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Change History

Starting with the v275 release, this file will contain a record of the major changes and updates made in each release.

Release 282 change history (RELEASE DATE TBD)

Placeholder for the next release that will be some time in 2019.

Here is a link to the Git diffs between this release and the prior one.

  • Added a new section comparing sack to union and project when adding values.
  • Added an example showing how sack can be used to count flight segments (hops).
  • Began adding coverage of TinkerPop 3.4 features. Issue #115 and #108
    • Added a mention of TinkerPop 3.4 in the Introduction.
    • Added a section describing the new index step.
    • Added nested-repeat.groovy to the sample-code folder.
    • Expanded existing valueMap coverage and added new sections covering the new unfold-by,with and WithOptions features.
  • Added a small section showing how to use a by modulator with the math step.
  • Made the coverage of Gremlin Server its own chapter. Issue #131.
  • Added more examples to the coverage of colleactions and 'local' scope.
  • Added a note at the start of Chapter 3 that mutation steps like addV are covered in Chapter 4.
  • Added several additional tip boxes containing links pointing to the official TinkerPop docs and/or source code.
  • Added a section on using a TinkerGraph containing the air-route data with Gremlin Server . Issue #118
    • Added the required config files to the sample-data folder. Issue #118
  • Added a small section with a pointer to the latest sample data.
  • Added to the sample-code folder.
  • Added glv-client.js showing a simple Node.js Gremlin GLV client to the sample-code folder. Issues #107 #122
  • Added showing additional Python examples using a Gremlin GLV client to the sample-code folder.
  • Added samples showing use of TinkerPop strategies from Java and Python to the sample-code folder. Issue #11:
  • Cleaned up some wording.
  • Uploaded latest data sets and demo apps to the sample-data and demo folders.

Release 281 change history (December 26th 2018)

Here is a link to the Git diffs between this release and the prior one.

The examples in this release have been tested against Apache TinkerPop at the 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 levels. As always I am very grateful for the feedback by e-mail, issue and PR. This release resolves a number of issues and adds quite a bit of new content. Please check the commit log for finer grained details of all changes. Here is a list of the major improvements in this release.

  • Added a new section called "Seven degrees of separation".
  • Added a new section on finding the longest routes.
  • Added a section presenting a case study of copying one vertex from another.
  • Added a section on finding isolated networks within the graph.
  • Expanded the section that discusses using coalesce as a way to do upsert type operations
  • Added to the section that introduces the emit step.
  • Added a section covering the new Order.asc and Order.desc enumerations. Issue #127.
  • Added a section on finding airports with no routes.
  • Added a small section showing math being used to convert feet to meters.
  • Added examples of the math step's signum operator.
  • Added examples of using project to feed math.
  • Added more examples to the section introducing the inject step.
  • Added a warning that not all Graph DBs accept lambdas (in-line code).
  • Added additional notes and tips and made wording improvements.
  • Added to the section on the Gremlin Server and using a remotely connected Gremlin Console.
  • Added another example to the section that introduces the identity step.
  • Added coverage of the start, stop and status keywords that can be used to control a Gremlin Server.
  • Added two new samples - and that show how to connect to Gremlin Server using the gremlinpython library.
  • Added a sample called quick-social2.groovy that creates a social graph useful for testing. Intended to be run from the Gremlin console.
  • Uploaded updated versions of the air-routes data and corresponding demo apps.
  • Added CSV versions of the air-routes data set. Issue #75
  • Resolved several issues.

Release 280 change history (July 28th 2018)

Here is a link to the Git diffs between this release and the prior one.

The examples in this release have been tested against Apache TinkerPop at the 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 levels. They have also been tested against JanusGraph 0.2 (where appropriate) which supports TinkerPop at the 3.2.6 level. As always I am very grateful for the feedback buy e-mail, issue and PR. This release resolves a number of open issues. Please check the commit log for finer grained details of all changes. Here is a list of the major improvements in this release.

  • Broke out the discussion of simulating startsWith into its own section.
  • Added to the discussion of cyclicPath.
  • Added text to explain the "__." notation the first time it appears #112.
  • Expanded the section that introduces the path step #97, #98, #99.
  • Added text to better introduce the concept of a modulator #99 .
  • Added text to introduce the phrase anonymous traversal #98
  • Expanded the section covering the cyclicPath step.
  • Expanded the discussion of randomly walking a graph. #105
  • Added coverage of the Direction Enum. #114
  • Expanded and improved the Calculating vertex degree section.
  • Added the Cardinality enum to the tables in section 6.1.5 #110.
  • Miscellaneous minor wording updates and corrections.
  • Resolved lots of issues.
  • Sample code and data improvements.
    • Updated air-routes sample data (475 new routes, 2 new airports).
    • Updated demo apps to reflect the latest data updates.

Release 279 change history (May 29th 2018)

Here is a link to the Git diffs between this release and the prior one.

The examples in this release have been tested against Apache TinkerPop at the 3.3.1, 3.3.2 and at the newly released 3.3.3 level. They have also been tested against JanusGraph 0.2 (where appropriate) which supports TinkerPop at the 3.2.6 level.

Major new features in this release

  • Significantly expanded and improved the subgraph section.
  • Added examples to the where by section.
  • Added more examples of select keywords last, first and mixed.
  • Added to the section that discusses the union step.
  • Improved the section dedicated to the match step.
  • Improved coverage of text comparison predicates.
  • Improved the Working with IDs section.
  • Added examples to the introducing Path section.
  • Added a new section covering use of withRemote with a Gremlin Server.
  • Expanded coverage of custom ID values.
  • Added a new section showing an example of a path step used inside a groupCount step.
  • Added a new section showing how to deduce a graph's schema.
  • Added more examples to Chapter 5.
  • Corrected output in Section 3.3.1 to reflect correct version of air-routes. Issue #87.
  • Expanded coverage of the results from a Gremlin Server.
  • Sample code and data improvements
    • Added new script regression.groovy to check that the book examples work with the most recent Tinkerpop versions.
    • Added new sample add-aircraft.Groovy.
    • Added new sample data aircraft.csv.
    • Added new sample
    • Added new sample
    • Expanded sample.
    • Moved edges.csv to sample-data folder.
    • Provided updated versions of the air-routes data and demo apps (1895 new routes, 21 new airports).
  • Miscellaneous issues resolved and other more minor corrections.

Release 278 change history (March 28th 2018)

Here is a link to the Git diffs between this release and the prior one.

This release has been tested against Apache TinkerPop at the 3.3.1 level and JanusGraph 0.2 which supports TinkerPop at the 3.2.6 level.

Major new features in this release

  • Added additional background and context to the introduction chapter.
  • Added a new section on measuring query performance.
  • Added coverage of the new math step. Issue #21.
  • Added a new Java sample that demonstrates the math step (
  • Added coverage of the optional step. Issue #40.
  • Improved introduction to the select step.
  • Expanded the "Using 'where' to filter things out of a result" section and the following section that introduces the 'where' and 'by' pattern.
  • Expanded the section that introduces the union step.
  • Added dedicated introduction sections for the identity and constant steps. Issue #43.
  • Added coverage of TinkerGraph indexing.
  • Added to the collections section.
  • Added a new OLTP vs OLAP section.
  • Added to the Gremlin Server section.
  • Improved coverage of cyclicPath
  • Improved coverage of flatMap
  • Improved coverage of repeat and emit.
  • Added coverage of toSet in section 3.
  • Expanded the vertex degree section.
  • Updated the valueMap section.
  • Added examples of using from and to with path.
  • Added example of empty by modulator to path section.
  • Added a section showing how inject can supply ID values to addV.
  • Added a section to introduce the dedup step in Section 3.
  • Expanded the "Basic statistical and numerical operations" section.
  • Added coverage of dynamically adding labels using addV and addE - issue #22.
  • Added an example of nested group steps in section 5.
  • Improved existing text and examples in section 5.
  • Added more examples to section 5
  • Improved coverage of indexed and withIndex.
  • Moved indexed and withIndex material up to Section 3 (from 5).
  • Examples in section 5 now all based on the same air routes graph v0.77 (some used to reflect an older version).
  • Added a new Java sample
  • Added a new Java sample that explores the sample step (
  • Expanded the section in chapter 4 that introduces GraphML and Graphson.
  • Added coverage of GraphSONMapper to the expanded GraphML/GraphSON section. Issue #51
  • Added to the JanusGraph GeoSpatial section and moved the section up a hierarchy level.
  • Added a new sample that demonstrates geospatial queries (janus-geoshape.groovy).
  • Improved source highlighting for MOBI and EPUB versions.
  • Added more examples in various places.
  • General housekeeping and tightening up of some wording.
  • Added a gitignore file. PR #39

Release 277 change history (Feb 11, 2018)

This is a fairly substantial update. Lots of new material added to the book and to the sample-code folder.

Here is a link to the Git diffs between v277 and the prior v276 release

Major new features in this release.

  • Wrote the first draft of the Gremlin Server section.
  • Added examples of the JSON that is returned from different Gremlin Server queries.
  • Added a new section dedicated to discussing steps that generate collections and how to operate on them.
  • Added a new section dedicated to the sack step.
  • Added additional coverage of the local step and scope in general.
  • Added some focused coverage of reducing barrier steps.
  • Added coverage of the new skip step.
  • Added to the JanusGraph cardinality section.
  • Added to the JanusGraph transactions section.
  • Added to the JanusGraph geospatial API section.
  • Significantly added to the using Gremlin from Java sections.
  • Added detailed coverage of Classses and Enums that you need to include when writing a Java or Groovy app that are hidden from you when using the Gremlin Console.
  • Added to the using Gremlin from Groovy sections.
  • Added coverage of JanusGraph storage options.
  • Added a new section showing how to use Cassandra from a Docker Container with JanusGraph.
  • Added a sample that shows how to load the air routes graph into JanusGraph backed by Cassandra.
  • Added several new Java and Groovy samples to the sample-code folder.
  • Added a new Ruby sample that can connect to a Gremlin Server
  • Improved some existing sample apps.
  • Enabled icons for tips and notes boxes.
  • Did quite a bit of cleaning up of the text overall and corrected some mistakes and typos.

Release 276 change history (Jan 12, 2018)

Here is a link to the Git diffs between v276 and the prior v275 release

Major features in this Release

  • Renamed the book to "Practical Gremlin".
  • Added Tip boxes pointing to relevant samples throughout the book.
  • Added to the section on the where step.
  • Improved section on boolean steps.
  • Added more Java samples to the sample-code folder.
  • Significantly improved coverage of the repeat step.
  • Expanded coverage of working with properties.
  • Added coverage of the explain step.
  • Removed use of deprecated addV form.
  • Added introductory text to make GitHub material easier to find.
  • Cleanup and fixing of typos.

Release 275 change history (Jan 3, 2018)

Major features in this release

  • Added a new section pointing to where the samples are located.
  • Added to latitude/longitude section.
  • Added to and improved Section 5 (Misc queries)
  • Expanded JanusGraph indexing section.
  • Added new samples to sample-code folder.
  • Improved several existing samples in the sample-code folder.
  • Switched to Asciidoctor-PDF to generate PDF output.
  • Some general tidy up and other improvements.

Original upload (Oct 4, 2017)

The initial manuscript and sample programs were uploaded on Oct 4th 2017. To track changes since then but before the v275 release please refer to the commit history.