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Development installation

Clone the project repository to any location on your computer:

git clone


If you want to contribute your changes back to the upstream repository, you should first create your own fork of the project and clone this fork instead of the original repository (see section :ref:`step0-label` in :ref:`git-workflow-label`).

Create a |virtual_Python_environment|, preferably in the root directory of the project:

# Enter the root directory of the project.
cd mdtools/
# Create a virtual environment called ".venv-dev".
python3 -m venv .venv-dev
# Activate the virtual environment.
source .venv-dev/bin/activate
# Upgrade pip, setuptools and wheel (optional, but recommend).
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Every time you start working on the project, you should first activate the virtual environment. After you have finished working on the project, you can deactivate the virtual environment by typing :bash:`deactivate`.

The advantage of using a virtual environment is that the development process is isolated from the rest of your system in the sense that Python packages that are installed inside the virtual environment do not interfere with other Python packages installed on your computer.

Install MDTools in development mode (:bash:`--editable`) into the :ref:`development environment <set-up-dev-env-label>`:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade --editable .

Now, due to the :bash:`--editable` flag, any changes you make to the source directory will immediately affect the installed package without the need to re-install it.

Install the packages required for developing the project (i.e. formatters, linters, testing packages, pre-commit, etc.) into the :ref:`development environment <set-up-dev-env-label>`:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements-dev.txt

Alternatively, you can install the development packages directly when installing MDTools by appending the :bash:`[dev]` option:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade --editable .[dev]

This project uses pre-commit to run several tests on changed files automatically at every call of :bash:`git commit`. When you have installed the :ref:`development packages <install-dev-packages-label>`, you can install the pre-commit script and the pre-commit git hooks for this project by typing:

pre-commit install --install-hooks


You might need to install markdownlint (a Ruby gem package) in order to get the markdownlint pre-commit hook running.

Software required for installing RubyGems packages:

You can check if pre-commit works properly by running

pre-commit run --all-files

(It's ok if not all tests pass as long as pre-commit itself runs without error.)

Note that all pre-commit hooks are also run automatically every time you push to the upstream repository as part of our Continuous Integration (CI) workflow which includes Your changes might not be accepted before not all tests that are affected by your changes are passing.

To uninstall the project, just remove the project directory:

# Remove the project directory.
rm -r path/to/mdtools/