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File metadata and controls

378 lines (324 loc) · 42.8 KB



OPSWAT's Threat Intelligence Feeds provide a host of the most prevailing and widespread threats. OPSWAT offers the ability to leverage data collected from the MetaDefender Cloud community of users and customers. The goal is to make organizations more secure, and to give developers, IT administrators, and users alike the information and tools to make that possible.

Organizations can easily integrate MetaDefender threat intelligence data into their site, product, or solution. Feeds are updated daily with newly detected threats to provide actionable and timely threat intelligence to users.

The Commercial version of MetaDefender threat intelligence feeds provides Access to hundreds of thousands of unique threats every day. The commercial version can be easily integrated into your existing DNIF Platform.

Lookups integrated with MetaDefender

Retrieve File Scan reports by MD5/SHA1/SHA256 Hash

Report on scan results of MD5/SHA-1/SHA-256 hash provided

  • input : a md5/sha1/sha256 hash will retrieve the most recent report on a given sample

Report for File Hash

_fetch $Filehash from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_hash_report $Filehash

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDFileID Unique identifier of the file in MetaDefender's system
$MDFileName Name of the file associated with the hash
$MDFileType Extension of the file
$MDFileSize Size of the file
$MDFileCategory Category for file type.
Possible values:
E - executables
D - documents
A - archives
G - graphical format
T - text
P - pdf format
M - audio or video format
N - Android apk file
$MDDescription Description of the file scanned
$MDHashCodes Provides the MD5, SHA1 and SHA256 hash codes of the file
$MDUploadTimestamp The time the file was first uploaded.
$MDBlockReason The particular reason for blocking the file
$MDProcessResult The final result of the scan carried out
$MDSafeDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that no threat was detected or the file is empty.
$MDInfectedDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that a threat is found.
$MDSuspiciousDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that the file is classified as a possible threat but not identified as specific threat.
$MDFailedScan Anti-virus providers which reported that scanning is not fully performed (for example, invalid file or no read permission).
$MDCleanedFileDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that threat is found and file is cleaned.
$MDUnknownFileDetection Anti-virus providers which reported Unknown Signature.
$MDSkippedInfectedDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that scan is skipped because this file type is in black-list.
$MDEncryptedFileDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that file/buffer is not scanned because the file type is detected as encrypted (password-protected)
$MDExceededSize Anti-virus providers which reported that the extracted archive is too large to scan.
$MDPasswordProtectedDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that document is protected by a password
$MDPotentialVulnerableDetection Anti-virus providers which reported that possible vulnerability detected for applied file.
$MDDetectionTypes The detected types of malware
$MDFinalResult A text description of the scan results
$MDFinalResultCode The final code returned by the scan.
$MDTotalAVs Total number of Anti-Virus scanners used for the scanning of the file
$MDTotalDetectedAVs Total number of Anti-Virus scanners which detected a threat
Retrive IP Reputation reports by IP Address

Report on the reputation of the IP Adress

  • input : an IPv4/IPv6 address

Report for IP Address

_fetch $SrcIP from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_ip_report $SrcIP

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDSuccess Boolean value representing whether request was successfully resolved or not.
$MDContinent The name of the continent (en) where the IP address originates
$MDDetections Number of blacklisted sources.
$MDLocation The latitude, longitude and timezone information of the IP address
$MDCountry The country name (en) from where the IP address originates
$MDRegisteredGeonameID The geoname ID of the of the registered country
$MDRegisteredISOCode The ISO code of the registered country
$MDPositiveDetection List of providers who have flagged the IP address
$MDNegativeDetection List of providers who have marked the IP address as safe

The report also includes variable fields depending on the positive detections. For example, a report contining zeusnet detections would have the following fields

Field Description
$MDzeustracker The detected threats responsible for flagging of the IP address
$MDzeustrackerconfidence The confidence level rating of the provider (varies between 0 to 100)
Retrieve Vulnerabilities by Hashcode of an Application

Report on the CVEs present for an application

  • input : SHA1 hash of the application


_fetch $Filehash from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_vulnerability $Filehash

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDSuccess Boolean value representing whether request was successfully resolved or not.
$MDCVE List of all the CVEs present for the application
Retrieve CVE information

Report on the particulars of the provided CVE

  • input : CVE identifier

Report for CVE Information

_fetch $CVE from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_cve $CVE

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDSuccess Boolean value representing wheter request was succesfully resolved or not.
$MDCVE CVE vulnerability identifier
$MDCWE CWE identifier number/name of the weakness type
$MDCVSS2accesscomplexity Describes how easy or difficult it is to exploit the discovered vulnerability
$MDCVSS2accessvector Shows how a vulnerability may be exploited
$MDCVSS2authentication Describes the number of times that an attacker must authenticate to a target to exploit it
$MDCVSS2availabilityimpact Describes the impact on the availability of the targeted system
$MDCVSS2confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS2exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS2impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS2integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS2score Numerical score
$MDCVSS2source The source of the known vulnerability
$MDCVSS3OPSWATexploitability OPSWAT assigned exploitability level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATremediationlevel OPSWAT assigned remediation level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATreportconfidence OPSWAT assigned confidence level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATtemporalscore OPSWAT assigned temporal score
$MDCVSS3attackcomplexity Level of complexity of the attack
$MDCVSS3attackvector Attack vector of the vulnerability
$MDCVSS3availabilityimpact Describe impact on availability of resources
$MDCVSS3basescore Describe a numerical score based on the remoteness of the attacker to the vulnerable component
$MDCVSS3baseseverity Describes the severity level
$MDCVSS3confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS3exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS3impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS3integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS3privilegesrequired Describes the the level of access required for a successful attack
$MDCVSS3scope The collection of privileges defined and managed by an authorization authority when granting access to computing resources.
$MDCVSS3userinteraction Describes the access required by the attacker with another user
$MDCVSS3vectorstring Specifically formatted text string that contains each value assigned to each metric
$MDDescription Provides a description of the vulnerability
$MDHashesCount The total nuber of hashes in the database
$MDMD5 Array of MD5 hashes associated with the CVE. (Limit of 100 with the free API key)
$MDOPSWATProductName OPSWAT product name
$MDOPSWATVendorName OPSWAT vendor name
$MDOPSWATVulnerableRangeLimit The last version in the affected versions range
$MDOPSWATVulnerableRangeStart The first version in the affected versions range
$MDProductResolutionID The ID in the database of the software containing the resolution
$MDProductResolutionName Name of the resolved product
$MDProductResolutionVersion The version at which the vulnerability was resolved
$MDReferences Array of CVE references
$MDSHA1 Array of SHA1 hashes associated with the CVE. (Limit of 100 with the free API key)
$MDSHA256 Array of SHA256 hashes associated with the CVE. (Limit of 100 with the free API key)
$MDSeverity Level of importance of this known vulnerability (text)
$MDSeverityIndex Level of importance of this known vulnerability (index)
$MDVulnerableSoftware Array of all the vulnerable softwares
Retrieve CVE hashes

Report the hashes associated with the CVE

  • input : CVE identifier

Report for CVE Hashes

_fetch $CVE from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_cve_hashes $CVE

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDSuccess Boolean value representing wheter request was succesfully resolved or not.
$MDCVE CVE vulnerability identifier
$MDCWE CWE identifier number/name of the weakness type
$MDCVSS2accesscomplexity Describes how easy or difficult it is to exploit the discovered vulnerability
$MDCVSS2accessvector Shows how a vulnerability may be exploited
$MDCVSS2authentication Describes the number of times that an attacker must authenticate to a target to exploit it
$MDCVSS2availabilityimpact Describes the impact on the availability of the targeted system
$MDCVSS2confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS2exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS2impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS2integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS2score Numerical score
$MDCVSS2source The source of the known vulnerability
$MDCVSS3OPSWATexploitability OPSWAT assigned exploitability level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATremediationlevel OPSWAT assigned remediation level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATreportconfidence OPSWAT assigned confidence level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATtemporalscore OPSWAT assigned temporal score
$MDCVSS3attackcomplexity Level of complexity of the attack
$MDCVSS3attackvector Attack vector of the vulnerability
$MDCVSS3availabilityimpact Describe impact on availability of resources
$MDCVSS3basescore Describe a numerical score based on the remoteness of the attacker to the vulnerable component
$MDCVSS3baseseverity Describes the severity level
$MDCVSS3confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS3exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS3impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS3integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS3privilegesrequired Describes the the level of access required for a successful attack
$MDCVSS3scope The collection of privileges defined and managed by an authorization authority when granting access to computing resources.
$MDCVSS3userinteraction Describes the access required by the attacker with another user
$MDCVSS3vectorstring Specifically formatted text string that contains each value assigned to each metric
$MDDescription Provides a description of the vulnerability
$MDHashesCount The total nuber of hashes in the database
$MDMD5 Array of MD5 hashes associated with the CVE. (Limit of 100 with the free API key)
$MDProductResolutionID The ID in the database of the software containing the resolution
$MDProductResolutionName Name of the resolved product
$MDProductResolutionVersion The version at which the vulnerability was resolved
$MDReferences Array of CVE references
$MDSHA1 Array of SHA1 hashes associated with the CVE. (Limit of 100 with the free API key)
$MDSHA256 Array of SHA256 hashes associated with the CVE. (Limit of 100 with the free API key)
$MDSeverity Level of importance of this known vulnerability (text)
$MDSeverityIndex Level of importance of this known vulnerability (index)
$MDVulnerableSoftware Array of all the vulnerable softwares
Retrieve CVE Vendor details

Report on the vendor details of the softwares affected by the CVE

  • input : CVE identifier

Report for CVE Vendor

_fetch $CVE from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_cve_vendors $CVE

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDSuccess Boolean value representing wheter request was succesfully resolved or not.
$MDCVE CVE vulnerability identifier
$MDCWE CWE identifier number/name of the weakness type
$MDCVSS2accesscomplexity Describes how easy or difficult it is to exploit the discovered vulnerability
$MDCVSS2accessvector Shows how a vulnerability may be exploited
$MDCVSS2authentication Describes the number of times that an attacker must authenticate to a target to exploit it
$MDCVSS2availabilityimpact Describes the impact on the availability of the targeted system
$MDCVSS2confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS2exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS2impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS2integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS2score Numerical score
$MDCVSS2source The source of the known vulnerability
$MDCVSS3OPSWATexploitability OPSWAT assigned exploitability level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATremediationlevel OPSWAT assigned remediation level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATreportconfidence OPSWAT assigned confidence level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATtemporalscore OPSWAT assigned temporal score
$MDCVSS3attackcomplexity Level of complexity of the attack
$MDCVSS3attackvector Attack vector of the vulnerability
$MDCVSS3availabilityimpact Describe impact on availability of resources
$MDCVSS3basescore Describe a numerical score based on the remoteness of the attacker to the vulnerable component
$MDCVSS3baseseverity Describes the severity level
$MDCVSS3confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS3exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS3impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS3integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS3privilegesrequired Describes the the level of access required for a successful attack
$MDCVSS3scope The collection of privileges defined and managed by an authorization authority when granting access to computing resources.
$MDCVSS3userinteraction Describes the access required by the attacker with another user
$MDCVSS3vectorstring Specifically formatted text string that contains each value assigned to each metric
$MDDescription Provides a description of the vulnerability
$MDOPSWATProductName OPSWAT product name
$MDOPSWATVendorName OPSWAT vendor name
$MDOPSWATVulnerableRangeLimit The last version in the affected versions range
$MDOPSWATVulnerableRangeStart The first version in the affected versions range
$MDProductResolutionID The ID in the database of the software containing the resolution
$MDProductResolutionName Name of the resolved product
$MDProductResolutionVersion The version at which the vulnerability was resolved
$MDReferences Array of CVE references
$MDSeverity Level of importance of this known vulnerability (text)
$MDSeverityIndex Level of importance of this known vulnerability (index)
$MDVulnerableSoftware Array of all the vulnerable softwares
Retrieve CVE Product details

Report on the products affected by the CVE

  • input : CVE identifier

Report for Product Details

_fetch $CVE from threatsample limit 1
>>_lookup metadefender get_cve_products $CVE

The Lookup call returns output in the following structure for available data

Field Description
$MDSuccess Boolean value representing wheter request was succesfully resolved or not.
$MDCVE CVE vulnerability identifier
$MDCWE CWE identifier number/name of the weakness type
$MDCVSS2accesscomplexity Describes how easy or difficult it is to exploit the discovered vulnerability
$MDCVSS2accessvector Shows how a vulnerability may be exploited
$MDCVSS2authentication Describes the number of times that an attacker must authenticate to a target to exploit it
$MDCVSS2availabilityimpact Describes the impact on the availability of the targeted system
$MDCVSS2confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS2exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS2impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS2integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS2score Numerical score
$MDCVSS2source The source of the known vulnerability
$MDCVSS3OPSWATexploitability OPSWAT assigned exploitability level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATremediationlevel OPSWAT assigned remediation level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATreportconfidence OPSWAT assigned confidence level
$MDCVSS3OPSWATtemporalscore OPSWAT assigned temporal score
$MDCVSS3attackcomplexity Level of complexity of the attack
$MDCVSS3attackvector Attack vector of the vulnerability
$MDCVSS3availabilityimpact Describe impact on availability of resources
$MDCVSS3basescore Describe a numerical score based on the remoteness of the attacker to the vulnerable component
$MDCVSS3baseseverity Describes the severity level
$MDCVSS3confidentialityimpact Describes the impact on the confidentiality of data processed by the system
$MDCVSS3exploitabilityscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the exploitability
$MDCVSS3impactscore Describes a score assigned on the basis of the impact
$MDCVSS3integrityimpact Describes the impact on the integrity of the exploited system
$MDCVSS3privilegesrequired Describes the the level of access required for a successful attack
$MDCVSS3scope The collection of privileges defined and managed by an authorization authority when granting access to computing resources.
$MDCVSS3userinteraction Describes the access required by the attacker with another user
$MDCVSS3vectorstring Specifically formatted text string that contains each value assigned to each metric
$MDDescription Provides a description of the vulnerability
$MDOPSWATProductName OPSWAT product name
$MDOPSWATVendorName OPSWAT vendor name
$MDOPSWATVulnerableRangeLimit The last version in the affected versions range
$MDOPSWATVulnerableRangeStart The first version in the affected versions range
$MDProductResolutionID The ID in the database of the software containing the resolution
$MDProductResolutionName Name of the resolved product
$MDProductResolutionVersion The version at which the vulnerability was resolved
$MDReferences Array of CVE references
$MDSeverity Level of importance of this known vulnerability (text)
$MDSeverityIndex Level of importance of this known vulnerability (index)
$MDVulnerableSoftware Array of all the vulnerable softwares

Using the MetaDefender API and DNIF

The MetaDefender API is found on github at

Getting started with MetaDefender API and DNIF

  1. Login to your Data Store, Correlator, and A10 containers.
  2. Move to the ‘/dnif/<Deployment-key/lookup_plugins’ folder path.
$cd /dnif/CnxxxxxxxxxxxxV8/lookup_plugins/
  1. Clone using the following command
git clone metadefender
  1. Move to the ‘/dnif/<Deployment-key/lookup_plugins/metadefender/’ folder path and open dnifconfig.yml configuration file

    Replace the tag: <Add_your_api_key_here> with your MetaDefender api key

  MD_API_KEY: <Add_your_api_key_here>