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Geocoding Proxy Service - Coding Challenge

This project was completed over a couple of evenings as part of a coding challenge. The challenge requirement was to implement a RESTful Geocoding proxy service which supports multiple downstream service providers. The service should fallback to a backup service if the primary provider is down or returns no results.

Running the Service

Python version and dependencies

The service was implemented and tested with Python version 3.7.3. There are several other dependencies which can be seen in requirements.txt

Installing the required dependencies


On MacOS, It is recommended to use pyenv to install python3. pyenv can be installed via homebrew

You can find the full instructions to install and configure pyenv here.

Python dependencies

Using Python venv is recommended. Luckily, venv comes as part of a standard python3 installation. Installing the requirements in a new virutal environment can be done as so:

$ cd <geocoding_project_root_dir>
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Update the Geoservice Credentials File

This step is super important ❗ To run the service you need valid credentials for the Google geocoding service and the HERE geocoding service. When you've obtained credentials for both services, copy the geoservice_credentials.json.example file to geoservice_credentials.json and add your credentials there:

$ cp geoservice_credentials.json.example geoservice_credentials.json
$ # Add your credentials to geoservice_credentials.json

Run the Geocoding Service

With the previous steps complete, running the service should be as simple as:

$ python

 * Serving Flask app "server" (lazy loading)
 * Environment: production
   WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
   Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Debug mode: on
 * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
 * Restarting with stat
 * Debugger is active!
 * Debugger PIN: 158-387-064
Running via Docker

A Dockerfile is provided to make running via Docker a breeze. To build the image, do the following: :warning: Make sure you update the geoservice_credentials.json file before building the docker image

$ cd <geocoding_project_root_dir>
$ docker build -t geocoding-proxy .

With the image built, running the the server is as simple as:

$ docker run -it --rm -p 5000:5000 --name geocoding-proxy-instance geocoding-proxy

Tested with Docker Engine version 18.09.2, build 6247962

Run the Geocoding Service Functional Tests

The functional tests can be run as follows:

$ python
Ran 9 tests in 2.057s

Generate Code Coverage Report

A code coverage report for the tests can be obtained also:

$ coverage run
Ran 9 tests in 1.713s


$ coverage report
Name                                                                               Stmts   Miss  Cover
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                 23      1    96%
geocoding_services/                                                         0      0   100%
geocoding_services/                                               21      6    71%
geocoding_services/                                       18      3    83%
geocoding_services/                                        25      5    80%
geocoding_services/                                          23      3    87%                                                                             11      2    82%

How to use the Geocoding Proxy REST Service

The REST Service definition is specified according to the OpenAPI 3.0 standard and can be found viewed in the openapi.yml file.

By default, the service hosts an interactive UI for viewing its RESTful interface. With the service running, navigating to will launch the SwaggerUI viewer.

REST Service API Definition

An image of the REST Service definition is provided below for convenience:

Geocode RESTful API

Testing the Service from the SwaggerUI interface

The Try it out button on the SwaggerUI interface provides a convenient way to try out the REST Service API:

Geocode RESTful API TryItOut

Testing the Service via cURL

Of course, the venerable cURL is a tried and true companion:

$ curl ""
  "results": [
      "formatted_address": "Calle El Carmen, San Diego, Rep\u00fablica Bolivariana De Venezuela",
      "latitude": 10.21208,
      "longitude": -67.96923,
      "service_provider": "Here"
Testing the Service via Postman

Another handy tool worth an honorable mention is Postman.


This project is published under the MIT Licence


Geocoding Proxy Service - Coding Challenge







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