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This project uses |Git| as version control system (VCS). If you are new to Git, you might want to read the first three (or more) chapters of the |Git_Book|.

The project repository is hosted on |GitHub|. Newcomers to GitHub should take a look at the GitHub Quickstart Guide.

To keep things simple, we follow the GitHub Flow in our development process. In this workflow, the only hard rule that must always be obeyed is that anything in the main branch must be stable. This means before you make any changes to the code (e.g. implement a new feature, fix a bug, add a docstring/comment, etc.), create a new branch out of main. Your branch name should be descriptive, so that others can see what is being worked on (see :ref:`Step 2 <step2-label>`, below). Only after your code was tested, has no known bugs and works stable, it can be merged back into the main branch.

The following demonstrates an example workflow that can be used as reference.

See also:

If you want to contribute to this project, you should first create your own copy of the project (a.k.a. fork). This step must be done only once (as long as you don't delete your fork). If you already have your own fork of this project, go ahead to :ref:`Step 1 <step1-label>`.

Go to the project repository on GitHub and press the Fork button in the top-right corner (note that you need a GitHub account for this). Afterwards clone your forked repository to your local computer:

git clone<YOUR-USERNAME>/mdtools.git

You should configure a remote that points to the original (so-called upstream) repository:

cd mdtools/
git remote add upstream

In this way you can fetch the latest changes directly from the upstream repository (see :ref:`Step 1 <step1-label>`).

Get the latest changes from the remote repository.

git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main

As long as you have not commited anything to the main branch of your fork, Git will perform a so-called fast-forward merge (see the Git Book chapter Basic Branching and Merging). If you want to keep your fork's main branch in sync with the upstream main branch, you should never commit anything directly to your fork's main branch but only fetch and merge the upstream main branch into your fork's main branch.

Create a new topic branch (usually out of the main branch).

git checkout main
git checkout -b topic/branch

Topic branch naming conventions:

  • Use short and descriptive, lowercase names.

  • Do not name your topic branch simply main, master, develop, devel, dev, stable, stab, wip, release, rel, fix, hotfix, bug, bugfix, feature, feat, refactor, ref, documentation, docs, doc, dependencies, dependency, dependent, dep, chore, maintenance, because these are (more or less) commonly used names for special branches or branch groups.

  • Use slashes to separate parts of your branch name. However, be aware of the following limitation: If a branch spam exists, no branch named spam/eggs can be created. Likewise, if a branch spam/eggs exists, no branch named spam can be created (but spam/spam is possible). The reason is that branches are implemented as paths. You cannot create a directory spam if a file spam already exists and the other way round. This means, once you started branch naming without a sub-token, you cannot add a sub-token later. This is the reason why you should never name your branches simply fix, feat, ref, dep, docs or chore.

  • Use hyphens to separate words.

  • Use group tokens at the beginning of your branch names:

    • fix/<possible-sub-token>/<description> for bug fixes.
    • feat/<possible-sub-token>/<description> for new features.
    • ref/<possible-sub-token>/<description> for refactoring.
    • dep/<possible-sub-token>/<description> for dependency updates.
    • docs/<possible-sub-token>/<description> for documentation updates.
    • chore/<possible-sub-token>/<description> for maintenance work.
  • Use sub-tokens where applicable and meaningful.

  • If you address a specific issue or feature request, reference this in your branch name, e.g. feat/issue/n15, but

  • Do not use bare numbers as one part of your branch name, e.g. do not name your branch feat/issue/15. Otherwise, tab-expansion might get confused with SHA1 commit hashes.

Add your changes to the project.

Don't forget to write tests for your code (see :ref:`writing-tests-label`) ;-)

Check your code quality by using code formatters and linters (see :ref:`formatters-and-linters-label`).


Many editors and integrated development environments (IDEs) offer to load the requested code formatters and linters as plugins. These plugins format and lint the code on the fly as you type or on each save. When using the corresponding plugins, you can skip this step.


If you have :ref:`set up pre-commit <set-up-pre-commit-label>`, your code is automatically formatted and linted before every commit.

Run the test suites (see :ref:`running-tests-label`).

If you did not touch the source code and did not write or change code examples in the documentation, you can skip this step. Also in other cases you might skip this step, because all tests suites are run automatically as part of our Continuous Integration (CI) workflow when pushing changes to the upstream repository. However, if the tests on GitHub fail, you might simply be asked to fix the failing tests before your code is reviewed.

Record your changes to the repository:

git add path/to/changed/files
git commit

Commit conventions:

  • Each commit should be a single logical change. Don't make several logical changes in one commit. Go back to :ref:`Step 3 <step3-label>` as often as needed.
  • On the other hand, don't split a single logical change into several commits.
  • Commit early and often. Small, self-contained commits are easier to understand and revert when something goes wrong.
  • Commits should be ordered logically. If commit X depends on changes done in commit Y, then commit Y should come before commit X.

Commit message conventions:

  • See Tim Pope's note about Git commit messages.
  • The summary line (i.e. the first line of the message) should be descriptive yet succinct. It should be no longer than 50 characters. It should be capitalized and written in imperative present tense. It should not end with a period.
  • Start the summary line with "[File]: Change", e.g. "[]: Fix Typo". In this way other developers and maintainers immediately know which file has been changed. If you have a complex commit affecting several files, break it down into smaller commits (see above). If the file name is too long to get the summary line within 50 characters, you can leave it out.
  • After that should come a blank line followed by a more thorough description. It should be wrapped to 72 characters and explain what changes were made and especially why they were made. Think about what you would need to know if you run across the commit in a year from now.
  • If a commit A depends on commit B, the dependency should be stated in the message of commit A. Use the SHA1 when referring to commits.
  • Similarly, if commit A solves a bug introduced by commit B, it should also be stated in the message of commit A.

If your topic branch does not fulfill the commit conventions above, tidy up your commits by reordering, squashing and/or splitting.

While you were working on your topic branch, the upstream repository might have changed. To avoid merge conflicts and to have an (almost) linear history, pull the latest changes from the upstream repository and rebase your topic branch onto the target branch (which is usually the main branch):

# Get latest changes
git fetch upstream
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main
# Rebase the topic branch onto the target branch
git checkout topic/branch
git rebase main

Immediately after rebasing, push your changes to your fork's remote repository:

git push origin topic/branch

In order to get your changes merged in the upstream repository, you have to open a pull request from your fork.

Go to the repository of your fork on GitHub. GitHub should notice that you pushed a new topic branch and provide you with a button in the top-right corner to open a pull request to the upstream repository. Click that button and fill out the provided pull request template. Give the pull request a meaningful title and description that explains what changes you have done and why you have done them.

Either your pull request is merged directly into the upstream repository, your pull request is rejected or you are asked to make some changes. In the latter case, please go back to :ref:`Step 3 <step3-label>` and incorporate the requested changes.

Thank you very much for your contribution and taking all the long way down until here!