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Added goal-checking logic
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andreasschmidtjensen committed Mar 15, 2019
1 parent 25335dc commit d64d75e
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Showing 4 changed files with 222 additions and 51 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tablesoccer/
Expand Up @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def __init__(self, source_type, path, debug=False):

self.fps = FPS().start()

self.field = SoccerField()
self.field = SoccerField(YOLO_SIZE, debug)
self.detector = Detector()

self.debug = debug
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141 changes: 141 additions & 0 deletions tablesoccer/
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
import datetime

import numpy as np

import tablesoccer.Players as Players

GOAL_AREA = (100, 100)

class GoalChecker:

def __init__(self):
self.ball_in_goal_area = False, -1 # (In Goal Area, Team)
self.frames_without_ball = False

self.ball_history = []
self.player_history = []

self.goal_left = None
self.goal_right = None

def check_for_goal(self, field):
We check for goal by checking if the ball disappears in a specific rectangle in front of the goal.
The process:
1) Ball is in the field
2) Ball is in rectangle in front of goal
3) Ball disappears from field
4) Ball is gone from the field for 15 frames
5) Goal is scored!
We keep the history of the player position and the ball position to be able to figure out who shot.
We find the player by traversing back in the history until the direction of the ball changes. This time in
history is assumed to be the time when the shot was taken.
:param field:

# Get data from the field
ball = field.ball
center =
field_width, _ = field.field_shape
in_field = ball.get_position() is not None

# update the goal location based on the center of the field
self.goal_left = (0, center[1])
self.goal_right = (field_width, center[1])

# update history with current frame
"position": ball.get_position(),
"dir": ball.direction

if in_field:
# the ball is currently in the field so we don't have a goal
self.frames_without_ball = 0

# create a rectangle in front of the goal for detecting the ball
rect_goal_a = [self.goal_left[0] - GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_left[1] - GOAL_AREA[1] / 2,
self.goal_left[0] + GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_left[1] + GOAL_AREA[1] / 2]

rect_goal_b = [self.goal_right[0] - GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_right[1] - GOAL_AREA[1] / 2,
self.goal_right[0] + GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_right[1] + GOAL_AREA[1] / 2]

# we check if the ball is in the goal area rectangle
if rect_goal_a[0] < ball.get_position()[0] < rect_goal_a[2] and rect_goal_a[1] < ball.get_position()[1] < rect_goal_a[3]:
self.ball_in_goal_area = True, Players.TEAM_AWAY # Yes, in the away area
elif rect_goal_b[0] < ball.get_position()[0] < rect_goal_b[2] and rect_goal_b[1] < ball.get_position()[1] < rect_goal_b[3]:
self.ball_in_goal_area = True, Players.TEAM_HOME # Yes, in the home area
self.ball_in_goal_area = False, -1 # No, no ball in the area

# Check if the ball has disappeared but was in the goal area just before
if in_field is False and self.ball_in_goal_area[0]:
# Count number of frames without a ball detection
self.frames_without_ball = self.frames_without_ball + 1

# when more 15 frames has occurred without a ball (and it was in the goal area just before) => goal
if self.frames_without_ball >= 15:

team = self.ball_in_goal_area[1]
self.frames_without_ball = 0
self.ball_in_goal_area = False, -1

# find first frame with a different direction, this is when the shot on goal was made
dir_at_goal = self.ball_history[-1]["dir"]
direction = dir_at_goal
i = -1
while direction == dir_at_goal:
i -= 1

if len(self.ball_history) < abs(i):
# no more moves in history
print("> could not see scoring player")
i = 0

direction = self.ball_history[i]["dir"]

player_info = {}
if i < 0:
# scoring player was found
pos = self.ball_history[i]["position"]

# find the closest player to the shooting position from the player history
min_dist = 1000
for r, row in enumerate(self.player_history[i]):
for p, player in enumerate(row.get_players()):
# calc distance between shooting position and player
dist = np.linalg.norm(np.array(pos) - np.array(player[0:2]))
if dist < min_dist:
min_dist = dist
player_info["row"] = r
player_info["position"] = p

player_info["shot_position"] = pos

# notify field that a goal was scored
"team": team,
"player": player_info

def draw_goal_area(self, draw):
For debugging purposes, we can draw the area that is used to calculate if a goal is scored.
:param draw:
rect_goal_a = [self.goal_left[0] - GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_left[1] - GOAL_AREA[1] / 2,
self.goal_left[0] + GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_left[1] + GOAL_AREA[1] / 2]

rect_goal_b = [self.goal_right[0] - GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_right[1] - GOAL_AREA[1] / 2,
self.goal_right[0] + GOAL_AREA[0] / 2, self.goal_right[1] + GOAL_AREA[1] / 2]

draw.rectangle(tuple(rect_goal_a), outline=(255, 255, 255, 140), width=1)
draw.rectangle(tuple(rect_goal_b), outline=(255, 255, 255, 140), width=1)
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tablesoccer/
Expand Up @@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ def add_player(self, player):

def calculate_possession(self, ball_position):
for i, player in enumerate(self.players):
if len(self.possession) < i:
continue # has detected too many players

reach_x_start = player[0] - REACH_WIDTH / 2
reach_x_end = player[0] + REACH_WIDTH / 2
reach_y_start = player[1] - REACH_HEIGHT / 2
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127 changes: 77 additions & 50 deletions tablesoccer/
Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,24 @@

from tablesoccer.Ball import Ball
import tablesoccer.Players as Players
from tablesoccer.GoalChecker import GoalChecker

class SoccerField:
def __init__(self):
def __init__(self, field_shape, debug=False): = None
self.corners = None
self.field_shape = field_shape

self.ball = Ball()
self.players = None
self.goal_checker = GoalChecker()

self.score = []
self.possession = None

self.debug = debug

def update(self, detector): =
self.corners = detector.corners
Expand All @@ -27,6 +33,8 @@ def update(self, detector):
if calc is not None:
self.possession = calc # to avoid overwriting an existing value with None if ball is out of sight


def draw(self, canvas):
Draw the current state of the environment on a canvas.
Expand All @@ -40,52 +48,71 @@ def draw(self, canvas):
:param canvas:
if is not None:
font = ImageFont.truetype("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 12)

im = Image.fromarray(canvas)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im, 'RGBA')

draw.text((0, 0), "Direction: %s" % self.ball.direction, font=font)

if self.possession is not None:
draw.text((canvas.shape[1]-100, 0),
"Pos.: %.0f%% - %.0f%%" % (self.possession[0][0]*100, self.possession[0][1]*100),

center_bb = ([0] - 2,[1] - 2,[0] + 2,[1] + 2)
draw.ellipse(center_bb, (120, 255, 255, 255))

ball_pos = self.ball.get_position()
if ball_pos is not None:
ball_bb = (ball_pos[0] - 2, ball_pos[1] - 2, ball_pos[0] + 2, ball_pos[1] + 2)
draw.ellipse(ball_bb, (255, 12, 255, 255))

players = self.players
if players is not None:
for r, row in enumerate(players.players):
draw.text((int(row.x_coordinate - 20), 25), "%.2f%%" % (row.rotation * 100), font=font)

for p, player in enumerate(row.get_players()):
if len(player) > 0:
x, y = player[0], player[1]

# draw reach
opacity = 140
if self.possession is not None:
player_pos = self.possession[1]
if len(player_pos) > r and len(player_pos[r]) > p:
opacity = int(opacity * self.possession[1][r][p])
reach = (x - Players.REACH_WIDTH / 2,
y - Players.REACH_HEIGHT / 2,
x + Players.REACH_WIDTH / 2,
y + Players.REACH_HEIGHT / 2)
draw.rectangle(reach, fill=(255, 255, 255, opacity), outline=(255, 255, 255, 140), width=2)

# draw player location
bb = (x - 2, y - 2, x + 2, y + 2)
draw.ellipse(bb, (255, 255, 120, 255))

canvas = np.array(im)

return canvas
if is None:
return canvas

font = ImageFont.truetype("Roboto-Regular.ttf", 12)

# Convert canvas to Pillow object
im = Image.fromarray(canvas)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(im, 'RGBA') # RGBA to allow alpha

draw.text((0, 0), "Direction: %s" % self.ball.direction, font=font)

if self.possession is not None:
draw.text((canvas.shape[1]-100, 0),
"Pos.: %.0f%% - %.0f%%" % (self.possession[0][0]*100, self.possession[0][1]*100),

center_bb = ([0] - 2,[1] - 2,[0] + 2,[1] + 2)
draw.ellipse(center_bb, (120, 255, 255, 255))

ball_pos = self.ball.get_position()
if ball_pos is not None:
ball_bb = (ball_pos[0] - 2, ball_pos[1] - 2, ball_pos[0] + 2, ball_pos[1] + 2)
draw.ellipse(ball_bb, (255, 12, 255, 255))

players = self.players
if players is not None:
for r, row in enumerate(players.players):
draw.text((int(row.x_coordinate - 20), 25), "%.2f%%" % (row.rotation * 100), font=font)

for p, player in enumerate(row.get_players()):
if len(player) > 0:
x, y = player[0], player[1]

# draw reach
opacity = 140
if self.possession is not None:
player_pos = self.possession[1]
if len(player_pos) > r and len(player_pos[r]) > p:
poss = np.nan_to_num(self.possession[1][r][p])
opacity = int(opacity * poss)
reach = (x - Players.REACH_WIDTH / 2,
y - Players.REACH_HEIGHT / 2,
x + Players.REACH_WIDTH / 2,
y + Players.REACH_HEIGHT / 2)
draw.rectangle(reach, fill=(255, 255, 255, opacity), outline=(255, 255, 255, 140), width=2)

# draw player location
bb = (x - 2, y - 2, x + 2, y + 2)
draw.ellipse(bb, (255, 255, 120, 255))

if self.debug:

score = [0, 0]
for goal in self.score:
score[goal["team"]] += 1

x = goal["player"]["shot_position"][0]
y = goal["player"]["shot_position"][1]
draw.line((x - 2, y - 2, x + 2, y + 2), fill=(255, 120, 120, 255), width=1)
draw.line((x + 2, y - 2, x - 2, y + 2), fill=(255, 120, 120, 255), width=1)

draw.text((0, self.field_shape[1]-15), "Home %s - %s Away" % tuple(score), font=font)

return np.array(im)

def goal_scored(self, result):

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