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97 lines (75 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

97 lines (75 loc) · 11.3 KB


Please see for full usage instructions and guidance.

Premade configs


Possible problems


  • ✅ = recommended
  • 🔧 = fixable
  • 💡 = has suggestions
Rule Description 🔧 💡
contextual-lifecycle Ensures that lifecycle methods are used in a correct context
no-async-lifecycle-method Angular Lifecycle methods should not be async. Angular does not wait for async lifecycle but the code incorrectly suggests it does.
no-attribute-decorator The @Attribute decorator is used to obtain a single value for an attribute. This is a much less common use-case than getting a stream of values (using @Input), so often the @Attribute decorator is mistakenly used when @Input was what was intended. This rule disallows usage of @Attribute decorator altogether in order to prevent these mistakes.
sort-lifecycle-methods Ensures that lifecycle methods are declared in order of execution



  • ✅ = recommended
  • 🔧 = fixable
  • 💡 = has suggestions
Rule Description 🔧 💡
component-class-suffix Classes decorated with @Component must have suffix "Component" (or custom) in their name. See more at
component-max-inline-declarations Enforces a maximum number of lines in inline template, styles and animations. See more at
component-selector Component selectors should follow given naming rules. See more at, and
consistent-component-styles Ensures consistent usage of styles/styleUrls/styleUrl within Component metadata 🔧
contextual-decorator Ensures that classes use contextual decorators in its body
directive-class-suffix Classes decorated with @Directive must have suffix "Directive" (or custom) in their name. See more at
directive-selector Directive selectors should follow given naming rules. See more at and
no-conflicting-lifecycle Ensures that directives not implement conflicting lifecycle interfaces.
no-duplicates-in-metadata-arrays Ensures that metadata arrays do not contain duplicate entries.
no-empty-lifecycle-method Disallows declaring empty lifecycle methods 💡
no-forward-ref Disallows usage of forwardRef references for DI
no-input-prefix Ensures that input bindings, including aliases, are not named or prefixed by the configured disallowed prefixes
no-input-rename Ensures that input bindings are not aliased 🔧 💡
no-inputs-metadata-property Disallows usage of the inputs metadata property. See more at
no-lifecycle-call Disallows explicit calls to lifecycle methods
no-output-native Ensures that output bindings, including aliases, are not named as standard DOM events
no-output-on-prefix Ensures that output bindings, including aliases, are not named "on", nor prefixed with it. See more at
no-output-rename Ensures that output bindings are not aliased 🔧 💡
no-outputs-metadata-property Disallows usage of the outputs metadata property. See more at
no-pipe-impure Disallows the declaration of impure pipes 💡
no-queries-metadata-property Disallows usage of the queries metadata property. See more at
pipe-prefix Enforce consistent prefix for pipes.
prefer-on-push-component-change-detection Ensures component's changeDetection is set to ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush 💡
prefer-output-readonly Prefer to declare @Output as readonly since they are not supposed to be reassigned 💡
prefer-standalone Ensures component, directive and pipe standalone property is set to true in the component decorator 🔧
relative-url-prefix The ./ and ../ prefix is standard syntax for relative URLs; don't depend on Angular's current ability to do without that prefix. See more at
require-localize-metadata Ensures that $localize tagged messages contain helpful metadata to aid with translations.
use-component-selector Component selector must be declared
use-component-view-encapsulation Disallows using ViewEncapsulation.None 💡
use-injectable-provided-in Using the providedIn property makes Injectables tree-shakable 💡
use-lifecycle-interface Ensures that classes implement lifecycle interfaces corresponding to the declared lifecycle methods. See more at 🔧
use-pipe-transform-interface Ensures that Pipes implement PipeTransform interface 🔧


Rule Replaced by
prefer-standalone-component prefer-standalone