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Welcome to Free Resources Collections!

Hi! I thought that why not share my small resources collection with others at the end of 2021. As an open sources lover, I should do it. This is just a Begin. If You also want to contribute to this collection then send a pull request with a proper description of your request and then if all is okay I will merge the request.

Basic Linux Command Cheet Sheet Based On MFU Distro

Descriptions Arch Red Hat/Fedora Debian/Ubuntu SLES/openSUSE Gentoo
Install a
package(s) by name pacman -S Idnf install apt install zypper install or zypper in emerge [-a]
Remove a Packages by name pacman -Rs dnf remove apt remove zypper remove or zypper rm emerge -a[a]vc
Search for package(s) by searching the expression in name, description, short description.What exact fields are being searched by default varies in each tool. Mostly options bring tools on par. pacman -Ss dnf search apt search zypper search or zypper se [-s] emerge -S
Upgrade Packages - Install packages which have an older version already installed pacman -Syu dnf upgrade apt update and then apt upgrade zypper update or zypper up emerge -[a]uDN @world
Upgrade Packages - Another form of the update command, which can perform more complex updates -- like distribution upgrades. When the usual update command will omit package updates, which include changes in dependencies, this command can perform those updates. pacman -Syu dnf distro-sync apt update and then apt dist-upgrade zypper dup emerge -[a]uDN @world
Clean up all local caches. Options might limit what is actually cleaned. pacman -Sc or pacman -Scc dnf clean all apt autoclean removes only unneeded, obsolete information or apt clean zypper clean eclean distfiles
Remove dependencies that are no longer needed, because e.g. the package which needed the dependencies was removed. pacman -Qdtq | pacman -Rs - dnf autoremove apt autoremove zypper rm -u (just for removing a package) or zypper packages --unneeded (listing only and without recursion) emerge [-a] --depclean
Remove packages no longer included in any repositories. pacman -Qmq | pacman -Rs - dnf repoquery --extras aptitude purge '~o'
Mark a package previously installed as a dependency as explicitly required. ~pacman -D --asexplicit dnf mark install apt-mark manual zypper install --force (workaround which needs to reinstall the package) emerge --select
Install package(s) as dependency / without marking as explicitly required. pacman -S --asdeps dnf install and then dnf mark remove apt-mark auto emerge [-a] --oneshot or emerge [-a] -1
Only downloads the given package(s) without unpacking or installing them pacman -Sw dnf download apt install --download-only(into the package cache) orapt download(bypass the package cache) zypper --download-only emerge [-a] --fetchonly