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Exercise 6 - Implementing more features

In this exercise we will

  • Implement more features in our app.
  • Add static code analysis to the build pipeline.
  • Only allow builds that passes static code analysis.

Our calculator can do addition and division, but is sorely lacking subtraction and multiplying.

With a deployment pipeline in place, this should be easy. We just have to implement the features and CircleCI and Heroku takes care of the rest.

6.1 - Implement subtraction

Implementing subtraction should be pretty straight forward. There's even some unit tests in place to help us get started.

✏️ Open test/calcCtrl.spec.js and uncomment the lines 84-128 (all of the comments).
✏️ Run the grunt test command. The tests fail as expected. After all, the code we're attempting to test is not implemented yet.
✏️ Go into src/calcCtrl.js and implement subtraction.
✏️ Running grunt test again should report our tests are now passing.

6.2 - Fail and fix

Before we push our changes, let's fail one of the unit tests to see if build server picks it up.

✏️ Change one of the subtraction unit tests to a different value and verify its failing before committing and pushing the changes.
✏️ Our code failed the build due to a failing unit test, and did not continue on to deploy anything to Heroku. This is very good - it means we can trust in our build pipeline to only put quality builds in production.
✏️ Fix the test, push to Github, and test it in Heroku.

6.3 - Implement multiplication

Our calculator still can't multiply.

✏️ Implement multiplication and make sure there are tests verifying that it's working as expected. Make sure different cases are covered, like multiplying with zero, and negative numbers.
✏️ Verify it's all working in production.

6.4 - Static code analysis

Static code analysis ensures we are adhering to best practice code standards.

Let's make sure our code follows the coding practices suggested by JSHint.

✏️ Start by installing a JSHint package for Grunt, by running npm install grunt-contrib-jshint --save-dev in a terminal.
✏️ Open circle.yml and in the test-section, add a step below grunt test with the command grunt lint.

    - npm test
+   - grunt lint

We must then define the grunt lint task.

✏️ Open Gruntfile.js and add the following code with the other configuration objects:

var jsHintConfig = {
  all: ['src/calcApp.module.js', 'src/calcCtrl.js'],

✏️ Then, add the jshint options to the Grunt configuration:

 var gruntConfig = {
   sass: sassConfig,
   concat: concatConfig,
   uglify: uglifyConfig,
   cssmin: cssminConfig,
   connect: connectConfig,
   karma: karmaConfig,
+  jshint: jsHintConfig,

✏️ Finally, we'll add the lint task:

grunt.registerTask('lint', [

✏️ Push your changes and inspect the build in CircleCI.

The build failed and we got some feedback on why. It's complaining that we are defining a result variable several times. If we inspect our JavaScript code (calcCtrl.js), we'll see that indeed we are. In JavaScript, if-blocks does not isolate scope. So even though the runtime will never execute more than one of our if-else blocks, we are indeed re-using the variable. This is because of "var hoisting", one of many quirks in JavaScript.

✏️ Let's fix this for now by assigning results directly to vm.result instead.
✏️ Run grunt lint to see if we fixed all errors.

There are 2 more issues in our code.

✏️ Fix these issues, then run grunt lint again to verify there's no more issues and push the changes.

Now our build should pass and the app should be deployed! 🎉 🎉 🎉

Feel free to add more features and play around with the build pipeline and the code.

🥇 All done! 🥇