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Build with Android MavenCentral

Library to ease multi step setup with rollbacks, written in kotlin

gradle dependency declaration:

dependencies {

      implementation 'me.shikhov:setupwizard:1.1.0'

Required dependencies:

  • androidX lifecycle, liveData


Wizard is basically a state machine which allows executing client specific code sequentially, with handy dsl which allows subscription on the execution result.

Wizard states graph


  1. Simple disposable wizard(created for one time usage) with autostart

     wizard {
         step {                
             // simple action                
         stage("namedStage") {
             setUp {
                 // called before main action in proceed block
             proceed {
                 // here must be scheduled call of done() or cancel()
                 // scheduled - means it can be called later after operation completes                 
             tearDown {
                 // called after 'proceed' part ended(done or canceled, no matter) 
                 // Note: Will not called if setUp fails
  2. Adding stages to created wizard(it must not be running at the moment)

     wizard extend {
         // same methods as during creation original wizard
         stage {               
  3. Running wizard automatically with lifecycle of Activity or Fragment.

     class SomeFragment: Fragment {
        // This wizard will start automatically when fragment resumes.
        // Also this wizard will be auto canceled if fragment will be destroyed before wizard finishes 
        // all the stages.
        // You can use viewLifecycleOwner property instead of this if wizard binded to view
        val wizard = wizard(this) {
             stage {
  4. Do something when all stages completed:

     wizard {
         stage {
         wizardDone {
             // called when all the stages are completed successfully.
         wizardFailure {
             // called when one of the stages fails or is canceled
         wizardStop {
             // called after wizardDone or wizardFailure
         wizardDispose {
             // called when lifecycle owner is destroyed or if manually called dispose() method of wizard 


  • 1.1.0 fix: unable to restart wizard with RESTART restartPolicy when wizard was previously canceled, removed strict rule for stages to change state only from RUNNING in cancel/done callbacks
  • 1.0.0 rewritten publishing, changed destination from jcenter to mavenCentral
  • 0.10.0 added RestartPolicy, simplified root builder functions, wizardStop event, wizard events now can have multiple listeners, simple stage to be replaced with step block
  • 0.9.0 autoStart for disposable wizards, delayed subscription on Lifecycle events in the LifecycleWizard to avoid wizard launch before builder end
  • 0.8.0 wizardFailure, wizardDispose callbacks, disposable & reusable wizards, experimental parallel stage builder
  • 0.7.0 added @DslMarker to restrict builders methods availability, updated dependencies
  • 0.6.0 added Lifecycle aware wizard variant
  • 0.5.0 base release