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553 lines (403 loc) · 19.5 KB

File metadata and controls

553 lines (403 loc) · 19.5 KB


To get started with Uptrace, see


  • _count is no longer an alias for sum(_count), but instead points to a column. Use sum(_count) and per_min(sum(_count)) instead.

v1.7.2 - April 16 2024

  • log_message and exception_message are automatically promoted to display_name when used in logs. The original attribute is removed to avoid double indexing.

    Instead of log_message contains "something" you should use display_name contains "something".

  • The HTTP system is split into httpclient and httpserver.

  • Improved service graph edge discovery.

v1.7.1 - April 09 2024

  • Grafana APIs now require project id and user token instead of Uptrace DSN. The old authentication method will continue working for a while.

v1.7.0 - March 28 2024

This release is backwards compatible with v1.6. If you're upgrading from an older version, please upgrade to the v1.6.x first, because some migrations from v1.6.x have been removed.

You can also check this blog post for details.


  • Added dark mode.
  • App navigation is reworked using the navigation drawer.
  • Added a list of dashboards.
  • Uptrace now provides quick access to dashboards that have the same prefix. You may need to reset your existing dashboards via UI to benefit from this.
  • Added ability to query spans using system metrics provided by Uptrace: uptrace_tracing_spans, uptrace_tracing_logs, and uptrace_tracing_events.
  • You can now search over monitors.
  • Added pre-built dashboards for .NET system metrics reported by OpenTelemetry.
  • Added ability to auto-reload data every 1 minute. See the date picker in the right corner.
  • Added user.auth_token and support for JSON API.


  • Added new project setting force_span_name by @HeCorr. See the config for details.
  • Added ability to disable TLS when configuring SMTP mailer by @rgl.


  • Trace and span ids are now hex-encoded.


  • Updated Tempo API to the latest version. You should be able to use Tempo integration with the recent Grafana version.

v1.6.2 - January 22 2024

Starting from this release, Uptrace returns all timeseries when a query doesn't contain an aggregation:

# Returns all timeseries grouped by the _hash.

# Returns a single timeseries.

As a result, Uptrace is now mostly compatible with the Prometheus query language, for example, the following PromQL expressions are also valid in Uptrace:

  • increase($metric_name) and delta($metric_name)
  • rate($metric_name[5m]) and irate($metric_name[5m])
  • avg_over_time($go_goroutines[5m])
  • avg by (foo)(sum by(foo, bar)($metric_name))
  • $metric_name offset 1w
  • Math between series with automatic many-to-one/one-to-many vector matching, for example, sum($mem by (type)) / sum($mem) as mem.

See documentation for more details.

v1.6.0 - January 3 2024

This release is partially backwards incompatible with v1.5. PostgreSQL database will be migrated automatically preserving your settings and dashboards, but you will need to reset the ClickHouse database schema to upgrade:

uptrace ch reset

The recommended upgrade path is to start a separate Uptrace v1.6 instance in parallel with v1.5, write data to both instances, and switch when you have enough data in the new instance. This is more or less what we do when deploying major changes to Uptrace Cloud.

The license is changed from BSL to AGPL v3.0 which is a license approved by Open Software Foundation.

You can also check this blog post for details.


  • ClickHouse database schema is changed.

  • Metric names and attributes are automatically changed to comply with Prometheus/Loki restrictions, for example, becomes service_name.

  • Upgraded to v1.21 OpenTelemetry semantic conventions which introduced some breaking changes to attribute names. Most notably:

    • http.method is renamed to http.request.method.
    • http.status_code is renamed to http.response.status_code.

    Uptrace will automatically rename attributes, but you may need to update your favorite queries.


  • Added service graphs. Service Graphs provide a visual representation of service interactions, dependencies, and performance metrics. Service graphs are built by analyzing span relationships and require certain span attributes.

  • Added ability to group dashboard charts into rows, for example, charts can be grouped by category such as CPU, RAM, Network metrics.

  • Added support for Prometheus remote write, which allows Prometheus to send its collected metrics data directly to a long-term storage solution such as Uptrace.

  • Added ability to use Uptrace as a Prometheus datasource in Grafana. Uptrace uses the original Prometheus engine so all Prometheus queries should be supported and you should be able to use existing Grafana dashboards with the Uptrace data source.

  • Added chart annotations support. Annotations are labels or notes added to a chart to provide additional information or context. Annotations help clarify the data presented in the chart and help the viewer understand key points or trends.


  • Simplified UI for building dashboards and metric monitors.
  • Added support for per_min(sum(attr_key)) expressions in tracing query language.
  • Added support for simple expressions like sum(.duration) / .count which is the same as avg(.duration).
  • Uptrace DSN now contains gRPC port so the same DSN can be used by all OpenTelemetry distributions provided by Uptrace such as uptrace-go, uptrace-js, etc.
  • Improved templates for emails and Slack notifications.
  • Added more metrics dashboards for HTTP checks and Kubernetes.
  • Added more indexed semantic attributes in ClickHouse.
  • Spans to metrics conversion requires a recent ClickHouse version that supports allow_experimental_analyzer = 1.


  • Changed the default spans TTL to 7 days, metrics TTL to 30 days.

  • There is now a single TLS config shared by HTTP and GRPC servers and defined in listen.tls section. The old configuration still works, but the first TLS config will be used.

v1.5.2 - July 6 2023

  • When authenticating via email and password, Uptrace ignores users in the PostgreSQL database and only allows users in the YAML config. This is needed when you want to disable email:password authentication completely.

v1.5.0 - June 16 2023

This release is backwards compatible with v1.4.x, but contains a ClickHouse mutation to add new columns.


  • Add support for attribute. You can now use contains "get" to search for spans and events/logs at the the same time. You can also use attribute to override default span/event/log names.
  • Ported Timeseries tab from Uptrace Cloud version.
  • Allow to explore attribute values, for example, you can click on the attribute to see the list of affected users.
  • Metric dashboard templates can now automatically create monitors.
  • Added ability to receive metrics and logs from AWS CloudWatch.
  • Uptrace can be used as a Tempo data source in Grafana. Grafana TraceQL is NOT supported, but Search is fully supported.


  • System picker now shows number of matching groups. Also added a preset for Spans / Logs / Events groups.
  • span. prefix is replaced with ., for example, instead of p50(span.duration) you can write p50(.duration). Old names are deprecated, but still supported.
  • Added more metric dashboards and improved existing ones.
  • Uptrace config now has sensible defaults so you can start with an empty YAML config file and add changes as you go.
  • Added uptrace config dump to view the current Uptrace config in YAML format.
  • Added a Docker image for linux/arm64 in addition to linux/amd64.


  • Preserve filters when navigating from "Overview" to "Tracing" tabs.
  • Fixed numeric aggregations over custom attributes, for example, sum(custom.attribute).
  • Fixed attributes normalizations, for example, X-Request-Id is normalized to x_request_id.

Other changes

  • Renamed logs.LEVEL to logging.LEVEL so it is not confused with logs processing.

v1.4.0 - Apr 21 2023

Breaking changes

  • PostgreSQL database is mandatory now. PostgreSQL is only used to store metadata such as users, dashboards, metric names, alerts etc. PostgreSQL DB usually only takes few megabytes of disk space.

    SQLite support is removed.

  • Alerting rules in the config are ignored. Use Uptrace UI to create monitors instead.

  • AlertManager client config is ignored. Use Uptrace UI to create AlertManager notification channel.

  • auth.users.username is replaced with so users can receive email notifications. As the result, emails are used to authenticate users. To set user's name, use field.


  • Port Alerts, Monitors, and Notifications Channels from Uptrace Enterprise edition.
  • Accept errors and spans from Sentry SDK.
  • Documented FluentBit integration.
  • Add filter facets for metrics.


  • Improve UI for switching between table/grid metric views.
  • Allow to quickly change group by in the grid.
  • Allow to add/edit text gauges.
  • Support table visualization in the grid view.
  • Support heatmaps in the grid view.
  • Allow to customize grid size
  • Allow to customize colors for timeseries (just like units).
  • Allow to edit dashboards using YAML.
  • Add Kafka metrics dashboard.
  • Add site.path setting to host Uptrace behind a proxy.


  • Fix cumulative to delta metrics conversion.
  • Fix exponential histograms handling.
  • Fix project token syncing.
  • Respect site.addr when building OTLP/gRPC and OTLP/HTTP endpoints and DSNs.

Migrating from previous versions

Uptrace v1.4.0 contains backwards incompatible changes that require resetting database schema.

To migrate to v1.4.0:

  1. Stop Uptrace: sudo systemctl stop uptrace.

  2. Install new version.

  3. Configure PostgreSQL database in uptrace.yml config.

      addr: localhost:5432
      user: uptrace
      password: uptrace
      database: uptrace
  4. Reset PostgreSQL and ClickHouse databases:

    uptrace pg reset
    uptrace ch reset
  5. Start Uptrace: sudo systemctl start uptrace.

v1.3.0 - Jan 20 2023

  • Added ability to parse logs as spans using Vector remap language. See documentation and PostgreSQL example for details.

  • Added support for Summary metrics type.

  • Zipkin ingestion API now requires an Uptrace DSN in one of the following locations:

    • uptrace-dsn HTTP header.
    • Authorization HTTP header.
    • dsn URL query, for example, /api/v2/spans?dsn=[dsn].
  • Allow to configure uptrace-go to collect Uptrace telemetry data:

## uptrace-go client configuration.
## Uptrace sends internal telemetry here. Defaults to listen.grpc.addr.
  # dsn: http://project1_secret_token@localhost:14317/1
  # tls:
  #   cert_file: config/tls/uptrace.crt
  #   key_file: config/tls/uptrace.key
  #   insecure_skip_verify: true
  • Added sprig functions to alerting templates.

  • Allow to configure logging level via logs.level configuration option, for example:

  level: ERROR

v1.2.0 - Nov 8 2022

  • Added ability to filter spans using facets.
  • Added ability to select multiple systems.
  • Added 2 quick filters by deployment.environment and attributes on the Overview page.
  • Added support for creating metrics from spans so they can be monitored like usual metrics, for example:
# First, create a metric from incoming spans.
  - name: uptrace.tracing.spans
    description: Spans count (excluding events)
    instrument: counter
    unit: 1
    value: span.count
      - span.system as system
      - as service
      - as host
      - span.status_code as status
    where: not span.is_event

# Then, monitor that metric.
    - name: Service has high error rate
        - uptrace.tracing.spans as $spans
        - $spans{status="error"} / $spans > 0.1 group by
      for: 5m
  • Alerting rules annotations now support templating just like Prometheus, for example:
    - name: Filesystem usage >= 90%
        - system.filesystem.usage as $fs_usage
        - group by
        - group by device
        - where device !~ "loop"
        - $fs_usage{state="used"} / $fs_usage >= 0.9
      for: 5m
          'FS usage is {{ $values.fs_usage }} on {{ $labels.host_name }} and {{ $labels.device }}'
  • Tweaked spans grouping and added 2 related options:

    • project.group_by_env - group spans by deployment.environment attribute.
    • project.group_funcs_by_service - group funcs spans by attribute.
  • Added project settings page where you can check available settings and project DSN.

  • Changed ClickHouse schema to not use column names with dots in them which causes various issues with migrations, for example, such columns can't be renamed.

    If you have an existing ClickHouse database, you will have to reset it with:

uptrace ch reset

v1.1.0 - Oct 1 2022

  • Added additional ways to authenticate users via Keycloak, Google Cloud, and Cloudflare. Contributed by @aramperes.

  • Added gauges support to Metrics UI. Only used in Redis Enterprise example for now.

  • Renamed Logs tab to Events and moved all events there.

  • Added support for PostgreSQL database instead of SQLite. This requires resetting SQLite database with:

uptrace db reset

v1.0.2 - Sep 8 2022

  • Rename alertmanager YAML section to alertmanager_client so users don't get confused.

v1.0.0 - Sep 6 2022


  • Accept and store OpenTelemetry Metrics in ClickHouse.
  • Added metrics monitoring using alerting rules.
  • Added ability to send notifications via email/Slack/Telegram using AlertManager.
  • Added ability to configure TLS.
  • Expand env vars in the YAML config, for example:
  dsn: 'clickhouse://${CLICKHOUSE_USER}:@${CLICKHOUSE_HOST}:${CLICKHOUSE_PORT}/${CLICKHOUSE_DB}?sslmode=disable'


To upgrade, grab the latest uptrace.yml config, reset ClickHouse database, and restart Uptrace:

uptrace ch reset
sudo systemctl restart uptrace

v0.2.15 - Jun 8 2022

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • Added support for accepting Zipkin spans at http://uptrace:14318/api/v2/spans.
  • Added support for accepting Vector logs. See the example.
  • Added "Slowest groups" to the Overview tab
  • Added new config option ch_schema.compression. You can now set ClickHouse compression via Uptrace config.
  • Added new config option ch_schema.replicated if you want to use ClickHouse replication.
  • Renamed the config option retention.ttl to ch_schema.ttl.
  • Added new config option spans.buffer_size.
  • Added new config option spans.batch_size.

v0.2.14 - Apr 19 2022

  • Fix incorrect ORDER BY when focusing on spans.
  • Parse HTTP user agent into smaller parts.
  • Always show attribute when viewing traces.

v0.2.13 - Apr 7 2022

  • Fix incorrect ORDER BY when viewing spans.
  • Improve config file auto-discovery.
  • Update msgpack library.

v0.2.12 - Mar 30 2022

  • Automatically run ClickHouse migrations when Uptrace is started.
  • Added 15 and 30 minutes periods.

v0.2.11 - Mar 29 2022

  • Added ability to filter spans by clicking on a chip.
  • Added explore menu for each span attribute.
  • Better handle situations when or attributes are not available.
  • Support ZSTD and snappy decompression in OTLP.

v0.2.8 - Mar 15 2022

  • Fixed duration filter.
  • Added chart resizing when window size is changed.
  • Added GRPC metrics stub to remove errors from logs.

v0.2.5 - Mar 09 2022

  • Added list of spans.
  • Fixed links to services and hostnames.
  • Fixed SQL grouping.

v0.2.4 - Feb 24 2022

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • Make sure projects have unique tokens.
  • Make user authentication optional by commenting out users section in the YAML config.
  • Fixed jumping to a trace to account for the project id.
  • Added missing trace find route.

v0.2.2 - Feb 22 2022

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • Added log out button.
  • Added more concise syntax support to Uptrace query language, for example, {p50,p90,p99}(span.duration) instead of p50(span.duration), p90(span.duration), p99(span.duration).
  • Improved Uptrace query parsing.

v0.2.0 - Jan 25 2022

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • Added support for exceptions and in-app logs. See Zap and logrus integrations.
  • Added services and hostnames overview.
  • Added SQL query formatting when viewing spans.
  • Require user authentication. Users are defined in the YAML config.
  • Added support for having multiple isolated projects in the same database. Projects are defined in the YAML config.
  • Added ability to filter query results, for example, group by span.group_id | p50(span.duration) | where p50(span.duration) > 10ms.
  • Improved error handling on invalid Uptrace queries.
  • Use faster and more compact MessagePack encoding to store spans in spans_data table.
  • Add more attributes to ClickHouse index.

To upgrade, reset ClickHouse schema with the following command (existing data will be lost):

# Using binary
./uptrace --config=/etc/uptrace/uptrace.yml ch reset

# Using sources
go run cmd/uptrace/main.go --config=config/uptrace.yml ch reset

v0.1.0 - Dec 27 2021

Initial release.