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43 lines (28 loc) · 1.21 KB


File metadata and controls

43 lines (28 loc) · 1.21 KB

Input file

The basic structure of the input file is:

import otter

viewports = [

colorbars = [

annotations = [

obj = {
  'viewports': viewports,
  'colorbars': colorbars,
  'annotations': annotations

if __name__ == '__main__':
  • The input file is an actual python file and can be used like that, i.e. it can be executed and it will produce the output file.
  • viewports is a list of dictionaries and it specifies areas with results. Each entry specifies a single area.
  • colorbars is a list of dictionaries and it specifies result's color bars. Typically for some result with a mesh. Each entry specifies one color bar.
  • annotations is a list dictionaries and it specifies things like text, images, or time annotation. Each entry specifies one annotation.
  • obj can be either an image or a movie. The type is determined by listed parameters.
  • As previously stated, each entry in viewports, colorbars and annotations is a dictionary where the key is the name of a parameter and the value is its value. Values can be of different types like int, float, list, etc.