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How to Use Py21

Basic Usage

All that you need to do to run the simulator is initiate instances of the Game and Player objects from the py21 package. The Player object has one required argument and three optional arguments:

  • bankroll: starting bankroll for the player (required).
  • strategy_func: function used to determine the action a player takes (optional).
  • wager_func: function used to determine how a player bets (optional).
  • insurance_func: function used to determine when the player takes insurance (optional).

Instructions on how to write you're own custom functions for each of the arguments appear later in the document. By default, the player is set to use basic strategy, bet the minimum, and never take insurance.

The Game object takes one required argument and two optional ones:

  • players: list of Player objects that will be used in the game (required)
  • rules: dictionary containing updates to the game's rules (optional)
  • verbose: True/False for whether or not you want output to be printed while the game is being played (optional)
  • test: creates a fake deck that is used for testing the code
  • seed: optional seed for the random number generator
from py21 import Game, Player

player = Player(100)
game = Game([player])

If you would like to modify the rules to the game before playing, you can do so by using a dictionary with a `{parameter: new_rule} format.

new_rules = {"num_decks": 8}
game = Game([player], rules=new_rules)

A full list of the game parameters you can change can be found here.

At this point, you are ready to play. You can play a single round, or simulate as many as you wish.

game.play_round()  # simulate a single round
game.simulate(n)  # simulate n rounds

Creating Custom Functions

To take your simulations to the next level, you can create custom functions to control player actions.

When you initiate the Player object, you can specify a function to call when an action like hit or stand is required. This function is called with the following arguments:

  • player: the player object the function is attached to.
  • hand: the player's current hand. This is an instance of the Hand class.
  • dealer_up: the dealer's up card.
  • start_count: the count at the start of the hand.
  • count: the current count.
  • ten_count: number of cards with a value of ten left in the deck.
  • other_count: number of cards with a value other than ten left in the deck.
  • true_count: the count at the start of the hand, divided by the number of decks remaining.
  • game_params: the current rules of the game.

You can use all of these arguments to determine when a player hits, stands, splits, or doubles down. The returned value of this function must be one of the following: HIT, STAND, SPLIT, DOUBLE.

from py21 import Player

def hit_to_seventeen(player, hand, **kwargs):
    Hit until the hand total reaches 17

    This function can be used at the strategy_func argument in an instance of
    of the Player class.
    if >= 17:
        return "STAND"
        return "HIT"

player = Player(bankroll=100, strategy_func=hit_to_seventeen)

The same arguments (except for dealer_up) can be used to determine what the player wagers as well. The only restriction is that the value returned by the function must be between the minimum and maximum bet.

import random
from py21 import Player

def random_bet(player, min_bet, max_bet, **kwargs):
    Return a bet between the minimum and maximum bet
    return random.randint(min_bet, max_bet)

player = Player(bankroll=1000, wager_func=random_bet)

They can also be used to determine if the player accepts or declines insurance when the dealer is showing an ace. This must return True or False.

from py21 import Player

def decline_insurance(**kwargs):
    Function for always declining insurance.

    This can be used as the insurance_func argument in an insuance of the
    Player class.
    return False

player = Player(bankroll=100, insurance_func=deline_insurance)