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LeParc p5js livecoder

This repository is not under maintenance. Feel free to clone/fork it and improve it :)

This reference is for versions 0.2 or higher.

(English) - Español

Cross platform environment to run p5js code in real time. This project use Electronjs

The project was born as a tool for personal use, but it became a performative tool, and took some of the live coding philosophy.

The objective is that it be an extensible environment (hackable) where resources or snippets can be programmed to use and share. Also, load the js libraries compatible with p5js.

The core of LeParc is Javascript and libraries p5js, Codemirror (editor), jsbeautify (formatter). And with Electronjs (node.js, chromium, v8) to create native applications.

You can report if you find an error or bug. I also encourage you to fork the project.


Get image code (gist)




download linux/win/mac

On first run, a folder call "leparc_resources" will be created in "home" user account:

      ├── config/
      │      └── config.txt
      ├── extends/
      │     └──lp-extends.js
      ├── libs/
      ├── media/
      ├── save/
      │      ├── auxcode.txt
      └── snippets/
            └── espiro/
                  └── espiro.js
  • linux users: AppImage > change permission to make it "executable"

Download source

Nodejs and Npm must be installed on your system

  1. clone repository
  2. cd src (root dir)
  3. npm install && npm run rebuild (rebuild modules for run correctly in Electron)
  4. npm start

For re-install and re-compile node_modules when Electron gives problems, use npm run restart This command delete node_modules and package-lock.json See doc


  1. npm run dist-linux | npm run dist-win | npm run dist-mac


You can experiment with latest Electron's releases:

  • Open console in src and run npm i -D electron@latest electron-builder@latest

Getting started

Interface and basic functions

Quick reference

IMPORTANT! There are two modes in configurations (Ctrl+Tab) for play:

  • STATIC All code written is evaluated. This is for teach/learn or experimentation p5js. NO ERRROR HANDLERS (If there are any error the main loop will stop). The CANVAS must be created in setup createCanvas(width,height)
  • LIVECODING Each code is evaluate depend of it context. This allow play code on live session and there are some differences with global vars declarations.


Keyboard shortcut Action
Ctrl+Enter Evaluate code block depend of PLAY MODE option
Ctrl+H Show / hide code
Ctrl+N Show / hide line numbers
F11 Fullscreen
F10 Show / hide development tools for debug (dev tools)
F5 Screen reload (must be re-evaluated)
Ctrl+mousewheel Increase / decrease code size
Alt+mousewheel Modify the transparency of the background of the code
Ctrl+Alt+mousewheel Modify selected value addition / subtraction by 1
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+mousewheel Modify value selected addition / subtraction by 0.1
Ctrl+F Format (beautify) the block code
Ctrl+L Toggle loop()/noLoop()
Ctrl+Shift+C Comment / Uncomment code
Ctrl+Shift+A Enable Autorender (Auto-Evaluate code block)

Code blocks

function setup(){} and function draw(){} are the main blocks. If PLAY MODE option is on LIVECODING, a selective evaluation occurs by the context of each one. If STATIC option is selected, all code written will be evaluated.

You can use functions/methods of p5js.

Global vars and functions (Livecoding mode)

In LIVECODING mode, an object is provided for global acces: lp, or shorthand manner with $ prefix.

For better visualization, functions can be declared as function my_function(){} too. LeParc set this function to global and can be used anywhere.

x = 1; // error -> is in strict mode

lp.x = "code!";
// or
$x = "code!";

lp.myFunction = function () {
    console.log("Hola LeParc!");
// or
$myFunction = function () {
    console.log("Hola LeParc!");
// or global -> window.myFunction
function myFunction() {
    console.log("Hola LeParc!");

lp.myFunction(); // out -> Hola LeParc!
console.log(lp.x); // out -> code!
// or
$myFunction(); // out -> Hola LeParc!
console.log($x); // out -> code!


function mouseClicked() {
    console.log("evt click");

// Etc

Extended functions p5j

Method Description
counter(n) Returns an increased number based on millis (). Shorthand of millis () / 1000 [* n]
fade(alpha) fade out to black alpha 0 to 255 every loop
fade(r,g,b,a) fade out to r,g,b,a every loop
fade(r,g,b,a,color_mode) fade out to r,g,b,a and set colorMode (RGB, HSB) every loop
mirrorX([num_faces]) Mirror - Reflects the image from the middle on the X axis by num_faces
mirrorY([num_faces]) Mirror - Reflects the image from the middle on the Y axis by num_faces
imirrorX() Inverted Mirror - Reflects the image from the middle on the inverted X axis
imirrorY() Inverted Mirror - Reflects the image from the middle on the inverted Y axis
kaleido() Kaleidoscope effect 4 faces (repeat the upper left face)
zoom(escala) Scales output image in each loop: zoom(number) or negative zoom(-number)
displace(velx,vely) Displace output image velx y vely (+ o -)
displace(x,y,w,h,velx,vely) Cut out a portion of the image and displace it
beginRot(vel_in_radians[,scale]) and endRot() rotate what is contained between those two functions
freq([mult]) Shorthand of sentence millis()/1000 [* mult]
sinOsc([mult]) Shorthand of sentence sin( (millis()/1000) * TWO_PI [* mult] )
cosOsc([mult]) Shorthand of sentence cos( (millis()/1000) * TWO_PI [* mult] )
pulse(n_frames) Flag (based on frameCount). Return true each n frame if(frameCount % n_frames == 0 ) return true
gate(n_frames, duration) Flag (based on frameCount). Return true each n_frames with an x duration if(frameCount % n_fotogramas > n_fotogramas - duracion ) return true
tpulse(millis [,millis_duration, millis_offset]) Flag (based on millis). Return true each millis with a millis_ duration and offset by millis_offset
trange(number [,millis_duration]) Flag (based on millis). Return 0 to number in a millis_duration
useOSC(['ip',port]) Start OSC (UDP) for incoming messages. Default ip and port 12345
useOSC('ip') Use different ip (pass string argument)
useOSC(port) Use different port (pass int argument)
osc('/address') return osc value
osc('/address',index) (multiple args) return osc value on index array position
`useMIDI([channel],[deviceIndex deviceName])`
midiNoteOn(channel[,type="number"][,callback]) Get NoteOn params [number,name,velocity,octave]
midiNoteOff(channel[,type="number"][,callback]) Get NoteOff params [number,name,octave]
midiController(channel,number[,callback]) Get controller params
midiPitch(channel[,callback]) Get pitchbending params
midiNrpn(channel[,type="entry"][,callback]) Get nrpn messages

Extended properties p5j

Property Description
CENTERW Center x of the canvas width / 2
CENTERH Center y of the canvas height / 2

OSC Messages

By default, port 12345 is opened for listen in localhost


let x = osc("/my_address");
// or, if multiple args, pass index position
let x = osc("/my_address", 0);


useOSC("", 12345);

function setup() {

function draw() {
    displace(0, osc("/displace"));
    rect(width / 2, height / 2, 20, 600);

Change default ip and port:

On leparc_resources/config/config.txt


MIDI Messages

function setup() {
	// Create events
    // MIDI IN -> Receive data from midi device 
	midiNoteOn(1, (rawData) => {
		console.log('noteon', rawData)

	midiNoteOff(1, (rawData) => {
	midiControl(1, (rawData) => {
	midiPitch(1, (rawData) => {
	midiMessage(1, (rawData) => {

Media (Livecoding mode)


Shorthand of creteCapture(VIDEO)

  • In setup: useCam([width,height])
  • In draw: getCam(x,y)

For get image output imgCam() -> image(imgCam(),0,0) or texture(imgCam())

Audio In

  • In setup: useAudio(source) -> source 0 is default index / 1,2,n.. depends on hardware. Smoothing is frequency response (0 fast to 1 slow)
  • In draw: audioEnergy(fracuencia1[,frecuencia2]) -> get energy (volume) of single frequency or a range of frequencies. Return 0 to 255.

External media files

Assets must be placed in media dir. The method mediaPath() return absolute path to media folder.

// All media files
// ~home/leparc_resources/media/

// Image use p5js method
loadImage(mediaPath("myImage.jpg"), (i) => {
    $im = i;

// Use loadVideo instead of createVideo
// It is not necessary to use mediaPath, write the name file directly
loadVideo("myImage.mp4", (v) => {
    $v = v;
    // $

Client/Server mode (Livecoding mode)

In order to config IP and port for CLIENT/SERVER mode, set server-ip and port in leparc_resources/config/config.txt

Config window

Ctrl+TAB open/close

  • PLAY MODE -> Livecoding or Static
  • AUTO RENDER -> In draw(){} only
  • RENDER -> 2D / 3D
  • LINE NUMBERS Show/hide line numbers
  • MODE (net)
    • LOCAL -> Default
    • SERVER -> Server mode
    • CLIENT -> Client mode
  • SYNC (net) -> On/Off syncro with server (change frameRate of the client)
  • NAME (net) -> Client node name (Default: id socket)
  • LANG -> ES/EN Language of interface