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< Getting Started & Installation | Points >


The object to animate. Has one or more attributes

Data Type

A variable type which has a defined calculator. One of: number, 2d, 3d, string, rgb, rgba, & quaternion.

Data Point

A value that can be used in an animation and be parsed by a calculator. Valid formats:

  • true: represents the current value on the subject
  • 2.5: a constant value
  • "-20": a value relative to the current value on the subject
  • anim8.computed(func): a computed function which is invoked at the start of an animation which should return a value to be used in its place
  • func: a live function that should be called each frame which returns a value to be used in its place
  • anim8.computed.random({min: 1, max: 5}): a computed function which generates a random value between the min & max at the start of an animation
  • anim8.param( 'param' ): a parameter computed function for parametrized animations


A class which performs mathematical operations for a single data type. A calculator also takes user entered values and parses them into the expected data type format.


A variable on a subject which can be animated. An attribute has a specified data type and default value.


Animates a single attribute. Has the following implementations: Oncer, Event, Spring, & Physics


A set of attrimators which is normally named to be referred to later.

Animation Definition

An object which contains builder names to use to generate attrimators when creating an animation.

Animation Input

A variable which can be parsed into an animation. A reference to an Animation instance can be used, a string containing one or more animation names & options, or an animation definition.

For example, the following inputs are all valid:

var input0 = 'animationName';
var input1 = 'animationName ~1s 2s';
var input2 = 'animationName & concurrentAnimation, queuedAnimation';
var input3 = anim8.animation( input2 ); // Animation instance
var input4 = {
  values: {
    opacity: [1, 0, 1] // blink


Modifiers to change how an animation plays:

  • delay: The amount of time the animation is delayed before playing (default ~0ms)
  • duration: How long to play the animation for (default 1s)
  • repeat: How many times to play the animation (default x1)
  • sleep: How long to wait between repeating plays (default z0ms)
  • scaling: Multiply the values of the animation by this value (default !1.0)
  • easing: An easing to use for the animation (default ease)
  • offset: An amount of time to fast-forward into the animation when playing it (default @0ms)
  • parameter: A key=value pair to use in parametrized animations

For example: ~500ms 2s x3 z1s !1.5 linear-yoyo angle=32 (delay animation by 500ms, play it over 2 seconds, 3 times, wait 1 second in between repeating plays, scale animation values by 1.5, use parameter angle with value 32, and use easing linear combined with type yoyo)

Options can also be supplied as an object:

var options = {
  delay: '500ms',
  duration: '2s',
  repeat: 3,
  sleep: 1000, // ms default unit for time
  scale: 1.5,
  easing: 'linear-yoyo',
  parameters: {
    angle: 32


The controller for a subject which manages a set of attrimators. Playing animations and other functions are done here and applied to the subject on the next animation frame.


An array of animators that can be handled as a single animator. Animators are also used to generate a sequence for sequential animations.


A builder (also referred to as an animation type) takes an animation definition and generates a set of attrimators.

Animation Frame

Animation is done in a "frame" which is a 3 step process involving calling the following three functions on all active animators: preupdate, update, & apply. These steps are separated for efficiently handling certain scenarios. When an animator is finished at the end of a frame it's removed form the active animator list. When this list is empty the frames stop occurring until an animator is activated by playing an animation.


The controller for animators to play, queue, and transition animations with some delay between each animator.


An attrimator which applies a value to the subject only once - at the start or end of an animation.


An attrimator which follows an attribute along a path given some options.


An attrimator which applies spring forces to an attribute - moves it to some resting value.


An attrimator which applies a velocity and/or acceleration to an attribute.


A function which returns a value given a number between 0 and 1. This could be a tween, a curved path, or a linear path.


A set of attrimators to apply to a set of subjects at specific times. A movie can be played at any speed, in any direction, and can jump around to any time in the movie.

Transition Options

Modifiers to describe how an animation transitions into another:

  • time: How much time to spend transitioning from the current animation to the next
  • intro: The amount of time to transition into the next animation. A negative value will create a curve before the next animation and smoothly transition into it
  • outro: The amount of time to transition out of the current animation. A positive value will create a curve out of the current animation
  • granularity: How many points to calculate along the transition to use to create a transition which respects the outro and intro animation velocity
  • lookup: How far into & out of the next & current animations to look when calculating their velocity. This is a delta value (0-1)
  • easing: The easing to use for the transition path

For example: 2s <500ms >100ms linear ^0.1 /100 (transition over 2 seconds, 500ms smoothly into the next animation, 100ms smoothly out of the current animation, using the linear easing, with a smooth velocity transition using 100 data points and 0.1 of the current/next animations to calculate the exit/entrance velocity)


A key value pair that can be specified in options and used in the animation definition to create parametrized animations. A parameter can be any data type. A parameter is created in an animation definition by using the anim8.param( 'paramName' ) function.

Parametrized Animation

An animation containing parameters that can be specified in options to procedurally generate an animation.

For example:'moveX', {
  tweenTo: {
    translateX: anim8.param( 'x' ).relative()
}); 'moveX 2s x=100' );

Computed Function

A data point function which is called at the start of an animation and returns a value to replace it self in the attrimator.

Live Function

A data point function which is called during every frame of an animation in an attrimator.

Relative Value

A data point which is a computed function which adds a value to the current value on the subject.


A function which determines the "velocity" of an animation. It takes a delta value between 0 and 1 and returns a new value typically between the same range.

Easing Type

A function which takes an easing function and a delta value between 0 and 1 and returns a new value. Easing types are used using a hyphen after an easing. These types are another layer on easings providing more control.


Takes a subject and returns an animator that can handle animating the subject and provides the animator with attribute definitions.


To wait to invoke functions on an object until that object triggers a specific event.

< Getting Started & Installation | Points >