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File metadata and controls

67 lines (52 loc) · 3.76 KB

Strimzi Kafka

The namespace used in the kafka config files is anair-kafka. Do a replace all for the namespace on all files.

Update only kafka and zookeeper images

  • Update the image in __oc apply -f install/cluster-operator/050-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml
  • Apply change that will restart zookeeper and kafka pods automatically oc apply -f install/cluster-operator/050-Deployment-strimzi-cluster-operator.yaml



  1. Verify that all pods are running fine and are healthy
  2. Verify following deployments are created:
    • strimzi-cluster-operator
    • anair-kafka-cluster-entity-operator
  3. Verify following statefulsets are created:
    • anair-kafka-cluster-kafka with 3 pods
    • anair-kafka-cluster-zookeeper with 3 pods
  4. Verify routes are created
    • Get bootstrap route: oc get routes [NAMESPACE]-cluster-kafka-bootstrap -o=jsonpath='{.status.ingress[0].host}{"n"}'

Security configuration

Do this only for a new install. Skip for upgrade

  1. cd kafka/tls
  2. Extract the certificate for connecting to the kafka broker with TLS oc extract secret/[NAMESPACE]-cluster-cluster-ca-cert --keys=ca.crt --to=- > ca.crt
  3. Create Truststore file from cert: keytool -keystore client.truststore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca.crt. Remember password
  4. Create Keystore file from cert: keytool -keystore client.keystore.jks -alias CARoot -import -file ca.crt. Remember password
  5. Update tls/ with keystore and truststore password
  6. Use, jks files and cert to login to a remote secured strimzi kafka cluster


  • Copy, client.keystore.jks, client.truststore.jks, ca.crt files to another folder like kafka-ssl.
  • Install Kafka locally
  • Copy bootstrap hostname from the external route anair-kafka-cluster-kafka-bootstrap and use that as the bootstrap server


kafka-console-producer --broker-list [BOOTSTRAP_HOSTNAME]:443 --topic anair --producer.config


kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server [BOOTSTRAP_HOSTNAME]:443 --topic anair --consumer.config --from-beginning

Kafka,Zookeeper cluster metrics

  1. Create route from kafka service exposing port 9404
  2. Create route from zookeeper service exposing port 9404
  3. Enable Edge TLS termination
  4. Click on the new routes to see raw metics data
  5. Ensure that these urls are configured in prometheus.yaml to capture and visualze metrics

Zookeeper entrance

In order to have monitoring tools like Kafka Manager access access Strimzi kafka brokers and topics, it needs to access Strimzi kafka zookeeper. This version of zookeeper is secured and cannot be accessed by Kafka Manager. To overcome this, Jakob Schulz (main committer of Strimzi) has created a backdoor unsecured access to the same zookeeper cluster. Run below steps in every strimzi kafka cluster

  1. Open zookeeper-entrance/k8s/zookeeperentrance-dc.yaml and replace {{STRIMZI_CLUSTER_NAME}} with the kafka cluster name like "anair-kafka-cluster"
  2. Run zookeeper-entrance/k8s/zookeeperentrance-dc.yaml
  3. Verify the pod is running fine


Rolling restart

Restart will be initiated by the cluster operator in 2 minutes

  • Zookeeper: oc annotate statefulset [NAMESPACE]-cluster-zookeeper
  • Kafka: oc annotate statefulset [NAMESPACE]-cluster-kafka

Scaling brokers