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Instructions for running the feature matching on a High Performance Computing Cluster

These instructions assumes a HPC using SLURM scheduling.

Adapt instructions to your own HPC as necessary.

Setting up the conda environment

module load Anaconda3
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda config --prepend channels conda-forge
conda create -n bikedna_min --strict-channel-priority geopandas pyarrow pyyaml

or alternatively, upload the environment_minimal.yml file in the feature_matching_hpc folder:

module load Anaconda3
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
conda env create --file=environment_minimal.yml

Create subfolders and copy files to folder

  • Navigate to the feature_matching_hpc folder in a terminal and run:

Upload files

Use for example scp to upload the feature_matching_hpc folder to the HPC:

scp -r /Users/myuser/../bikedna_denmark/feature_matching_hpc user@host:/home/user

Navigate to the feature_matching_hpc folder on the HPC and run:

sbatch scripts/fm.job

Once the job is completed:

  • download the data in the results folder and place them in bikedna_denmark/feature_matching_hpc/results/ on your own machine
  • download the data in the processed folder and place them in bikedna_denmark/feature_matching_hpc/processed/ on your own machine
  • navigate to the folder feature_matching_hpc on your own machine, activate the conda environment, and run:
  • run the 3b_extrinsic_analyis_feature_matching notebook as normal to summarize results, analyze local success rates, produce plots, etc.