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In Project Oberon 2013 (, an access to a global variable generally requires two instructions: one memory load (LD) instruction to fetch the base address of the data section of the accessed module from a table global to the system, and one LD, ADD or STR instruction to access the actual data at a given offset from this base address.

Note: In this respository, the term "Project Oberon 2013" refers to a re-implementation of the original "Project Oberon" on an FPGA development board around 2013, as published at

This repository explores various possible ways to improve the way global variables are accessed.

Variant 1 is the principal variant of this repository. It implements the approach used in Extended Oberon (

0. Project Oberon 2013 (implemented at

This is the current (as of February 2020) default implementation in Project Oberon 2013 ( It generates the following instruction sequences:

Case a. For determining the absolute address of a global or external variable:

a.1. For mno = 0 (non-imported global variable)

If the offset from the static base is <64KB:

 LD RH, MT, mno*4    ; RH := static base of the accessed module, using the module table pointed to by the MT register
 ADD RH, RH, offset  ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

If the offset from the static base is >64KB:

 LD RH, MT, mno*4
 MOV1+U RH+1, offset DIV 10000H     ; upper 16 bits
 IOR RH+1, RH+1, offset MOD 10000H  ; lower 16 bits
 ADD RH, RH, RH+1                   ; RH := RH + RH+1

This instruction sequence makes it possible to declare global variables at an offset >64KB from the static base and access it within the same module.

a.2. For mno > 0 (external global variable)

 LD RH, MT, mno*4    ; RH := static base of the accessed module, using the module table pointed to by the MT register
 ADD RH, RH, offset  ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

Here, the compiler (currently) generates the two-instruction sequence shown above, where offset is the export number of the accessed external object, to be fixed up by the module loader.

However, since the ADD instruction has an offset (immediate operand) field of 16 bits only, this implies that for external global variables, offsets >64KB are (currently) not supported. The exporting module can declare such global variables and access them in its own module, but clients cannot access them at offsets >64KB.

Case b. For loading the value of global variable into a register:

For mno = 0 and for mn0 > 0, and for any offset (which, however, is assumed to be <1MB)

 LD RH, MT, mno*4    ; RH := static base of the accessed module, using the module table pointed to by the MT register
 LD RH, RH, offset   ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

I.e. the instruction are the same, no matter what.

This is acceptable, since the LD instruction has an immediate operand field of 20 bits, implying a maximum offset of 2^20 = 1MB (which is enough for the Project Oberon 2013 implementation - which runs on hardware with 1MB total memory).

1. Variant 1 (implemented in subdirectory Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant1 for Project Oberon 2013 and in Extended Oberon). This is the recommended implementation.

Generate the following instruction sequence for non-imported and also for imported global objects. The compiler generates a LD + LD or LD + ADD and the module loader computes the static base and patches the instruction sequence to MOV1+U + IOR, as shown below.

Case a. For determining the absolute address of a global variable: (for both mno = 0 and mno > 0)

 MOV1+U RH, (staticbase + offset) DIV 10000H         ; upper 16 bits of RH := (static base + offset) DIV 10000H
 IOR RH, RH, (staticbase + offset) MOD 10000H        ; lower 16 bits of RH := (static base + offset) MOD 10000H

Case b. For loading the value of a global variable into a register: (for both mno = 0 and mno > 0)

 MOV1+U RH, (staticbase + offset) DIV 10000H         ; upper 16 bits of RH := (static base + offset) DIV 10000H
 LD RH, RH, (staticbase + offset) MOD 10000H         ; RH := RH + (static base + offset) MOD 10000H

I.e. the module loader computes the static base instead of issuing an instruction that uses the MT register to obtain the static base from a table global to the system.

This variant eliminates the need for the global module table starting at MTOrg+4.

In order to make a pre-linked binary file (M.bin) relocatable, all MOV+U instructions that were previously part of a fixup chain are marked with the "B" bit in the (otherwise unused) "b" operand field of the MOV instruction during the process of linking (see the fixup code at the end of procedure ORL.Link):

  U = 20000000H; V = 10000000H; B = 100000H;  (*modifier bits*)
  MOV = 40000000H; IOR = 40060000H;  (*F1 register instructions*)
  C4 = 10H; C16 = 10000H; C20 = 100000H; C24 = 1000000H; C28 = 10000000H;

  (*fixup of LDR/STR/ADD*)
  adr := mod.code + fixorgD*4;
  WHILE adr # mod.code DO
    SYSTEM.PUT(adr, MOV+U+B + pno*C24 + (offset - Start + binStart) DIV C16); (*mark as fixed up by setting the B bit*)
    adr := adr - disp*4
  END ;

This makes it possible to load any pre-linked binary to any memory location and adjust all absolute memory adresses contained in instructions that were previously part of the fixup chain. This is illustrated in the following code excerpt.

  i := M.code;
  WHILE i < M.imp DO j := i - oldStart + Start; SYSTEM.GET(j, x);
    IF x DIV C28 * C28 + x DIV C16 MOD C8 * C16 = MOV+U+B THEN  (*marked as fixed up via the B bit*)
      SYSTEM.GET(j+4, y); im := x MOD C16 * C16 + y MOD C16 - oldStart + newStart;  (*relocate its operand*)
      SYSTEM.PUT(j, x DIV C16 * C16 + im DIV C16);
      SYSTEM.PUT(j+4, y DIV C16 * C16 + im MOD C16); INC(i, 4)
    END ;
    INC(i, 4)
  END ;

2. Variant 2 (implemented in subdirectory Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant2 for Project Oberon 2013 (see appendix 2 for the changes made)

This variant is similar to variant 1, but only changes the way imported global objects (mno > 0) are accessed. See variant 1 for the general case, which includes non-imported global objects.

Case a. For determining the absolute address of a global variable: (for mno > 0 only)

 MOV1+U RH, (staticbase + offset) DIV 10000H         ; upper 16 bits of RH := (static base + offset) DIV 10000H
 IOR RH, RH, (staticbase + offset) MOD 10000H        ; lower 16 bits of RH := (static base + offset) MOD 10000H

Case b. For loading the value of a global variable into a register: (for mno > 0 only)

 MOV1+U RH, (staticbase + offset) DIV 10000H         ; upper 16 bits of RH := (static base + offset) DIV 10000H
 LD RH, RH, (staticbase + offset) MOD 10000H         ; RH := RH + (static base + offset) MOD 10000H

for imported global variables. Let the module loader compute the static base instead of issuing (or fixing up) an instruction that uses the MT register, and add the offset during that process.

In this variant only the access to imported objects is modified in the way described above. This means that for non-imported global objects declared in the same module, if the offset is >64KB, the compiler continues to generate the following four-instruction sequence

 LD RH, MT, mno*4
 MOV1+U RH+1, offset DIV 10000H     ; upper 16 bits
 IOR RH+1, RH+1, offset MOD 10000H  ; lower 16 bits
 ADD RH, RH, RH+1                   ; RH := RH + RH+1

To make this work, procedure ORG.Put1a needs to be changed to the following code (which adds the ELSE clause):

 PROCEDURE Put1a(op, a, b, im: LONGINT);
 BEGIN (*same as Put1, but with range test  -10000H <= im < 10000H*)
   IF (im >= -10000H) & (im <= 0FFFFH) THEN Put1(op, a, b, im)
   ELSIF op = Mov THEN
     Put1(Mov+U, a, 0, im DIV 10000H);
     IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, a, a, im MOD 10000H) END
   ELSE r := RH;
     IF b = RH THEN incR END ;
     Put1(Mov+U, RH, 0, im DIV 10000H);
     IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, RH, RH, im MOD 10000H) END ;
     Put0(op, a, b, RH);
 END Put1a;

3. Variant 3 (implemented in subdirectory Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant3 for Project Oberon 2013 (see appendix 3 for the changes made)

This is a variation (and earlier version) of variant 2, where the static base and the offset are computed separately.

Generate the following instruction sequences:

a. For determining the absolute address of a global variable:

 MOV1+U RH, staticbase DIV 10000H         ; upper 16 bits of RH := static base of the accessed module DIV 10000H
 IOR RH, RH, staticbase MOD 10000H        ; lower 16 bits of RH := static base of the accessed module MOD 10000H
 ADD RH, RH, offset                       ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

b. For loading the value of global variable into a register:

 MOV1+U RH, staticbase DIV 10000H         ; upper 16 bits of RH := static base of the accessed module DIV 10000H
 IOR RH, RH, staticbase MOD 10000H        ; lower 16 bits of RH := static base of the accessed module MOD 10000H
 LD RH, RH, offset                        ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

In sum, we replace one memory load (LD) instruction with two register instructions (MOV1+U and IOR).

This variant eliminates the need for the global module table starting at MTOrg (and therefore the MT register).

For case a, this variant imposes a 64KB restriction, as the ADD instruction has an offset field of 16 bits (2^16 = 64KB).

For case b, this variant imposes a 1MB restriction, as the LD instruction has an offset field of 20 bits (2^20 = 1MB).

First, the compiler issues the following three-instruction sequence (the first 2 instructions are generated in ORG.GetSB)

  | 0110 (4) | reg (4) | mno (8) | pc-fixorgD (16) |      (max mno = 255, max disp = 2^16-1 = 64K-1 words)
  | 0100 (4) | reg (4) | reg (4) | IOR (4) | 0 (16) |
  | LD (4)   | reg (4) | reg (4) | pno (20) | 

which the module loader fixes up to (see Modules.Load)

  | 0110 (4) | RH (4) | 0 (4)  | MOV1+U (4)  | staticbase DIV 10000H (16) |   =  MOV1+U RH, staticbase DIV 10000H
  | 0100 (4) | RH (4) | RH (4) | IOR (4) | staticbase MOD 10000H (16) |       =  IOR RH, RH, staticbase MOD 10000H
  | LD (4)   | RH (4) | RH (4) | offset from static base (20) |               =  LD RH, RH, offset       

which is the above instruction sequence.

We generate a MOV1+U instruction (= form 1 MOV = F1 MOV instruction with the U bit set) followed by an IOR instruction, because the regular MOV1 instruction has an address field of 16 bits only. Recall the following definitions of form 0 (F0) and form 1 (F1) register instructions:

 F0  | 00uv | a (4) | b (4) | op (4) | unused (12) | c (4) |      ; form 0
 F1  | 01uv | a (4) | b (4) | op (4) | im (16) |                  ; form 1

The modifier bit u = 1 changes the effect of the MOV instruction as follows:

 F0   MOV0+U = form 0 MOV', u = 1, v = 0         ; R.a := H
 F0   MOV0+U = form 0 MOV', u = 1, v = 1         ; R.a := [N, Z, C, V]
 F1   MOV1+U = form 1 MOV', u = 1, v unusued     ; R.a := [imm left shifted 16 bits]

We use the F1 MOV1+U = form 1 MOV1' instruction with the u bit set (u = 1) and v = 0 (the v bit is not used and set to 0).


  1. This solution works for all memory addresses, not just for addresses < 64KB
  2. It eliminates the need for the global module table pointed to by the MT register.


  1. It is not actually faster than the main version, but runs at the same speed (for accesses to external module data). On a typical implementation of Oberon on RISC, two register instructions take the same time as one memory load instruction on the RISC5 hardware.

  2. Code density is sacrificed, as we now use 3 instructions instead of 2 for every access to a global or external variable.

We generate 3 instructions even in the case where the absolute memory address of the static base of the accessed module (at run time) ends up at less than 2^16 bytes = 64KB, in which case a two-instruction sequence

 MOV RH, staticbase        ; RH := static base of the accessed module
 LD RH, RH, offset         ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

would actually suffice. However, it is impossible to know at compile time whether the absolute memory address (at run time) of the static base of a module will be less than 2^16 = 64KB or not.

4. Variant 4 (implemented in subdirectory Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant4 for Project Oberon 2013 (see appendix 4 for the changes made)

Generate the following instruction sequences, whenever staticbase < 10000H = 64KB, i.e. whenever it fits in the 16 bit address field of a MOV instruction:

a. For determining the absolute address of a global variable:

 MOV RH, staticbase   ; RH := static base of the accessed module, as computed by the module loader
 ADD RH, RH, offset   ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

b. For loading the value of global variable into a register:

 MOV RH, staticbase   ; RH := static base of the accessed module, as computed by the module loader
 LD RH, RH, offset    ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

Otherwise, generate the instruction sequences of variant 0 (= status quo of Project Oberon 2013):

This variant eliminates the need for the global module table starting at MTOrg (and therefore the MT register).

For case a, this variant imposes a 64KB restriction, as the ADD instruction has an offset field of 16 bits (2^16 = 64KB).

For case b, this variant imposes a 1MB restriction, as the LD instruction has an offset field of 20 bits (2^20 = 1MB).

Recall that in Project Oberon 2013, LD instructions for loading the static base of a module are generated by the compiler as follows

 | LD (4) | reg (4) | mno (4) | pc-fixorgD (20) |         (max mno = 15, max disp = 2^20-1 = 1M-1 words)

The module loader will fix up such instructions to (see the fixup code at the end of Modules.Load)

 | LD (4) | reg (4) | MT (4) | offset for imported module in MT table (20) |    (max offset = 2^20-1 = 1M-1 words)

to arrive at the following two-instruction sequence for accessing global module data at run time (e.g.)

 LD RH, MT, mno*4    ; RH := static base of the accessed module, using the module table pointed to by the MT register
 LD RH, RH, offset   ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

The code of this variant changes the fixup code of the module loader such that the first LD instruction of the above instruction sequence is replaced with a (faster) register instruction (MOV) at module load time, whenever staticbase < 10000H = 64KB, i.e. whenever it fits in the 16 bit address field of the MOV instruction

Note that in this variant, the 64KB restriction is for the static base only. One could, for example, access a global variable at absolute address 64KB + 25KB.

This approach speeds up access to global variables of modules Kernel, FileDir, Files, Modules, Input, Display, Viewers, Fonts and Texts (which is the last module in the module hierarchy with an absolute static base address of <64KB).

One may argue that this is an optimization in the wrong place, as access to global variables is (or should be) rare. However, a number of global variables in the inner core module Kernel are accessed each time the predefined procedure NEW is called or when the Oberon garbage collector is invoked. The module loader also accesses global module data extensively. Performance measurements may provide additional insights into whether the additional effort is justified.


  1. This solution replaces one memory load instruction by one register instruction (faster).
  2. Code density is not sacrificed, as the number of instructions generated stays the same.
  3. There are no changes to the object file format. Only the module loader/linker is affected.


  1. It only works for accesses to memory at absolute memory locations less than 2^12 bytes = 64KB, as only 16 bits can be used in the MOV instruction.
  2. It assumes that module blocks are allocated at the lower portion of the address space starting at address zero (which is the case in Project Oberon 2013, but not necessarily the case in other implementations of the Oberon system).


Note that the MOV instruction does not use (the 4 bits of) the operand b. Thus, if the instruction format were changed such that the MOV instruction makes use of those 4 bits as part of the address field, i.e. if it were no longer defined as

 | 01uv (4) | a (4) | b (4) | MOV (4) | offset (16) |           (max offset = 2^16-1 = 64KB-1 bytes, MOV = 0)

but as

 | 01uv (4) | a (4) | offset[16:19] (4) | MOV (4) | offset[0:15] (16) |    (max total offset = 2^20-1 = 1MB-1 bytes, MOV = 0)

then a module space of 2^20 bytes = 1 MB could be covered by the above solution, which easily includes the entire Oberon system.

5. Variant 5 (not implemented)

Generate the following instruction sequences, whenever staticbase + offset < 10000H = 64KB, i.e. whenever it fits in the 16 bit address field of a MOV instruction:

a. For determining the absolute address of a global variable:

 MOV RH, staticbase + offset   ; RH := static base of the accessed module + offset, as computed by the module loader

b. For loading the value of global variable into a register:

 MOV RH, staticbase + offset   ; RH := static base of the accessed module + offset, as computed by the module loader
 LD RH, RH, 0                  ; access the object located at the absolute address stored in register RH

This variant eliminates the need for the global module table starting at MTOrg (and therefore the MT register).

For case a, this variant imposes a 64KB restriction, as the MOV instruction has an offset field of 16 bits (2^16 = 64KB).

For case b, this variant imposes a 1MB restriction, as the LD instruction has an offset field of 20 bits (2^20 = 1MB).

Note that the 64KB restriction is for the sum of staticbase and offset. One could, for example, no longer access a global variable at absolute address 64KB + 25KB. This makes no sense and one should use variant 4 in this case.

6. Variant 6 (not implemented)

Generate the following instruction sequences, whenever staticbase < 10000H = 64KB, i.e. whenever it fits in the 16 bit address field of a MOV instruction:

a. For determining the absolute address of a global variable:

 MOV RH, staticbase   ; RH := static base of the accessed module, as computed by the module loader
 ADD RH, RH, offset   ; access the object inside the module pointed to by RH (=static base)

b. For loading the value of global variable into a register:

 LD RH, MT, impmod + offset - 20H   ; where MT is a register that permanently holds the value 20H and the address field is 20 bits wide

This variant eliminates the need for the global module table starting at MTOrg (and therefore the MT register).

For case a, this variant imposes a 64KB restriction, as the ADD instruction has an offset field of 16 bits (2^16 = 64KB).

For case b, this variant imposes a 1MB restriction, as the LD instruction has an offset field of 20 bits (2^20 = 1MB).

Note that the 1MB restriction is for the sum of (staticbase of) impmod and offset (-20H).

Variant 6 no longer embeds the module number (mno) and the fixup chain in the instruction, as generated by the compiler. Instead, the module number (mno) - along with the address of the LD instruction to be fixed up (instadr) and the offset from the base address of the imported module's data section (offset) - is added as a separate section to the object file as follows:

Additional fixup section on the object file:

 mno1  instadr1  offset1
 mno2  instadr2  offset2
 mno3  instadr3  offset3

The module loader uses this information to compute the static base of the imported module using the instruction

 SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);   (*impmod = static base of imported module*)

and to fixup the (single) LD instruction located at absolute memory address mod + instadr to

 LD RH, MT, impmod + offset - 20H   ; where MT is a register that permanently holds the value 20H and the address field is 20 bits wide


  1. A two instruction sequence LD + LD is replaced a single LD instruction.
  2. This works for all memory addresses up to 2^20 = 1MB, not just addresses up to 64KB


  1. This only works for the instruction sequence LD + LD (as generated in ORG.load), but not for LD + ADD and LD + STR
  2. This only works for memory addresses up to 2^20 and not for the full 32-bit address space as the original two-instruction sequence (this is not a problem in Project Oberon 2013 which uses only 2^20 bytes = 1MB of memory anyway, but on systems with larger memory sizes, this would become a restriction).
  3. The object file format has changed
  4. The object file is longer (one additional entry for each external load accees)
  5. The fixup process at module load time is slower

2. Preparing your system to use faster access to global module data

PREREQUISITES: A current version of Project Oberon 2013 (see

STEP 1: Download and import the files to build the improved decoder tool to your system

Download all files from the Sources directory of this repository. Convert the source files to Oberon format (Oberon uses CR as line endings) using the command dos2oberon, available in this repository (example shown for Linux or macOS):

 for x in *.Mod ; do ./dos2oberon $x $x ; done

Import the files to your Oberon system. If you use an emulator, click on the PCLink1.Run link in the System.Tool viewer, copy the files to the emulator directory, and execute the following command on the command shell of your host system:

 cd oberon-risc-emu
 for x in *.Mod ; do ./ $x ; sleep 0.5 ; done

STEP 2: Build a modified Oberon compiler and boot linker/loader

 ORP.Compile ORS.Mod/s ORB.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile ORG.Mod/s ORP.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile ORL.Mod/s ORTool.Mod/s ~
 System.Free ORTool ORP ORG ORB ORS ORL ~

STEP 3: Use the new toolchain on your original system to rebuild the entire system and compiler

Compile the inner core and load it onto the boot area of the local disk:

Project Oberon 2013:

 ORP.Compile Kernel.Mod FileDir.Mod Files.Mod Modules.Mod ~    # modules for the "regular" boot file
 ORL.Link Modules ~                                            # generate a pre-linked binary file of the "regular" boot file (Modules.bin)
 ORL.Load Modules.bin ~                                        # load the "regular" boot file onto the boot area of the local disk

Compile the remaining modules of the Oberon system:

 ORP.Compile Input.Mod Display.Mod/s Viewers.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile Fonts.Mod/s Texts.Mod/s Oberon.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile MenuViewers.Mod/s TextFrames.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile System.Mod/s Edit.Mod/s Tools.Mod/s ~

Re-compile the modified Oberon compiler itself before (!) restarting the system:

 ORP.Compile ORS.Mod/s ORB.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile ORG.Mod/s ORP.Mod/s ~
 ORP.Compile ORL.Mod/s ORX.Mod/s ORTool.Mod/s ~

The last step is necessary because the modified version of your Oberon system uses a different object file format. If you don't re-compile the compiler before restarting the Oberon system, you won't be able to start it afterwards!

STEP 4: Restart the Oberon system

You are now running a modified Oberon system with an improved decoder tool ORTool.DecObj.

Re-compile any other modules that you may have on your system.

Appendix 2: Changes made to Project Oberon 2013 for Variant 2


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORG.Mod  2019-05-30 17:58:14.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant2/ORG.Mod  2020-02-28 19:03:39.000000000 +0100
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@
   (*instruction assemblers according to formats*)
+    IF RH < MT-1 THEN INC(RH) ELSE ORS.Mark("register stack overflow") END
+  END incR;
   PROCEDURE Put0(op, a, b, c: LONGINT);
   BEGIN (*emit format-0 instruction*)
     code[pc] := ((a*10H + b) * 10H + op) * 10000H + c; INC(pc)
@@ -63,11 +68,18 @@
   END Put1;
   PROCEDURE Put1a(op, a, b, im: LONGINT);
+    VAR r: INTEGER;
   BEGIN (*same as Put1, but with range test  -10000H <= im < 10000H*)
     IF (im >= -10000H) & (im <= 0FFFFH) THEN Put1(op, a, b, im)
-    ELSE Put1(Mov+U, RH, 0, im DIV 10000H);
+    ELSIF op = Mov THEN
+      Put1(Mov+U, a, 0, im DIV 10000H);
+      IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, a, a, im MOD 10000H) END
+    ELSE r := RH;
+      IF b = RH THEN incR END ;
+      Put1(Mov+U, RH, 0, im DIV 10000H);
       IF im MOD 10000H # 0 THEN Put1(Ior, RH, RH, im MOD 10000H) END ;
-      Put0(op, a, b, RH)
+      Put0(op, a, b, RH);
+      IF RH > r THEN DEC(RH) END
   END Put1a;
@@ -81,11 +93,6 @@
     code[pc] := ((op+12) * 10H + cond) * 1000000H + (off MOD 1000000H); INC(pc)
   END Put3;
-    IF RH < MT-1 THEN INC(RH) ELSE ORS.Mark("register stack overflow") END
-  END incR;
   PROCEDURE CheckRegs*;
     IF RH # 0 THEN ORS.Mark("Reg Stack"); RH := 0 END ;


--- FPGAOberon2013/Modules.Mod  2020-02-26 01:15:33.000000000 +0100
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant2/Modules.Mod  2020-02-29 12:33:31.000000000 +0100
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
 MODULE Modules;  (*Link and load on RISC; NW 20.10.2013 / 8.1.2019*)
   CONST versionkey = 1X; MT = 12; DescSize = 80;
+    U = 20000000H; V = 10000000H;  (*modifier bits*)
+    MOV = 40000000H; IOR = 40060000H;  (*F1 register instructions*)
+    F2 = -2;  (*F2 memory instruction*)
+    BC = 0E7000000H; BL = 0F7000000H;  (*F3 branch instructions*)
+    C4 = 10H; C6 = 40H; C8 = 100H; C10 = 400H; C12 = 1000H; C14 = 4000H; C16 = 10000H; C18 = 40000H;
+    C20 = 100000H; C22 = 400000H; C24 = 1000000H; C26 = 4000000H; C28 = 10000000H; C30 = 40000000H;
   TYPE Module* = POINTER TO ModDesc;
     Command* = PROCEDURE;
@@ -135,30 +141,32 @@
         adr := mod.code + fixorgP*4;
         WHILE adr # mod.code DO
           SYSTEM.GET(adr, inst);
-          mno := inst DIV 100000H MOD 10H;
-          pno := inst DIV 1000H MOD 100H;
-          disp := inst MOD 1000H;
+          mno := inst DIV C20 MOD C4;
+          pno := inst DIV C12 MOD C8;
+          disp := inst MOD C12;
           SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
           SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + pno*4, dest); dest := dest + impmod.code;
           offset := (dest - adr - 4) DIV 4;
-          SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (offset MOD 1000000H) + 0F7000000H);
+          SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (offset MOD C24) + BL);
           adr := adr - disp*4
         END ;
         (*fixup of LDR/STR/ADD*)
         adr := mod.code + fixorgD*4;
         WHILE adr # mod.code DO
           SYSTEM.GET(adr, inst);
-          mno := inst DIV 100000H MOD 10H;
-          disp := inst MOD 1000H;
+          mno := inst DIV C20 MOD C4;
+          disp := inst MOD C12;
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*)
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + mod.num * 4)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + mod.num * 4)
           ELSE (*import*)
-            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod); v := impmod.num;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + v*4);
-            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD 100H;
+            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD C8;
             SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + vno*4, offset);
-            IF ODD(inst DIV 100H) THEN offset := offset + impmod.code - END ;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst DIV 10000H * 10000H + offset)
+            IF ODD(inst DIV C8) THEN INC(offset, impmod.code) ELSE INC(offset, END ;
+            vno := inst DIV C24 MOD C4; (*RH*)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, MOV+U + vno*C24 + offset DIV C16);
+            IF inst DIV C30 = F2 THEN inst := (inst DIV C24) * C24 ELSE inst := IOR + vno*C24 END ;
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst + vno*C20 + offset MOD C16)
           END ;
           adr := adr - disp*4
         END ;
@@ -166,9 +174,9 @@
         adr := + fixorgT*4;
         WHILE adr # DO
           SYSTEM.GET(adr, inst);
-          mno := inst DIV 1000000H MOD 10H;
-          vno := inst DIV 1000H MOD 1000H;
-          disp := inst MOD 1000H;
+          mno := inst DIV C24 MOD C4;
+          vno := inst DIV C12 MOD C12;
+          disp := inst MOD C12;
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*) inst := + vno
           ELSE (*import*)
             SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORL.Mod  2020-02-29 12:58:05.000000000 +0100
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant2/ORL.Mod  2020-02-29 12:32:47.000000000 +0100
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
   IMPORT SYSTEM, Kernel, Files, Modules, Texts, Oberon;
   CONST versionkey = 1X; versionkey0 = 0X; MT = 12; DescSize = 80; MnLength = 32;
     noerr* = 0; nofile* = 1; badversion* = 2; badkey* = 3; badfile* = 4; nospace* = 5;
+    U = 20000000H; V = 10000000H;  (*modifier bits*)
+    MOV = 40000000H; IOR = 40060000H;  (*F1 register instructions*)
+    F2 = -2;  (*F2 memory instruction*)
     BC = 0E7000000H; BL = 0F7000000H;  (*F3 branch instructions*)
     C4 = 10H; C6 = 40H; C8 = 100H; C10 = 400H; C12 = 1000H; C14 = 4000H; C16 = 10000H; C18 = 40000H;
     C20 = 100000H; C22 = 400000H; C24 = 1000000H; C26 = 4000000H; C28 = 10000000H; C30 = 40000000H;
@@ -163,12 +166,14 @@
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*)
             SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + mod.num * 4)
           ELSE (*import*)
-            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod); v := impmod.num;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + v*4);
+            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
             SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD C8;
             SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + vno*4, offset);
-            IF ODD(inst DIV C8) THEN offset := offset + impmod.code - END ;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst DIV C16 * C16 + offset)
+            IF ODD(inst DIV C8) THEN INC(offset, impmod.code) ELSE INC(offset, END ;
+            vno := inst DIV C24 MOD C4; (*RH*)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, MOV+U + vno*C24 + (offset - Start) DIV C16);
+            IF inst DIV C30 = F2 THEN inst := (inst DIV C24) * C24 ELSE inst := IOR + vno*C24 END ;
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst + vno*C20 + (offset - Start) MOD C16)
           END ;
           adr := adr - disp*4
         END ;

Appendix 3: Changes made to Project Oberon 2013 for Variant 3


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORG.Mod  2019-05-30 17:58:14.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant3/ORG.Mod  2020-02-26 00:48:17.000000000 +0100
@@ -71,6 +71,11 @@
   END Put1a;
+  PROCEDURE Put1b(a, mno, off: LONGINT);
+  BEGIN (*emit MOV' instruction to be fixed up by loader*)
+    code[pc] := ((a+96) * 100H + mno) * 10000H + (off MOD 10000H); INC(pc)
+  END Put1b;
   PROCEDURE Put2(op, a, b, off: LONGINT);
   BEGIN (*emit load/store instruction*)
     code[pc] := ((op * 10H + a) * 10H + b) * 100000H + (off MOD 100000H); INC(pc)
@@ -147,7 +152,7 @@
     IF version = 0 THEN Put1(Mov, RH, 0, VarOrg0)
-    ELSE Put2(Ldr, RH, -base, pc-fixorgD); fixorgD := pc-1
+    ELSE Put1b(RH, -base, pc-fixorgD); fixorgD := pc-1; Put1(Ior, RH, RH, 0)
   END GetSB;


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORL.Mod  2020-02-29 08:48:23.000000000 +0100
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant3/ORL.Mod  2020-02-29 10:48:09.000000000 +0100
@@ -158,17 +158,21 @@
         adr := mod.code + fixorgD*4;
         WHILE adr # mod.code DO
           SYSTEM.GET(adr, inst);
-          mno := inst DIV C20 MOD C4;
-          disp := inst MOD C12;
+          mno := inst DIV C16 MOD C8;
+          disp := inst MOD C16;
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*)
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + mod.num * 4)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24) * C24 + ( - Start) DIV C16); (*MOV'*)
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst);
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst + ( - Start) MOD C16) (*IOR*)
           ELSE (*import*)
-            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod); v := impmod.num;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + v*4);
-            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD C8;
+            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24) * C24 + ( - Start) DIV C16); (*MOV'*)
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst);
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst + ( - Start) MOD C16); (*IOR*)
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+8, inst); vno := inst MOD C8;
             SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + vno*4, offset);
             IF ODD(inst DIV C8) THEN offset := offset + impmod.code - END ;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst DIV C16 * C16 + offset)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+8, inst DIV C16 * C16 + offset)
           END ;
           adr := adr - disp*4
         END ;


--- FPGAOberon2013/Modules.Mod  2019-01-17 16:43:23.000000000 +0100
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant3/Modules.Mod  2020-02-26 00:58:07.000000000 +0100
@@ -148,17 +148,21 @@
         adr := mod.code + fixorgD*4;
         WHILE adr # mod.code DO
           SYSTEM.GET(adr, inst);
-          mno := inst DIV 100000H MOD 10H;
-          disp := inst MOD 1000H;
+          mno := inst DIV 10000H MOD 100H;
+          disp := inst MOD 10000H;
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*)
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + mod.num * 4)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H) * 1000000H + DIV 10000H); (*MOV'*)
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst);
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst + MOD 10000H) (*IOR*)
           ELSE (*import*)
-            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod); v := impmod.num;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + v*4);
-            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD 100H;
+            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H) * 1000000H + DIV 10000H); (*MOV'*)
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst);
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst + MOD 10000H); (*IOR*)
+            SYSTEM.GET(adr+8, inst); vno := inst MOD 100H;
             SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + vno*4, offset);
             IF ODD(inst DIV 100H) THEN offset := offset + impmod.code - END ;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+4, inst DIV 10000H * 10000H + offset)
+            SYSTEM.PUT(adr+8, inst DIV 10000H * 10000H + offset)
           END ;
           adr := adr - disp*4
         END ;

Appendix 4: Changes made to Project Oberon 2013 for Variant 4


--- FPGAOberon2013/ORL.Mod  2020-02-29 08:48:23.000000000 +0100
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant4/ORL.Mod  2020-02-29 11:22:30.000000000 +0100
@@ -161,10 +161,17 @@
           mno := inst DIV C20 MOD C4;
           disp := inst MOD C12;
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*)
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + mod.num * 4)
+            IF - Start < C16 THEN v := inst DIV C24 MOD C4;
+              SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (v+40H) * C24 + - Start)  (*MOV RH SB*)
+            ELSE SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + mod.num * 4);
+            END
           ELSE (*import*)
-            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod); v := impmod.num;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + v*4);
+            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
+            IF - Start < C16 THEN v := inst DIV C24 MOD C4;
+              SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (v+40H) * C24 + - Start)  (*MOV RH SB*)
+            ELSE v := impmod.num;
+              SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV C24 * C4 + MT) * C20 + v*4);
+            END ;
             SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD C8;
             SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + vno*4, offset);
             IF ODD(inst DIV C8) THEN offset := offset + impmod.code - END ;


--- FPGAOberon2013/Modules.Mod	2019-10-04 14:49:41.000000000 +0200
+++ Oberon-fast-access-to-global-module-data/Sources/FPGAOberon2013/Variant4/Modules.Mod	2019-10-20 18:14:21.000000000 +0200
@@ -151,10 +151,17 @@
           mno := inst DIV 100000H MOD 10H;
           disp := inst MOD 1000H;
           IF mno = 0 THEN (*global*)
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + mod.num * 4)
+            IF < 10000H THEN v := inst DIV 1000000H MOD 10H;
+              SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (v+40H) * 1000000H +  (*MOV RH SB*)
+            ELSE SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + mod.num * 4)
+            END
           ELSE (*import*)
-            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod); v := impmod.num;
-            SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + v*4);
+            SYSTEM.GET(mod.imp + (mno-1)*4, impmod);
+            IF < 10000H THEN v := inst DIV 1000000H MOD 10H;
+              SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (v+40H) * 1000000H +  (*MOV RH SB*)
+            ELSE v := impmod.num;
+              SYSTEM.PUT(adr, (inst DIV 1000000H * 10H + MT) * 100000H + v*4);
+            END ;
             SYSTEM.GET(adr+4, inst); vno := inst MOD 100H;
             SYSTEM.GET(impmod.ent + vno*4, offset);
             IF ODD(inst DIV 100H) THEN offset := offset + impmod.code - END ;