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Hierarchical Models

Name of File containing main

  • Source.cpp


  • The code is implemented as modular as possible and command-line arguments are set as parameters to Parameters Class
  • cuboid() is the general function to compute cuboids according to the link number or iteration number
  • Additional Functions are present for matrix multiplications and to print out the points to the console in .iv format

Programming Language and OS

  • The code is implemented in C++ on the tux (Linux) platform and would require the g++ compiler to compile


  • cd into the directory of the folder containing Source.cpp and the make file.
  • Type in make to compile. This produces an executable of the format CG_hw5
  • Type in ./CG_hw5 -t [theta1] -u [theta2] -v [theta3] -l [L1_value] -m [L2_value] -n [L3_value] to run the code
  • Follow the run-time command by > [filename].iv to redirect the output to [filename].iv format


  • You can type make rm to remove the executable CG_hw5 and run again