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This class implements a very small but useful subset of oneM2M's resources and the restful Mca interface to access resources on an CSE.


  • Copy the files from this directory to your project.
  • Also copy the .h and .ino files from the following sub-projects to your project:
  • This class also uses the ArduinoJson library.

Supported Resources & Limitations

The following oneM2M resource are supported.

  • CSEBase (only retrieval)
  • AE (create, retrieval)
  • Container (create, retrieval)
  • ContentInstance (create, retrieval of latest from Container)
  • Subscription (create, retrieval, notifications)

In addition four low-level access method are available to allow for more sophisticated calls to the target CSE, if necessary, as well as to support own implementations of further oneM2M resource types.

  • createResource()
  • getResource()
  • updateResource()
  • deleteResource()

See the detailed class description below for more details.

Only JSON is supported for request and answer encodings.

Only non-secure CSE connections are supported, yet.

Usage & Examples

A prerequisite for the following examples is that the Arduino is connected to a LAN via WiFi or other means.

Contact and Retrieve a CSE

The following example shows how to create a cse object and how to retrieve the CSEBase resource from a oneM2M CSE. When creating the cse object it gets passed the host name, port, base path on the server as well as the originator information.

Note, that checking the length of the getCSE()'s return value in the examples demonstrates how to check for a successful call to the CSE. Most functions return the actual JSON structure returned by the request. This way more sophisticated applications can check the actual return value and other attributes.

# include "oneM2M.h"

OneM2M cse("", 8080, "/", "originator");

void setup() {
    if (cse.getCSE().length() > 0) {
        Serial.println("successfully retrieved CSE");

Create and Retrieve Resources

The following examples demonstrate two ways to create an AE resource on a CSE and then retrieve it. The first example first creates and then retrieves it (the path of the AE is /cse-name/ae1):

if (cse.createAE("/cse-name/myAE", "myAE").length() > 0) {
    String ae = cse.retrieveAE("/cse-name/myAE");

The second example shows the use of the getAE() method. This method, if successful, always returns an AE resource. If it doesn't exist on the CSE then it is created first.

if (cse.getAE("/cse-name/myAE", "myAE").length() > 0) {
    Serial.println("successfully retrieved AE");

The same scheme apply to the handling of Container resources, with the methods createContainer(), retrieveContainer(), and getContainer() respectively.

Add a ContentInstance to a Container

The following example shows how to add a ContentInstance resource to a Container on a CSE:

if (cse.addContentInstance("/cse-name/myAE/aContainer", "some content").length() > 0) {
    Serial.println("successfully added ContentInstance");

The content type will be set to text/plain:0 by default.

Retrieve a Latest ContentInstance

This example demonstrates how to retrieve the latest ContentInstance resource from a Container.

OneM2M::Content content = cse.getLatestContentInstance("/cse-name/myAE/aContainer");
if (content.state) {

The content object above holds various information from the latest ContentInstance. The state attribute indicates whether the resource was retrieved successfully, while the content attribute contains the actual content data. See the description of the Content structure below.

Delete a Resource

There is only one generic method for deleting any resources.

if (cse.deleteResource("/cse-name/myAE/aContainer").length() > 0) {
    Serial.println("resource deleted");

Listen to Notifications

This class also offers the possibility to subscripe to notifications from a CSE when resources, for example, are created or updated.

For this, and before subscription resources can be created, the notification sub-system must be initialized.
This is done by calling the setupNotifications() static method on the OneM2M class:


This, among other things, starts an HTTP server that receives the notifications from the CSE.

The next step is to define a callback function that is called whenever a notification is received. A callback function can receive notifications for more than one subscription, but there can only be one callback function for each subscription.

void notificationCallback(String resourceIdentifier, OneM2M::ResourceType type, String resource) {

The last step is to create a subscription and assign the callback function to it:

cse.getSubscriptionNotify("/cse/ae/container/aSubscription", notificationCallback);

This adds a subscription (resource name aSubscription) to the resource /cse/ae/container and assign the above defined notificationCallback to it. The getSubscriptionNotify() method first retrieves or creates a subscription resource and then registers the callback function via the addNotificationCallback() static method.

Class Documentation

The OneM2M class has the following public methods.

Most of the CSE-access methods return a String object. If a request was successful, then this string contains the full answer to the request from the CSE. Usually and if not stated otherwise in the descriptions below, this is a JSON encoded oneM2M resource. If a request was not successful, then this String is empty (length == 0).


  • OneM2M::OneM2M(String host, int port, String basePath, String originator)
    The class's constructor.
    host specifies the host name to the CSE, while port specifies the CSE's port. basePath is an optional path for the CSE. originator are the originator's credentials to access the CSE.

oneM2M Resources Methods


  • String getCSE(void)
    Retrieve the CSEBase resource.


  • String retrieveAE(String path)
    Retrieve an AE resource.
    path is the resource path of the AE resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the AE.
  • String createAE(String path, String appID)
    Create an AE resource.
    path is the resource path of the AE resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the AE.
    appID is the application ID for that AE.
  • String getAE(String path, String appID)
    Retrieve an AE. The AE is created in case it does not exist yet.
    path is the resource path of the AE resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the AE.
    appID is the application ID of that AE.


  • String retrieveContainer(String path)
    Retrieve a Container resource.
    path is the resource path of the Container resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the Container.
  • String createContainer(String path)
    Create a Container resource.
    path is the resource path of the Container. The last path element must be the resource name of the Container.
  • String getContainer(String path)
    Retrieve a Container. The Container is created in case it does not exist yet.
    path is the resource path of the Container. The last path element must be the resource name of the Container.


  • String addContentInstance(String path, String content)
    Add a ContentInstance resource to a Container, with a default content. type of text/plain:0.
    path is the resource path of the Container, NOT the ContentInstance.
    content is the actual content for the ContentInstance.
  • String addContentInstance(String path, String content, String contentType)
    Add a ContentInstance resource to a Container with the possibility to specifying a content type.
    path is the resource path of the Container, NOT the ContentInstance.
    content is the actual content for the ContentInstance. contentType is the content's content type.
  • Content getLatestContentInstance(String path)
    Retrieve the latest content instance from the CSE.
    path is the resource path of the Container, NOT the ContentInstance.
    This method returns a Content structure that contains the content, content type, and creation date of the retrieved content instance. For further details see the description (Class Structures below).
  • Content contentFromContentInstance(String resource)
    Extract the Content information from a JSON-encoded resource String.
    resource is the JSON-encoded resource.
    This method returns a Content structure that contains the content, content type, and creation date of the retrieved content instance.


Note, that notifications need to be enabled before creating a Subscription resource (see Notification Methods below).

  • String getSubscription(String path)
    Retrieve a Subscription resource. The Subscription is created in case it does not exist yet.
    path is the resource path of the Subscription resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the Subscription.
  • String retrieveSubscription(String path)
    Retrieve a Subscription resource.
    path is the resource path of the Subscription. The last path element must be the resource name of the Subscription.
  • String addSubscription(String path)
    Add a Subscription resource to another resource.
    path is the resource path of the Subscription resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the Subscription.
  • String getSubscriptionNotify(String path, NotificationCallback callback)
    Retrieve a Subscription resource. The Subscription is created in case it does not exist yet. In addition a notification callback function is registered for this subscription.
    path is the resource path of the Subscription resource. The last path element must be the resource name of the Subscription.
    callback is the callback function for notifications for this subscription.

Direct Access

These methods can be used to access a CSE and directly pass JSON-encoded resources. The calling function is responsible for correct encoding, decoding and interpretation of the JSON result. In case of an error the methods return a zero-length String.

  • String createResource(String path, int type, String content)
    Create a resource on the CSE.
    path is the resource path of the resource. The last path element must be the new resource name of the resource.
    type is the resource type of the new resource.
    content must contain a valid resource in JSON encoding.
  • String getResource(String path, int type)
    Retrieve a resource from the CSE.
    path is the resource path of the resource.
    type is the resource type of the resource.
  • String updateResource(String path, int type, String content)
    Update an existing resource on the CSE. path is the resource path of the resource.
    type is the resource type of the resource.
    content must contain a valid resource update in JSON encoding.
  • String deleteResource(String path)
    Delete a resource from the CSE.
    path is the resource path of the resource.

Static Methods

The OneM2M class defines the following static methods for all instances of the class.

Notification Methods

  • static void setupNotifications(void)
    Setup and initialize the notification sub-system. This method starts an HTTP server that listens on port 1440 for notification events from connected CSEs. There is only one notification sub-system for all instances of the OneM2M class.
    This or another setup method must be called before Subscription resources can be created and notifications can be received.

  • static void setupNotifications(String host, int port, String path)
    Setup and initialize the notification sub-system. This method works the same as the method without parameters, but with this method one can specify own parameters for the HTTP server setup.
    host is the external host address of the HTTP server to bind to.
    port is the port to bind to.
    path is the path on the HTTP server for notifications.

  • static void shutdownNotifications(void)
    Shutdown the notification sub-system. This also shuts down the HTTP server. After the shutdown no notifications will be received and no new Subscription resources can be created.

  • static bool addNotificationCallback(String subscriptionResourceID, NotificationCallback callback)
    Add a callback functionfor a specific subscription's resource ID that is called when a notification for that subscription is received. The method can be called multiple times to update the callback function for the same resource ID.
    subscriptionResourceID is the resource ID of the subscription.
    callback is a pointer to a function that will receive the notification information. See also the description for NotificationCallback.
    The method returns true when the addition / update was successful.

  • static bool removeNotificationCallback(String subscriptionResourceID)
    Remove the callback function for specific subscription's resource ID.
    subscriptionResourceID is the resource ID of the subscription.
    The method returns true when the removal was successful.

  • static void checkNotifications(void)
    This method handles receiving and processing of incoming notifications. This method must be called very regurlarly (e.g. every few hundred milliseconds) to check for incoming notification requests from the CSE.

Miscellaneous Functions

  • static void setJsonMaxSize(int size)
    Set the size of the internal JSON buffers. Since memory is very limited on Arduino devices the buffers for parsing JSON structures are limited to 1024 bytes by default. If, for example, large ContentInstance resources are retrieved then the maximum buffer size must be increased.
    size is the new maximum size for internal JSON buffers.
  • static int jsonMaxSize(void)
    Return the current set size of internal JSON buffers.
  • static String getResourceIdentifier(String resource)
    Get the resource ID from a JSON-encoded resource.
    resource is a JSON-encoded resource.
    This method returns the resource ID as a string.

Class Types

The OneM2M class defines the following types.

Enum ResourceType

This enum type defines the values for oneM2M resource types.

A special value (UNKNOWN = -1) is used in case of an unknown or unidentified type.

Struct Content

This structure contains results when retrieving ContentInstances. It contains the following fields:

  • String resourceIdentifier
    The Resource identifier of the resource.
  • String content
    The actual content.
  • String contentFormat
    The content format description. This specifies how the content is encoded. See oneM2M TS-0004 - Service Layer Core Protocol Specification, section m2m:encodingType for further details.
  • String creationTime
    The creation time of the resource. The format is 'Basic Format' as specified in ISO8601.
  • bool state
    This flag indicates the resource's retrieval state. It is set to true when the retrieval was successful, false otherwise.


This type defines the signature for notification callback functions.

  • void ( NotificationCallback)(String resourceIdentifier, Types type, String content)*

Callback functions will receive the following parameters:

  • resourceIdentifier is the resource identifier.
  • type is the resource type. Since Types is an enum (and therefore an integer) it might be one of the values defined in the enum Types, but also


This class has been tested with the following oneM2M & CSE implementations:

Other implementations might work as well. Please let me know of successful deployments.


Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the LICENSE file for further details.