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DDlog command language

This document describes the text format used to issue commands to DDlog programs via the CLI interface. Set tutorial for more details on compiling and running DDlog programs.

Command reference

Command Example Description
start; start a transaction
commit; commit current transaction
commit dump_changes; commit current transaction and dump all changes to output relations
rollback; rollback current transaction; reverting all changes
timestamp; print current time in ns since the start of the program's execution
dump; dump the content of all output relations
dump <relation>; dump Rel1; dump the content of an individual output relation
query_index <index>(<args>); query_index Edge_by_from(100); dump all values in an indexed relation with the given key
dump_index <index>; dump_index Edge_by_from; dump all values in an indexed relation
echo <text>; echo Hello world; copy arbitrary text to stdout
log_level <level>; log_level 100000; set maximum log level for messages output via log API; messages with higher priority will be dropped (see log.dl)
insert <record>, insert Rel1(1,true,"foo"); insert record to relation Rel1
insert Rel1(.arg2=true,.arg1=1, .arg3="foo"); as above, but uses named rather than positional arguments
insert Rel2(.x=10, .y=Constructor{"foo", true}); passing structured data by calling type constructor
insert Rel2(.x=10, .y=Constructor{.f1="foo", .f2=true}); type constructor arguments can also be passed by name
insert_or_update <record>, same as insert, but replaces existing value with the same key, if it exists; only valid for relations with primary key
delete <record>, delete Rel1(1,true,"foo"); delete record from Rel1 (using argument syntax identical to insert)
delete_key <relation> <key>, delete_key Rel1 1; delete record by key; only valid for relations with primary key
modify <relation> <key> <- <record>, modify Rel1 1 <- Rel1{.f1 = 5}; modify record; <record> specifies just the fields to be modified; only valid for relations with primary key. See below for more details.
comma-separated updates insert Foo(1), delete Bar("buzz"); a sequence of insert and delete commands can be applied in one update
clear clear Foo remove all records from a relation; must be used within a transaction
profile print CPU and memory profile of the DDlog program
profile cpu "on"/"off" controls the recording of differential operator runtimes; set to "on" to enable the construction of the programs CPU profile (default: "off")
mssleep <ms>; mssleep 2000; sleep for ms milliseconds
exit; terminates execution
# # comment ending at the end of line comment that ends at the end of the line

Note: Placing a semicolon after an insert or delete operation tells DDlog to apply the update instantly, without waiting for subsequent updates. Comma-separated updates are only applied once the full list of updates has been read (end of list is indicated by a semicolon). This is significantly more efficient and should always be the preferred option when the client wants to apply multiple updates that are known at the same time.

Name scoping

Relations and constructors declared in the top-level module are referred by their local names; all other relations and constructors must be referred by their fully qualified DDlog names, including module name:

# `Foo` is declared in the top-level module.
insert Foo(1),

# `Bar` is declared in a module called `modname`.
insert modname::Bar(1),

This is also the case for types declared inside the standard library:

# `Option` type is declared in `ddlog_std`.
insert R(.field1 = ddlog_std::Some{1}),

modify command

The modify command

modify <relation> <key> <- <record>

modifies the value associated with primary key <key> in <relation>. It is only applicable to input relations declared with the primary key attribute. If the specified key does not exist in the relation, the modify command fails.

The <record> argument describes how the value associated with the key must change. Each field in the record represents an update to the corresponding field of the original record. Think of it as a delta to be applied to the existing value. If you want to overwrite existing value with a new value, rather than modify it, use the insert_or_update command instead.

The delta only needs to contain fields to be modified:

# Modify field `attr1` only.
modify MyRelation 1 <- MyRelation{.attr1 = "foo"}

# Modify `attr2`, only changing one of its sub-fields, called `name`.
modify MyRelation 2 <- MyRelation{.attr2 = MyStruct{.name = "bar"}}

Primitive types (strings, Booleans, and numeric types), as well as vectors, are simply overwritten by modify. Sets and maps have more subtle update semantics, where the new value of the set or map is a function of both the old value and the delta. Sets are updated according to the following rules:

  • Values present in the original set and the delta set are deleted from the original set.

  • Values present in the delta set, but not the original set, are added to the original set.

  • Values in the original set, but not in the delta set remain unmodified.


# Previous value of `attr3` is `[1, 2, 3, 4]`.  The new value after
# this command is `[1, 2, 5, 6]`.
modify MyRelation 2 <- MyRelation{.attr3 = [3, 4, 5, 6]}

Maps are updated according to the following rules:

  • Keys present in the original map and the delta map with the same value are deleted from the original set.

  • Keys present in the original map and the delta with different values are overwritten with the new value.

  • Keys present in the delta, but not the original map are inserted to the original map.

  • Keys present in the original set, but not in the delta remain unmodified.


# Previous value of `attr4` is `[1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 3 -> "c", 4 -> "d"]`.  The new value after
# this command is `[1 -> "a", 2 -> "b", 4 -> "d", 5 -> "e", 6 -> "f"]`.
modify MyRelation 2 <- MyRelation{.attr3 = [(3, "c"), (4, "dd"), (5, "e"), (6, "f")]}

Extern types implement their own custom update semantics. The programmer defines this semantics by implementing the Mutator trait declared in See for an example implementation of trait Mutator for Set64<>. For many types, the trait can be auto-derived using procedural macros in

String literals

DDlog command syntax supports two forms of string literals:

  • Simple quoted string literals, e.g., "foo",
  • String literals imported from files. This form is convenient when working with long strings. Such literals consist of a file name prefixed by the percent symbol: %"<filename>", e.g., insert Rel1(1,true,%"file.txt");, where file.txt is a file containing arbitrary UTF-8 text.

On-the-fly deserialization

DDlog relies on the Rust serde crate to generate serialization and deserialization methods for all DDlog types. This feature can be used to feed serialized data to DDlog, deserializing it on the fly. Serialized values are represented in the command file in the following format: @<encoding><string_literal>, where <encoding> is the data encoding (currently the only supported value is json), and <string_literal> is the string containing serialized representation of the value in this encoding. For instance, the following command inserts a record to relation Rel, initializing its field x from a JSON string stored in file filename.json

insert Rel(.x = @json%"filename.json"),

Example workload path.dat


insert Edge("Palo Alto", "Palo Alto"),
insert Edge("Palo Alto", "Redwood City"),
insert Edge("Redwood City", "San Bruno");
