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STAM Query Language (STAMQL)


This STAM extension defines a query language, STAMQL, that allows end-users to formulate and subsequently execute searches on a STAM model.

This documentation is in part descriptive, explaining end-users how to use the language, and in part normative, allowing other developers to implement the language:

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.

Formal Specification

We start with a formal specification of the query language. In the section after we will explain the language by example to make things clearer. You may skip this section and move to that one if you want to just get an impression.

  • The query language is case sensitive, all STAMQL keywords MUST be in upper-case.
  • Whitespace MUST be be interpreted leniently, newlines, consecutive spaces and tabs are all allowed outside of literals.
  • String literals MUST be wrapped in double quotes if they contain any whitespace (space, tabs, newlines) or certain punctuation (i.e. semicolons). Quotes inside the literal MUST be expressed by escaping them with a backslash. Quotes are OPTIONAL for simple strings without whitespace or such punctuation.
  • Numeric literals MUST NOT be not quoted. Both integers and floating point values are supported, including - sign for negative values.
  • Variable binds and references MUST start with a ?. (like in SPARQL)


Casual readers may want to skip this section as it is largely normative and aimed at implementors of the language.

A STAM query follows the syntax as laid out below in Extended Backus-Naur form (as redefined by the W3C). This is formal grammar is still a work in progress and not finished:

query ::= selectQuery | addQuery | deleteQuery

selectQuery ::= "SELECT" resultType bindVariable? whereClause? subQuery
resultType ::= "ANNOTATION" | "DATA" | "TEXT" | "RESOURCE" | "KEY" | "DATASET" modifier?
whereClause ::= "WHERE" (constraint ";")+
subQuery ::= "{" query "}"
bindVariable ::= "?"[a-zA-Z0-9_]+
literal = simpleLiteral | quotedLiteral 
simpleLiteral ::= [a-zA-Z0-9_]
quotedLiteral ::= '"' [^(\")]+ '"'             #quotes may be use for litera 

addQuery ::= "ADD" resultType whereClause? subQuery


Data Model

Implementations of this extension are RECOMMENDED to add an extra Query class that lives alongside the STAM data model. However, this STAMQL specification does not prescribe how this should be implemented.

STAMQL by Example

The query language draws inspiration from query languages like SQL, SPARQL, FQL (FoLiA Query Language), and more functionally rather than syntactically, from Text Fabric.

We distinguish three types of queries, they are introduced via one of the following keywords:

  • SELECT - A select query is a read-only query that returns queried data (data is meant in the broadest sense here and includes annotations, their annotation data, resources, text, etc.).
  • ADD - An add query adds new data to the annotation store.
  • DELETE - Deletes data from the annotation store

Select query

A select query follows the following syntax (simplified, the formal grammar shown earlier will be more precise). We show three forms, each adds some further optional components:

  • SELECT type name?
  • SELECT type name? WHERE (constraint;)+
  • SELECT type name? WHERE (constraint;)+ { subquery }

type denotes what the result type of the query is, the type of data it returns, and is set by one of the following keywords:

  • ANNOTATION - query for annotations
  • DATA - query for annotation data
  • TEXT - query for text selections
  • RESOURCE - query for entire resources
  • KEY - query for data keys
  • DATASET - query for annotation datasets

name is an OPTIONAL parameter and binds a variable name to hold the query results matching this query. This parameter is needed when you want to refer to the results of a query from a later subquery. The variable name MUST start with a ? (like in SPARQL).

We can now formulate a first example query:


The above query simply returns all annotations in the model (and refers to them using the variable a), or with an other type keyword it would return all resources, annotation data, text selections, keys, datasets, etc..

This is a pretty wide query and not very useful, usually you want to constrain your query based on one or more criteria, which we call constraints. These constraints MUST be introduced by the WHERE keyword, and each MUST end with a semicolon:

Example: select all annotations that have the exact text "fly"

    TEXT "fly";

Note that the newline is conventional rather than normative. In this documentation we place each constraint on one indented line for clarity, but STAMQL MUST be lenient in handling whitespace (including newlines) outside of literals. String literals are typically double-quoted (and MUST be so if they contain whitespace or certain punctuation like esemicolons). Quotes inside such a literal may be escaped which a backslash.

We can add multiple constraints:

Example: select all annotations that have the exact text "fly" and which are nouns

    TEXT "fly";
    DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";

This states that the exact text of the annotation must be "fly", but also that the annotation must have annotation data in set "myset" with key "part-of-speech" and a value equal to "noun". This effectively allows us to select the occurrences of fly that are nouns (as opposed to, say, the verb). Of course the sets, keys and values we use here are completely fictitious and depend on whatever vocabulary you adopt.

The order of the constraints matters unless explicitly specified by your implementation. We call this executable form. This means that first a search for occurrences of the text "fly" will be executed, and then for each of the results found, a check will be done whether the data constraint holds. Constraints are evaluated in the exact order specified. Especially the first constraint of a statement is important as that determines the initial selection of items (and what path to follow in which reverse index). Further constraints are then typically tests on these results, pruning the resultset along the way. The ordering has direct, and sometimes drastic, performance implications.

In contrast, in free form, the order of constraints is free. A query optimiser then has to parse the query and re-order it (effectively building a dependency tree) so that can be executed. This form is much more difficult to implement. Implementations SHOULD specify whether they support free form or only executable form (currently only the latter exists and there are no free form implementations yet).

Constraints (Introduction)

We will now explain the various constraint there are in STAMQL. Each MUST be introduced by a keyword that identifies the nature of the constraint, then it has a set of parameters, which MUST be separated by whitespace.

We distinguish constraints listed below and describe their parameters and the contexts in which they can be used. When we things like say in context of ANNOTATION, we refer to the result type of the query the constraint pertains to.

Constraints by ID

  • Syntax: ID id

Constrain based on a public identifier, this effectively selects a single exact item. It usually occurs as first and only constraint, as any further constraints make little sense in this case.

Example: select a single annotation by identifier

    ID "my-annotation";

Constraints by Data

  • Syntax (1): DATA set key
  • Syntax (2): DATA set key operator value

The first form constrains based on a key, regardless of its value. In contexts where this could be ambiguous (like RESOURCE), it is about annotation that target the text in some way. Parameters are:

  • set - The annotation dataset which holds the key (next parameter) to test against
  • key - The data key to test for.

The second form expands this and adds an actual test on the data value.

  • operator - The operator, may be one of =, !=,>,<, >=,<=. The operator and next value parameter are optional, if omitted, then all data pertaining to a datakey is selected (as shown in the previous item)
  • value - The data value to test against. Numeric values (integers, floats) MUST NOT be quoted for them to be recognised as such. Multiple values may be specified and separated by a pipe character. If you want a literal pipe character in a value, you MUST escape it with a backslash.

Example: select all annotations that have the exact text "fly" and which are nouns

    TEXT "fly";
    DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";

Example: select all annotations with data 'part-of-speech' = 'noun' AND made by a certain annotator (ad-hoc vocab!)

    DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";
    DATA "myset" "annotator" = "John Doe";

Note: the data here MUST pertain to the same annotation. Compare this with the following:

Example: select all text with annotations with data 'part-of-speech' = 'noun' made by a certain annotator (ad-hoc vocab!)

    DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";
    DATA "myset" "annotator" = "John Doe";

Unlike the previous example, here the two data constraints may be satisfied by different annotations, both targeting the same text selection. STAMQL makes use of the fact that annotation data is never directly associated with text selections, but always mediated by annotations, so the DATA constraint here automatically assumes this intermediate layer and allows for more concise formulation without needing to resort to more complex query composition (see later).

There are two more forms, using the qualifier AS METADATA:

  • Syntax (3): DATA AS METADATA set key
  • Syntax (4): DATA AS METADATA set key operator value

Whereas forms 1 and 2 test data that pertains to text (following a TextSelector), 3 and 4 test against data associated with annotations that target the (result type) RESOURCE, KEY or DATA item as metadata via respectively a ResourceSelector, DataKeySelector, or AnnotationDataSelector. It does not make sense in other contexts.

Example: select all resources where "John Doe" is the author

    DATA AS METADATA "myset" "author" = "John Doe";

Compare this to this following example, which would instead select resources that have any annotation on its text, and that annotation is authored by "John Doe":

    DATA "myset" "author" = "John Doe";and aim

The last form is used with a variable, the variable must come from a DATA or KEY context here. This is explained in Query Composition.

  • Syntax (5): DATA variable
  • Syntax (6): DATA AS METADATA variable

Constraints by Data Value only

  • Syntax (1):: VALUE operator value

Constraint based on a data test, like DATA above, but this is used in contexts where the key is already a given and specifying again would be redundant, like in SELECT KEY queries.

Constraints by Text

  • Syntax (1):: TEXT text
  • Syntax (2):: TEXT AS NOCASE text
  • Syntax (3):: TEXT AS REGEX regex

This tests the text, it is valid only in ANNOTATION and TEXT contexts. It comes in three flavours. The first is an exact text match (case sensitive), the second case insensitive, and the third is a regular expression this syntax. The latter is not yet normative but it is what current implementations use.

There are also forms used with variables, the variable must come from a TEXT or ANNOTATION context here. This is explained in Query Composition:

  • Syntax (4):: TEXT variable
  • Syntax (5):: TEXT AS NOCASE variable

Constraints by Annotation

  • Syntax (1): ANNOTATION id -

Constrain based on pertaining to a particular annotation, this applies in contexts DATA, TEXT, RESOURCE or ANNOTATION. In order words, the item from the context is annotated by an annotation with the specified ID. When applied to annotations, this constrains based on having specific annotation as annotation, which is is a newer/higher annotation in the hierarchy formed by AnnotationSelector.

  • Syntax (2): ANNOTATION id OFFSET begin end

In a TEXT context, you can further specify OFFSET begin end to select a particular text selection by offset. The parameters begin and end MUST be specified in unicode points (0-indexed, non-inclusive end). A negative sign is used to express end-aligned cursors (including -0 to represent the end aligned cursor 0). Omitting the end argument MUST be interpreted as if it was set to -0.

  • Syntax (3): ANNOTATION AS TARGET id
  • Syntax (4, equivalent to 3): ANNOTATION AS METADATA id

The above two constraints are equivalent and are only used in ANNOTATION context. This is the inverse of the above ANNOTATION constraint. It constrains an annotation based on having a specific annotation as target. That annotation is an older/lower annotation in the hierarchy formed by AnnotationSelector.

Note: An extra qualifier RECURSIVE can be added (before the identifier), to search recursively in the annotation hierarchy rather than just one level.

There are also forms used with variables, the variable must come from a TEXT or ANNOTATION context here. This is explained in Query Composition:

  • Syntax (5):: ANNOTATION variable
  • Syntax (6):: ANNOTATION AS TARGET variable
  • Syntax (7, equivalent to 6):: ANNOTATION AS METADATA variable

And in TEXT context only:

  • Syntax (8):: ANNOTATION variable OFFSET begin end
  • Syntax (9):: ANNOTATION AS TARGET variable OFFSET begin end-users
  • Syntax (10, equivalent to 9):: ANNOTATION AS METADATA variable OFFSET begin end

Constraints by Resource

  • Syntax (1): RESOURCE id
  • Syntax (2): RESOURCE id OFFSET begin end

Constrain based on pertaining to a particular annotation. The first can be used in ANNOTATION and TEXT context, the latter only in TEXT context where it selects a particular text selection by offset. The parameters begin and end MUST be specified in unicode points (0-indexed, non-inclusive end). A negative sign is used to express end-aligned cursors (including -0 to represent the end aligned cursor 0). Omitting the end argument MUST be interpreted as if it was set to -0.

Example: select all annotations on a particular resource

    RESOURCE "helloworld.txt";

Example: select the first five characters of a particular (fictitious) resource

    RESOURCE "helloworld.txt" OFFSET 0 5;
  • Syntax (3): RESOURCE AS METADATA id

Form 3 is only used with return type ANNOTATION. This selects annotations that target the resource via a ResourceSelector, i.e. to provide metadata on the resource as a whole.

Example: select the first five characters of a particular (fictitious) resource

    RESOURCE AS METADATA "helloworld.txt";

Comparing the two last examples, the first returns annotations on some part of the text of the resource, the latter returns annotation that target the resource as a whole, and may for instance yield metadata annotations, for instance about authorship or licensing.

There are variants with variables as well for all of the above:

  • Syntax (4): RESOURCE variable
  • Syntax (5): RESOURCE variable OFFSET begin end
  • Syntax (6): RESOURCE AS METADATA variable

Union Constraint

  • Syntax: [ constraint OR constraint ]

This groups constraints in a union (disjunction), meaning that only one of the constraints needs to be satisfied.

Example: select all annotations with data 'part-of-speech' = 'noun' or 'syntactic-unit' = 'noun-phrase'

    [ DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun" OR DATA "myset" "syntactic-unit" = "noun-phrase" ];

Limit Constraint

  • Syntax (1): LIMIT items
  • Syntax (2): LIMIT -items
  • Syntax (3): LIMIT begin end

This selects a subpart of a sequence, it comes in three forms.

  • With a positive integer (LIMIT n), it returns the first n items.

  • With a negative integer (LIMIT -n), it returns the last n items.

  • With two integers (LIMIT begin end), it returns the items begin to end (0-indexed, non-inclusive end).

    • The integers may be signed
    • And end value of 0 is interpreted as until the very end.
  • Example: Return the first sentence

    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";
    LIMIT 1;
  • Example: Return the last two sentences
    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";
    LIMIT -2;
  • Example: Return the second, third and fourth sentence
    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";
    LIMIT 1 4;
  • Example: Return all sentences except the first
    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";
    LIMIT 1 0;
  • Example: Return all sentences except the last
    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";
    LIMIT 0 -1;

Query Composition

A single query is not always expressive enough to retrieve the data you a looking for. STAMQL solves this by allowing for each query statement to have a subquery. A subquery is evaluated in the context of its parent query. Programatically, a subquery can be interpreted as a nested for loop. When using subqueries, we need the ability to name our query results (which we have hitherto neglected in the examples) and refer back to them via variables. Subqueries MUST have at least one constraint that links it to its parent (by means of a variable).

Consider the following example (the whitespace and indentation is mere convention), the curly braces signal the subquery.

    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence"; 
        RELATION ?sentence EMBEDS;
        DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";
        TEXT "fly";

Here we explicitly select sentences with a particularly annotated text in it. Implementations MUST explicitly return both variables in the query's result rows.

We can also make use of explicit hierarchical relationships between annotations if these are modelled via an AnnotationSelector. The following query illustrates an alternative to the above if sentences are modelled as an explicit annotation (composite selector with annotation selectors) on words.

    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence"; {

        ANNOTATION ?sentence;
        DATA "myset" "type" = "word";
        DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";
        TEXT "fly";


Given the same model, you can invert the two queries by using ANNOTATION AS TARGET instead of ANNOTATION:

    DATA "myset" "type" = "word";
    DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" = "noun";
    TEXT "fly"; {

        DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";


The next example shows a complex query where we select a particular noun followed by a verb, the combination occurring in a particular context (book, chapter, sentence). Details depend a bit on how things are modelled. We assume the books are modelled as separated resources, with annotations naming them:

    DATA AS METADATA "myset" "name" = "Genesis|Exodus"; {

    RESOURCE ?book;
    DATA "myset" "type" = "chapter";
    DATA "myset" "number" 2; {

    DATA "myset" "type" = "sentence";
    RELATION ?chapter EMBEDS; {

    RELATION ?sentence EMBEDS;
    DATA "myset" "type" = "word";
    DATA "myset" "pos" = "noun";
    DATA "myset" "gender" = "feminine";
    DATA "myset" "number" = "singular"; {

    RELATION ?sentence EMBEDS;
    DATA "myset" "type" = "word";
    DATA "myset" "pos" = "verb";
    DATA "myset" "gender" = "feminine";
    DATA "myset" "number" = "plural";


The above needn't be the most efficient way and, as said, it depends on how things are modelled exactly, but this one reads easily in a top-down fashion.

Context variables

In addition to the context variables from parent queries, STAMQL implementations SHOULD support programatically injecting variables from the context from which the query engine is called. Unlike variables explicitly mantioned in the queries, these need then not be returned again in the result sets.

Relation Constraint

This constraint imposes a spatial relationship between two texts selections. It is used in a TEXT context or an ANNOTATION context where the text can be derived. We already saw some examples in the section on Query Composition, as this constraint is used exclusively with variables and therefore often demands a subquery.

Even though we mention it last, it is one of the most essential constraints of the query language from which a lot of expressive power is derived.

  • Syntax: RELATION reference-variable relation-keyword

The relation keyword determines the nature of the relation, the following are defined:

  • EMBEDS - The references text selection embeds the current candidate text selection. So the subject is wider and entirely subsumes the candidate.
  • OVERLAPS - The references text selection overlaps with current candidate text selection.
  • PRECEDES - The referenced text selection precedes the current candidate, they are directly adjacent. So the current candidate comes after the mentioned variable.
  • SUCCEEDS - The references text selection succeeds the current candidate, they are directly adjacent. So the current candidate comes before the mentioned variable.
  • BEFORE - The referenced text selection comes before the current candidate.
  • AFTER - The referenced text selection comes after the current candidate.
  • SAMEBEGIN - The referenced text selection has the same begin offset as the candidate
  • SAMEEND - The referenced text selection has the same end offset as the candidate
  • EQUALS - The referenced text selection is equal to the candidate (this is pretty much useless)

The subject variable refers to a variable from a parent/ancestor query, or an injected context variable.

  • Example: Select adjective-noun word pairs
    DATA "myset" "type" = "word";
    DATA "myset" "pos" = "noun"; {

        RELATION ?noun SUCCEEDS;
        DATA "myset" "type" = "word";
        DATA "myset" "pos" = "adj";

For ease of interpretation, you could read the word this or the variable from the current subquery after the relation keyword: RELATION ?noun SUCCEEDS this or RELATION ?noun SUCCEEDS ?adj . The fact that it is not explicitly written out like that is because it is a given and would be redundant.

Delete Query

A query to delete anything (annotations, resources, annotation data, etc..) from the model is introduced with the DELETE keyword.

  • Syntax: DELETE type variable { subquery }

The subquery SHOULD be a SELECT statement that selects the items to be deleted. It may itself also consist of subqueries. The variable from the DELETE statement MUST refer to the variable that is bound to in any of the subqueries.

Example: Delete a single annotation with a specific ID

        WHERE ID "A1"; 

The types in the DELETE query and the subquery must typically correspond, but where possible implementations SHOULD derive them if they don't match (e.g. ANNOTATION from TEXT).

A DELETE query does not return any results itself.

Add Query

Adding anything (annotation, resources, annotation data, etc..) to the model is accomplished with an ADD query.

  • Syntax: ADD type result-variable? WITH (assignment;) { subquery }

The optional result-variable expresses the variable that will be used in returning the results, i.e. the added items. The type expresses both the result type and, by definition, the type of what is added.

SELECT queries take a WHERE clause followed by constraints, ADD queries, on the other hand, take a WITH clause followed by assignments.

The following assignments exist, multiple are allowed, each MUST end with a semicolon.

  • DATA set key value? - Associates annotation data with the new annotation. Usable in ANNOTATION context. If no value is provided, it will be set to NULL.
  • ID identifier - Assigns an identifier to the new item. Usable in ANNOTATION, RESOURCE, DATASET context.
  • TARGET variable - The variable refers to a single variable in the subquery (or any subqueries thereof). It determines what it being annotated. A target is REQUIRED in ANNOTATION context.
  • COMPOSITE - This assignment, if used, MUST come prior to any TARGET assignments, and indicates that a Composite Selector will be created over multiple targets. If multiple TARGET items are encountered, this is the default unless any of the below are encountered.
  • MULTI - This assignment, if used, MUST come prior to any TARGET assignments, and indicates that a Multi Selector will be created over multiple targets. Applying to each individually and independently.
  • DIRECTIONAL - This assignment, if used, MUST come prior to any TARGET assignments, and indicates that a Directional Selector will be created over multiple targets. Applying to all in the exact order specified.

A subquery is REQUIRED in an ANNOTATION context and selects the items that are to be annotated:

Example: Tag all instances of the word 'electrocution' as noun

    DATA "myset" "part-of-speech" "noun"; 
    DATA "myset" "author" "me"; 
    TARGET ?x; 
        TEXT "electrocution";