Add the following calls to RulesExecution

      .addContext("user", "USER1") //Add diagnostic context to  rules logging
      .addContext("key", "123") //Add diagnostic context to  rules logging
  • Run a test and you should see the file rules-audit.log generated with log statements that look like:

      2016-07-29 12:10:08,516 [USER1][123]- Rule -> My rule 1  | Stats -> matchesCreated=1 matchesCancelled=0 matchesFired=1 firingTime=7ms
      2016-07-29 12:10:08,516 [USER1][123]- Rule -> My rule 2  | Stats -> matchesCreated=1 matchesCancelled=0 matchesFired=1 firingTime=1ms
      2016-07-29 12:10:08,516 [USER1][123]- Rule -> My rule 3  | Stats -> matchesCreated=1 matchesCancelled=0 matchesFired=1 firingTime=1ms
  • Disable this feature by changing the log level of rules-audit to WARN/ERROR.

Trace log

This IT specific feature generates a drools audit log with the rules that got executed along with the working memory data. Use this ONLY to debug production issues. To enable this feature:

  • Add this in
  • Add the following calls to RulesExecution

      .auditTrace("/server/app/logs") //Pass the path a system property
  • Run a test and you should see the file rules-trace.log generated with xml content in /logs directory

  • Open Drools Audit view in Eclipse

  • Copy the file to your local and point to the file Audit view. The view displays activated rules and related working memory content. This is very useful for IT debugging.

Unit testing Knowledge module

  • Add in src/test/resources

  • Add the following entries in
  • Use the following annotations to help with Drools testing

    • KReleaseId: Enter knowledge module GAV at the Test class level
    • KBase: Create an attribute and with KBase annotation and provide the kbase name. You can have multiple KBase attributes
    • KSession: Create an attribute and with KSession annotation and provide the stateful ksession name. You can have multiple KSession attributes
    • StatelessKSession: Create an attribute and with StatelessKSession annotation and provide the stateless session name. You can have multiple StatelessKSession attributes
    • EventListeners: Enable/disable auditing and tracing. By default it is enabled if you don't include the annotation. Trace file will be generated at target/rules-trace.log. Audit trail of the rules that got fired will be in the console log
  • Add the Spring test execution listener DroolsTestExecutionListener

  • Refer for usage of DroolsTestExecutionListener and annotations

  • After executing a test,

    • a drools trace audit file is generated at target/rules-trace.log. You may change the file name and path by using EventListeners annotation in the test
    • Open Drools Audit view in Eclipse
    • Drag rules-trace.log to the view
    • You should see all the rules that got executed along with the fact models that triggered the execution
    • Rules that got fired along with performance stat is printed in the console
