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2d Fighting!!

It's a open-world-adventure game in 2d !


Hello welcome to my game, you are the selected hero from your village to defend your village from monsters.

Table of Contents


You are the selected hero from your village to defend your village from monsters around it. You always dreamed to be the hero of the village since young. Now it's time for you to shine. Prepare for all kinds of adventures, monsters, traps, you will encounter. All that you know is that this is hard, but you know that with great power comes great responsibility. So you must go on and defend your village. Be the hero. Wish you good luck!

(Note: you must go before the dark as nearby monsters attack your village at night.)


You are given at most a 5*5 map since your village don't have a lot of paper to make you a map.

For Example:


  1. Your default stats (Player)
  • Blood: 10
  • Strength: 2
  • Hunger: 20
  • Coins: 10
  • Level: 1
  1. Your village's default stats
  • Blood: 50
  • Strength: 0
  • Level: 1

If your strength / hunger / coins = 0

If you don't have enough hunger or strength the next time you lose either of them you will lose blood. But if you don't have enough coins (coins = 0), your coins will just be 0 if you lose them next time.

How to play / Rules

You start from day 1 of defending the village. When you move 1 spot, it takes a hour and your hunger will be deducted 1. So, in a day, you can only take 24 steps (unless you have potion of swiftness ) before it gets dark. When it's night time, your village will be attacked by nearby monsters (if you can see them from the map in the village's perpective means is nearby)

For Example: village_perspective

village's perspective means the village is in the middle of the map

each nearby monster will have 10 damage times days you survived to the village. Once the night is over and you and your village are both still alive everything will reallocate to their new places except you and your village. This will start a whole new day of defending your village with new and more unexpected things to come. Your default blood will be added to 20. Your village will become stronger with 50 more blood. But if the village falls down or 'you died' during the day, you fail your mission, and the game is over.

For example (after the night stats):

  1. Your day 2 stats (best condition) (Player)
  • Blood: 20
  • Strength: 2
  • Hunger: 20
  • Coins: 10
  • Level: 2
  1. Your village's day 2 (best condition) stats
  • Blood: 100
  • Strength: 0
  • Level: 2

Summary of the game

You and your village can't fall down.

Basic Interfaces


There are two main kinds of spot in the game. One is '.' and others.

Spots in map Status
'.'(dot) / 'p' normal
'm' / 's' / 'f' / 'c' / 'h'...(even hidden ones) special

Whenever you see a map, you are in the dead center of the map. If you don't see 'p' doesn't mean you are not on the map, it's just that you are standing on a special spot.

Movement Interface

Ask which direction to go or you want to use inventory or see map or quit game.


After movement Interface

Each time after you move you will be given all kinds of information.

  1. Village's stats
  2. Your stats
  3. What is in your inventory
  4. Effects on you
  5. Map
  6. Coordinate (Yours and Village's)
  7. Time of the day
  8. Small reminder


Village Interface

Ask what you want to do in the village


Dealer's Shop Interface

Ask what you want to do in the dealer's_shop


Inventory Interface

see inventory_interface



The game will first welcome adventurer and give you your stats. And then it will ask you to input the rows and columns of the map (suggestion: square and 50*50 or up) and then it will ask you to input the coordinates of the village. Then, you can choose to create a new map or start playing. You always start from the village.


Item setup

Items How Many
Player one
Village one
Dealer map size * 1/12
Monster map size * 1/8
Food map size * 1/8
Guns map size * 1/24
Shield map size * 1/24
Traps map size * 1/24
Fast Travel Stations map size * 1/48
Health Stations map size * 1/48
For example: a 50*50 map
  • The location of the items are randomly generated except for the village.

Items in the game


Is you

Is 'p' on the map

see stats

Inventory (How to use)

Before you move, you can always use your inventory. You just need to type '0' and you can use it.


Your Village

Is 'v' on the map

see stats

What can you do inside the village

  1. Buy a magical sword

    Each sword is 3 coins and will give you 1 strength. You can only buy once per visit.

  2. Go to the bar

    You can drink beer in the bar which will give you +1 blood. Each beer is worth 2 coins and you can drink till you are back to health.

  3. Eat a meal

    Each meal is worth 5 coins and will give you +5 hunger. You can eat till you're full.

  4. Sell things

    You can sell things from your inventory but each thing is only sold for 5 coins.

Dealer Shop

Is 'd' on the map

The dealer shop is like a black market. It can highly improve your game. It sells unique things that you can't normally buy in your village. But because of this you can only buy stuff from this dealer shop once. Once you leave the shop you can only visit other shops in other locations, the shop you visited will disappear to avoid being arrested by the cops (there are actually no cops in this game, it is just to tell you that it is like a black market, and it will not be in the same location after you leave).

Things in the Dealer Shop

Potion of Swiftness

Makes you go faster, you can walk two steps at a time with only -1 hunger. Effect lasts till the day ends. Costs 25 coins.

Totem of Undying

You won't die if you have this. It will give you +5 blood when in need. Costs 50 coins.

Golden Apple

When you eat it, it will give you +5 blood and +5 hunger. Costs 55 coins.

Potion of Good Vision

You can see 11 * 11 map everytime you see the map. Effect lasts till the end of the day. Costs 30 coins.

How to use the items

You have to go in your inventory (see how to use inventory ) and use it then the item will be in effect. For example, you want to use the totem of undying, go in your inventory and use it then it will be in effect otherwise no.

  • You can buy a lot of them but only use 1 of them (only 1 can be in effect)


Is 'm' on the map

There are four levels of monsters. When you encounter a monster, the levels of the monsters are randomly generated. You then can choose to fight or not to fight. If you choose to fight your hunger will first be deducted by the monster's strength, as you will need tired and hungry after the fight.

Monsters Stats (Day 1) (Default)
Lv. 1 Blood: 1 Strength: 1 Coins: 5
Lv. 2 Blood: 2 Strength: 2 Coins: 10
Lv. 3 Blood: 3 Strength: 3 Coins: 15
Lv. 4 Blood: 4 Strength: 4 Coins: 20
  • Monster's Stats = Default Stats * (Days you survived) . For example, on day 2, a lv.2 monster will have 4 blood, 4 strength, and 20 coins.
  • When you encounter a monster, each monster's evasion rate will be randomly generated, and when a monster successfully evaded your attack, it will attack back (will lose blood). If it didn't evade, it means you attacked successfully if your attack is greater than their blood. You will get the coins and your strength will be added 1, but if your attack is lesser than their blood, it means you lost, and you will be attacked (will lose blood). The monster won't go anywhere if you lose, so you can always come back again(may be different level). But the monster will disappear if you win, because you just killed it.


Is 'c' on the map, as it stands for chicken or cow

When you encounter a "food", you can eat it, and your hunger will be added 2. If you are already full, then the game will say you are full and you don't need to eat it (to save animals). But the animal will go nowhere so you can come back anytime. But if you are almost full (if +2 hunger will be greater than 20 hunger) then you will only be added to 20 hunger.

Guns / Shields / Traps

They are all over the map, but hided from you( can't see from map ) . Each '.' may be a gun, shield, or a trap, so walk with caution. After you stepped on it, it will disappear (not in the same location).

Hidden Items Description
Guns Will give you strength. ( strength +1 )
Shield Will give you protection ( blood+1 ).
Trap 1 Will lose 1 blood and 1 strength
Trap 2 Will lose coins
  • The amount of coins you lose is somewhere between 0 to half your amount (random). So don't be worried.
  • If you don't have any strength (strength = 0) then the next time you lose strength you will lose blood. see if your strength/hunger/coins = 0 for more info

Fast Travel Stations

Is 'f' on the map They can help you travel back to the village right away if you want.

Health Stations

Is 'h' on the map It will give you +1 blood. But if you are already healthy, you don't need it.

Functions and Variables


Monster stats

typedef struct
    int blood;
    int strength;
    int coins;
    int level;
    int evasionRate;
} info; 
//for monster

Player Stats

typedef struct
    int default_blood;
    int blood;
    int strength;
    double hunger;
    int coins;
    int level;
    int rp;           // player row coordinate
    int cp;           // player column coordinate
    int rv;           // village row coordinate
    int cv;           // village column coordinate
    int boot;         // for calculating time of the day
    int day;          // what day it is
    inventory things; // like backpack
    inventory effect; // what effects are on me
} adventurer;
// for hero


typedef struct
    int potion_of_swiftness;
    int totem_of_undying;
    int golden_apple;
    int potion_of_good_vision;
} inventory;

Village Stats

typedef struct
    int blood;
    int strength;
    int level;
} village;
// for village

Create Map

char **create_map(int *row, int *col)
    //ask for row and col
    printf("Input the number of row and column for the map (suggestion square and 50*50 or up):\n");
    scanf("%d %d", row, col);

    char **arr = (char **)malloc(*row * sizeof(char *));
    for (int i = 0; i < *row; i++)
        arr[i] = (char *)malloc(*col * sizeof(char));

    //set all to '.'
    for (int i = 0; i < *row; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < *col; j++)
            arr[i][j] = '.';
    return arr;

Decide to travel or not

int travel_decide()
    int decide; // decide to create a new map or travel
    printf("[0] Create a new map [1] Start travel the map:");
    scanf("%d", &decide);
    return decide;

Check for availability and boundaries

  1. Human input check
    • Check boundary
      int check_boundary(int *row, int *col, int r, int c) // row temp and col temp to see if input is in the correct range
          if (r >= *row || r < 0 || c >= *col || c < 0)
              printf("the location is  outside the map\n");
              return 1; // true
              return 0; // false
    • Check availability
      int check_availability(char **map, int *row, int *col, int r, int c)
          if (map[r][c] !='.') // check if occupied
              printf("the location is occupied\n");
              return 1; // true
              return 0; // false
  2. Computer input

only need to check availability cause computer won't input a row or column out of range (I coded it)

  • Check availability
    int comp_check_availability(char **map, int *row, int *col, int r, int c)
        if (map[r][c] != '.') // check if occupied
            return 1;         // true
            return 0; // false

Human typed setup

  1. setup village coordinates
    void setup_village(char **map, int *row, int *col, adventurer *hero) // input village coordinates
         printf("Input the row and column for the village location:\n");
         scanf("%d %d", &hero->rv, &hero->cv);
         if (check_boundary(row, col, hero->rv, hero->cv))//check if out of range
             setup_village(map, row, col, hero);//if yes then call the function again
         map[hero->rv][hero->cv] = 'v';//otherwise set coordinate to 'v'
  2. setup player coordinates c hero.rp = hero.rv; // player row = village row hero.cp =; // player column = village column

Computer setup

  1. setup dealer
    void setup_dealer(char **map, int *row, int *col)
        int dealers_num = (*row) * (*col) * 1 / 12; // setup how many
        printf("There are %d dealers in total.\n The location of the dealers are randomly generated.\n", dealers_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < dealers_num;)
            int rowd, cold;                                         // dealer row and dealer column
            rowd = rand() % (*row);                                 // random generate row
            cold = rand() % (*col);                                 // random generate column
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowd, cold)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rowd][cold] = 'd'; // set coordinates to dealer
  2. setup monster
    void setup_monster(char **map, int *row, int *col) // input monster coordinates
        int monster_num = (*row) * (*col) * 1 / 8; // how many monsters
        printf("There are %d monsters in total.\n The location of the monsters are randomly generated.\n", monster_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < monster_num;) // check input and coordinates for monster(s)
            int rowm, colm;                                         // monster row and monster column
            rowm = rand() % (*row);                                 // random generate row
            colm = rand() % (*col);                                 // random generate column
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowm, colm)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rowm][colm] = 'm'; // set coordinates to monster
  3. setup food
    void setup_food(char **map, int *row, int *col) // input cow coordinates
        int food_num = (*row) * (*col) * 1 / 8; // how many chicken/cow
        printf("There are %d cows/food in total.\n The location of the cows are randomly generated.\n", food_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < food_num;)
            int rowf, colf;                                         // food row and food column
            rowf = rand() % (*row);                                 // random generate row
            colf = rand() % (*col);                                 // random generate column
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowf, colf)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rowf][colf] = 'c'; // set coordinates to food
  4. setup gun
    void setup_gun(char **map, int *row, int *col)
        int gun_num = (*row) * (*col) / 24; // how many guns
        printf("There are %d guns in total.\n The location of the guns are randomly generated.\n", gun_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < gun_num;)
            int rowg, colg;                                         // gun row and gun col
            rowg = rand() % (*row);                                 // random genrate row;
            colg = rand() % (*col);                                 // random genrate col
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowg, colg)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rowg][colg] = 'g'; // set coordinates to guns for computer but map will not show(hidden)
  5. setup shield
    void setup_shield(char **map, int *row, int *col)
        int shield_num = (*row) * (*col) / 24; // how many shields
        printf("There are %d shields in total.\n The location of the shields are randomly generated.\n", shield_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < shield_num;)
            int rows, cols;                                         // shield row and shield col
            rows = rand() % (*row);                                 // random genrate row;
            cols = rand() % (*col);                                 // random genrate col
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rows, cols)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rows][cols] = 's'; // set coordinates to shields for computer but map will not show(hidden)
  6. setup traps
    void setup_trap(char **map, int *row, int *col)
        int trap_num = (*row) * (*col) / 24; // how many traps
        printf("There are %d traps in total.\n The location of the traps are randomly generated.\n", trap_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < trap_num;)
            int rowt, colt;                                         // trap row and trap col
            rowt = rand() % (*row);                                 // random genrate row;
            colt = rand() % (*col);                                 // random genrate col
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowt, colt)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rowt][colt] = 't'; // set coordinates to traps for computer but map will not show(hidden)
  7. setup fast travel stations
    void setup_fast_travel(char **map, int *row, int *col)
        int fast_travel_num = (*row) * (*col) * 1 / 48; // how many fast travel stations
        printf("There are %d fast travel stations in total.\n The location of the stations are randomly generated.\n", fast_travel_num);
        for (int i = 0; i < fast_travel_num;)
            int rowf, colf;                                         // fast travel row and fast travel col
            rowf = rand() % (*row);                                 // random genrate row;
            colf = rand() % (*col);                                 // random genrate col
            if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowf, colf)) // check if available, if not random again
            i++;                   // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1
            map[rowf][colf] = 'f'; // set coordinates to fast travel stations
  8. setup health stations c void setup_clinic(char **map, int *row, int *col) { int clinic_num = (*row) * (*col) * 1 / 48; // how many health stations printf("There are %d health stations in total.\n The location of the stations are randomly generated.\n", clinic_num); for (int i = 0; i < clinic_num;) { int rowh, colh; // health row and health col rowh = rand() % (*row); // random genrate row; colh = rand() % (*col); // random genrate col if (comp_check_availability(map, row, col, rowh, colh)) // check if available, if not random again continue; i++; // put here so if continue 'i' will not plus 1 map[rowh][colh] = 'h'; // set coordinates to health stations } }


  1. Encounter village
    • buy sword see what can you do inside the village for more info
      if (count_sword >= 1) // already bought once during this visit
          printf("You already brought a sword.\n");
          printf("The magical sword is %d coins\n", sword.coins); // show how much sword is
          printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
          int decide; // decide to buy or not
          scanf("%d", &decide);
          if (!decide) // decide no
          if (!check_coins(hero, sword.coins)) // otherwise if yes then check if you have enough money to buy
          hero->coins -= sword.coins;                                                                  // if yes then buy
          (hero->strength)++;                                                                          // strength+1
          printf("Nice sword! Now you have %d strength and %d coins!\n", hero->strength, hero->coins); // compliment
          count_sword++;                                                                               // bought sword 1 time
    • go to the bar
      see what can you do inside the village for more info
      if ((hero->blood) >= hero->default_blood) // check if blood is full
          printf("Your blood is full. You don't need a beer.\n");
          printf("The magical beer is %d coins\n", beer.coins); // show how much one beer is
          printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
          int decide; // decide to buy or not
          scanf("%d", &decide);
          if (!decide) // decide no
          if (!check_coins(hero, beer.coins)) // check if enough money to buy
          hero->coins -= beer.coins;
          (hero->blood)++;                                                                      // blood +1
          printf("Nice beer! Now you have %d blood and %d coins!\n", hero->blood, hero->coins); // compiment
    • eat meal see what can you do inside the village for more info
      if ((hero->hunger) >= 20) // check if full
          printf("You are full. You don't need a meal.\n");
          int meal_coins = 5;                                    // one meal cost 5 coins
          printf("The magical feast is %d coins\n", meal_coins); // show how much
          printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
          int decide; // decide to buy or not
          scanf("%d", &decide);
          if (!decide) // decide no
          if (!check_coins(hero, meal_coins)) // check if enough coins to buy
          hero->coins -= meal_coins;
          (hero->hunger) += 10;   // hunger +10
          if (hero->hunger > 20) // add to full
              hero->hunger = 20;
          printf("Nice meal! Now you have %lf hunger and %d coins!\n", hero->hunger, hero->coins); // compiment
    • sell see what can you do inside the village for more info
      while (1)
          printf("What do you want to sell?(1:sell potion of swiftness; 2: sell totem of undying; 3:sell golden apple; 4.sell potion of good vision; 5:leave)\n(Note: each item is sold for 5 coins no matter what)\n"); // ask what to sell
          int decide;
          scanf("%d", &decide);
          switch (decide)
          case 1:                                        // sell potion of swiftness
              if (hero->things.potion_of_swiftness == 0) // check if you have it
                  printf("You don't have it, stop scamming your village.\n");
              hero->things.potion_of_swiftness--;           // sold
              hero->coins += 10;                            // add 10 coins
              printf("Now you have %d coins", hero->coins); // show how many coins left
          case 2:                                     // sell totem of undying
              if (hero->things.totem_of_undying == 0) // check if you have it
                  printf("You don't have it, stop scamming your village.\n");
              hero->things.totem_of_undying--;              // sold
              hero->coins += 10;                            // add 10 coins
              printf("Now you have %d coins", hero->coins); // show how many coins left
          case 3:                                 // sell golden apple
              if (hero->things.golden_apple == 0) // check if you have it
                  printf("You don't have it, stop scamming your village.\n");
              hero->things.golden_apple--;                  // sold
              hero->coins += 10;                            // add 10 coins
              printf("Now you have %d coins", hero->coins); // show how many coins left
          case 4:                                          // sell potion of good vision
              if (hero->things.potion_of_good_vision == 0) // check if you have it
                  printf("You don't have it, stop scamming your village.\n");
              hero->things.potion_of_good_vision--;         // sold
              hero->coins += 10;                            // add 10 coins
              printf("Now you have %d coins", hero->coins); // show how many coins left
          case 5:
              printf("Thanks for selling\n"); // say bye bye
          default: // invalid action
              printf("Invalid action!\n");
    • leave
    case 5: // leave
        printf("You are welcome to come back anytime!\n");
    default: // invalid action
        printf("Invalid action! 1:buy a magical sword; 2: go to the bar; meal; 4:sale; 5.leave the village\n");
  2. Encounter dealer
    void encounter_dealer(adventurer *hero)
        // count the times you buy something
        int count_one = 0;
        int count_two = 0;
        int count_three = 0;
        int count_four = 0;
        printf("Hello welcome to my shop. Hurry up before the cops catch me! I only sell the most unique things.\n"); // welcome
        while (1)
            printf("What do you want to do (1:buy potion of swiftness; 2: buy totem of undying; 3:buy golden apple; potion of good vision; 5.leave)\n"); // ask what to buy
            // how much
            int potion_of_swiftness = 25;
            int totem_of_undying = 55;
            int golden_apple = 50;
            int potion_of_good_vision = 30;
            // decide
            int dowhat;
            scanf("%d", &dowhat);
            switch (dowhat)
                case 1:                 // buy potion of swiftness
                    if (count_one >= 1) // check if you already bought once during the visit
                        printf("You already brought it.\n");
                        printf("The potion of swiftness is %d coins\n(last for 1 day)", potion_of_swiftness); // description
                        printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
                        int decide; // decide to buy or not
                        scanf("%d", &decide);
                        if (!decide) // decide no
                        if (!check_coins(hero, potion_of_swiftness)) // check if you have enough money
                        hero->coins -= potion_of_swiftness; // sold
                        printf("Nice! Now you can 2 times speed, but only cost 1 hunger.\n"); // description
                        count_one++;                                                          // count++
                case 2:
                    if (count_two >= 1) // check if you already bought once during the visit
                        printf("You already brought it.\n");
                        printf("The totem of undying is %d coins(Note: can only use one time, after buying it you have to hold/use it to have the effect)\n", totem_of_undying); // description
                        printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
                        int decide; // decide to buy or not
                        scanf("%d", &decide);
                        if (!decide) // decide no
                        if (!check_coins(hero, totem_of_undying)) // check if you have enough money
                        hero->coins -= totem_of_undying; // sold
                        printf("Nice! Now if you are strike to death, you will have 5 more blood.\n"); // description
                        count_two++;                                                                   // count++
                case 3:
                    if (count_three >= 1) // check if you already bought once during the visit
                        printf("You already brought it.\n");
                        printf("The golden apple is %d coins(Note: can only use one time)\n", golden_apple); // description
                        printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
                        int decide; // decide to buy or not
                        scanf("%d", &decide);
                        if (!decide) // decide no
                        if (!check_coins(hero, golden_apple)) // check if you have enough money
                        hero->coins -= golden_apple; // sold
                        printf("Nice! It will give you five more blood when you eat.\n"); // description
                        count_three++;                                                    // count++
                case 4:
                    if (count_four >= 1) // check if you already bought once during the visit
                        printf("You already brought it.\n");
                        printf("The potion of good vision is %d coins(Note: last for two days)\n", potion_of_good_vision); // description
                        printf("Do you want to buy it? [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
                        int decide; // decide to buy or not
                        scanf("%d", &decide);
                        if (!decide) // decide no
                        if (!check_coins(hero, potion_of_good_vision)) // check if you have enough money
                        hero->coins -= potion_of_good_vision; // sold
                        printf("Nice! Now you can see more when you see the map\n"); // description
                        count_four++;                                                // count++
                case 5: // say farewell
                    printf("For now, bye bye! Hope we meet again soon and hide those things well or you will be chased by the cops!\n");
                default: // Invalid action
                    printf("Invalid action! 1:buy potion of swiftness; 2: buy totem of undying; 3:buy golden apple; potion of good vision; 5.leave\n");
  3. Encounter monster
    char encounter_monster(adventurer *hero)
        info monster = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};                                                                                            // set monster stats
        monster.level = (rand() % 4 + 1);                                                                                          // random level 1-4
        monster.blood = monster.strength = (monster.level * hero->day);                                                            // set monster blood and strength
        monster.coins = monster.blood * 5;                                                                                         // monster coins
        printf("You are fighting Monster %d!\n", monster.strength);                                                                // show what monster you are fighting
        printf("Monster %d has %d blood, %d strength, %d coins\n", monster.level, monster.blood, monster.strength, monster.coins); // show monster stats
        printf("do you want to fight [0]No [1]Yes:\n");
        int decide; // decide to fight or not
        scanf("%d", &decide);
        if (decide) // decide yes
            hero->hunger -= monster.level; // hunger - monsterlevel
            if (check_hunger(hero))        // see if hunger = 0,if yes then lose
                return 'l';
            if (check_blood(hero)) // see if blood = 0, if yes then dead
                return 'D';
            switch (battle_result(&monster, hero)) // battle
            case 0: // you are dead (blood=0)
                return 'D';
            case 1:                           // you win
                hero->coins += monster.coins; // you get monster coins
                (hero->strength)++;           // your strength++
                return 'w';
            case 2: // you lose
                return 'l';
        } // if decide not to fight, set to you lose
        return 'l';
    • battle result function
    int battle_result(info *monster, adventurer *hero)
        srand(time(NULL)); // set random's seed
            monster->evasionRate = rand() % 101;                              // random monster's evasion rate (0-100)
            printf("monster's evasionRate is: %d%%\n", monster->evasionRate); // show monster evasion_rate
            if (hero->blood <= 0)                                             // if blood<=0, you dead
                printf("You DEAD!\n");
                return 0;
        } while (monster->level > 0 && evasion(monster, hero)); // if monster keeps evading then the monster can continue its attack
        // monster evade unsuccessfull
        if (monster->strength <= hero->strength) // if your attack(strength) >= monster blood(strength/blood/level all the same for monster) ==> you win
            printf("You Win!\n");
            return 1;
        else // otherwise you lose and monster will attack
            printf("You Lose!\n");
            hero->blood -= monster->strength; // monster attack
            return 2;
    • evasion function
    int evasion(info *monster, adventurer *hero)
        int e = rand() % 101;          // randomize to compare with monster evasion rate
        if (e <= monster->evasionRate) // if e is smaller than the monster evades successfully
            printf("monster has evaded\n");
            hero->blood = hero->blood - monster->level; // monster attack
            return 1;
        return 0; // evasion unsuccessful
  4. Encounter food
    char encounter_food(adventurer *hero)
        if (hero->hunger >= 20) // check if you are full already
            printf("You are full. You don't need to eat.\n");
            return 'l';
        (hero->hunger) += 3;
        if (hero->hunger > 20) // if add too full then hunger = 20
            hero->hunger = 20;
        printf("You have %lf hunger\n", hero->hunger); // show hunger
        return 'w';
  5. Encounter gun
    void encounter_gun(adventurer *hero)
        printf("Congrats you have found a special gun! You may not find it again!!!\n");
        (hero->strength)++;                               // get +1 strength
        printf("You have %d strength\n", hero->strength); // show strength
  6. Encounter shield
    void encounter_shield(adventurer *hero)
        if (hero->blood >= 10) // check if healthy
            printf("You are healthy. You don't need a shield\n");
        (hero->blood)++;                            // get blood +1
        printf("You have %d blood\n", hero->blood); // show blood
  7. Encounter trap
    void encounter_trap(adventurer *hero)
        int type = rand() % 2; // randomize which kind of trap
        if (!type)             // trap 1 => lose blood and strength
            printf("OH OH!\n You have stepped on the trap\n");
            // lose blood and strength
            if (hero->strength <= 0) // if no more strength, lose blood
                printf("You have no strength.\n");
                hero->strength = 0;
                printf("You have %d strength\n", hero->strength);
                printf("You will lose blood.\n");
            if (hero->blood <= 0) // if no more blood, you dead
                printf("You DEAD!\n");
            printf("You have %d blood\n", hero->blood); // show blood
        else // trap 2 => lose coins
            printf("OH OH!\n Someone stole your money\n");
            int stole = rand() % ((hero->coins) / 2); // random amount of coins to steal
            if (!check_coins(hero, 1))                // check if you have coins to steal
                hero->coins = 0;
            printf("You have %d coins left\n", hero->coins); // show coins
  8. Encounter fast travel stations
    char encounter_station(adventurer *hero)
        printf("You are now in the fast travel station\n");                // description
        printf("Do you want to travel back to village? [0]No [1]Yes :\n"); // decide
        int decide;
        scanf("%d", &decide);
        if (decide) // decide yes
            return 'f';
        return 'l'; // decide no
  9. Encounter health stations c char encounter_clinic(adventurer *hero) { printf("You are now in the health station\n"); // description if (hero->blood >= hero->default_blood) // check if blood is full printf("You are already healthy you don't need it"); else // if no hero->blood++; // add +1 blood return 'l'; }

Check blood / strength / hunger / if survive new day

  • Check player blood
    int check_blood(adventurer *hero)
        // check if your blood = 0 and have totem of undying or not
        if (hero->blood <= 0 && hero->effect.totem_of_undying == 0) // don't have totem of undying
            printf("You DEAD"); // dead
            return 1;
        else if (hero->blood <= 0 && hero->effect.totem_of_undying == 1) // if you have totem of undying
            hero->blood = 5;                                                            // give you five more blood
            printf("triggered totem of undying, now you have %d blood\n", hero->blood); // description
            hero->effect.totem_of_undying--;                                            // used effect
        return 0;
  • Check village blood
    if (village.blood <= 0) // check village blood
        printf("Your village has fallen\n"); // game over
        free(map);                           // free malloced map
    printf("Congrats you and your village have lived another day.\n"); // village survive
    day++;                                                             // live another day
  • Check player strength
    if (hero->strength <= 0) // if no more strength, lose blood
            printf("You have no strength.\n");
            hero->strength = 0;
            printf("You have %d strength\n", hero->strength); // show strength
            printf("You will lose blood.\n");
  • Check player hunger
    int check_hunger(adventurer *hero)
        if (hero->hunger <= 0) // check if too hungry
            hero->hunger = 0;
            printf("You are hungry! You will lose blood!\nPlease EAT!!!\n");
            hero->blood--; // lose blood
            return 1;
        return 0;
  • Check if survive new day
    int check_time(char **map, int *row, int *col, adventurer *hero, village *village)
        if (hero->boot == 0) // check if night time
            free(map);                                                                     // free malloced map
            printf("It's a new day, things are respawned except your village and you.\n"); // new day
            map = create_map(row, col);                                                    // new map, same size
            map[hero->rv][hero->cv] = 'v';                                                 // set village coordinate to the same place
            map[hero->rp][hero->cp] = 'p';                                                 // player is sent back to village
            hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision = 0;                                        // no more effect for potion of good vision
            hero->effect.potion_of_swiftness = 0;                                          // no more effect for potion of swiftness
            int monster_count = 0;                                                         // count nearby monsters
            for (int i = hero->rp - 2 - hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision * 3; i <= hero->rp + 2 + hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision * 3; i++)
                for (int j = hero->cp - 2 - hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision * 3; j <= hero->cp + 2 + hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision * 3; j++)
                    if (i < 0 || i >= *row)
                    if (j < 0 || j >= *col)
                    if (map[i][j] == 'm')
                        monster_count++; // if nearby monster ++
            village->blood -= monster_count * 10; // nearby monster attack
            village->level++;                     // village level +1
            hero->level++;                        // player level+1
            hero->day++;                          // new day
            return 1;
        return 0;

Player Movement

  • Ask what do you want to do
    int move(char **map, int *row, int *col, adventurer *hero, village *village)
        int decision; // decision to go up /down....
        printf("[0] use inventory [1] go up [2] go down [3] go right [4] go left [5] see map [6] exit:");
        scanf("%d", &decision);
        switch (decision)
        case 0: // use inventory
            printf("What do you want to use?(1:potion of swiftness; 2: totem of undying; 3:golden apple; 4.potion of good vision)\n");
            int decide; // decide what to do
            scanf("%d", &decide);
            switch (decide)
            case 1:                                        // use potion of swiftness
                if (hero->things.potion_of_swiftness == 0) // check if you have it
                    printf("You don't have it.\n");
                    return 1;
                hero->things.potion_of_swiftness--;                                                    // use potion of swiftness
                hero->effect.potion_of_swiftness++;                                                    // get effect for potion of swiftness
                hero->boot *= 2;                                                                       // travel two times speed
                printf("Now you have %d potion(s) of swiftness", hero->things.potion_of_swiftness);    // show stats
                printf("Nice! Now you can 2 times speed, but only cost half the amount of hunger.\n"); // description
                return 1;
            case 2:                                     // use totem of undying
                if (hero->things.totem_of_undying == 0) // check if you have it
                    printf("You don't have it.\n");
                    return 1;
                hero->things.totem_of_undying--;                                               // use totem of undying
                hero->effect.totem_of_undying++;                                               // get effect for totem of undying
                printf("Now you have %d totem(s) of undying", hero->things.totem_of_undying);  // show stats
                printf("Nice! Now if you are strike to death, you will have 5 more blood.\n"); // description
                return 1;
            case 3:
                if (hero->things.golden_apple == 0) // check if you have it
                    printf("You don't have it.\n");
                    return 1;
                if (hero->blood > 5)
                    printf("you have %d blood now, do you still want to use it [0]No [1]Yes:\n", hero->blood);
                    int decide;
                    scanf("%d", &decide);
                    if (!decide)
                        return 1;
                hero->things.golden_apple--;            // use golden apple
                hero->blood += 5;                       // get effect for golden apple
                if (hero->blood >= hero->default_blood) // add to healthy
                    hero->blood = hero->default_blood;
                printf("Now you have %d golden apple(s)", hero->things.golden_apple); // show stats
                printf("Nice! Now you have %d blood\n", hero->blood);                 // description
                return 1;
            case 4:                                          // use potion of good vision
                if (hero->things.potion_of_good_vision == 0) // check if you have it
                    printf("You don't have it.\n");
                    return 1;
                hero->things.potion_of_good_vision--;                                                   // use potion of good vision
                hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision++;                                                   // get effect for potion of good vision
                printf("Now you have %d potion(s) of good vision", hero->things.potion_of_good_vision); // show stats
                printf("Nice! Now you can see more when you see the map\n");                            // description
                return 1;
                printf("Invalid action!\n");
                return 1;
        case 1: // up
            go_up(map, row, col, hero, village);
            return 1;
        case 2: // down
            go_down(map, row, col, hero, village);
            return 1;
        case 3: // right
            go_right(map, row, col, hero, village);
            return 1;
        case 4: // left
            go_left(map, row, col, hero, village);
            return 1;
        case 5: // see map
            print_map(map, row, col, hero, village);
            return 1;
        case 6: // quit game
            return 0;
  • go up (similar coding to down / left / right)
    void go_up(char **map, int *row, int *col, adventurer *hero, village *village) // up
        if (check_boundary(row, col, hero->rp - 1, hero->cp)) // check if out of range
        hero->hunger -= (1 / (hero->effect.potion_of_swiftness + 1)); // see if there is potion of swiftness effect and minus hunger
        hero->boot--;                                                 // time of day++
        int a = check_hunger(hero);                                   // see if hungry
        if (check_blood(hero))                                        // see if have blood
        char temp = map[hero->rp][hero->cp]; // temp for player standing spot
        if (temp == 'p')                     // if player standing spot is shown 'p', then it must be a normal('.') spot
            temp = '.';
        switch (check_move(map, row, col, hero->rp - 1, hero->cp, hero)) // try next step first(see if it is a special spot)
        case 'w': // means player's 'p' can be shown on map
            map[--(hero->rp)][hero->cp] = 'p';
            map[hero->rp + 1][hero->cp] = temp;
        case 'f': // travel back to village
            map[hero->rp + 1][hero->cp] = temp;
            hero->rp = hero->rv;
            hero->cp = hero->cv;
            printf("You are now back in the village\n");
        case 'l': // means player's 'p' can't be shown on map because it is a special spot
            map[hero->rp + 1][hero->cp] = temp;
        case 'D': // your dead
        map[--(hero->rp)][hero->cp] = 'p';       // move p to the next spot
        map[hero->rp + 1][hero->cp] = temp;      // original standing spot is recovered
        print_map(map, row, col, hero, village); // print out map
  • Check if it's a special spot (special spot means every spot that is not '.')
    char check_move(char **map, int *row, int *col, int rp, int cp, adventurer *hero) // check if special spot (map[r][c]!='.')
      if (map[rp][cp] != '.') // special spot
          if (map[rp][cp] == 'v') // village
              printf("you are now in the village\nWelcome!!!\n");
              in_village(hero); // go to village
              return 'l';
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 'm') // monster
              printf("you are fighting a monster\n");
              char res = encounter_monster(hero); // fight monster
              return res;
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 'g') // gun
              encounter_gun(hero); // get gun
              return 'w';
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 't') // trap
              encounter_trap(hero); // encounter trap
              return 'w';
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 'd') // dealer's shop
              encounter_dealer(hero); // go to dealer's shop
              return 'w';
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 'c') // food
              char res = encounter_food(hero); // get food
              return res;
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 's') // shield
              encounter_shield(hero); // get shield
              return 'w';
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 'f') // fast travel station
              return encounter_station(hero); // go to station
          else if (map[rp][cp] == 'h') // health station
              return encounter_clinic(hero); // go to station
          return 'n'; // normal spot

Print out map / important stats

see after_movement_interface for more info

void print_map(char **arr, int *row, int *col, adventurer *hero, village *village)
    // village stat
    printf("\n\nYour village's stats:\n");
    printf("Blood: %d\tStrength: %d\tLevel: %d\n\n", village->blood, village->strength, village->level);

    // player stat
    printf("Your stats:\n");
    printf("Blood: %d\tStrength: %d\tHunger: %lf\tCoins: %d\tLevel: %d\n\n", hero->blood, hero->strength, hero->hunger, hero->coins, hero->level);

    // what's in your inventory
    printf("Your Inventory:\n");
    printf("Potion of  swiftness: %d\tTotem of undying: %d\tGolden apple: %d\tPotion of good vision: %d\n\n", hero->things.potion_of_swiftness, hero->things.totem_of_undying, hero->things.golden_apple, hero->things.potion_of_good_vision);

    // effects on you
    printf("Your effects:(1: means has effect, 0: means no effect)\n");
    printf("Potion of  swiftness: %d\tTotem of undying: %d\tPotion of good vision: %d\n\n", hero->effect.potion_of_swiftness, hero->effect.totem_of_undying, hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision);

    // show map
    printf("== MAP ==\n");
    for (int i = hero->rp - 2 - hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision; i <= hero->rp + 2 + hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision; i++)
        for (int j = hero->cp - 2 - hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision; j <= hero->cp + 2 + hero->effect.potion_of_good_vision; j++)
            if (i < 0 || i >= *row)
            if (j < 0 || j >= *col)
            if (arr[i][j] != 'p' && arr[i][j] != 'v' && arr[i][j] != 'd' && arr[i][j] != 'c' && arr[i][j] != 'm' && arr[i][j] != 'f' && arr[i][j] != 'h')
                printf("%c", '.');
                printf("%c", arr[i][j]);
    // reminder
    printf("You are the center of the map\n");
    printf("== MAP ==\n\n");

    // coordinates
    printf("(1 indexed)Your coordinates are (%d, %d)\n", hero->cp + 1, hero->rp + 1);
    printf("(1 indexed)Your village's coordinates are (%d, %d)\n\n", hero->cv + 1, hero->rv + 1);

    // time
    printf("Time of the day: %d:00\n", 24 - (hero->boot / (hero->effect.potion_of_swiftness + 1)));


v. 1.0